673 research outputs found

    Secondary debulking surgery for reccurent ovarian and Fallopian tube cancer. Case report and literature review

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    Scopul lucrării. Prezentarea managementului chirurgical al recidivei carcinomului ovarian și trompei uterine și compararea lui cu propriile noastre cazuri. Materiale și metode. Această analiză descrie cazurile din experiență proprie și examinează literatura electronică relevantă din bazele de date PubMed, MEDLINE, NCCN și ESMO din 2010 până în decembrie 2022. Rezultate. Discutăm cazul unei femei de 56 de ani cu recidiva de carcinom de trompa uterina, sensibil la a preparatele de platină și cazul unei femei de 51 de ani cu recidiva de carcinom ovarian, sensibil la preparatele de platină. Pacientele descrise prezintă boală în stadiu incipient: FIGO IC și respectiv FIGO 1A. În ambele cazuri, recidiva a apărut în decurs de 1,5 ani după intervenția chirurgicală primară, recidiva fiind confirmată prin RMN. Ambele paciente sunt supuse unei intervenții chirurgicale de citoredictia secundară (citoreducție optimă) după cure de chimioterapie adjuvantă. Discutăm despre prezentarea, investigarea și gestionarea recidivei cancerului ovarian și a trompei uterine și comparăm cu cazurile noastre proprii. Concluzii. În mod frecvent, recidiva cancerul ovarian și cancerului de trompe uterine apare la paciente supuse intervenției chirurgicale primare suboptimale. Este de preferat abordarea laparoscopică. Abordarea laparoscopică duce la spitalizare scurtă, scăderea sângerării, a disconfortului și duce la inițierea precoce a tratamentului medicamentos antiangiogenic (bevacizumab).Aim of study. To present the surgical management of recurrent ovarian and Fallopian tube carcinoma and compare it to our own cases. Materials and methods. This review demonstrates own experience cases and examines all the relevant electronic literature from the PubMed, MEDLINE, NCCN and ESMO databases from 2010 through December 2022. Results. We discuss the case of a 56-year-old woman with a Recurence Platinum-Sensitive Fallopian Tube Carcinoma and the case of a 51-year-old woman with a Recurence Platinum-Sensitive Ovarian Carcinoma. Described patients present with early-stage disease: FIGO IC and FIGO 1A respectively. In both cases recurrence occurred within 1,5 years after primary surgery, confirmed by MRI. Both patients undergo secondary laparoscopic debulking surgery (optimal cytoreduction) after adjuvant chemotherapy. We discuss the presentation, investigation and management of recurrent ovarian/Fallopian tube cancer and compare it to our own case. Conclusions. Commonly ovarian cancer and Fallopian tube cancer recurrence occurs in patients with suboptimal primary surgery. Laparoscopic approach is preferred. Laparoscopic approach leads to short hospital stay, decreasing blood loss, discomfort and early initiation of anti- angiogenic drug treatment (bevacizumab)

    Eurasian Union: Instruments of Management and Integration

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    The aim of the study: to study the features of management tools and integration of the EAEU at the present stage of its existence. Research methods: problem-theoretical, chronological, systemic, historical-comparative. Results: proposals to improve the existing management and integration tools of the EAEU have been developed. Conclusions: at this stage of development, the management and integration tools within the Eurasian Union are quite efcient, but due to changes in the world, both political and socio-economic and technological, innovations and improvements in this regard are possible, which can increase the efciency of the EAEU functioning

    Statehood as the Issue of the Eurasian Ideology

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    The purpose of the study: to identify the features of perception of state of the Eurasian ideology.Research methods: combination of civilizational and institutional approaches, chronological, problem-theoretical, historical and comparative, systemic.Results: created the concept of a General perception of state of the Eurasian ideology.Conclusions: Eurasians developed the theory of a perfect state, where power would belong to an elite that knows the divine principles


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    The article provides an analytical assessment of the crisis condition of engineering industry business entities. As the assessment methods were used statistical method, establish causation, integral indicator for the models of bankruptcy probability, integrated indicator of crisis, cluster analysis by the level of adaptive capacity and discriminant analysis. As a result of the application of these methods the analytical conclusions were done. Established that the engineering industry is indeed in crisis due to a number of problems solution of which must occur at the national level. However, given the uncertainty about the length of the implementation and the effectiveness of government measures to overcome the industry crisis, business entities are offered to develop measures to adapt to the crisis conditions of operation.В статье проведена аналитическая оценка кризисного состояния субъектов предпринимательства машиностроительной отрасли и сделаны аналитические выводы. Установлено, что отрасль машиностроения действительно находится в кризисном состоянии из-за ряда проблем, решение которых должно происходить на государственном уровне. Однако учитывая неопределенность относительно продолжительности внедрения и результативности государственных мер по преодолению отраслевого кризиса, субъектам предпринимательства предложена разработка мер по адаптации к кризисным условиям функционирования.У статті проведено аналітичну оцінку кризового стану суб’єктів підприємництва машинобудівної галузі і зроблено аналітичні висновки. Встановлено, що галузь машинобудування дійсно знаходиться у кризовому стані через ряд проблем, вирішення яких повинно відбуватись на державному рівні. Однак враховуючи невизначеність щодо тривалості впровадження та результативності державних заходів з подолання галузевої кризи, суб’єктам підприємництва запропоновано розроблення заходів з адаптації до кризових умов функціонування

    Presentation of Eurasians on the Development of the Soviet State in the Years of NEP

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    The article shows the activity of the social and political movement of the Russian emigration — Eurasians, who sought not only to understand and comprehend the Soviet form of the state, but also to influence the development of state building in Soviet Russia


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    Nowadays, society is in the transition to an information society. Therefore, the formation of the information society questions in educational institutions and institutions social area. The article discusses the possibility of using cloud technology in the social area, the perspectives of transition to the cloud network outlined in future, the main advantages and disadvantages of their introduction showed. The analysis results of new studies of transition of educational institutions and organizations to the cloud service.В настоящее время общество находится на пути перехода к информационному обществу. Поэтому, возникает вопрос формирования информационной среды в образовательных учреждениях и учреждениях социальной сферы. В статье рассмотрены возможности использования облачных технологий в социальной сфере, обозначены перспективы перехода в будущем к облачной сети и показаны основные преимущества и недостатки их применения. Приведен анализ последних исследований перехода образовательных учреждений и организаций на облачный сервис.В наш час суспільство знаходиться на шляху переходу до інформаційного суспільства. Тому, постає питання формування інформаційного середовища в освітніх установах та установах соціальної сфери. У статті розглянуто можливості використання хмарних технологій у соціальній сфері, окреслені перспективи переходу у майбутньому до хмарної мережі та показані основні переваги і недоліки їх  впровадження. Наведено аналіз останніх досліджень переходу освітніх установ та організацій на хмарний сервіс

    Eurasian Strategy in the Politics of Modern Russia

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    This article discusses the strategy of Russia in international cooperation on the Eurasian continent, through participation in the EAEU. The main problems of integration within the EAEU are identified. Integration processes on the Eurasian continent and Russia’s position in the emerging regional struggle for dominance over Eurasia in the third Millennium are considered. It is shown that through multilateral associations Russia plans to strengthen its role in Eurasian integration

    The influence of porosity on the elasticity and strength of alumina and zirconia ceramics

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    This work investigates the behavior of porous alumina (with the porosity ranging from 18% to 70%) and zirconia (with the porosity ranging from 10% to 60%) ceramics when subjected to deformation by compression and shearing. The analysis of stress-strain curves showed that there is a transition from a typical brittle state for relatively dense ceramics, to a pseudo-plastic one for ceramics with high porosity. The values of the effective Young’s modulus, effective shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio decrease with the increase of the pore space volume of ceramics, which correlates with the appearance of multiple cracking during the deformation of the high porosity ceramics