44 research outputs found

    Spatial and temporal distribution of geophysical disasters

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    Natural disasters of all kinds (meteorological, hydrological, geophysical, climatological and biological) are increasingly becoming part of everyday life of modern human. The consequences are often devastating, to the life, health and property of people, as well to the security of states and the entire international regions. In this regard, we noted the need for a comprehensive investigation of the phenomenology of natural disasters. In addition, it is particularly important to pay attention to the different factors that might correlate with each other to indicate more dubious and more original facts about their characteristics. However, as the issue of natural disasters is very wide, the subject of this paper will be forms, consequences, temporal and spatial distribution of geophysical natural disasters, while analysis of other disasters will be the subject of our future research. Using an international database on natural disasters of the centre for research on the epidemiology of disasters (CRED) based in Brussels, with the support of the statistical analysis (SPSS), we tried to point out the number, trends, consequences, the spatial and temporal distribution of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and dry mass movements in the world, from 1900 to 2013

    First record of the agave weevil Scyphophorus acupunctatus Gyllenhal (Coleoptera, Curculionidae) in Croatia

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    Agavina pipa, Scyphophorus acupunctatus nađena je na otoku Hvaru na poluotoku Pelegrin te u parkovima grada Hvara i Starigrada, Å”to predstavlja prvi nalaz u Hrvatskoj. Za sada se nije proÅ”irila na okolno područje i susjedne gradove, ali s obzirom na to da se prvi simptomi napada vide tek nakon 1 do 2 godine moguće je da je agavina pipa već prisutna i u drugim dijelovima Hvara. Agavina pipa porijeklom je iz Meksika, ali se proÅ”irila na gotovo sve kontinente. U Europi je prisutna od 2000. godine u Italiji, a nakon toga pronađena je i u Å panjolskoj, Cipru, Nizozemskoj i Velikoj Britaniji. Glavni domaćin joj je agava, a u Europi dolazi joÅ” na vrste iz roda Yucca i porodice Dracenaceae. Očekuje se Å”irenje ovog Å”tetnog organizma na otoku Hvaru te Å”irenje na druge otoke i obalu. S ciljem Å”to ranije detekcije ovog Å”tetnog organizma na novim područjima preporučuje se vizualno praćenje simptoma napada te primjena feromona.New records for the agave weevil (Scyphophorus acupunctatus Gyllenhal, 1838) in Croatia are presented, confirming its presence for the first time at peninsula Pelegrin and city of Hvar and Starigrad on the island of Hvar. Up to now, this weevil hasnā€™t been found on any other location. Among the hosts, the agave weevil has been found on the typical species Agave americana. The species is native in Mexico but has spread at all continents. In Europe it is present since 2000. where it was found first in Italy, than in Spain, Cyprus, Netherlands and Great Britain. The main host is Agava spp., and in Europe it was found also on Yucca spp. and family Dracenaceae. It is expected that this new species will spread across the island, and probably expand its territory on neighboring islands and the coastal localities

    Spatial and temporal distribution of geophysical disasters

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    Natural disasters of all kinds (meteorological, hydrological, geophysical, climatological and biological) are increasingly becoming part of everyday life of modern human. The consequences are often devastating, to the life, health and property of people, as well to the security of states and the entire international regions. In this regard, we noted the need for a comprehensive investigation of the phenomenology of natural disasters. In addition, it is particularly important to pay attention to the different factors that might correlate with each other to indicate more dubious and more original facts about their characteristics. However, as the issue of natural disasters is very wide, the subject of this paper will be forms, consequences, temporal and spatial distribution of geophysical natural disasters, while analysis of other disasters will be the subject of our future research. Using an international database on natural disasters of the centre for research on the epidemiology of disasters (CRED) based in Brussels, with the support of the statistical analysis (SPSS), we tried to point out the number, trends, consequences, the spatial and temporal distribution of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions and dry mass movements in the world, from 1900 to 2013

    Model predikcije efektivnog studiranja na Kriminalističko-policijskoj akademiji u Beogradu

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    The paper deals with the connection between the input characteristics of students of the Academy of Criminalistics and Police Studies in Belgrade related to the acquired and inherited values and effective studying. Data collection was performed using the questionnaire technique on a sample of 120 students and the logic regression method. The questionnaire comprised 11 closed questions, 10 relating to predictor variables (gender, high school, success in high school, place in which it was finished, going in for sport, respondent's family and financial situation, whether a member of the family is employed by the Ministry of Interior and the course of studies), and one relating to the criterion variable (studying without repeating years). The results of logic regression showed that the overall model explains between 40.4% and 55.7% of variance in the status of effective studying, and it correctly classified 83.6% of cases. Only five predictor variables provided a unique statistically significant contribution to the model. The paper proved that if a student had a specific set of inherited and acquired characteristics, probability that he/she would study effectively is significantly increased. The paper proved that higher police education institutions should pay attention to the inherited and acquired characteristics at the entrance examination. Unlike any previous research, the paper deals with desired characteristics modeling implying that the candidate has increased chances to study effectively.Rad odgovara na pitanje da li se na osnovu ulaznih karakteristika studenata Akademije, koje se odnose na stečene i nasleđene vrednosti, može predvideti njihova efektivnost tokom studiranja. Odgovor na postavljeno pitanje potražen je realizacijom istraživanja sa studentima Kriminalističko-policijske akademije. Pri obradi prikupljenih podataka iskoriŔćena je logička regresija koja omogućava ispitivanje modela za predikciju kategorijskih ishoda (efektivno studira ili ne). Ispitivani model se sastojao od 10 prediktorskih varijabli (pol ispitanika, vrsta srednje Å”kole koju je ispitanik zavrÅ”io, uspeh ispitanika u srednjoj Å”koli, statistički region u kome je ispitanik zavrÅ”io srednju Å”kolu, da li se ispitanik bavi sportom, porodična situacija ispitanika, materijalna situacija ispitanika, da li je neki od ispitanikovih bližih članova porodice zaposlen u MUP-u i vrsta studija koju ispitanik pohađa). Rezultati logičke regresije pokazali su da model u celini objaÅ”njava između 40.4% i 55.7% varijanse u statusu efektivnog studiranja i tačno klasifikuje 83.6% slučajeva. Samo pet prediktorskih varijabli dale su jedinstven statistički značajan doprinos modelu (muÅ”ki pol, zavrÅ”ena gimnazija, zavrÅ”ena srednja Å”kola prirodnih nauka, bavljenje sportom i loÅ”iji materijalni status). U skladu sa tim rezultatima, u radu je dokazano da ukoliko student ima specifičan set nasleđenih i stečenih karakteristika vezanih za statistički značajne prediktorske varijable, uveliko se povećava verovatnoća da će efektivno studirati na Kriminalističko-policijskoj akademiji


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    A comprehensive analysis of realization of digital filters with complex coefficients obtained by decomposition of real digital filters, using complex and real allpass networks, is given in the paper. Realization of complex coefficient filters obtained directly in the z domain is also discussed in the paper. An analysis of hardware costs for different structures used for realization of complex coefficient filters is presented

    Security among students in school buildings during natural disasters

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    U radu su izneti rezultati kvantitativnog istraživanja percepcije učenika srednjih Å”kola o njihovoj bezbednosti u Å”kolskim objektima za vreme prirodnih katastrofa. Autori koriste metod anketiranja učenika kako bi identifikovali i opisali faktore koji utiču na percepciju bezbednosti učenika. Iz ukupne populacije učenika srednjih Å”kola u Beogradu, za potrebe ovog istraživanja izvučen je uzorak veličine 3.063 učenika, Å”to čini 4.67% populacije. Iz populacije od 101 Beogradske srednje Å”kole na slučajan način izabrano je njih 13. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da se 40,2% učenika oseća bezbedno, 37,8% nije sigurno i 21,8% ističe da se oseća nebezbedno u Å”kolskim objektima kada su u pitanju posledice prirodnih katastrofa. Nadalje, rezultati ispitivanja uticaja određenih faktora na percepciju bezbednosti učenika pokazuju da postoji statistički značajna povezanost sa promenljivama ā€“ pol, obrazovanje majke, obrazovanje oca, ostvarena prosečna ocena, dok takva povezanost nije utvrđena sa promenljivama ā€“ zaposlenost roditelja, živi sa ocem, sa majkom, dedom i babom. Istraživanje se bazira na područje Beograda, tako da se zaključci mogu generalizovati samo na populaciju učenika srednjih Å”kola na tom području. Rezultati istraživanja se mogu iskoristiti prilikom kreiranja strategija unapređenja bezbednosti učenika u Å”kolskim objektima od posledica prirodnih katastrofa

    Ocena stopnia zaawansowania miażdżycy u dzieci i młodzieży z cukrzycą typu 1

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    Introduction: To evaluate the degree of atherosclerosis in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes and its correlation with risk factors, traditional and other, such as anti-oxidative capacity of circulating blood and level of lipid peroxidation. Material and methods: Forty children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes with mean age 13.7 years were compared with 20 age- and sex-matched healthy control subjects. Association of carotid artery intima-media thickness (cIMT) with different risk factors measured in children with type 1 diabetes was evaluated. Results: Mean carotid IMT was higher in subjects with diabetes (p < 0.01) and was strongly associated with total cholesterol with an odds ratio of 4.08 (p = 0.016), LDL-cholesterol with an odds ratio of 2.78 (p = 0.037), length of disease with an odds ratio of 1.87 (p = 0.007) and positive family history (first- and second-degree relatives) of diabetes and early CVD (heart attack and/or stroke before the age of 60 years) with an odds ratio of 6.8 (p = 0.007). Conclusions: We found significantly increased cIMT in the diabetic patients compared to the healthy control subjects. Risk factors for the development of atherosclerosis included higher total and LDL-cholesterol, higher systolic blood pressure, positive family history of diabetes and early CVD and longer diabetes duration. In spite of the documented increased oxidative stress, we failed to establish a correlation between the oxidative stress parameters and cIMT values. (Endokrynol Pol 2012; 63 (6): 414&#8211;419)Wstęp: Ocena stopnia zaawansowania miażdżycy u dzieci i młodzieży z cukrzycą typu 1 oraz jego korelacja z czynnikami ryzyka, tradycyjnymi i innymi, na przykład potencjałem antyoksydacyjnym krwi krążącej i poziomem peroksydacji lipidĆ³w. Materiał i metody: PorĆ³wnano 40 dzieci i nastolatkĆ³w z cukrzycą typu 1, średnia wieku 13,7 roku, z 20 zdrowymi osobnikami stanowiącymi grupę kontrolną odpowiednio dobranymi pod względem wieku i płci. Oceniano związek pomiędzy grubością kompleksu błony wewnętrznej i środkowej tętnic szyjnych (cIMT) a rĆ³Å¼nymi czynnikami ryzyka ocenianymi ilościowo u dzieci z cukrzycą typu 1. Wyniki: Średnia wartość cIMT była większa u pacjentĆ³w z cukrzycą (p < 0,01) i wykazywała silny związek ze stężeniem cholesterolu całkowitego [iloraz szans (OR) 4,08; p = 0,016], cholesterolem frakcji LDL (OR 2,77; p = 0,037), czasem trwania choroby (OR 1,87; p = 0,007) i dodatnim wywiadem rodzinnym (krewni pierwszego i drugiego stopnia) w kierunku cukrzycy i wczesnego występowania chorĆ³b układu krążenia (zawału serca i/lub udaru mĆ³zgu przed 60. rokiem życia) (OR 6,8; p = 0,007). Wnioski: Stwierdzono znamiennie podwyższoną wartość cIMT u pacjentĆ³w z cukrzycą w porĆ³wnaniu ze zdrowymi osobnikami z grupy kontrolnej. Czynniki ryzyka rozwoju miażdżycy obejmowały podwyższone stężenie cholesterolu całkowitego i cholesterolu frakcji LDL, podwyższone skurczowe ciśnienie tętnicze, dodatni wywiad rodzinny w kierunku cukrzycy i wczesnego występowania chorĆ³b układu krążenia oraz dłuższy czas trwania cukrzycy. Pomimo udokumentowanego wzmożenia stresu oksydacyjnego nie udało się ustalić korelacji pomiędzy parametrami stresu oksydacyjnego a wartościami cIMT. (Endokrynol Pol 2012; 63 (6): 414&#8211;419

    HPLC/MS-TOF Analysis of Surface Resins from Three Poplar Clones Grown in Serbia

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    Background and Purpose: Poplar clones grown in Serbia are fast growing tree species important for many different purposes in forestry and industry. In this study chemical content of the surface resins of three poplar clones grown in Serbia -M1, B229 and PE 19/66 was analyzed, aiming at their potential usage as a source of natural products important for pharmacy and chemotaxonomy. Materials and Methods: Using HPLC/MS-TOF we gained the first information on chemical compounds which comprise of resins on terminal twigs cuttings of commonly grown poplar clones. Provided from the nursery of the Institute of Lowland Forestry and Environment (Serbia), terminal twigs cuttings with leaves of different development stage from two year old seedlings of M1 poplar clone (Populus euramericana L.), PE 19/66 clone and B229 clone (both belonging to Populus deltoides) were sampled. The washing of the surface resins from terminal twigs cuttings of every sample was done with methylene-chloride until the samples were prepared for HPLC/MS-TOF analysis. Results: Out of 38 different compounds which were identified, M1 clone qualitatively differed for 14 compounds as compared to two other clones. Generally, the results showed that the composition of the resins consisted of different phenolic acids, phenolic esters, flavonoids and other contents. Conclusion: These three poplar clones are potent producers of pharmacologically and chemotaxonomically potent compounds in forest ecosystems, especially M1 clone

    Uticaj akutnog mentalnog stresa na performanse gađanja - implikacije na obuku pripadnika bezbednosnih službi

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    U radu je analizirana povezanost akutnog mentalnog stresa i performansi gađanja iz službenog piÅ”tolja CZ 99. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da ne postoji statistički značajna povezanost između srčane frekvencije sa performansama gađanja. PoviÅ”ena srčana frekvencija kod ispitanika pri gađanju, ukazuje da su ispitanici tokom gađanja doživeli akutni mentalni stres. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da bi prilikom obuke pripadnika bezbednosnih službi, pored tehničkog, taktičkog i fizičkog aspekta, trebalo posvetiti viÅ”e pažnje ulozi i značaju mentalnog stresa