22 research outputs found

    New records of scuttle flies (Diptera: Phoridae) from Iceland, with a survey of all simultaneously collected Dipteran families

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    During a visit to Iceland in 2001, 727 specimens of Phoridae were caught. Seven species of Phoridae were identified, five of which were recorded from Iceland for the first time: Megaselia coccyx Schmitz, 1965; M. humeralis (Zetterstedt, 1838); M. parnassia Disney, 1986; M. quadriseta (Schmitz, 1941) and M. tarsicia Schmitz, 1926. The most abundant and most widespread phorid fly of the study was Megaselia coccyx, of which 510 specimens (70% of the catch) on 18 of 29 sampling sites were caught. The female of Triphleba renidens Schmitz, 1927 is given an improved diagnosis, and the abdominal sternite 7 is illustrated for the first time. With the results of this study a total of 11 species of Phoridae have been identified from Iceland. Four of them were also recorded from Greenland and 3 from the Faroe Islands. An overview of all other 36 families of Diptera (more than 48,394 specimens) obtained during the same excursion to Iceland is also presented

    Ground Beetle Diversity (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in Winter Oilseed Rape and Winter Wheat Fields in North-Western Croatia

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    During a two-year period of research on the ground beetle fauna (Coleoptera: Carabidae) in winter oilseed rape and winter wheat agroecosystems in North-Western Croatia, 14072 carabid specimens were collected. A total of 72 species from 31 genera and 6 subfaimilies were identified. The high epigeic activity was recorded for B. crepitans, B. explodens, A. similata and H. distinguendes. Th e endogeic activity was recorded for the species A. meridianus and A. interstitialis also for Brachinus species, A. familiaris, A. similata, A. aenea and H. distinguendus. One species was recorded for the first time in Croatia: Harpalus akinini Tschitscherine 1895

    Collecting of phytophagous dipteran larvae in oilseed rape roots

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    Die amtlichen Pflanzenschutzdienste der Länder vermeldeten in den letzten Jahren zunehmenden Befall von Rapsbeständen mit Fliegenlarven, die in den Wurzeln minierten. In dieser Studie sollte ermittelt werden, ob allein die Kleine Kohlfliege (Delia radicum) die Schäden verursacht oder auch weitere Fliegenarten die Rapswurzeln befallen. Aus Fraßgängen in Rapswurzeln wurden Dipterenlarven abgesammelt, aufgezogen und bis zur Art bestimmt. Von 231 Dipterenimagines gehörten 218 zur Kleinen Kohlfliege und 13 zur Blumenkohlminierfliege (Phytomyza rufipes). Da die Larven der Blumenkohlminierfliege bisher als Minierer in Rapsblättern und -stängeln bekannt waren, ist es der erste Nachweis von P. rufipes in Rapswurzeln. Alle P. rufipes Larven wurden zusammen mit D. radicum Larven in den Fraßgängen gefunden, so dass eine Koexistenz beider Arten angenommen werden kann.    The official plant protection services of various German federal states have, in recent years, reported an increasing infestation of oilseed rape with Diptera larvae mining in the roots. The aim of this study was to determine whether solely the Cabbage Root Fly (Delia radicum), or a combination of several species cause damage to rape roots. Larvae of Diptera were collected from feeding tunnels in oilseed rape roots, reared until the imago stage and determined to species level. We found 218 Cabbage Root Flies (Delia radicum) and 13 Cabbage Leaf Miners (Phytomyza rufipes). Up to now, the larvae of P. rufipes have only been known to feed by mining rape leaves and stems; therefore this is the first record for this species in oilseed rape roots. As all the P. rufipes larvae were found together with larvae of D. radicum in the tunnels, a coexistence of both species can be assumed.   &nbsp


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    During a two-year period of research on the ground beetle fauna in agroecosystems in northern Serbia 19,003 carabid specimens were collected. A total of 67 species from 29 genera were identified. Harpalus distinguendus (Duftschmid, 1812), Amara aenea (De Geer, 1774), Poecilus cupreus (Linnaeus, 1758), and Amara similata (Goeze, 1777) were the dominant species in the winter oilseed rape and winter wheat. The ground beetle genera richest in species were Harpalus, Amara, Calathus, Poecilus and Brachinus. Seven species were new for the ground beetle fauna of Serbia: Calathus cinctus Motschulsky, 1850, Laemostenus complanatus (Dejean, 1828), Brachinus nigricornis Gebler, 1829, Cychrus attenuatus (Fabricius, 1792), Patrobus septentrionis Dejean, 1828, Anchomenus cyaneus Dejean, 1828 and Pterostichus leonisi Apfelbeck, 1904. Three species were recorded for the first time for Vojvodina Province in Serbia: Harpalus signaticornis (Duftschmid, 1812), Harpalus taciturnus Dejean, 1829 and Patrobus atrorufus (Ström, 1768). Newly recorded species were collected in epigeic pitfall traps. Six of them were found in oilseed rape while one was found in winter wheat

    Fauna Europaea: Diptera -Brachycera

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    Link to publication Citation for published version (APA): Pape, T., Beuk, P., Pont, A. C., Shatalkin, A. I., Ozerov, A. L., Woźnica, A. J., ... de Jong, Y. (2015). Fauna Europaea: 3, [e4187]. https://doi.org/10.3897/BDJ.3.e4187 General rights It is not permitted to download or to forward/distribute the text or part of it without the consent of the author(s) and/or copyright holder(s), other than for strictly personal, individual use, unless the work is under an open content license (like Creative Commons). Disclaimer/Complaints regulations If you believe that digital publication of certain material infringes any of your rights or (privacy) interests, please let the Library know, stating your reasons. In case of a legitimate complaint, the Library will make the material inaccessible and/or remove it from the website. Please Ask the Library: https://uba.uva.nl/en/contact, or a letter to: Library of the University of Amsterdam, Secretariat, Singel 425, 1012 WP Amsterdam, The Netherlands. You will be contacted as soon as possible. Abstract Fauna Europaea provides a public web-service with an index of scientific names (including important synonyms) of all extant multicellular European terrestrial and freshwater animals and their geographical distribution at the level of countries and major islands (east of the Urals and excluding the Caucasus region). The Fauna Europaea project comprises about 230,000 taxonomic names, including 130,000 accepted species and 14,000 accepted subspecies, which is much more than the originally projected number of 100,000 species. Fauna Europaea represents a huge effort by more than 400 contributing taxonomic specialists throughout Europe and is a unique (standard) reference suitable for many user communities in science, government, industry, nature conservation and education. The Diptera-Brachycera is one of the 58 Fauna Europaea major taxonomic groups, and data have been compiled by a network of 55 specialists. Within the two-winged insects (Diptera), the Brachycera constitute a monophyletic group, which is generally given rank of suborder. The Brachycera may be classified into the probably paraphyletic 'lower brachyceran grade' and the monophyletic Eremoneura. The latter contains the Empidoidea, the Apystomyioidea with a single Nearctic species, and the Cyclorrhapha, which in turn is divided into the paraphyletic 'aschizan grade' and the monophyletic Schizophora. The latter is traditionally divided into the paraphyletic 'acalyptrate grade' and the monophyletic Calyptratae. Our knowledge of the European fauna of Diptera-Brachycera varies tremendously among families, from the reasonably well known hoverflies (Syrphidae) to the extremely poorly known scuttle flies (Phoridae). There has been a steady growth in our knowledge of European Diptera for the last two centuries, with no apparent slow down, but there is a shift towards a larger fraction of the new species being found among the families of the nematoceran grade (lower Diptera), which due to a larger number of small-sized species may be considered as taxonomically more challenging. Most of Europe is highly industrialised and has a high human population density, and the more fertile habitats are extensively cultivated. This has undoubtedly increased the extinction risk for numerous species of brachyceran flies, yet with the recent re-discovery of Thyreophora cynophila (Panzer), there are no known cases of extinction at a European level. However, few national Red Lists have extensive information on Diptera. For the Diptera-Brachycera, data from 96 families containing 11,751 species are included in this paper

    Evaluating biological containment strategies for pollen-mediated gene flow

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    Several biological containment methods have been developed to reduce pollen dispersal; many of them only have a proof of concept in a model plant species. This review focuses on biological containment measures which were tested for their long-term efficiency at the greenhouse or field scale level, i.e. plastid transformation, transgene excission, cleistogamy and cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS). Pollen-mediated gene transfer in transplastomic tobacco could occur at very low frequencies if the predominant mode of inheritance is maternal. Transgene excision from tobacco pollen can be made highly efficient by coexpression of two recombinases. For cleistogamous oilseed rape it was shown that some flowers were partially open depending on genotypes, environment and recording dates. Reports on the stability of CMS in maize and sunflower indicated that there is a high variability for different genotypes under different environmental conditions and over successive years. But for both crop types some stable lines could be selected. These data demonstrate that the biological containment methods discussed are very promising for reducing gene flow but that no single containment strategy provides 100% reduction. However, the necessary efficiency of biological containment methods depends on the level of containment required. The containment level may need to be higher for safety purposes (e.g. production of special plant-made pharmaceuticals), while much lower containment levels may already be sufficient to reach coexistence goals. It is concluded that where pollen-mediated gene flow must be prevented altogether, combinations of complementary containment systems will be required

    Evaluation of the Gramotron Parser for German

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    The paper describes an experiment in inside-outside estimation of a lexicalized probabilistic context free grammar for German. Grammar and formalism features which make the experiment feasible are described. Successive models are evaluated on precision and recall of phrase markup consisting of labels for noun chunks and subcategorization frames. Our approach to parsing is a blend of symbolic and stochastic methods where we use evaluation results in both incremental grammar development and validation of selected output to be used in lexical semantic clustering. Our results are that (i) scrambling-style free phrase order, case morphology, subcategorization, and NP-internal gender, number and case agreement can be dealt within a lexicalized probabilistic context-free grammar formalism, and (ii) inside-outside estimation appears to be beneficial, however relies on a carefully built grammar and an evaluation based on carefully selected linguistic criteria. Additionally, we report experiments on overtraining with inside-outside estimation, especially focusing on comparison of the results of mathematical and linguistic evaluations

    High-tech industrial and service sectors in Tomsk region: evaluation of efficiency of development in the turbulent economy

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    Актуальность статьи обусловлена необходимостью опережающего развития высокотехнологичных отраслей промышленности и услуг Томской области в условиях турбулентной экономики. Целью работы является оценка комплексной эффективности этих отраслей и разработка рекомендаций по стимулированию их развития. Методы. Используется авторская методика оценки комплексной эффективности развития отраслей экономики по данным бухгалтерской отчетности коммерческих предприятий, применяются методы экономического анализа агрегированных в разрезе отраслей данных финансовой отчетности предприятий.The relevance of the article is caused by the need for advance development of high-tech industries and services of the Tomsk region in a turbulent economy. The aim of the research is to assess the comprehensive efficiency of these economic sectors and develop recommendations for stimulating their development. Methods. The author uses his own methodology to assess the comprehensive efficiency of the economic sectors development applying the accounting data of commercial enterprises, and the methods of economic analysis of financial indicators of enterprises, aggregated by sectors