192 research outputs found

    "(Un) Privileged Embodiments of Femininity, (Un) Hegemonic Articulations of Desire: The Shifting Grounds of the New Veiling Trend in Jordan"

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    This dissertation examines the new veiling trend as it is embodied by Jordanian Muslim women. It approaches veiling in terms of being an experience of femininity and desire and unpacks its complex bodily implications. I place the emphasis on one of the trend’s increasingly popular manifestations in particular; namely, the fashionable veiling. By accentuating their bodies and actively engaging the male gaze, fashionably veiled women negotiate the Quranic and cultural limits of the practice and turn it into a fashion-based and desire affirming body project. In addition to engaging the embodiment of the practice, the dissertation explores its shifting conceptualization and the discourses that shape the different forms of Muslim femininity in the country. Alongside Muslim veiling, the dissertation examines Muslim non-veiling as another important constituent of the project of Muslim femininity in Jordan. By exploring Muslim veiling and non-veiling simultaneously, the research draws attention to the interconnectedness of these body projects and underscores the stakes and contingent privileges that accompany a woman’s decision to embody one but not the other. To explore these aspects, I used the theoretical frameworks of Smith, Foucault, Butler, and Mahmood among others and conducted one-to-one semi-structured in-depth interviews with fifteen veiled and non-veiled Jordanian Muslim women. Starting from the participants’ narratives, I argue that the forms of veiling that are gaining hold in Jordan challenge the Quranic conceptualization of the practice as well as the hegemonic expressions of desire in Islam, but only to a limited extent. While transgressive, these forms reinforce the structures that stand behind the practice and do not disrupt the sexual politics embedded in it

    Intra-Carpal Tunnel Steroid Injections Are Superior to Nsaids in Management of Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

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    Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is caused by the compression of median nerve in carpal tunnel. Carpal bones make the floor of the carpal tunnel and the transverse carpal ligament forms the roof. Components include median nerve and the flexor tendons. The pain may be localized to the wrist or may radiate to forearm, arm or rarely shoulder. Effectiveness of treatment by intracarpal corticosteroid injection in comparison with NSAID has never been investigated. The objective of this study was to determine if corticosteroid injections for carpal tunnel syndrome are effective compared to NSAID

    The Relationship Between Knowledge Management Practices And Innovation Level In Organizations: Case Study Of Sub-Companies Of Selected Corporations In The City Of Esfahan

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    The purpose of this paper is to examine the relationship between knowledge management practices and innovation levels in organizations.  Through a questionnaire, required data were gathered in sub-companies of three corporations in the city of Esfahan. Seventy-four questionnaires were given to top and middle managers of these companies and 36 were returned (49.65% response rate). Correlation analysis was used to check the relationship between the variables.  The researchers found a strong, positive and significant relationship between knowledge management practices and innovation levels in these companies.  The result is related to a small number of companies in Esfahan. It is not easy to generalize the result of the current study to other contexts.  Knowledge management is one of the hottest issues among academicians, but it is still difficult to justify managers about its importance in organizations. This study tries to provide some empirical evidence in order to support the role of knowledge management in enhancing innovation.  There is not sufficient empirical evidence to prove the role of knowledge management practices in the search of innovation


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    Type 2diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is the most common form of diabetes and is characterized by disorders of insulin action and insulin secretion, and associated with increase problem of insulin resistant. High plasma levels of insulin and glucose due to insulin resistance often lead tometabolic syndrome. Chronic inflammation associated with metabolic and immune system involves a network of cellular andsystemic responses that integrates many complex signaling pathways infiltration of inflammation cells in adipose tissue , abnormal pro-inflammatory cytokinesproduction(IL-8,TNF-α). The study is designed to measure glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c),IL-8 and TNF-α.These parameters and measures applied for thirty newly diagnosed  patients with diabetes before and after treatment divided into 3 group.Three groups of (10) patients each newly diagnosed withT2DM;group(1) receives:500mg metformin for 3 months with (HbA1c=9.54±1.95,IL-8=13.85±6.15,TNF-α=260.1±123.7).                                                      group(2)receives:1000mg metformin for 3 months with (HbA1c=9.16±1.55,IL-8=15.02±6.28,TNF-α=230.86±49.26).    group(3)receives:1500mg metformin for 3 months with(HbA1c=9.80±1.94,IL-8=14.41±4.61,TNF-=207.42±40.45).                       Blood samples were withdrawn from the patients at pretreatment,then after 3 months of treatment. After 3 months of  treatment, patient who received metformin 1500mg had greater reduction in  HbA1c,IL-8 and TNF-α(27,9percent,44.20percent and49.75percent respectively),compared with patient who received metformin 1000mg(18.3percent,15.77percent,34.42percent respectively)and to metformin 500mg(10.3percent.12.56percent and 4.72percent).Metformin monotherapy are effective as an initial treatment of newly diagnosed diabetic patients in The national  diabetes center / University of Al-Mustansiriyah, Iraq.Metformin has significant reduction effect on these three group, had significant reduction in HbA1c and also significant reduction in cytokines in the three dose in different percent.Keywords,metformin,cytokines,diabete

    Effects of Sawdust and Rice husk Additives on Physical Properties of Ceramic Filter

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    استخدمت طريقتان لتشكيل المرشحات السيراميكية، وبالتحديد، الصب الانزلاقي والكبس شبه الجاف  لتصنيع المرشحات السيراميكية من المواد الخام المحلية كالطين الأحمر والمواد القابلة للاحتراق (نشارة الخشب وقشر الأرز). تم استخدام نسب وزنية مختلفة  من المواد المضافة كعامل تشكيل المسام لخلق المسامات في المرشح السيراميكي. حرقت المرشحات المشكلة عند درجة الحرارة إلى 1000 درجة مئوية. وقد وجد أن تقنيات التشكيل والإضافات لها تأثير كبير على خصائص المرشحات السيراميكية النانجة. طريقة الصب الانزلاقي هي الطريقة أكثر ملاءمة لإنتاج المرشح السيراميكي المسامي. وكذلك تزداد المسامية مع زيادة نسبة المواد المضافة.Two processes were employed for forming, specifically,  slip casting and semi-dry press were used to manufacture ceramic filters from local raw materials, red clay and combustible materials  (sawdust and rice husk). Different proportions of additives were used as pores forming agents to create porosity in ceramic filter. Dried filters  were fired at temperature to 1000°C.   It was found that the forming technique and additives have great effect on the physical properties of the produced ceramic filters. The slip casting technique was more suitable procedure for producing a porous ceramic filter. As well as, porosity increased as percentage of the combustible materials increased

    Spectrum of complications of severe DKA in children in pediatric intensive care unit

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    Objectives: To describe the spectrum of complications of Diabetic Ketoacidosis (DKA) observed in children admitted with severe DKA.Methods: Retrospective review of the medical records of all children admitted with the diagnosis of severe DKA in Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU) of the Aga Khan University Hospital, from January 2010 to December 2015 was done. Data was collected on a structured proforma and descriptive statistics were applied.Results: Total 37 children were admitted with complicated DKA (1.9% of total PICU admission with 1.8% in 2010 and 3.4% in 2015). Mean age of study population was 8.1±4.6 years and 70% were females (26/37). Mean Prism III score was 9.4±6, mean GCS on presentation was 11±3.8 and mean lowest pH was 7.00±0.15. Complications observed included hyperchloremia (35.94%), hypokalemia (30.81%), hyponatremia (26.70%), cerebral edema (16.43%), shock (13.35%), acute kidney injury (10.27%), arrhythmias (3.8%), and thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (5.4%), while one patient had myocarditis and ARDS each. 13/37 children (35%) needed inotropic support, 11/37 (30%) required mechanical ventilation while only one patient required renal replacement therapy. Two patients (5.4%) died during their PICU stay.Conclusions: Hyperchloremia and other electrolyte abnormalities, cerebral edema and AKI are the most common complications of severe DKA

    Examining the impact of abusive supervision on employees’ psychological wellbeing and turnover intention: The mediating role of intrinsic motivation

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    The competitiveness and sustainability of employees in service and non-service-based organizations continue to trigger scholars’ interest to investigate the related factors. As per the review of literature, there are only a few studies have been conducted on abusive supervision and intrinsic motivation about employee psychological wellbeing and turnover intention. We applied the social exchange theory to abusive supervisors at the workplace. This study, therefore, explores the direct and indirect relationship between abusive supervision on subordinate psychological wellbeing and turnover in service-based organizations. This empirical study employs a quantitative research methodology to establish the mediating influence of intrinsic motivation between the underlying constructs. Out of 300 research questionnaires distributed to full-time employees working in service-based organizations in Pakistan, 225 responses were successful for analysis, and validation was conducted through partial least square structural equation modelling (PLS-SEM). The results of this study demonstrate that abusive supervision (AS) positively impacting on both psychological wellbeing (PWB) and turnover intentions (TI) of the employees. More importantly, intrinsic motivation (IM) is also positively and significantly mediate the relationship between AS and PWB, and AS and TI. The study provides substantial implications to managers and leaders by redesigning existing strategies to promote a feasible culture within the working environment for the employees to improve performance. The current study enhances existing literature on employee wellbeing and human resource management by integrating intrinsic motivation (IM) as a mediation model/concept. Limitations and future research directions have been discussed in the entire paper. © 2020 The Author(s). This open access article is distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution (CC-BY) 4.0 license.Tomas Bata University in Zlin [IGA/FaME/2020/010, IGA/FaME/2019/008

    Examining the mediating-moderating role of psychological contract breach and abusive supervision on employee well-being in banking sector

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    Previous research rarely examined the antecedents of employee well-being with the interactive effect of abusive supervision and mediating impact of psychological contract breach especially in the developing country context. Drawing upon the social exchange theory, this study attempts to bridge a research gap by investigating work engagement, work-life balance, and turnover intention with employee well-being directly and through the moderating and mediation effects of abusive supervision and psychological contract breach. To validate these relationships, 208 employees who are working in banks of Pakistan were investigated, through a survey-based questionnaire. The Smart PLS 3.0 was employed to measure the association and test the hypotheses in which structural equation modelling played a role in checking the relationships among variables. The results demonstrate that work engagement, work-life balance, and turnover intention directly affect employee well-being. This study also found that psychological contract breach has a partial mediation effect between work engagement, work-life balance, turnover intention, and abusive supervision with employee well-being. Additionally, this study shows that abusive supervision has a moderating impact between psychological contract breach and employee well-being. This study contributes to the literature and body of knowledge in human resource management and organizational behaviour. This study helps to better understanding employee well-being at micro-level in a service sector especially in developing country context (Pakistan). Finally, this study helps managers to express their feedback, suggestions, and interaction with employees

    Preparation of [Co(NH3)5Cl]Cl2 Complexes and Characterization of (PVA- [Co(NH3)5Cl]Cl2]) Composites

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    In this paper , preparation of  [Co(NH3)5Cl]Cl2 complexes and study the effect of addition [Co(NH3)5Cl]Cl2 complexes on optical properties of polyvinyl alcohol. The  samples have been prepared by casting technique and different thickness. . The absorption and transmission spectra has been recorded in the wavelength range ( 200 – 800 ) nm. The experimental results show that the absorption coefficient, energy gap of the indirect allowed and forbidden  transition, extinction coefficient, read and imaginary dielectric constant and refractive index are changing with increase the of [Co(NH3)5Cl]Cl2 concentration. Key words: polymer, optical properties, complexes