55 research outputs found

    Customer Value Co-Creation through Reverse Use of Customer Data

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    Asiakastiedon hyödyntämisessä on kehittymässä merkittävä muutos. Sen sijaan että yritykset hyödyntävät asiakastietoa omissa sisäisissä prosesseissaan, asiakastiedosta jalostetaan asiakkaalle merkityksellistä informaatiota hänen omaan käyttöönsä. Yritykset eivät sovella asiakastietoa ainoastaan tunnistaakseen kannattavimmat asiakkaat tai kohdentaakseen markkinointiviestintää tehokkaammin, vaan antavat asiakastietoa takaisin asiakkaiden omien toimintojen tueksi. Väitöskirjatutkimuksessa eritellään ja analysoidaan vähittäiskaupan palvelua, jossa kassapäätedataan lisätään tietoa ruokaostosten terveysvaikutuksista ja uusi informaatio annetaan asiakkaiden käyttöön. Yritys- ja asiakashaastattelujen sekä laajan asiakaspalauteaineiston avulla tutkitaan asiakastiedon käänteisen käytön mahdollisuuksia sekä asiakkaan että yrityksen näkökulmasta. Lisäksi tunnistetaan asiakastiedon käänteisen käytön ilmiötä rakentavia ja tukevia elementtejä. Tutkimus haastaa perinteisen yritysorientoituneen tavan hyödyntää asiakastietoa se määrittelee asiakastiedon asiakkaan näkökulmasta. Se luo palvelunäkökulman asiakastiedon käyttöön siirtämällä huomion yrityksen sisäisestä asiakastiedon käytöstä ulkoiseen asiakkaan omia prosesseja tukevaan asiakastiedon käyttöön ja sillä palvelemiseen. Samalla se laajentaa yritysten ymmärrystä asiakastiedon mahdollisuuksista ja sen roolista uusien palveluliiketoimintamallien kehittämisessä.Firms customer data usage is becoming more diverse. Instead of firms using customer data unanimously to serve their own purposes, customer data is being refined and given back for the support of customers value creation. This research addresses the emerging phenomenon by building a general framework for reverse use of customer data in the context of food retailing. As a phenomenon, reverse use of customer data is still in its infancy. It is an underdeveloped area of research, which is why it is approached with caution and without any strict predefined schema. The focus is on exploring in detail the phenomenon and its context. A case study research is conducted on an Internet-based service application that provides customers with information about food healthfulness. The service combines point-of-sale data with nutritive substances of the groceries and gives the information back to customers for their own use. Data from multiple perspectives are generated and thematically analyzed. A set of basic principles that account for the research phenomenon are identified through four research questions. The research questions capture the fundamentals of reverse use of customer data and contribute to the building of the general framework. Two well-established theoretical approaches compose the theoretical framework of the research: the customer relationship management (CRM) framework and the service perspective characterized by the recent advances in service theory. Value co-creation is used as a central concept of the research. Through dismantling it into its constituent parts a conceptual tool is developed: understanding what kind of value for whom ( value ), by what kind of resources ( co ), and through what kind of a mechanism ( creation ) helps to both investigate the central characteristics of the research phenomenon and to synthesize the conceptual discussion beyond the boundaries of this research. The general framework for reverse use of customer data is built as the result of a continuous interplay between empirical data and theory. It is based on three perspectives. First, the customer perspective describes how reverse use of customer data supports the customer s value creation. A typology is constructed that captures the diverse ways ( Playing , Check-pointing , Learning , and Goal-orientation ) in which the customer s value creation is supported by the information resulting from reverse use of customer data. Also elements that determine the information s value-creating ability are identified. Second, the firm perspective captures how reverse use of customer data contributes to the firm s own value creation. Four themes are identified: increasing customer loyalty, differentiation and repositioning, corporate values and firm strategy, and firm image. Third, the general perspective uncovers elements that fundamentally constitute reverse use of customer data as a phenomenon in the research context. A paradigmatic change in customer data usage is unfolding. The research illuminates this evolution by extending the CRM framework and establishing a service perspective to customer data usage; it redirects attention from firms internal use of customer data toward external use of customer data. The research introduces reverse use of customer data as a customer value co-creation mechanism through which firms can provide customers with additional resources, go beyond traditional exchange and reach out to customer context. Similarly, through mechanisms for firm value co-creation, such as co-production or co-design, additional customer resources can be engaged in the firm s value-creating processes. Understanding the opportunities of different value co-creation mechanisms opens up a whole new spectrum of opportunities for reconfiguring firms value-creating logics, developing new service-based business models, and reinventing their roles as resource providers

    Hyvä potilaskokemus on osa laatua

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    Vertaisarvioitu.• Asiakas- eli potilaskokemus laajentaa huomiota potilashoidon kliinisistä toimenpiteistä laaja-alaisempaan, potilaan koko hoitopolun aikana rakentuvaan kokemukseen. • Hyvä potilaskokemus on yhteydessä parempaan hoidon laatuun, turvalliseen ja tehokkaaseen hoitoon sekä nopeampaan toipumiseen. • Potilaskokemuksen kehittäminen edellyttää mittaamista, tulosten analysointia ja niiden pohjalta toteutettuja muutoksia toiminnassa. • Tavoitteena ei ole potilaskokemuksen maksimointi, vaan sen optimointi, jotta rajallisilla resursseilla pystytään tuottamaan mahdollisimman paljon terveyttä.Peer reviewe

    Large-scale loyalty card data in health research

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    Objective To study the characteristics of large-scale loyalty card data obtained in Finland, and to evaluate their potential and challenges in health research. Methods We contacted the holders of a certain loyalty card living in a specific region in Finland via email, and requested their electronic informed consent to obtain their basic background characteristics and grocery expenditure data from 2016 for health research purposes. Non-participation and the characteristics and expenditure of the participants were mainly analysed using summary statistics and figures. Results The data on expenditure came from 14,595 (5.6% of those contacted) consenting loyalty card holders. A total of 68.5% of the participants were women, with an average age of 46 years. Women and residents of Helsinki were more likely to participate. Both young and old participants were underrepresented in the sample. We observed that annual expenditure represented roughly two-thirds of the nationally estimated annual averages. Customers and personnel differed in their characteristics and expenditure, but not so much in their most frequently bought items. Conclusions Loyalty card data from a major retailer enabled us to reach a large, heterogeneous sample with fewer resources than conventional surveys of the same magnitude. The potential of the data was great because of their size, coverage, objectivity, and long periods of dynamic data collection, which enables timely investigations. The challenges included bias due to non-participation, purchases in other stores, the level of detail in product grouping, and the knowledge gaps in what is being consumed and by whom. Loyalty card data are an underutilised resource in research, and could be used not only in retailers' activities, but also for societal benefit.Peer reviewe

    Sociodemographic differences in motives for food selection: results from the LoCard cross-sectional survey

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    Background Although sociodemographic differences in dietary intake have been widely studied, the up-to-date evidence on the corresponding variations in motives for food selection is limited. We investigated how sociodemographic characteristics and special diets in households are associated with the relative importance of various food motives. Methods Participants were members of the S Group loyalty card program across Finland who consented to release their grocery purchase data to be used for research purposes and responded to a web-based questionnaire in 2018 (LoCard study). Self-reported information on sociodemographic factors (age, gender, marital status, living situation, education, household income), special diets in household and food motives (Food Choice Questionnaire) were utilized in the present analyses (N = 10,795). Age- and gender-adjusted linear models were performed separately for each sociodemographic predictor and motive dimension (derived by factor analysis) outcome. The importance of each sociodemographic predictor was evaluated based on an increase in R-2 value after adding the predictor to the age- and gender-adjusted model. Results Age emerged as a central determinant of food motives with the following strongest associations: young adults emphasized convenience ( increment R-2 = 0.09, P < 0.001) and mood control ( increment R-2 = 0.05, P < 0.001) motives more than middle-aged and older adults. The relative importance of cheapness decreased with increasing socioeconomic position (SEP) ( increment R-2 = 0.08, P < 0.001 for income and increment R-2 = 0.04, P < 0.001 for education). However, the price item ("is good value for money") depicting the concept of worth did not distinguish between SEP categories. Considerations related to familiarity of food were more salient to men ( increment R-2 = 0.02, P < 0.001) and those with lower SEP ( increment R-2 = 0.03, P < 0.001 for education and increment R-2 = 0.01, P < 0.001 for income). Respondents living in households with a vegetarian, red-meat-free, gluten-free or other type of special diet rated ethical concern as relatively more important than households with no special diets ( increment R-2 = 0.02, P < 0.001). Conclusions We observed sociodemographic differences in a range of food motives that might act as barriers or drivers for adopting diets that benefit human and planetary health. Interventions aiming to narrow SEP and gender disparities in dietary intake should employ strategies that take into account higher priority of familiarity and price in daily food selection in lower-SEP individuals and males.Peer reviewe

    Maternal childbirth experience and time of delivery : a retrospective 7-year cohort study of 105 847 parturients in Finland

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    Objectives To explore how the time of delivery influences childbirth experience. Design A retrospective cohort study. Setting Childbirth in the four Helsinki and Uusimaa Hospital District hospitals, Finland, from 2012 to 2018. Participants 105 847 childbirths with a singleton live fetus. Main outcome measures Childbirth experience measured by Visual Analogue Scale (VAS). Results The major difference in average childbirth experience measured by VAS was between primiparas (8.03; 95% CI 8.01 to 8.04) and multiparas (8.47; 95% CI 8.45 to 8.48). Risk ratio (RR) of the low VAS ( Conclusion The maternal childbirth experience depended on the time of delivery. Giving birth during the evening led to impaired childbirth experience in both primiparas and multiparas, compared with delivery at other times. The impact of labour induction on childbirth experience should be further examined. The reorganisation of delivery services and the reduction of birth preparations might affect annual VAS. VAS is a simple method of measuring the complex entity of childbirth experience, and our results indicate its ability to capture temporal variation.Peer reviewe