320 research outputs found

    Creative connectivity project - A network based approach to understand correlations between interdisciplinary group dynamics and creative performance

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    Creativity, technology and innovation are fundamental driving forces that often trigger behavioural and cultural changes in our societies. Several studies on creative collaborations emphasise the interconnection between the creation of innovation and interdisciplinarity. Studying the interdisciplinary processes through which innovation is generated is thus of fundamental importance. The Creative Connectivity project investigates the links between group dynamics and interdisciplinary creative processes in the attempt to identify the emergence of meaningful behavioural patterns. Taking the Innovation Design Engineering (IDE) programme at the Royal College of Art as a case study, the research addresses the need to develop a more rigorous understanding of the creation of innovation fostered by diversity, a risk-taking culture and acceptance of failure. A novel approach combining data science and network theory has been developed to monitor, quantify and analyse specific dynamics of interdisciplinary groups of students at the IDE programme. The focus was to investigate the network contribution to the performance of a team in an environment that is naturally interdisciplinary by using data respectively from a bespoke developed web application and a conversation activity monitoring system. Initial findings have shown the potential of this approach to unveiling the hidden mechanisms behind creativity and the production of innovation through interdisciplinary approaches. The results of this research could be of interest for universities, research centres, start-ups incubators, and policymakers who want to foster creativity and trigger innovative processes

    Perceived high risk of COVID-19 vaccination:The revealing power of placebo

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    The use of a placebo as an additional diagnostic step in the allergological workup of suspected hypersensitivity reactions can be of great value. In this study, nearly 1 in 3 patients had symptoms after administration of placebo

    Biomarkers of immediate drug hypersensitivity

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    Immediate drug hypersensitivity reactions (IDHRs) are a burden for patients and the health systems. This problem increases when taking into account that only a small proportion of patients initially labelled as allergic are finally confirmed after an allergological workup. The diverse nature of drugs involved will imply different interactions with the immunological system. Therefore, IDHRs can be produced by a wide array of mechanisms mediated by the drug interaction with specific antibodies or directly on effector target cells. These heterogeneous mechanisms imply an enhanced complexity for an accurate diagnosis and the identification of the phenotype and endotype at early stages of the reaction is of vital importance. Currently, several endophenotypic categories (type I IgE/non-IgE, cytokine release, Mast-related G-protein coupled receptor X2 (MRGPRX2) or Cyclooxygenase-1 (COX-1) inhibition and their associated biomarkers have been proposed. A precise knowledge of endotypes will permit to discriminate patients within the same phenotype, which is crucial in order to personalise diagnosis, future treatment and prevention to improve the patient's quality of life.Funding for open Access charge: Universidad de Málaga / CBUA. This work has been supported by the Institute of Health ‘Carlos III’ (ISCIII) of the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) (grants cofunded by European Regional Development). Fund: PI20/01734; PI22/01119; REI-RICORS RD21/0002/0008, RD21/0002/0058. Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health (grant nos. PI-0076-2019, PI-0127-2020, PI-0129-2021, PI21/00329). DrNanoDall project by ISCIII thorough AES 2019 within the ERANET-EuroNanoMed-III framework (AC19/00082). CM holds a ‘Nicolas Monardes’ research contract with the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health (RC-0004-2021). AA holds a Senior Postdoctoral Contract (RH-0099-2020) with the Andalusian Regional Ministry of Health (cofunded by European Social Fund (ESF): ‘Andalucía se mueve con Europa’). VS is a Senior Clinical Investigator of the Flemish Research Council (FWO; grant 1804523N)

    A clinical trial of oral hyposensitization in systemic allergy to nickel.

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    Nickel allergy is the most common contact allergy. Some nickel-sensitive patients present systemic (cutaneous and/or digestive) symptoms related to the ingestion of high nickel-content foods, which significantly improve after a specific low nickel-content diet. The etiopathogenetic role of nickel in the genesis of systemic disorders is, furthermore, demonstrated by the relapse of previous contact lesions, appearance of widespread eczema and generalized urticaria-like lesions after oral nickel challenge test. The aim of this study is to investigate the safety and efficacy of a specific oral hyposensitization to nickel in patients with both local contact disorders and systemic symptoms after the ingestion of nickel-containing foods. Inclusion criteria for the recruitment of these patients were (other than a positive patch test) a benefit higher than 80% from a low nickel-content diet and a positive oral challenge with nickel. Based on the previous experiences, our group adopted a therapeutic protocol by using increasing oral doses of nickel sulfate associated to an elimination diet. Results have been excellent: this treatment has been effective in inducing clinical tolerance to nickel-containing foods, with a low incidence of side effects (gastric pyrosis, itching erythema)

    Basophil activation testing in diagnosis and monitoring of allergic disease - An overview

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    The nature of basophil activation as an ex vivo challenge makes it a multifaceted and promising tool for the allergist. Through the development of flow cytometry, discovery of activation markers such as CD63 and markers identifying basophil granulocytes, the basophil activation test (BAT) has become a pervasive test. BAT measures basophil response to allergen crosslinking IgE on between 150 and 2,000 basophil granulocytes with remarkable analytical sensitivity in &lt;0.1 ml fresh blood. Dichotomous activation is assessed as the fraction of reacting basophils. In patients with food-, insect venom-, and drug allergy and patients with chronic urticaria BAT can be part of the diagnostic evaluation in addition to history, skin prick testing, and specific IgE determination. BAT may also be helpful in determining the clinically relevant allergen. Basophil sensitivity may be used to monitor patients on allergen immunotherapy, anti-IgE treatment, or in the natural resolution of allergy. The test may use fewer resources and be more reproducible than oral, sting, nasal or bronchial challenge testing. BAT may be useful before challenge testing as it is less stressful for the patient and avoids severe allergic reactions. It may be useful before challenge testing. An important next step is to standardize BAT and make it available in diagnostic laboratories. This article provides an overview of the practical and technical details as well as the utility of BAT in diagnosis and management of allergic diseases.</p

    Standard methods for Apis mellifera venom research

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    Honey bees have a sting which allows them to inject venomous substances into the body of an opponent or attacker. As the sting originates from a modified ovipositor, it only occurs in the female insect, and this is a defining feature of the bee species that belong to a subclade of the Hymenoptera called Aculeata. There is considerable interest in bee venom research, primarily because of an important subset of the human population who will develop a sometimes life threatening allergic response after a bee sting. However, the use of honey bee venom goes much further, with alleged healing properties in ancient therapies and recent research. The present paper aims to standardize selected methods for honey bee venom research. It covers different methods of venom collection, characterization and storage. Much attention was also addressed to the determination of the biological activity of the venom and its use in the context of biomedical research, more specifically venom allergy. Finally, the procedure for the assignment of new venom allergens has been presented. Las abejas meliferas tienen un aguijon que les permite inyectar sustancias venenosas en el cuerpo de un oponente o atacante. El aguijon es un ovipositor modificado que solo se manifiesta en el insecto hembra, siendo este una caracteristica que define a las especies de abejas que pertenecen al subclado de himenopteros llamada Aculeata. Hay un interes considerable en la investigacion del veneno de abeja, principalmente debido a que un porcentaje importante de la poblacion humana desarrollara una respuesta alergica - a veces mortal - a la picadura de abeja. Sin embargo, el uso del veneno de la abeja melifera abarca mucho mas, con presuntas propiedades curativas en terapias antiguas e investigaciones recientes. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo estandarizar metodos seleccionados para la investigacion del veneno de las abejas meliferas. Cubre diferentes metodos de recoleccion, caracterizacion y almacenamiento de veneno. Tambien se presto mucha atencion a la determinacion de la actividad biologica del veneno y su uso en el contexto de la investigacion biomedica, mas especificamente la alergia al veneno. Finalmente, se ha presentado el procedimiento para la asignacion de nuevos alergenos de veneno
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