111 research outputs found


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    Interaksi antara mangsa pemangsa dalam bidang ekologi merupakan suatu topik menarik untuk dibahas. Namun untuk mengetahuinya tidak mudah, sehingga dibutuhkan model matematika untuk dapat memprediksi perilakunya. Interaksi mangsa pemangsa dengan fungsi respon rasio dependent Holling tipe II mengkaji bahwa populasi pemangsa tidak hanya bergantung pada keberadaan populasi mangsa, namun juga keberadaan populasi pemangsa itu sendiri. Artikel ini khusus membahas kontruksi model interaksi mangsa pemangsa menggunakan fungsi respon rasio dependent Holling tipe II dengan adanya perilaku anti pemangsa. Kata kunci: mangsa pemangsa, rasio dependent, anti pemangsa

    Informal caregivers and their coping styles: a preliminary report

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    ABSTRAK IDENTIFIKASI TINGKAT BERPIKIR KREATIF SISWA SMA DALAM MEMECAHKAN MASALAH MATEMATIKA Tuntutan dalam dunia Pendidikan telah mengalami banyak perubahan. Pada bidang Pendidikan, berpikir kreatif mendapat perhatian yang cukup besar. Berpikir kreatif merupakan suatu kegiatan mental yang melibatkan kemampuan untuk membangun ide-ide baru dalam memecahkan masalah. Kemampuan berpikir kreatif siswa memiliki lima tingkatan (sangat kreatif, kreatif, cukup kreatif, kurang kreatif, tidak kreatif). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan tingkat berpikir kreatif siswa SMA dalam memecahkan masalah matematika. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif. Subjek dari penelitian ini meliputi semua siswa kelas X MIPA 5 SMA NU 1 Gresik tahun ajaran 2017/2018. Sedangkan instrumen dalam penelitian ini adalah tes pemecahan masalah dengan materi fungsi kuadrat. Berdasarkan hasil analisis data, dapat disimpulkan bahwa: (1) terdapat 8 siswa (24%) yang termasuk pada TBK 0 (tidak kreatif). Siswa pada tingkat ini adalah hanya mampu menghasilkan satu cara atau jawaban dalam memecahkan masalah. (2) terdapat 7 siswa (21%) yang termasuk pada TBK 1 (kurang kreatif). Siswa pada tingkat ini mampu menghasilkan dua jawaban beragam namun cara yang digunakan tidak beragam dalam memecahkan masalah. (3) terdapat 3 siswa (9%) yang termasuk pada TBK 2 (cukup kreatif). Siswa pada tingkat ini mampu menghasilkan dua cara yang beragam namun jawabannya tidak beragam dalam memecahkan masalah. (4) terdapat 14 siswa (43%) yang termasuk pada TBK 3 (kreatif). Siswa pada tingkat ini mampu menghasilkan minimal dua cara dan jawaban yang beragam dalam memecahkan masalah. (5) terdapat 0 siswa (0%) yang termasuk pada kelompok TBK 4 (sangat kreatif). Tidak ada siswa yang memenuhi TBK 4 . Kata kunci: Memecahkan masalah, Tingkat berpikir kreatif ABSTRACTIDENTIFICATION OF SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS CREATIVE THINKING LEVEL IN SOLVING MATHEMATICS PROBLEMS The demand in educational world has already face several changes. In educational field, the thought for being creative get bigger attention. Think creatively is one of a mental activity which includes the ability to build new ideas in finding solutions. The ability to think creatively of a student has five stages which are; (very creative, creative, creative enough, not too creative, and less-creative). The aim of this study is to describe the thinking stages of a student in Senior High School to find the solution in mathematic problems. This study uses descriptive and qualitative approach for its analysis. The subject of this study includes all students grade X MIPA 5 in SMA NU 1 Gresik 2017/2018. While the instrument in this study is the problem-solution test with quadratic function material. Based on the data analysis, it can be inferred that: (1) There are 8 students (24%) that categorized to the TBK 0 (less-creative). The students in this stage can only find one method and answer in solving problem. (2) There are 7 students (21%) that categorized to the TBK 1 (not-too creative). The students in this stage can find two various answers but the method were not various in solving problem. (3) There are 3 students (9%) that categorized to the TBK 2 (creative enough). Students in this stage can find two various method but the answers were not various in solving problem. (4) There are 14 students (43%) that categorized to the TBK 3 (creative). Students in this stage can find at least two various methods and formulas in solving problem. (5) There are 0 student (0%) that categorized to the TBK 4 (very creative) because there are no one who fulfill that categorized. Keyword: Solving problem, Level of creative thinkin


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    The capital accumulation consisting of all form investment is one of the main components of Indonesia's economic growth. The financial and banking sector plays an important role in the economy, especially because the financing system in Indonesia is more oriented towards a bank-based system in which the development of the financial system and the implementation of its activities are closely monitored by the OJK, so that investment in this sector becomes attractive. Investment decisions can be considered one way through an analysis of Risk-Based Bank Rating (RBBR) factors and macroeconomic factors. This study aims to analyze the influence of the RBBR factor which is proxied through NPL, LDR, CGPI, ROA, and CAR; as well as the macroeconomic factors of the BI 7-Day Reverse Repo Rate (BI7DRR) and the exchange rate on stock returns for BUKU IV Commercial Banks. Based on the research results obtained by applying the panel data analysis method, the variables NPL, LDR, BI7DRR, and exchange rates have a positive and significant effect, while CGPI has a negative and significant effect on banking stock returns. ROA and CAR variables do not have a significant effect on banking stock return

    The Green Shoe Option’s Effectiveness at Stabilizing the IPO’S Stock Price on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (2000-2013)

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    The increased of price volatility due to positive initial returns will reduce investor confidence and impact on the overall market. Market stabilization mechanism is needed to control the price volatility. This research is intended to explore the effectiveness of Green-Shoe Option in reducing stock price volatility after IPO. This study is done through GARCH model development intended to identify the volatility of IPO shares price. This research compares the volatility price of company shares that apply Green shoe option at IPO with companies that do not apply it. The result of this research on companies that conduct IPO on 2000-2013 periods showed that the green shoe option stabilization program which was used by the issuers was effective in muffing the stock prices’ volatility. Therefore, according to researchers Green Shoe Option stabilization program can be used to prevent or ease the drop of shares price under Public offering


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    This study aims to determine the role of operating cash flow and profitability with the moderation of financial constraint on investment decisions in various industry sub-sector companies in the period 2017 – 2019. This test uses the panel data analysis method. The results of this study indicate that operating cash flow and profitability have a significant negative effect on the company's investment decisions, while the moderating role of financial constraint strengthens the negative effect of operating cash flow on investment, while for profitability the moderating role of financial constraint weakens the negative effect of profitability on investment

    Stock liquidity and stock returns: the moderating role of financial constraints

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    Research aims: This study aims to analyze the effect of stock liquidity on stock returns in large and small capitalization companies and the moderating role of financial constraints in the relationship. Design/Methodology/Approach: In this study, panel data analysis was conducted on 113 manufacturing sector companies on the Indonesia Stock Exchange from 2015 to 2019, grouped into small and large capitalization companies. To avoid measurement errors from applying the KZ index, which is very likely to occur, this study used the upper quartile (Q3) of the Debt-to-Equity Ratio (DER) and a dummy variable as an artificial variable to measure financial constraints instead of the KZ index.Research findings: The results highlighted that liquidity is a predictor that could significantly explain the movement of stock returns in this sector. Investors, thus, will require additional compensation in the form of higher returns for holding less liquid stock. The study also found a significant moderating role of financial constraints. Consequently, as the illiquidity of stocks increases, additional greater compensation will be requested by investors on the stocks of companies experiencing financial constraints.Theoretical contribution/Originality: This study provides additional empirical evidence for the studies documented that investors will ask for additional return compensation for stocks with low liquidity, and investors will demand higher additional returns in companies experiencing financial constraints. This finding indicates that liquidity is essential in risk premium forming stock returns.Practitioner/Policy implication: This study can be used for investors or traders when choosing an investment strategy to be carried out

    Pandemic and Indonesia Stock Market Performance

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    This study aims to analyze the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Indonesia’s stock market performance. Considering the characteristics of daily stock return data that shows the characteristics of volatility clustering, the analytical method used is to develop a heteroscedastic model specification whose parameters are estimated using the maximum likelihood method. Based on data from March 2020 to January 2021, this study finds that the Exponential-GARCH asymmetric model is the best model compared to the Standard-GARCH symmetric model or the asymmetric Threshold-GARCH model. The inference analysis conducted on the Exponential-GARCH asymmetric model in this study shows that the stock market's performance that is significantly affected by this pandemic is the volatility of its returns. Stock price volatility is one of the important variables in stock market performance. This study produces empirical findings that government policies on social restrictions contribute significantly to suppressing stock market volatility. As for government policies in mitigating the risk of the spread of the epidemic, in this study, it is measured through a stringency index. This index was released by the Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker (OxCGRT) which monitors the government's response to the coronavirus in 160 countries and is a parameter that evaluates the policies taken by a country's government based on nine metrics. This index does not measure the effectiveness of a country's government response, but only the level of tightness. However, the results of the tests carried out in this study did not find a significant impact of pandemic indicators, the number of cases, and the number of daily deaths related to COVID-19 on stock returns

    Nilai tukar rupiah dan kinerja pasar saham: studi empirik pada bursa saham Indonesia

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    This study examines the impact of rupiah exchange rate movement to the stock market performance in Indone-sia, using a dailytime series data from January 2013-December, 15, 2015. Data shows that the characteristic of volatility clustering (heteroskedastic) is the reason for applicating TGARCH estimation method in this study. By applicating this method, it shows that the fluctuation of rupiah is in a quite deep depreciation during the period of this analysis, although the cause of stocks return declined but did not lead to investment in Indonesia capital market becomes more risky. This is reflected in the empirical findings of this study, that the volatility of stock returns in the Indonesia Stock Exchange does not increase significantly due to t he deprecia-tion trend experienced during the analysis period

    Volatility Spillover In Stock And Commodity Futures Market: Empirical Analysis In Indonesia’s Financial Market

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    Volatility spillover between stock markets causes insignificancy of diversification. Therefore, other investment alternatives is required to build an optimal portfolio, one of them being commodity futures. The low correlation between commodity futures and stocks indicates the advantage of diversification in investment portfolio containing both assets. In order to prove the advantage of diversification, author tested the existence of volatility spillover during September 16, 2010 - September 30, 2015. Estimation result using GARCH method indicates the presence of significant volatility spillover from stock exchange to commodity futures exchange. An important implication of this finding is that if the sectoral stock index and commodity futures are incorporated into an investment portfolio, the investor will not have optimal diversification advantage. This is because there is a correlation between performance of both markets as a result of both markets having the same characteristics in response to the shock that is coming
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