68 research outputs found

    Radion Flavor Violation in Warped Extra Dimension

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    We analyze the flavor violation in warped extra dimension due to radion mediation. We show that \Delta S=2 and \Delta B=2 flavor violating processes impose stringent constraints on radion mass, m_\phi and the scale \Lambda_\phi. In particular, for \Lambda_\phi ~ O(1) TeV, B_d^0-\bar{B}^0_d implies that m_\phi ~ 65 GeV. We also study radion contributions to lepton flavor violating processes: \tau -> (e,\mu) \phi, \tau -> e\mu^+\mu^- and B -> l_i l_j. We show that BR(B_s -> \mu^+ \mu^-) can be of order 10^{-8}, which is reachable at the LHCb. The radion search at LHC, through the flavor violation decays into \tau \mu or top-charm quarks, is also considered.Comment: 23 pages, 9 figure

    Ups and Downs in Finance, Ups without Downs in Inequality

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    The upswing in finance over the past several decades has led to rising inequality, but do downswings in finance lead to a symmetric decline in inequality? In this paper, we analyze the asymmetry of the effect of ups and downs in financial markets, as well as the effect of increased capital requirements and the bonus cap on national earnings in- equality. We use administrative employer–employee linked data on earnings from 1990 to 2017 for twelve countries. Additionally, we use data on earnings from bank reports, from 2009 to 2017 in thirteen European countries. We find a strong asymmetry in the effects of financial ups and downs on earnings inequality, a mitigating effect of rising capital requirements on the contribution of finance to inequality, and a restructuring ef- fect of the bonus cap for the earnings of financiers, while neither policy affects absolute levels of earnings inequality.La hausse de la finance au cours des dernières décennies a entraîné une hausse des inégalités, mais les ralentissements de la finance entraînent-ils une baisse symétrique des inégalités? Dans cet article, nous examinons l'asymétrie de l'effet des hausses et des ralentissements des marchés financiers, ainsi que l'effet de l'augmentation des exi- gences en matière de capital et du plafonnement des primes sur l'inégalité des salaires nationaux. Nous utilisons des données administratives couplées employeur-employé sur les salaires de 1990 à 2017 pour douze pays. De plus, nous employons des données sur les salaires provenant des rapports bancaires, de 2009 à 2017, dans 13 pays euro- péens. Nous constatons une forte asymétrie dans les effets des hausses et des ralentis- sements financières sur l'inégalité des salaires, un effet de mitigation de l'augmentation des exigences de capitalisation sur la contribution de la finance à l'inégalité, et un effet de restructuration du plafonnement des primes pour les salaires des financiers, alors qu'aucune des deux mesures n'affecte les niveaux absolus d'inégalité des salaires.iv MaxPo Discussion Paper 21/2 1 Introduction 2 Data Administrative employer–employee linked data World Bank GFDD database European bank reports 3 The contribution of financiers’ earnings to inequality and its asymmetry in upswings and downswings Less finance, less inequality? The asymmetry of the redistribution of earnings through financialization 4 Finance, regulation, and inequality Capital requirements and inequality The bonus cap 5 Conclusion Appendices A1 Data description A2 Supplementary tables and figures Reference

    The Great Separation: Top Earner Segregation at Work in High-Income Countries

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    Analyzing linked employer-employee panel administrative databases, we study the evolving isolation of higher earners from other employees in eleven countries: Canada, Czechia, Denmark, France, Germany, Hungary, Japan, Norway, Spain, South Korea, and Sweden. We find in almost all countries a growing workplace isolation of top earners and dramatically declining exposure of top earners to bottom earners. We compare these trends to segregation based on occupational class, education, age, gender, and nativity, finding that the rise in top earner isolation is much more dramatic and general across countries. We find that residential segregation is also growing, although more slowly than segregation at work, with top earners and bottom earners increasingly living in different distinct municipalities. While work and residential segregation are correlated, statistical modeling suggests that the primary causal effect is from work to residential segregation. These findings open up a future research program on the causes and consequences of top earner segregation.En nous appuyant sur des données administratives longitudinales employeur–employés, nous analysons l’évolution de la ségrégation sociale des salariés à hauts salaires dans onze pays: Allemagne, Canada, Corée du Sud, Danemark, Espagne, France, Hongrie, Japon, Norvège, République tchèque et Suède. Nous constatons dans presque tous les pays une forte augmentation de l’entre soi des salariés bien payés sur le lieu de travail et une diminution spectaculaire de leur exposition aux bas salaires. Nous comparons ces tendances à l’évolution de la ségrégation fondée sur la catégorie sociale, l’éducation, l’âge, le sexe et le statut migratoire, et nous constatons que l’augmentation de l’entre soi des hauts salaires est celle qui est la plus prononcée et la plus générale. Nous montrons que la ségrégation résidentielle se développe aussi, bien que plus lentement que la ségrégation au travail, avec les hauts et les bas salaires vivant de plus en plus dans des municipalités distinctes. Ségrégation au travail et ségrégation résidentielle sont corrélées. Mais nos modèles statistiques suggèrent aussi que la principale relation de causalité va de la ségrégation au travail vers la ségrégation résidentielle. Ces résultats ouvrent la voie à un futur programme de recherche sur les causes et les conséquences de la ségrégation des hauts salaires.1 Introduction 2 From ethnic residential segregation to earnings segregation at work 3 Administrative data for estimating exposure measures 4 A strong increase in earnings segregation at work 5 A robust trend 17 French robustness tests 6 A specific trend 7 The link between work and residential segregation 8 Elements for a research program on the causes and consequences of increasing segregation at work The roots of growing earnings segregation at work The consequences of growing earnings segregation at work Appendices A1 Data sources and sample definition A2 Demonstration of the symmetry of relative exposure gRh = hRg A3 Figure construction A4 French robustness checks Supplementary figures and tables Reference

    Agricultural engineering education in Turkey: The struggle of separating engineering from science

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    While the education in agricultural engineering has been evolving worldwide to include more biological emphasis, there are still problems for this part of the profession to be identified and recognized correctly by the general public in Turkey. Agricultural engineering education and profession in Turkey has long been controversial since it has been confused with agricultural science education. We present the current interpretation of 'agricultural engineering' in Turkey and highlight how engineering education has been mixed up with science education in agriculture. We take a historical approach and propose possible remedies within the world's general engineering education trends. © 2007 TEMPUS Publications

    Performance comparisions of tractor tire configurations on concrete surface

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    Effects of tire ply construction (radial and bias-ply) and tire arrangement (singles and duals on the rear axle) on the performance of a medium-powered tractor were evaluated on a concrete surface for three gear levels. Performance evaluations were identified in terms of maximum drawbar pull, maximum drawbar power, overall tractor efficiency, and specific fuel consumption. The use of radial tires provided a small advantages on the evaluation criteria compared to the bias tire. The use of dual tires instead of single tires and the increase of ground speed provided considerable advantages with respect to the evaluation criteria, particularly on the maximum drawbar power. The best results in this study were obtained with radial tires and dual configuration at the highest speed level used in the study. In this configuration, the maximum drawbar power and overall tractor efficiency increased by about 12 % and 4 %, respectively, while specific fuel consumption decreased by about 4 %

    Effects of different tire configurations on tractor performance

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    The effects of tire ply constructions (radial and bias) and tire arrangements (singles and duals on rear the axle) on tractor performance were evaluated for 2 gear levels on 2 different fields covered with wheat stubble and having different soil types, clay and sandy-loam. For this purpose, the tractor's overall efficiency, specific fuel consumption, and slip values were determined using parameters measured in the study. The results showed that the use of radial tires provided some advantages. For example, overall tractor efficiency with radial tires instead of bias tires increased by 3.44%, while specific fuel consumption decreased by 3.08% on average. When operating with dual tires instead of single tires, overall efficiency increased by 14.73%, while specific fuel consumption decreased by 12.77% on average. Radial-ply tires did not provide a considerable reduction (6.7% on average) in terms of slip compared to bias-ply tires, while the use of duals reduced the slip by 34% on average. Variance analysis was performed and evaluated to determine the statistical significance of effects on the performance of the factors and their interactions. According to the statistical results, the best results were obtained with radial tires in dual configuration. © TÜBİTAK

    Relationship between pinguecula formation and exposure to tandoor ovens in a hospital-based study

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    AIM: To investigate the relationship between pinguecula and the use of tandoor ovens. METHODS: A total of 539 women, ranging in age from 20 to 86y who attended an outpatient clinic were enrolled. All the patients were asked whether they used tandoor ovens. Women exposed to tandoor ovens (n= 286) were accepted as participants in the study group and they were compared with participants in the control group (n =253). The age, presence of pinguecula, duration of exposure to tandoor ovens as years and occupations were recorded for all the subjects. RESULTS: Mean duration for exposure to tandoor was 20.26y (range 1 -62y) in the study group. The rate of pinguecula in the study group was 82.2% (235/286), and the rate in the control group was 37.5% (95/253); this difference was statistically significant (P<0.05).Pinguecula was seen in 61.2% (330/539) of all the participants. CONCLUSION: Pinguecula is strongly associated with exposure to tandoor ovens. © 2014, Int J Ophthalmol. All rights reserved

    Noise exposed of the operators of combine harvesters with and without a cab

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    PubMedID: 16527245A considerable number of the combine harvesters in Turkey are rather old and used without cabs resulting in unhealthy working conditions for their operators. Noise is one of the detrimental factors. This study deals with determining and comparing the noise exposed on the operators of the combines with and without a cab used for wheat harvesting in Turkey. The sound pressure levels (dB) at octave band center frequencies (31.5-8000 Hz) and the sound levels (dBA) at the ear level of the operators were measured on 37 different combine harvesters with four different makes and different years from 1976 to 2001. Fifteen of the combines were without a cab, another 15 had original cabs while remaining seven combines had cabs mounted on them after manufacturing. The sound pressure levels were in a decreasing trend from the lower frequencies to higher frequencies. This trend was more noticeable for the combines with original cab and with the cab mounted after manufacturing compared to the ones without cab. The use of a cab was more effective in the insulation of the noise at the medium and higher frequencies, which have more bothersome effect compared to the lower frequencies. The sound pressure levels were 75-102 dB and 46-89 dB at low (31.5-500 Hz) and high (500-8000 Hz) frequencies for all combines, respectively. The sound pressure levels at the frequency of 4000 Hz at which the human ear is most sensitive were 6-17 dB lower for the combines with the cabs mounted after manufacturing and 9-28 dB lower for the ones with the original cabs compared to the combines without cab. The sound levels were 85-90, 81-83, and 76-81 dBA for the combines without cab, with cab mounted after manufacturing, and with original cab, respectively. The study showed that the use of a cab was useful in the insulation of the noise, particularly at higher frequencies. In addition, it protects the operator from the factors having detrimental effects on the working efficiency such as high temperature and dusty environment. The authors strongly recommend mounting of a cab on to the combines currently being used without a cab in rental system in Turkey to provide healthy working conditions for their operators. © 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved