2,331 research outputs found

    An Improvement Study of the Decomposition-based Algorithm Global WASF-GA for Evolutionary Multiobjective Optimization

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    The convergence and the diversity of the decompositionbased evolutionary algorithm Global WASF-GA (GWASF-GA) relies on a set of weight vectors that determine the search directions for new non-dominated solutions in the objective space. Although using weight vectors whose search directions are widely distributed may lead to a well-diversified approximation of the Pareto front (PF), this may not be enough to obtain a good approximation for complicated PFs (discontinuous, non-convex, etc.). Thus, we propose to dynamically adjust the weight vectors once GWASF-GA has been run for a certain number of generations. This adjustment is aimed at re-calculating some of the weight vectors, so that search directions pointing to overcrowded regions of the PF are redirected toward parts with a lack of solutions that may be hard to be approximated. We test different parameters settings of the dynamic adjustment in optimization problems with three, five, and six objectives, concluding that GWASF-GA performs better when adjusting the weight vectors dynamically than without applying the adjustment.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Digestive enzymes in marine species. II. Amylase activities in gut from seabream (Sparus aurata), turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) and redfish (Sebastes mentella)

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    8 páginas, 3 tablas, 3 figurasThe amylase activity of the digestive tract of three carnivorous fish species (Spurus aurata, ScophtMmw maximus and Sebustes me&la) has been studied. The activity of seabream and turbot showed its maximum at neutral pH (7.0-7.5); meanwhile, the activity of redfish had an optimum pH at 4.5-5.0. The to function ranged between 35 and 45°C for the three species. The Arrhenius plots of the intestinal activities of seabream and turbot showed breakpoints at temperatures close to those of their physiological activities. High saline concentrations inhibited the activity of seabream and turbot and activated the activity of redfish. Seabream activity was absolutely dependent on calcium ions. On the contrary, redfish activity was only detected in the absence of this metal. Studies carried out by using several effecters suggested that the activities found in these three species are different. Considering our results from a point of view of the environmental conditions of these species, it might be concluded that enzymatic digestion of dietary carbohydrates proceeds at very low rate. Physiologicat implications are discussedThis work was supported b a grant from the Xunta de Galicia XUGA40201 B90.Peer reviewe

    Advances in methods for determining fecundity: application of the new methods to some marine fishes

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    Estimation of individual egg production (realized fecundity) is a key step either to understand the stock and recruit relationship or to carry out fisheries-independent assessment of spawning stock biomass using egg production methods. Many fish are highly fecund and their ovaries may weigh over a kilogram; therefore the work time can be consuming and require large quantities of toxic fixative. Recently it has been shown for Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) that image analysis can automate fecundity determination using a power equation that links follicles per gram ovary to the mean vitellogenic follicular diameter (the autodiametric method). In this article we demonstrate the precision of the autodiametric method applied to a range of species with different spawning strategies during maturation and spawning. A new method using a solid displacement pipette to remove quantitative fecundity samples (25, 50, 100, and 200 milligram [mg]) is evaluated, as are the underlying assumptions to effectively fix and subsample the ovary. Finally, we demonstrate the interpretation of dispersed formaldehyde-fixed ovarian samples (whole mounts) to assess the presence of atretic and postovulatory follicles to replace labor intensive histology. These results can be used to estimate down regulation (production of atretic follicles) of fecundity during maturation

    Atlantic Cod Growth History in Flemish Cap Between 1981 and 2016: The Impact of Fishing and Climate on Growth Performance

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    Flemish Cap cod collapsed in the early 90’s after facing multiple threats due to climate variability and anthropogenic pressures. A master 35-year cod growth chronology was reconstructed in the present study by using sclerochronology techniques. Three additional chronologies were developed to account for the age-dependent effect of maturity and fishing intensity on growth. All chronologies showed that cod growth has decreased over the years and it is currently at the minimum level in the historic of data series. Hierarchical mixed-effects models were applied to the master chronology to identify extrinsic drivers of growth. The master chronology was divided into 3 periods: Premoratorium (1988-1998), Moratorium (1999-2009), and Postmoratorium (2010-2019). Our results showed that drivers of cod growth in the Flemish Cap varied between periods (Premoratorium: bottom temperature and fishing mortality, Moratorium: cod and pandalus abundance, and Postmoratorium: cod abundance and thickness of the cold intermediate layer). Our results suggest that density-dependence processes, food availability, and global warming may be behind the lack of recovery of the Flemish Cap cod stock. The Flemish Cap cod growth chronology shows variations on growth over time and identifies its drivers, having the potential to be included in the NAFO stock assessments or to be used to set dynamic reference points that guarantees the stock sustainability. IntroductionVersión del edito

    Functions, organization and etiology. A reply to Artiga and Martinez

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    International audienceWe reply to Artiga and Martinez's claim according to which the organizational account of cross-generation functions implies a backward looking interpretation of etiology, just as standard etiological theories of function do. We argue that Artiga and Martinez's claim stems from a fundamental misunderstanding about the notion of " closure " , on which the organizational account relies. In particular, they incorrectly assume that the system, which is relevant for ascribing cross-generation organizational function, is the lineage. In contrast, we recall that organizational closure refers to a relational description of a network of mutual dependencies, abstracted from time, in which production relations are irrelevant. From an organizational perspective, ascribing a function to an entity means locating it in the abstract system that realizes closure. In particular, the position of each entity within the relational system conveys an etiological explanation of its existence, because of its dependence on the effects exerted by other entities subject to closure. Because of the abstract relational nature of closure, we maintain that the organizational account of functions does not endorse a backward looking interpretation of etiology. As a consequence, it does not fall prey of epiphenomenalism

    The Use of Daily Growth to Analyze Individual Spawning Dynamics in an Asynchronous Population: The Case of the European Hake from the Southern Stock

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    Daily growth patterns and their relationship with reproduction was analyzed in the European hake from the Galician Shelf, where it shows a very protracted spawning with three spawning peaks. The daily growth analysis was performed in otoliths of adult females on the transversal section of the sagittae otolith. Daily increments were measured from the border to the nucleus in females until they were discernible. Results show that daily growth of females decreases during the spawning period because they allocate less energy to somatic growth in favor of the production of gametes, with an increase in growth in July. Lastly, daily growth individual trends showed a “spawning pattern” in 28% of medium and large females, suggesting an individual spawning period of one to two months, with 4–5 valleys of narrow daily increments, likely associated to batch release: individual spawning frequency would be 4–5 days. This is the first time that individual spawning frequency in hake is estimated based on individual data. Finally, the spawning pattern is detected only once per year, indicating that a single female participates only in one spawning peak per year, supporting the hypothesis of the existence of two or more spawning components in the stock.Versión del edito

    Distribution and main characteristic of fish species on flemish cap based on the 1988-2002 EU-surveys in July

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    73 páginas, 1 tabla.-- R. Alpoim ... et al.Information of most of fish species on Flemish Cap is presented, based on the results of the EU surveys in July from 1988 to 2002. It includes: survey catches in weight and number, mean weight, length-weight relationship, length distribution, mean age at length (when available) and bathymetric distribution.Peer reviewe

    Larval fish community in the northwestern Iberian upwelling system during the summer period

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    The Galician shelf (northwestern Iberian Peninsula) is a highly dynamic area with an important multi-species fisheries industry that exploits resources from several habitats, characterized by being not only highly diverse, rich, and productive but also seasonally and interannually variable. Early life stages of different species are distributed throughout the year, with fluctuating abundances and community composition. Likewise, the influence of environmental factors and processes on larval production and survival remains unknown. Sampling was carried out in July 2012, and all the larvae obtained were identified to establish the specific composition of the community in a summer upwelling scenario. The results show no zonation in the species distribution, a consequence of the mixing effects of the upwelling and eddies, with high diversity but low abundance, which render in a slight predominance of a few species. Due to the dependence of planktonic populations on upwelling events, which was not highly pronounced in 2012, we cannot conclude that this was a typical conformation of the Galician summer larval fish community, but it is a first approach to comprehend the community composition.En prens

    An assessment of beaked redfish (S. mentella and S. fasciatus) in NAFO division 3M (with an approach to the likely impact of recent 3M cod growth on redfish natural mortality)

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    65 páginas, 12 tablas, 10 figuras.-- Scientific Council MeetingThe 3M redfish assessment is focused on the beaked redfish, regarded as a management unit composed of two populations from two very similar species: the Flemish Cap S. mentella and S. fasciatus. The reason for this approach is the historical dominance of this group in the 3M redfish commercial catch until 2005. However a new golden redfish fishery (S. marinus) started on September 2005 on shallower depths of the Flemish Cap bank above 300m. This new reality implied a revision of catch estimates, in order to split recent redfish commercial catch from the major fleets on Div. 3M into golden (S. marinus) and beaked (S. mentella and S. fasciatus) redfish catches. An Extended Survivor Analysis (Shepherd, 1999) was used with the same framework of previous assessments and with the tuning of the 1989-2010 EU survey. Recent survey results suggest that the beaked redfish stock has not been able to hold its growth and sustain an above average level, suffering instead a severe decline on the second half of the 2000’s. For several reasons, the most likely hypothesis to justify this unexpected downward trend on stock size is an increase in mortality other than fishing mortality. From the sensitive analysis, carried out for a set of natural mortality options, a natural mortality of 0.4 (fixed for ages 4-6 through 2006-2010, and ages 7+ on 2009 and 2011) was adopted. This is the lowest possible level of natural mortality giving assessment results in line with the recent survey declines and at the same time with key diagnostics very close to the best ones, obtained with a higher natural mortality of 0.55. A 2011-2007 retrospective XSA was also carried out. When compared to previous assessments, these retrospective present more consistent trends namely as regards female spawning biomass and average fishing mortality, coupled with a non systematic bias signal. Very high fishing mortalities until 1996 forced a rapid decline of abundance, biomass and female spawning biomass. With lower fishing mortalities since then, the stock decline was halted. The weak 1991-1997 year classes kept the stock size at a low level till 2003, basically sustained by the survival and growth of the existing cohorts. Recruitment at age 4 increased from 2002 till 2006, when the 2002 year class was at an historical high, and from 2006 to 2008 fell as fast as it went up, still continuing to decrease on most recent years and being on 2010 just bellow average. Above average year classes coupled with fishing mortalities in the vicinity of F0.1 or even lower allowed a rapid growth of biomass and abundance since 2003 and sustained the stock at a high level on 2007-2008. However the stock decreased on the last couple of years despite low catch and, being still above average level, there are no signs that the present decline rate is slowing down. Female spawning stock component experienced a similar decline. Short and medium term stochastic projections were obtained for female spawning stock biomass (SSB) under Fstatusquo (average 2008-2010 fishing mortality), together with SSB and yield medium term probability profiles. Keeping fishing mortality at its present low level well below F0.1 will sustain on the short term the female spawning stock biomass above the SSB interval from where all the abundant year classes from the past decade where generated. But on the long term it will be natural mortality to determine the future of beaked redfish as a fishery resource. The average 2012-2013 Fstatusquo catch for beaked redfish will be 2 of 3,200 tons. According to 2008-2010 observed catch data from the Portuguese, Spanish and Russian National Sampling Programmes on board, a beaked redfish annual catch of 3,200 tons would correspond to an overall 3M redfish catch (including the shallower golden redfish catches) near 7,000 tons (6,840 tons)This assessment is part of a EU research project supported by the European Commission (DG XIV, Program for the collection of data in fisheries sector), IPIMAR, CSIC, IEO and AZT

    Spatial and temporal variability in the occurrence and abundance of European hake larvae, Merluccius merluccius, on the Galician Shelf (NE Atlantic)

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    The European hake (Merluccius merluccius) is represented as one of the most valuable fisheries in the Galician shelf. We analyzed the distribution, abundance, and environmental conditions of the southern-stock European hake larvae from the Galician shelf during the two main spawning peaks, winter-spring and summer, based on the data from three ichthyoplankton surveys (March 2012, March 2017, and June 2017). A total of 395 larvae in March 2012, 121 in March 2017, and 69 in June 2017 were captured. The northeast section of the study area, close to Estaca de Bares, primarily between 100 and 200 m isobaths, had the highest presence of the European hake larvae in all surveys. Generalized additive models (GAMs) indicated that the occurrence of larvae was significantly different between the surveys and was associated negatively with the temperature, while the abundance of larvae was significantly different between sampling years and was the highest at a temperature around 13.36°C and at sea surface heights of about −0.48 m. Studies of the distribution of early life stages and their relation to external conditions are essential to the understanding of the complex process of recruitment, especially in the exploited species and in highly dynamic environments like the Galician shelf.En prens