58,165 research outputs found

    On multiplicity correlations in the STAR data

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    The STAR data on the multiplicity correlations between narrow psudorapidity bins in the pp and AuAu collisions are discussed. The PYTHIA 8.145 generator is used for the pp data, and a naive superposition model is presented for the AuAu data. It is shown that the PYTHIA generator with default parameter values describes the pp data reasonably well, whereas the superposition model fails to reproduce the centrality dependence seen in the data. Some possible reasons for this failure and a comparison with other models are presented.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Exact results for static and radiative fields of a quark in N=4 super Yang-Mills

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    In this work (which supersedes our previous preprint arXiv:1112.2345) we determine the expectation value of the N=4$ SU(N) SYM Lagrangian density operator in the presence of an infinitely heavy static particle in the symmetric representation of SU(N), by means of a D3-brane probe computation. The result that we obtain coincides with two previous computations of different observables, up to kinematical factors. We argue that these agreements go beyond the D-brane probe approximation, which leads us to propose an exact formula for the expectation value of various operators. In particular, we provide an expression for the total energy loss by radiation of a heavy particle in the fundamental representation.Comment: 14 pages. This submission supersedes our previous preprint arXiv:1112.2345. v2: numerical factors fixed, minor clarifications, added reference

    Factors Affecting the Compliance of Myanmar Nurses in Performing Standard Precaution

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    Introduction: Exposure to pathogens is a serious issue for nurses. The literature explains that standard precaution have not consistently done in nursing. The purpose of this study was to analyze the factors affecting the compliance of nurses in Myanmar in performing standard precautions. Methods: This study used a cross-sectional design. Samples included 34 nurses in Waibagi Specialist Hospital (SHW), Myanmar. The independent variables were the characteristics of nurses, knowledge of standard precaution, and exposure to blood / body fluids and needle puncture wounds. The dependent variable was the performance of standard prevention. Data analyzed using descriptive analysis and logistic regression. Results: The result showed that almost respondents (91.18%) had a good knowledge about prevention standards and 73.5% of respondents had good adherence in performing standard precaution. However, in practice nurses have not been consistent in closing the needles that have been used correctly. The results showed that nurse characteristics did not significantly affect adherence to standard precaution with statistical test results as follows: age (p = 0.97), gender (p = 1.00), religion (p = 0.72), education (p = 0.85), work experience at SHW (p = 0, 84), education training program (p = 0.71), knowledge (p = 0.76), and needle stick injury (p = 0,17). But, there was a significant influence between adherence to standard precaution on the incidence of injury due to puncture needle with p value = 0.01. Discussion: The barriers to applying standard precautions by Myanmar nurses can be reduced by providing basic training, supervision and improvement of operational standard procedures

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Kayu melalui Puzzle Wayang sebagai Media Pengenalan Budaya untuk Anak Usia Dini

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    Pengolahan limbah di jepara sebagai kota ukir masih sangat kurang, kesalahan dalam mengelola akan menyebabkan berbahaya bagi lingkungan dan masyarakat, sehingga menyebabkan kerusakan lingkungan contoh pencemaran lingkungan. Selama ini limbah pabrik mebel mempunyai potensi untuk dikembangkan menjadi kerajinan tangan yang bernilai jual salah satunya alat permainan anak. Sasaran program pengabdian ini ada dua mitra yaitu : Mitra yang produktif yaitu PT ERNALIM. Mitra ini membantu tim pelaksana untuk mengolah limbah dari meubel ukir. Peserta dari mitra pertama yaitu 4 orang karyawan tersebut. Untuk memanfaatkan limbah kayu ini kami mengajak mitra tersebut untuk membuat alat permainan anak-anak berupa puzzle. Mitra yang kedua adalah mitra sebagai bentuk kelanjutan pemanfaatan limbah yaitu TK TARBIYATUL ATHFAL Muslimat NU di Pecangaan Jepara. Puzzle ini berbentuk wayang yaitu punakawan terdiri dari semar, gareng, pethruk dan bagong. Penyuluhan game edukasi ini diikuiti oleh guru dan anak-anak TK Tarbiyatul Athfal. Mereka sangat antusias dalam kegiatan penyuluhan ini mengingat puzzle yang digunakan adalah bukan biasanya. Dari Tim ini mengenalkan budaya Indonesia sejak dini melalui game puzzle berbentuk wayang. Kegiatan ini memberikan kontribusi pada dunia pendidikan untuk meningkatkan kreativitas ketrampilan dalam memecahkan masalah menyusun gambar

    Holographic DC conductivities from the open string metric

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    We study the DC conductivities of various holographic models using the open string metric (OSM), which is an effective metric geometrizing density and electromagnetic field effect. We propose a new way to compute the nonlinear conductivity using OSM. As far as the final conductivity formula is concerned, it is equivalent to the Karch-O'Bannon's real-action method. However, it yields a geometrical insight and technical simplifications. Especially, a real-action condition is interpreted as a regular geometry condition of OSM. As applications of the OSM method, we study several holographic models on the quantum Hall effect and strange metal. By comparing a Lifshitz background and the Light-Cone AdS, we show how an extra parameter can change the temperature scaling behavior of conductivity. Finally we discuss how OSM can be used to study other transport coefficients, such as diffusion constant, and effective temperature induced by the effective world volume horizon.Comment: 33 page

    Development of Pd-supported Catalysts for the Conversion of Palm Oil to Biohydrogenated Diesel in a Microscale-based Reactor

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    In this research, the preparation of Pd-supported catalysts in microreactor was investigated for the production of renewable biohydrogenated diesel (BHD). Pd/Al2O3 and Pd/TiO2 catalysts were prepared by two different coating methods, slurry suspension (SUS), and sol-gel method (SG). Catalysts were coated on microreactor walls and tested for the deoxygenation of palm oil to BHD at 325 ºC, 3.4 MPa, H2/feed molar ratio of 96. The coated catalysts were characterized by several techniques, including 3D-optical profiler, SEM-EDX, XRD, BET, and adhesion test. The experimental results show that SUS method provided a homogeneous catalyst layer, while the SG method gave a non-homogeneous cracked coating. In terms of catalytic activity, Pd/TiO2 (SG) exhibited the highest space-time yield (STY) of BHD (g BHD g–1 catalyst h–1), which could be due to its unique characteristics of pure anatase phase and strong metal-support interaction for hydrogen spillover mechanism. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

    Analysis of propagation of multi-channel EEG in the test of sustained attention

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    Proceedings of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society Conference, 2010, p. 1666-1669the psychological construct 'sustained attention' describes a basic component of attention characterized by the subject's readiness to detect rarely and unpredictably occurring signals over prolonged periods of time. In this study, six healthy volunteers underwent a sustained attention to response task (SART), while their electroencephalographic (EEG) were recorded contemporarily. Directed Transfer Function (DTF) was used as estimator for direction of propagation of EEG function coupling. The results of DTF showed that the information flux within EEG functional coupling changed when attention condition changed from inattention state to sustained attention state, principally at alpha and beta rhythms. The DTF could be used to evaluate sustained attention condition and they might be used for research on damage of attention mechanisms of ADHD and TBI diseases in future. © 2010 IEEE.published_or_final_versio

    Targeting BTK for the treatment of FLT3-ITD mutated acute myeloid leukemia

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    Approximately 20% of patients with acute myeloid leukaemia (AML) have a mutation in FMS-like-tyrosine-kinase-3 (FLT3). FLT3 is a trans-membrane receptor with a tyrosine kinase domain which, when activated, initiates a cascade of phosphorylated proteins including the SRC family of kinases. Recently our group and others have shown that pharmacologic inhibition and genetic knockdown of Bruton's tyrosine kinase (BTK) blocks AML blast proliferation, leukaemic cell adhesion to bone marrow stromal cells as well as migration of AML blasts. The anti-proliferative effects of BTK inhibition in human AML are mediated via inhibition of downstream NF-κB pro-survival signalling however the upstream drivers of BTK activation in human AML have yet to be fully characterised. Here we place the FLT3-ITD upstream of BTK in AML and show that the BTK inhibitor ibrutinib inhibits the survival and proliferation of FLT3-ITD primary AML blasts and AML cell lines. Furthermore ibrutinib inhibits the activation of downstream kinases including MAPK, AKT and STAT5. In addition we show that BTK RNAi inhibits proliferation of FLT3-ITD AML cells. Finally we report that ibrutinib reverses the cyto-protective role of BMSC on FLT3-ITD AML survival. These results argue for the evaluation of ibrutinib in patients with FLT3-ITD mutated AML