5 research outputs found

    Snacking Gamers

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    The digital games have become a major industry during last decades, and game-playing appears as an important leisure-time hobby for millions of consumers worldwide. In addition to playing at home, the serious gamers participate in LAN parties to join as a community of gamers for a weekend long event. While the popular culture connects gaming with the junk food and in many gaming events this seems to be true, we argue that this is just a half-truth. In this work-in-progress paper, we examine how the serious gamers eat during and outside the gaming events in relation to their mundane snacking practices. We introduce our research approach and the goals for a study that conducted in two LAN (Local Area Network) parties in Finland by observing and interviewing the participants (n=45). We aim to enrich existing discussions on the digital game-playing, eating practices, (un)healthy snacking and serious consumer communities.</p

    INNUENDO: A cross-sectoral platform for the integration of genomics in the surveillance of food-borne pathogens

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    Abstract In response to the EFSA call New approaches in identifying and characterizing microbial and chemical hazards, the project INNUENDO (https://sites.google.com/site/theinnuendoproject/) aimed to design an analytical platform and standard procedures for the use of whole-genome sequencing in surveillance and outbreak investigation of food-borne pathogens. The project firstly attempted to identify existing flaws and needs, and then to provide applicable cross-sectorial solutions. The project focused in developing a platform for small countries with limited economical and personnel resources. To achieve these goals, we applied a user-centered design strategy involving the end-users, such as microbiologists in public health and veterinary authorities, in every step of the design, development and implementation phases. As a result, we delivered the INNUENDO Platform V1.0 (https://innuendo.readthedocs.io/en/latest/), a stand-alone, portable, open-source, end-to-end system for the management, analysis, and sharing of bacterial genomic data. The platform uses Nextflow workflow manager to assemble analytical software modules in species-specific protocols that can be run using a user-friendly interface. The reproducibility of the process is ensured by using Docker containers and throught the annotation of the whole process using an ontology. Several modules, available at https://github.com/TheInnuendoProject, have been developed including: genome assembly and species confirmation; fast genome clustering; in silico typing; standardized species-specific phylogenetic frameworks for Campylobacter jejuni, Yersinia enterocolitica, Salmonella enterica and Escherichia coli based on an innovative gene-by-gene methodology; quality control measures from raw reads to allele calling; reporting system; a built-in communication protocols and a strain classification system enabling smooth communication during outbreak investigation. As proof-of-concepts, the proposed solutions have been thoroughly tested in simulated outbreak conditions by several public health and veterinary agencies across Europe. The results have been widely disseminated through several channels (web-sites, scientific publications, organization of workshops). The INNUENDO Platform V1.0 is effectively one of the models for the usage of open-source software in genomic epidemiology.Peer reviewe

    Effects of origin and season on the lipids and sensory quality of European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus)

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    The effect of variation in origin and season on the lipids and sensory quality of European whitefish (Coregonus lavaretus) was studied. The proportion of docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n - 3) of the total phospholipid fatty acids in fillets was considerably higher in spring compared with autumn. Farmed fish contained 3-4 times more lipids than wild fish. Combined, the fillets of farmed fish contained 2-3 times more eicosapentaenoic acid (20: 5n - 3) and docosahexaenoic acid than the fillets of wild fish. Contents of vitamin D were high both in farmed and wild fish. Aroma of raw farmed whitefish was less algae-like than wild one. Raw farmed whitefish was harder, less springy, and lighter in flesh color than wild whitefish. Cooked, farmed fish had slightly stronger flavor than wild fish. There was no significant difference in pleasantness between whitefish of different origin in any of the evaluated characteristics. Both farmed and wild European whitefish caught in autumn and spring proved to have a high content of n - 3 fatty acids and vitamin D, and hence they serve as a good source of nutritionally important lipids.201

    Proceedings of the 1st International GamiFIN Conference

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    As gamification and digital game playing is getting more and more popular, also business-life is increasingly relying on this phenomenon for attracting different consumer groups. To illustrate, food companiesare trying to find new ways to appeal customers and answer to their market demands through development of newsnacks concepts. Acquiring more in-depth understanding how snacks consumption, digital game playing and social media usage are intertwined in the consumers’ mundane lives provides better chances for companies to developmatching product and service concepts. Our multidisciplinary Co-creative snacks–project connects applied research of food, consumer behavior and games. The aims of this study are 1) to specify a conceptual rationale for connecting the player motivations to the perception of food products and 2) to empirically identify consumer segments based on their player motivations and especially to show how they relate to differences in snack-eating preferences. Data on consumer behavior in snacking, games and use of social media was collected in Finland (n =387) via online survey.</div

    Suunterveyden yhteys aspiraatiopneumoniaan : suunhoito-opas neurologian ja keuhkosairauksien osastojen sairaanhoitajille

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    Suun bakteerit ja niiden aiheuttamat infektiot muodostavat riskin yleisterveydelle, jos suussa on haavaisia tulehduksia ja bakteereilla on pääsy verenkiertoon. Suunhoidon ja yleisterveyden yhteys muodostuu erityisen tärkeäksi silloin, kun henkilön immuunivaste ja yleiskunto ovat heikentyneet. Toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena on, että neurologian ja keuhkosairauksien klinikan potilaiden aspiraatiopneumoniaan sairastuminen vähenee. Opinnäytetyön tavoitteena on, että osastojen sairaanhoitajat motivoituvat ja sitoutuvat suun terveydentilan tarkistukseen sekä aspiraation ja aspiraatiopneumonialle alistavien tekijöiden tunnistamiseen. Opinnäytetyö käynnistyi työelämän yhteistyökumppanin ehdotettua Metropolia Ammatti-korkeakoulun suuhygienistiopiskelijoiden osallistumista aspiraatiopneumoniahankkeeseen. Opinnäytetyö toteutettiin yhteistyössä Helsingin yliopistollisen keskussairaalan (HYKS) neurologian ja keuhkosairauksien klinikan kanssa. Opinnäytetyö alkoi tiedonhaulla ja tietoperustan kartoituksella. Tiedonhaun hakuprosessissa perehdyttiin tieteellisiin tutkimuksiin ja tutustuttiin sairaanhoitajan työhön. Ajankohtaisiin tutkimuksiin perehdyttiin koko opinnäytetyön prosessin ajan. Työelämän yhteistyökumppanin laatimilla arviointilomakkeilla kartoitettiin osastojen potilaiden suun terveydentilaa. Potilaan aspiraatiopneumonian ehkäisemiseksi sairaanhoitajille järjestettiin koulutustilaisuuksia suunhoitoon liittyen. Koulutustilaisuuksien jälkeen arviointilomakkeisiin lisättiin ky-symys potilaan suunhoitoon kannustamisesta, jotta kehittämistehtävän onnistumista voitiin seurata. Kehittämiskohteeksi muodostui sairaanhoitajien motivoiminen ja sitoutuminen potilaan suunhoitoon. Lisäksi kehitettäviä kohteita olivat sairaanhoitajien sitoutuminen potilaan suun terveydentilan tarkistamiseen ja aspiraatiopneumonialle alistavien tekijöiden tunnistamiseen ja niihin puuttumiseen. Opinnäytetyön osana laadittiin terveydenhuollon hoitohenkilökunnalle suunhoito-opas Katse suuhun. Oppaan tavoitteena on lisätä osastolla työskentelevän hoitohenkilökunnan suun terveydenhoidon osaamista, motivoida arvioimaan potilaan suun terveydentilaa ja helpottaa suun yleisimpien infektioiden tunnistamista. Tarkoituksena on, että kehittämishankkeesta hyötyvät kaikki Suomen sairaanhoitopiirit sekä terveydenhoitoalan työntekijät. Jatkokehitysehdotuksena tämän opinnäytetyön materiaaleja voitaisiin hyödyntää sairaanhoitotyön koulutusohjelmassa.Oral bacteria and infections caused by them can pose a risk to general health if your mouth has ulcerated inflammations and the bacteria have access to the bloodstream. The relationship between oral health care and general health becomes particularly important when a person’s immune response and general condition have deteriorated. The purpose of this final project is to reduce the rate of falling ill with aspiration pneumonia among the patients of neurology and lung diseases clinics. The aim of the project is that the clinics’ nurses will be motivated and committed to the inspection of oral health and the identification of aspiration and aspiration pneumonia risk factors. The project started as the working life partner proposed dental hygienist students of Metropolia University of Applied Sciences to participate in the aspiration pneumonia –project. The project was carried out in cooperation with Helsinki University Central Hospital’s (HYKS) neurology and lung diseases clinics. The project begun with information search and knowledge base mapping. In the process of information search we oriented in scientific studies and got familiarized with the work of a nurse. The current research orientation was done throughout the whole project process. Patients’ oral health was surveyed with assessment forms developed by the working life partner. Educational lectures related to oral care were organized for nurses to prevent the patient's aspiration pneumonia. A question about encouraging a patient for oral care was added to the assessment forms to monitor the development task after the educational lectures. Motivating and committing nurses to patient’s oral care formed as the development target. Addi-tional development areas were nurses’ commitment to inspect patient’s oral health and to identify and intervene aspiration pneumonia risk factors. A look into the mouth – oral health care quide for health care staff was made as a part of the project. The aim of the quide is to increase the oral health care knowledge of clinics’ health care staff, to motivate for the assessment of patient’s oral health and to ease the identification of the most common oral infections. The purpose is that all Finnish hospital districts and health care workers would benefit of this development project. As a further development proposal the materials of this project could be utilized in Nursing and Health Care Programme