178 research outputs found

    Easy tuning of nanotexture and N doping of carbonaceous particles produced by spark discharge

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    A better understanding of the effects of carbonaceous particulates in air pollution on human health and on the transmission of viruses requires studies with artificially produced aerosols that mimic the real ones. To produce such aerosols, methods to precisely tailor the morphology as well as the physical and chemical properties of carbon-based nanomaterials are crucial. Here we describe a facile and flexible approach to produce carbon-based nanoparticles with tailored N content by spark discharge utilizing graphite rods. Carbon-based nanoparticles with different nanotexture and N doping could be obtained by simply changing dilution gas (nitrogen, argon) and dilution gas purity (99 and 99.999%). The effect of the discharge frequency (50, 300 Hz) was also explored. The carbon-based nanoparticles were characterized by Fourier transform infrared and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, thermogravimetric analysis, and transmission electron microscopy. We find that the nanotexture is strictly linked to the chemical reactivity and to the surface chemistry. The use of N2 as dilution gas allowed for the incorporation of significant amounts of nitrogen (5–7 wt.%) in the carbonaceous particle network mainly as pyrrolic N, graphitic N and N-oxide functional groups

    Generating acceptable Arabic Core Vocabularies and Symbols for AAC users

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    This paper discusses the development of an Arabic Symbol Dictionary for Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) users, their families, carers, therapists and teachers as well as those who may benefit from the use of symbols to enhance literacy skills. With a requirement for a bi-lingual dictionary, a vocabulary list analyzer has been developed to evaluate similarities and differences in word frequencies from a range of word lists in order to collect suitable AAC lexical entries. An online bespoke symbol management has been created to hold the lexical entries alongside specifically designed symbols which are then accepted via a voting system using a series of criteria. Results to date have highlighted how successful these systems can be when encouraging participation along with the need for further research into the development of personalised context sensitive core vocabularies

    Is the number of ideal cardiovascular health metrics in midlife associated with lower risk of cancer? Evidence from 3 European prospective cohorts

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    BACKGROUND: Primordial prevention may be a relevant strategy for the prevention of cancer. Given the commonality of risk factors and mechanisms between cancer and cardiovascular disease, we examined the associations between the number of ideal cardiovascular health metrics in midlife and incident cancer. METHODS: In 3 European cohorts (NutriNet-Santé and GAZEL, France; Whitehall II, United Kingdom), the number of ideal cardiovascular health metrics was determined at baseline (range 0-7). Follow-up for cancer events was until October 2020 (NutriNet-Santé), March 2017 (Whitehall II) and December 2015 (GAZEL). Cox regression was conducted in each cohort, and results were thereafter pooled using a random-effects model. RESULTS: Data were available on 39 718 participants. A total of 16 237 were from NutriNet-Santé (mean age 51.3 yr; 28% men), 9418 were from Whitehall II (mean age 44.8 yr; 68% men) and 14 063 were from GAZEL (mean age 45.2 yr; 75% men). The median follow-up was 8.1 years in NutriNet-Santé, 29.6 years in Whitehall II and 24.8 years in GAZEL, and yielded a total of 4889 cancer events. A greater number of ideal cardiovascular health metrics was associated with a lower overall cancer risk in each cohort, with an aggregate hazard ratio (HR) per 1 increment in number of ideal metrics of 0.91 (95% confidence interval [CI] 0.88-0.93). This association remained after removal of the smoking metric (aggregate HR per unit increment in number of ideal metrics: 0.94, 95% CI 0.90-0.97), and site-specific analysis demonstrated a significant association with lung cancer. INTERPRETATION: A greater number of ideal cardiovascular health metrics in midlife was associated with lower cancer risk, notably lung cancer. Primordial prevention of cardiovascular risk factors in midlife may be a complementary strategy to prevent the onset of cancer

    Oscillatory Behavior in Methane Combustion: Influence of the Operating Parameters

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    The influence of the main process parameters on the oscillatory behavior of methane oxidation was analyzed in conditions relevant for low-temperature combustion processes. The investigation was performed by means of direct comparisons between experimental measurements realized in two jet-stirred flow reactors used at atmospheric pressure. With the operating conditions of the two systems coupled, wide ranges of the inlet temperature (790-1225 K), equivalence ratio (0.5 < Φ < 1.5), methane mole fraction (XCH4 from 0.01 to 0.05), bath gases (i.e., He, N2, CO2, or H2O) and different overall mixture dilution levels were exploited in relation to the identification of oscillatory regimes. Although the reference systems mainly differ in thermal conditions (i.e., heat exchange to the surroundings), temperature measurements suggested that the oscillatory phenomena occurred when the system working temperature accessed a well-identifiable temperature range. Experimental results were simulated by means of a detailed kinetic scheme and commercial codes developed for complex chemistry processes. Simulations were also extended considering systems with different heat losses to the surroundings, thus passing from adiabatic to isothermal systems. Results highlighted the kinetic nature of the dynamic behavior. Because predictions were consistent with experimental tests, further numerical analyses were realized to identify the kinetics responsible for the establishment of oscillatory phenomena. Temperature oscillations were predicted for a significant reactor working temperature range, where oxidation and recombination kinetic routes, involving carbon C1-2 species as well as reactions of the H2/O2 sub-scheme, become competitive, thus boosting limit cycle behaviors. Oscillatory phenomena cease when the system working temperatures exceed characteristic threshold values with the promotion of faster oxidation routes that diminish the inhibiting effects of recombination reactions

    Altered multisensory temporal integration in obesity

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    Eating is a multisensory behavior. The act of placing food in the mouth provides us with a variety of sensory information, including gustatory, olfactory, somatosensory, visual, and auditory. Evidence suggests altered eating behavior in obesity. Nonetheless, multisensory integration in obesity has been scantily investigated so far. Starting from this gap in the literature, we seek to provide the first comprehensive investigation of multisensory integration in obesity. Twenty male obese participants and twenty male healthy-weight participants took part in the study aimed at describing the multisensory temporal binding window (TBW). The TBW is defined as the range of stimulus onset asynchrony in which multiple sensory inputs have a high probability of being integrated. To investigate possible multisensory temporal processing deficits in obesity, we investigated performance in two multisensory audiovisual temporal tasks, namely simultaneity judgment and temporal order judgment. Results showed a wider TBW in obese participants as compared to healthy-weight controls. This holds true for both the simultaneity judgment and the temporal order judgment tasks. An explanatory hypothesis would regard the effect of metabolic alterations and low-grade inflammatory state, clinically observed in obesity, on the temporal organization of brain ongoing activity, which one of the neural mechanisms enabling multisensory integration

    Measurement of isotopic separation of argon with the prototype of the cryogenic distillation plant Aria for dark matter searches

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    The Aria cryogenic distillation plant, located in Sardinia, Italy, is a key component of the DarkSide-20k experimental program for WIMP dark matter searches at the INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy. Aria is designed to purify the argon, extracted from underground wells in Colorado, USA, and used as the DarkSide-20k target material, to detector-grade quality. In this paper, we report the first measurement of argon isotopic separation by distillation with the 26&nbsp;m tall Aria prototype. We discuss the measurement of the operating parameters of the column and the observation of the simultaneous separation of the three stable argon isotopes: 36Ar , 38Ar , and 40Ar . We also provide a detailed comparison of the experimental results with commercial process simulation software. This measurement of isotopic separation of argon is a significant achievement for the project, building on the success of the initial demonstration of isotopic separation of nitrogen using the same equipment in 2019

    Study on cosmogenic activation above ground for the DarkSide-20k project

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    The activation of materials due to the exposure to cosmic rays may become an important background source for experiments investigating rare event phenomena. DarkSide-20k is a direct detection experiment for galactic dark matter particles, using a two-phase liquid argon time projection chamber filled with 49.7 tonnes (active mass) of Underground Argon (UAr) depleted in 39Ar. Here, the cosmogenic activity of relevant long-lived radioisotopes induced in the argon and other massive components of the set-up has been estimated; production of 120 t of radiopure UAr is foreseen. The expected exposure above ground and production rates, either measured or calculated, have been considered. From the simulated counting rates in the detector due to cosmogenic isotopes, it is concluded that activation in copper and stainless steel is not problematic. Activation of titanium, considered in early designs but not used in the final design, is discussed. The activity of 39Ar induced during extraction, purification and transport on surface, in baseline conditions, is evaluated to be 2.8% of the activity measured in UAr from the same source, and thus considered acceptable. Other products in the UAr such as 37Ar and 3H are shown to not be relevant due to short half-life and assumed purification methods

    Directionality of nuclear recoils in a liquid argon time projection chamber

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    The direct search for dark matter in the form of weakly interacting massive particles (WIMP) is performed by detecting nuclear recoils (NR) produced in a target material from the WIMP elastic scattering. A promising experimental strategy for direct dark matter search employs argon dual-phase time projection chambers (TPC). One of the advantages of the TPC is the capability to detect both the scintillation and charge signals produced by NRs. Furthermore, the existence of a drift electric field in the TPC breaks the rotational symmetry: the angle between the drift field and the momentum of the recoiling nucleus can potentially affect the charge recombination probability in liquid argon and then the relative balance between the two signal channels. This fact could make the detector sensitive to the directionality of the WIMP-induced signal, enabling unmistakable annual and daily modulation signatures for future searches aiming for discovery. The Recoil Directionality (ReD) experiment was designed to probe for such directional sensitivity. The TPC of ReD was irradiated with neutrons at the INFN Laboratori Nazionali del Sud, and data were taken with 72 keV NRs of known recoil directions. The direction-dependent liquid argon charge recombination model by Cataudella et al. was adopted and a likelihood statistical analysis was performed, which gave no indications of significant dependence of the detector response to the recoil direction. The aspect ratio R of the initial ionization cloud is estimated to be 1.037 +/- 0.027 and the upper limit is R < 1.072 with 90% confidence levelComment: 20 pages, 10 figures, submitted to Eur. Phys. J.
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