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    Abstract This study aims to describe and prove how the teacher's ability, students' understanding, and To describe how the evaluation of students' learning outcomes in implementing integrated learning tahfidz Qur'an. This research is included in qualitative research with phenomenological approach through observation of integration between the general curriculum and islamic religious reasoning through the implementation of Tahfidz Al-Quran. The location of this research is in the area of SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Makassar. The research population was 24 people consisting of 12 students and 12 teachers from 236 students and 12 teachers. The results showed that there is increased understanding, there is strengthening of character, improving the ability to read short surah memorization, in general students can appreciate time, appreciate science, have a culture of hard work, and have a forward orientation, as well as high self-esteem. There are efforts to always carry out an Islamic attitude in learning, follow the activities of prayer well. The ability of teachers in implementing integrated learning tahfidz Qur'an gradually and carried out continuously. After showing the changes, students are able to develop memorization of the Quran that has been determined and able to motivate themselves according to their abilities. The results of the evaluation explain the meaning of the integration of the Qur'an in students, showing indicators that have shown improvement, although further efforts need to be made improvements, and can improve low-grade passing skills in students.  Keywords: Integrated Tahfidz Qur'an, Teacher Ability, Student Understanding, Evaluation of Learning Outcomes  ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menggambarkan dan membuktikan bagaimana kemampuan guru, pemahaman siswa, dan Untuk menggambarkan bagaimana evaluasi hasil belajar siswa dalam mengimplementasikan pembelajaran terintegrasi tahfidz Al-Qur’an. Penelitian ini termasuk dalam penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan fenomenologi melalui pengamatan atas integrasi antara kurikulum umum dengan penalaran agama islam melalui implementasi Tahfidz Al-Quran. Lokasi penelitian ini berada dalam wilayah SMP Muhammadiyah 5 Makassar. Populasi penelitian sebanyak 24 orang  yang terdiri dari 12 orang siswa/siwi dan 12 orang guru dari 236 siswa/siwi dan 12 orang guru.  Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa terdapat peningkatan pemahaman, ada penguatan karakter, meningkatkan kemampuan membaca hafalan surah pendek, pada umumnya siswa dapat menghargai waktu, menghargai ilmu pengetahuan, memiliki budaya kerja keras, dan memiliki orientasi ke depan, serta harga diri tinggi. Ada upaya untuk selalu menjalankan sikap yang islami dalam pembelajaran, mengikuti kegiatan shalat dengan baik. Kemampuan guru dalam mengimplementasikan pembelajaran terintegrasi tahfidz Al-Qur’an secara bertahap dan dilakukan secara berkelanjutan. Setelah menunjukkan perubahannya mahasiswa mampu mengembangkan hafalan-hafalan Al-Quran yang telah ditentukan dan mampu memotivasi dirinya sesuai dengan kemampuannya yang dia miliki. Hasil dari evaluasi menjelaskan tentang makna integrasi Al-Qur’an pada siswa, menunjukkan indikator yang sudah menunjukkan perbaikan, walaupun selanjutnya perlu melakukan upaya perbaikan, dan dapat meningkatkan keterampilan passing grade rendah pada siswa.  Kata Kunci: Terintegrasi Tahfidz Al-Qur’an, Kemampuan Guru, Pemahaman Siswa, Evaluasi Hasil Belaja

    Bunching coefficients in Echo-Enabled Harmonic Generation

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    Coulombian diffusion determines a dilution of bunching coefficients in Free Electron Laser seeded devices. From the mathematical point of view the effect can be modeled through a heat type equation, which can be merged with the ordinary Liouville equation, ruling the evolution of the longitudinal phase space beam distribution. We will show that the use of analytical tools like the Generalized Bessel Functions and algebraic techniques for the solution of evolution problems may provide a useful method of analysis and shine further light on the physical aspects of the underlying mechanisms

    BADM 341.01: Systems and Operations

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    Political Science Fall 2011

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    BADM 341.04: Systems and Operations

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    Revision Suggested for Revised Faculty Grievance Procedures

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