35 research outputs found

    The adapted American Academy of Sleep Medicine sleep scoring criteria in one month old infants : A means to improve comparability?

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    Objective: The lack of standards induces variability in the sleep staging of infants less than two months of age. We evaluated the feasibility of the 2012 AASM sleep scoring rules for healthy one month old infants. Methods: 84 polysomnographies were scored into sleep stages with the adapted AASM criteria. The acquired sleep parameters were compared with the parameters in the literature. In addition the effect of age on sleep was studied. Results: The two independent scorers achieved substantial agreement by using the adapted AASM criteria. The infants' sleep parameters showed marked variability. The amount of active sleep was 36.7% (mean, range 21.3-54.1%), quiet sleep 41.5% (30.3-57.7%) and indeterminate sleep 21.6% (9.7-36.0%). With age sleep became more continuous, but the sleep stage percentages did not change. Our sleep parameters differed clearly from the parameters presented in the literature. Conclusions: The adapted scoring rules were reproducible. This encourages their use in clinical practice, as no uniform recommendations exist. Significance: Normal values are essential in pediatric sleep medicine and the individual variability in the sleep parameters of healthy infants advocates the standardisation of scoring methods. Here we present sleep stage normative values for one month old infants based on the AASM scoring criteria. (C) 2015 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    The significance of supportive and undermining elements in the maternal representations of an unborn baby

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    Objective: The maternal representations of an unborn baby begin to develop during pregnancy. However, the factors that moderate them are not well identified. The objective of this study was to jointly explore supportive and undermining factors in the maternal representations of an unborn baby and motherhood. Methods: Cross-sectional data comprising 1646 women studied during the third trimester of pregnancy. Maternal expectations were measured using a 12-item self-report questionnaire, Mother's Representations about an Unborn Baby. Depression, anxiety, family atmosphere and adult attachment were measured using standardised questionnaires. Statistical analysis is based on multivariate linear regression analysis. Results: The most powerful predictors of a mother's prenatal expectations were the mother's educational status, age, closeness in adult relationships, higher levels of depressive symptoms and family atmosphere. In accordance with our hypothesis, depression was related to the mother's more negative expectations on their relationship with the unborn baby and on regularity in the baby's sleeping and eating patterns. A positive family atmosphere and the mother's ability for closeness and dependence (i.e. confidence) in adult relationships were related to more positive expectations of the mother-unborn baby relationship. On the other hand, stress, anxiety and adverse life events were not related to the mother's expectations of her unborn baby. Conclusions: The results may be helpful in identifying families who need early professional support and call for studies where the prenatal phase is explored as a proactive phase for the development of the child-parent relationship.Peer reviewe

    Parental reports showed that snoring in infants at three and eight months associated with snoring parents and smoking mothers

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    Aim This prospective study examined the prevalence of snoring during infancy and the prenatal and postnatal risk factors for this condition. Methods The study population comprised 1388 infants from the CHILD-SLEEP birth cohort, who were recruited in the Pirkanmaa Hospital District, Finland, between 2011 and 2013. Sleep and background factor questionnaires were filled out prenatally by parents and when the infant was three and eight months old. Results The prevalence of habitual snoring was 3.2% at the age of three months and 3.0% at eight months, and snoring infants had more sleeping difficulties at those ages, with odds ratios (ORs) of 3.11 and 4.63, respectively. At three months, snoring infants slept for a shorter length of time (p = 0.001) and their sleep was more restless (p = 0.004). In ordinal logistic regression models, parental snoring (adjusted OR = 1.65 and 2.60) and maternal smoking (adjusted OR = 2.21 and 2.17) were significantly associated with infant snoring at three and eight months, while formula feeding and dummy use (adjusted OR = 1.48 and 1.56) were only associated with infant snoring at three months. Conclusion Parental snoring and maternal smoking increased the risk of snoring. Infants who snored also seemed to suffer more from other sleep difficulties.Peer reviewe

    Local changes in computational non-rapid eye movement sleep depth in infants

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    Objective: Deep NREM sleep and its hallmark EEG phenomenon slow wave activity (SWA) are under homeostatic control in adults. SWA is also locally regulated as it increases in the brain areas that have been used intensively. Moreover, in children, SWA is a marker of cortical maturation. In the present study the local properties of NREM sleep depth were evaluated using the quantitative mean frequency method. We aimed to study if age is related to NREM sleep depth in young infants. In addition, we studied if young infants have local differences in their NREM sleep. Methods: Ambulatory over-night polysomnographies were recorded in 59 healthy and full-term infants at the age of one month. The infants were divided into two age groups (= 44 weeks) to allow maturational evaluations. Results: The quantitative sleep depth analysis showed differences between the age groups. In addition, there were local sleep depth differences within the age groups. Conclusions: The sleep depth change with age is most likely related to cortical maturation, whereas the local sleep depth gradients might also reflect the use-dependent properties of SWA. (C) 2017 International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.Peer reviewe

    Short Sleep Duration and Later Overweight in Infants

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    Objective To provide further knowledge about the longitudinal association between sleep duration and overweight in infants. Study design The data for this study are from the CHILD-SLEEP birth cohort (n = 1679). The sleep data are based on parent-reported total sleep duration collected at 3, 8, 18, and 24 months. For a subgroup of 8-month old participants (n = 350), an actigraph recording was also made. Growth data were derived from the child health clinic records. A logistic regression model was used to study the association between sleep duration and later weight development. Results Shorter sleep duration in 3-month-old infants was cross-sectionally associated with lower weight-for-length/height (all P values Conclusions Short total sleep duration at the age of 3 months and short night-time sleep duration at the age of 8 months are associated with the risk of gaining excess weight at 24 months of age.Peer reviewe