200 research outputs found

    "Sobre tenir lo Studi de Lleyda en Tortosa"

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    The lower medieval Catalan model of the estudi general (university) exemplified by the case of Lleida emphasises the weight achieved by the students as a body, the jurisdictional conflicts and, especially, the serious economic difficulties, that poisoned the relations with the poorly paid teaching staff and made the centre impossible to run. In that sense, the monarchy’s incapacity to provide the jurisdictional and financial bases, pushed higher education under a growing ecclesiastical weight snd municipal dependence. The local government, for its part, would have to increase the means of taxation needed to produce the necessary financing. All together, this generated difficulties that would burden the estudis generals throughout the lower Middle ages and into modern centuries, until their closure in the 18th century

    Estamentos, soberanía y modelo político en la Cataluña bajomedieval

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    Las cortes, vistas en el siglo XIII como escenificación del poder regio sobre los súbditos obligados a participar en ellas, pasan, en el siglo siguiente, a ser ámbito de presión por parte de unos estamentos que pueden no sólo condicionar un soberano falto de jurisdicción y de rentas sino culminar un pleno discurso de representatividad del país. Se contraponen así dos modelos políticos en torno a la soberanía, radicada en el monarca o en los estamentos, canalizando éstos un discurso de raíz municipalista que condicionará la posterior interpretación historiográfica

    The Catalonia of the 10th to 12th centuries and the historiographic definition of feudalism

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    The historiographic evolution of the concept of feudalism, from its formulation in the 17th century until today, has affected Catalonia differently. In the last quarter of the 20th century, it reached a prominent position as a paradigm of the mutationist model. The numerous sources still conserved, coupled with the enrichment of interpretative perspectives, facilitate a revision. However, it should be undertaken cautiously in light of the pitfalls of the documentation itself and the hermeneutic difficulties. Nonetheless, revision is a challenge that cannot be neglected given that the events that took place in the northeast of the Iberian Peninsula between the 10th and 12th centuries heavily conditioned the subsequent history

    El Veguer a Catalunya. Anàlisi del funcionament de la jurisdicció reial al segle XIV

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    The Low Middel Ages as a crisis in the history of mankind

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    La historiografía del siglo XX ha insistido en identificar la baja Edad Media con un período de crisis. Las revisiones recientes provenientes de la historia económica y social imponen severas matizaciones a esta visión. En realidad, la visión de los últimos siglos del medioevo como una crisis procede de la axiología compartida por quienes vivieron en esa época. La cosmovisión compartida infundía una seguridad que, a la vez, conllevaba un temor y una crítica ante la incapacidad para generalizar el modelo de sociedad cristiana. La visión negativa generada se transmitirá secularmente, adaptándose a las diversas teorías explicativas.The Late Middle Ages has been identified as a times of crisis by the 20th century historiography. Nevertheless, recently, the Economic and Social History has imposed several corrections. In reality, the vision of the last centuries of the Middle Ages as a crisis comes from the values shared by those who lived at that time. The shared worldview instilled a confidence that, in turn, entailed a fear and criticism at the inability to generalize the model of Christian society. The negative vision survived throughout the centuries, expressed, at each time, according the predominant theories.Fil: Sabaté, Flocel. Universidad Nacional de Cuy