29 research outputs found


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    Maqāṣid al-syarī'ah will always be controversial if the study of its ontology is not complete. On the one hand, maqāṣid is God's 'intention' there is inaccessible to humans, so it cannot be known. On the other hand, maqāṣid is the benefit (maṣlaḥat) 'aimed to' by the Shari'a, and it is abstracted in the Qoranic legal verses. The problem is, what is the maqāṣid ontology so that it can be known and there is a way to find out objectively? For this reason, this study uses philosophy as an approach and method. As a result, this study concluded that the nature of maqāṣid as the 'intention' of the Shari'a is the goals (maṣlaḥat) contained in the Islamic legal system. The ontology of maṣlaḥat as the 'goal' by the Shari'a is concepts in the form of ethical or pragmatic values. Finally, this article concluded that the maqāṣid ontology is the axiological values ​​'aimed to' by Shari'a. The axiological values must be used as the goal by humans so that their lives are in accord with Shari'a

    Pengaruh Pernikahan Orangtua yang Kedua terhadap Keharmonisan Keluarga: Studi Kasus di Desa Ladang Tuha Kecamatan Pasie Raja

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    Pernikahan dilakukan untuk meraih keharmonisan rumah tangga. Namun, tidak semua orang yang melakukan pernikahan dapat merasakan kebahagian atau harmonis dalam keluarga namun ada juga menyebabkan Disharmoni hingga sampai mengalami pertengkaran yang terjadi disebabkan karena selisih paham dalam menyelesaikan persoalan lika-liku kehidupan, sehingga menuju sampai kejenjang perceraian, fenemona itu sangat disayangkan karena perbuatan perceraian tersebut merupakan suatu hal yang sangat dibenci oleh Allah, penulis sangat heran jika di daerah desa Ladng Tuha khususnya  dan di daerah Aceh umumnya yang kita ketahui orangnya sangat taat dengan agama dan patuh pada syari’at yang berlaku namun angka kasus perceraian tiap tahunnya semakin meningkat dari tahun 2017 ada 4.917 kasus dan tahun 2018 meningkat menjadi 5.562 diseluruh kabupaten/kota se aceh semua itu sudah diputuskan di Mahkamah Syar’iyah se-wilayah hukum Mahkamah Syar’iyah Aceh. Oleh sebab itu, Artikel ini membahas tentang poblematika yang terjadi dalam keluarga. Dalam menulis ini penulis  melakukan metode penelitian dengan cara kualitatif


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    Bukalapak presents gold buying and selling transactions online through the Buka Emas feature. The author is interested in studying the control of the object of sale and purchase from the perspective of a murabahah lil amr lisy syira’ cotntract. The formulation of the problem: 1) how is the control over the object in buying and selling gold in installments at Bukalapak? 2) what is the perspective of the murabahah lil amr bisy syira’ contract on the non-cash buying and selling of gold at Bukalapak? The research method used is a case study, data obtained through field research. It was found that the object of sale and purchase was not given to users who bought gold, on the grounds of avoiding potential losses between the two parties. However, users can monitor the details of the installments submitted from the installment info page. This has the potential to cause fraud and default, so it is recommended that related parties and Bukalapak can guarantee that the item is available and can be owned


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    Teori Maqasid merupakan salah satu konsep yang ditawarkan untuk menjawab anomali yang dihadapi ilmu usul al-fiqh. Dalam perkembangannya, teori maqasid telah berevolusi dari sekedar sub pembahasan qiyas dalam masalik al-'illah, lalu menjadi pembahasan tersendiri dalam satu kitab khusus, dan terakhir dijadikan sebagai ilmu yang mandiri. Dari perspektif filsafat ilmu, perkembangan ini hanya dimungkinkan terjadi dengan adanya pergeseran paradigma (paradigm shift). Hal inilah yang menjadi konsentrasi tulisan ini, sehingga dinamika perkembangan teori maqasid dapat dipahami sebagai fenomena yang utuh. Pada akhirnya, kajian ini diharapkan memberi kontribusi bagi para pihak yang sedang berusaha menemukan paradigma alternatif, atau setidaknya dapat menjadi objek diskusi menarik yang berimplikasi bagi usaha penentuan sikap di tengah tuntutan perubahan sekarang ini


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    Some muslim scholars offer the project of Islamization of Knowledge in order to undertake the development of Islamic studies. However, this offer was rejected by some others on the grounds that it is closely related problem of the ontological foundation of science, which is the basic assumption of the material object. As a result of Islamization science project is considered insignificant by Islamic parties offering Islamization of science. This problem might have been solved by answering the problems on the ontology in Islamic studies in order to obtain a moderate perspective. This paper discuses it by using the philosophical approach of critical rationalism (metaphysical realism), and use deductive method to do falsification test. This study found that ontology is the reality of Islamic studies in the form of text: 1) the physical reality of the text of the Quran; 2) the metaphysical reality of the Quranic texts. The value of both texts reality applied into the pure science so it is integrated with Islamic studies. Then the findings of pure intellect sciences are accepted as a source of knowledge to understand the text, so that the study of Islamic sciences will be connected to pure science

    Pendekatan Sirkuler dalam Kajian Perbandingan Mazhab

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    The study of Islamic law in the context of the comparative madhab is based on the plurality of truthful values. However, this study is frequently done with less appropriated approach, so that it is contradicted to the value. Therefore, this paper offers an approach that can objectify the value, namely the circular approach. In conducting this study, the philosophy as a method was used. As a philosophical fundamental structure, this paper refers to postmodern theory: that the knowledge is a prehension rather than an evidence. Therefore, the differences of opinion are considered as natural characters, as a result of geographical differences and human primordiality. In line with this matter, Fiqh is normally used to respond the legal issues in differences in allparts of the world. From systemic theory perspective, differences of opinion within the different mazhabs, therefore, become complementary. From this study, it is found that the circular approach can lead researchers to the awareness: the existence of mutual relations among the opinions of mazhab jurists

    MAQASID PERSPECTIVE ON THE MEANING OF POVERTY IN LEGAL AID: Study of Poverty as a Threat to Human Security

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    The government provides legal assistance to poor people in the context of access to justice. Unfortunately, the meaning of poverty in legal aid is often limited to being poor in assets, resulting in partiality that sacrifices the values ​​of justice. This problem inspired the author to research the meaning of poverty in legal aid through a maqasid sharia perspective. The author asks two questions: 1) what is the nature of poverty in legal aid? 2) what is the maqasid Sharia perspective on poverty in legal aid? This research concludes that being poor in legal aid should be interpreted as being poor in spirit (faqīr al-qalb). In dealing with mentally poor people, legal practitioners must have holistic analytical skills and see poverty as part of the social system and legal system. This conclusion supports each other with other sharia maqasid to increase the quantity and quality of legal practitioners

    Menggagas Tafsir Ayat Hukum Dalam Kerangka Fiqh Al-Ikhtilaf

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    Opinion differences in the interpretation of verses regarding jurisprudence might create an impression that there is a disharmony among the teachings of the Qur'an. In fact, verse 82 of Surah An-Nisa emphasize that there is no contradiction in the Qur'an. However, jurisprudence studies do not accommodate this issue. The differences are perceived only as problems of furukiyah. This difference indeed emerges on the fundamental issues of Islamic teaching. Unfortunately, interpretation studies do not address this issue either as its orientation focuses more on the discovery of meaning. Therefore, this paper offers a theoretical framework of fiqh al-ikhtilaf in order for the interpretation not to see differences in jurisprudence verses as a contradiction but see it as a form of diversities (al-ta'addud al-tanawwu'). By combining deductive interpretation and critical analysis method, this paper studies the philosophical basis in the interpretation of jurisprudence verses. The philosophical foundations include basic assumptions, paradigms, and theoretical framework. Furthermore, using a philosophical approach, this study concludes that the theoretical framework of fiqh al-iktilaf is appropriate to address the differences in the interpretation of the jurisprudence verses

    Hujjah Balighah: Kitab Hukum Acara Perdata Pertama di Aceh

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    Aceh sebagai sebuah kerajaan Islam ternyata telah melakukan upaya penerapan hukum Islam secara intensif. Upaya ini tidak hanya dalam hal kodifikasi materi hukum pidana dan perdata, bahkan dalam hukum acara. Agaknya kenyataan ini menjadi kejutan bagi sebagian kalangan, karena pemikiran yang demikian maju justru muncul di era kemunduran dunia perpolitikan Aceh. Lebih-lebih lagi jika dihadapkan dengan kenyataan bahwa pembaharuan hukum yang fenomenal di Turki dilakukan dalam abad 19, sementara di Aceh telah dilakukan se abad sebelumnya. Sungguh mengagumkan, Aceh di abad 18 telah mampu melakukan terobosan yang mendahului zamannya. Suatu pelajaran berharga yang patut menjadi cambuk bagi kemajuan hukum di tengah penerapan Syariat Islam Kaffah masa sekarang

    Peran Ulama dalam Taqnin di Aceh

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    Fakta sejarah Aceh menunjukkan vitalnya peran ulama dalam pengambilan kebijakan dan regulasi pada masa Kerajaan Aceh Darussalam. Bahkan manuskrip kuno Aceh memperlihatkan betapa ulama Aceh telah membuat kodifikasi hukum Islam. Kitab Mir’at al-Thullab, Safinat al-Hukkam, dan Hujjah Balighah, ketiganya merupakan contoh kodifikasi hukum Islam yang ditulis ulama di masa Kerajaan Aceh Darussalam. Kodifikasi ini memiliki kekuatan berlaku sebagai hukum positif karena ditulis atas perintah Sultan, dan memang dimaksudkan sebagai pegangan para hakim di seluruh wilayah kekuasaan Kerajaan Aceh Darussalam. Fakta di atas menunjukkan pentingnya peran ulama dalam realitas sosial di Aceh, apalagi di tengah penerapan Syariat Islam dan otonomi khusus dewasa ini. Dari itu cukup relevan jika peran ulama direvitalisasi kembali sebagai salah satu keistimewaan Aceh. Patut disyukuri, karena pemerintah pun menyambut baik sebagaimana terlihat dalam UU No. 44 tahun 1999, dan UU No. 11 tahun 2006. Namun dalam pelaksanaan, ternyata usaha revitalisasi peran ulama masih mengalami hambatan, terutama dalam proses penyusunan qanun (taqnin)