30 research outputs found

    Real-time detection and tracking of multiple objects with partial decoding in H.264/AVC bitstream domain

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    In this paper, we show that we can apply probabilistic spatiotemporal macroblock filtering (PSMF) and partial decoding processes to effectively detect and track multiple objects in real time in H.264|AVC bitstreams with stationary background. Our contribution is that our method cannot only show fast processing time but also handle multiple moving objects that are articulated, changing in size or internally have monotonous color, even though they contain a chaotic set of non-homogeneous motion vectors inside. In addition, our partial decoding process for H.264|AVC bitstreams enables to improve the accuracy of object trajectories and overcome long occlusion by using extracted color information.Comment: SPIE Real-Time Image and Video Processing Conference 200

    Isolasi dan Identifikasi Senyawa Terpena Hasil Pirolisis Getah Karet Alam (Hevea Brasiliensis)

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    Isolation and identification of terpenes obtained from the pyrolisis of natural rubber (Hevea brasiliensis) latex have been conducted. The latex was pyrolized under reduced pressure without any solvent. The pyrolysis products contains water, protein and rubber oil. The rubber oil was separated and identified using GC-MS.The results showed that the rubber oil contained 22 compounds. According to literature review, 12 compounds were identified as terpene, including monoterpene, sesquiterpene and diterpene. Monoterpene compounds were isolimonene, l-limonene, P-felandrene, d-limonene and camphene. The identified sesquitterpenes were 2,4a,8,8-tetramethyl-1,1a,4,4a,5,6,7,8-octahydrocyclopropane [d] naphthalene, P-farnasene, a-amorphene, y-amorphene and bisabolene. The analyzed diterpenes were abietadiene and kaurene. The dominant terpene was d-limonene. The d-limonene was isolated using fractional distillation and had the purity of 96.79%

    Profil Kemampuan Matematika Dasar Mahasiswa Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika Tahun Akademik 2013/2014

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    Kemampuan Matematika Dasar adalah kemampuan yang sangat penting dan harus dimiliki setiap mahasiswa sebagai bekal untuk menempuh perkuliahan di program studi Pendidikan Matematika. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana profil kemampuan matematika dasar mahasiswa baru jurusan Pendidikan Matematika tahun akademik 2013/2014. Subjek penelitian berjumlah 133 mahasiswa, 92 berasal dari jurusan IPA dan 41 dari non-IPA. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan matematika dasar mahasiswa baru berada pada kategori rendah; kemampuan matematika dasar mahasiswa baru yang berasal dari jurusan IPA berada pada kategori rendah dan kemampuan matematika dasar mahasiswa baru yang berasal dari jurusan non-IPA berada pada kategori sangat rendah

    Kajian Kebutuhan Angkutan Sekolah Bagi Siswa Sekolah Dasar di Kota Bekasi

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    Angkutan sekolah merupakan pelayanan untuk mengantar jemput siswa sekolah atau sering disebut angkutan antar-jemput. Keunggulan dari angkutan sekolah ini adalah bersifat door to door dan jadwal disesuaikan dengan jadwal masuk dan pulang sekolah. Namun demikian masih terdapat beberapa kekurangan pada kualitas pelayanan angkutan sekolah. SD Ananda Bekasi Timur kota adalah salah satu sekolah yang siswanya banyak menggunakan jasa angkutan antar jemput sekolah. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk mengidentifikasikan adanya kebutuhan angkutan sekolah ditinjau dari karakteristik orang tua dan anak, pelaku jasa angkutan sekolah, karakteristik pengguna dan pengemudi, serta kualitas pelayanan angkutan sekolah. Data yang digunakan adalah data hasil survei langsung dengan menyebarkan kuisoner pada 100 orangtua siswa sekolah dasar. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa respodnden angkutan sekolah terdiri dari 36% konsumen aktual dan 31% konsumen potensial. Kepemilikan kendaran pribadi dan ketersediaan waktu luang merupakan karakteristik orangtua yang paling mempengaruhi adanya kebutuhan terhadap angkutan sekolah. Faktor pelayanan angkutan sekolah yang paling dibutuhkan terhadap konsumen aktual (konsumen yang mempunyai kendaraan pribadi) adalah kelengkapan kendaraan, sedangkan konsumen potensial (konsumen yang tidak memiliki kendaraan pribadi) lebih membutuhkan angkutan sekolah yang dapat menjamin keselamatan dan Kenyamanan. Kata Kunci : Angkutan sekolah, pelayanan, karakteristik penggun

    Non-communicable diseases among Orang Asli of Kampung Ulu Tual

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    Introduction: Non communicable disease is increasing in trend and becoming one of significant major global problem that involves all strata of population including the aborigines. In fact, the prevalence might be higher in this population due to lack of access for regular screening and different sociodemographic background including tendency to migrate in different areas. Methodology: This study aims to identify the prevalence of non-communicable diseases among adult population of Orang Asli in the remote area of Pahang. A cross sectional study was conducted on 20th April 2019 during community service in Kampung Ulu Tual, whereby communicable diseases had been screened. SPSS version 23 is used for statistical analysis. Associations between variables were measured. Results: Prevalence of overweight/obesity is 36.6%, hypertension is 3.3% and abnormal blood sugar is 53.3%. There is no statistical significant association between prevalence of the non-communicable diseases across age and gender. Discussion: The prevalence of overweight/obesity among Orang Asli in this region is almost similar in our national prevalence with more than half of them are prone to develop diabetes. This study proved a linear relationship between overweight/obesity, abdominal obesity and diabetes. Conclusion: These results highlight the need for urgent interventions to reduce and prevent risk factors of non-communicable diseases even in rural area of Pahan

    The efficiency of DBD cold plasma pen treatment on the oyster mushroom bacterial decontamination

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    Cold plasma provided bacterial inactivation role in food industry. In this study, the cold plasma play a crucial inactivation role when effectively reduces the bacteria colonies on oyster mushroom surface. By development of the dielectric barrier discharge-cold plasma pen (DBD-CPP) system, the mushroom surface was exposed to the cold plasma discharge with variable of exposure treatment time (0 min, 0.5 min, 1 min, 3 min and 5 min) with ~6 kV of power voltage and 5 SLM of atmospheric gas pressure flow rate. In order to identify the reduction of the microbial growth, isolation technique will be carry out by excising the mushroom sample into a suspension and serial dilution follows by identification of its colony morphologies and characteristics. Results screening shows increments of exposure treatment times up to 3 min shows none growth of bacteria colonies. This because the bacteria cell wall was disrupt and destruction by the plasma bombardment. Thus, this study able to extend the lifetime of the mushroom and produce a free microbial fresh mushroom by decontaminate the bacteria on the mushroom surface

    An Innovative Compact Split-Ring-Resonator-Based Power Tiller Wheel-Shaped Metamaterial for Quad-Band Wireless Communication

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    A split-ring resonator (SRR)-based power tiller wheel-shaped quad-band "-negative metamaterial is presented in this research article. This is a new compact metamaterial with a high effective medium ratio (EMR) designed with three modified octagonal split-ring resonators (OSRRs). The electrical dimension of the proposed metamaterial (MM) unit cell is 00.086λ × 0.086λ, where λ is the wavelength calculated at the lowest resonance frequency of 2.35 GHz. Dielectric RT6002 materials of standard thickness (1.524 mm) were used as a substrate. Computer simulation technology (CST) Microwave Studio simulator shows four resonance peaks at 2.35, 7.72, 9.23 and 10.68 GHz with magnitudes o