507 research outputs found

    Non-genetic factors affecting live weight and daily gain weight in Serrana Transmontano kids

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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of some non-genetic factors on birth weight, weaning weight and daily gain weight in Serrana Transmontano kids. Data from 8930 records were analysed. Results showed that birth weight (BW), adjusted live weight at 30 days of age (W30), adjusted weaning weight at 60 days of age (WW), average daily gain from birth until 30 days of age (ADG30) and average daily gain from birth until 60 days of age (ADG60) were influenced by sex, age of dam and birth season. BW, W30, WW, ADG30 and ADG60 of males were higher than female. The same variables increased with the dam’s age. Kids born in autumn were heavier than those born in spring, winter and summer. W30 was lower in kids born in winter. TheWWof kids born in spring was higher than of those born in winter, autumn and summer and the ADG30 of kids born in spring and summer were higher than those born in autumn or winter. ADG60 was higher for kids born in spring. Kids born singlewere heavier at BW, W30 and ADG30 whilst kids born triple were lighter. Males showed the greatest weights and average daily gains, in the offspring of 3–5 years old females, as well as in single born and in those which were born in autumn

    Complexity analysis of Klein-Gordon single-particle systems

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    The Fisher-Shannon complexity is used to quantitatively estimate the contribution of relativistic effects to on the internal disorder of Klein-Gordon single-particle Coulomb systems which is manifest in the rich variety of three-dimensional geometries of its corresponding quantum-mechanical probability density. It is observed that, contrary to the non-relativistic case, the Fisher-Shannon complexity of these relativistic systems does depend on the potential strength (nuclear charge). This is numerically illustrated for pionic atoms. Moreover, its variation with the quantum numbers (n, l, m) is analysed in various ground and excited states. It is found that the relativistic effects enhance when n and/or l are decreasing.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, Accepted in EPL (Europhysics Letters

    Academic freedom or unification of terminology and concepts. Example related to the coat and equine passport

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    Resúmenes IV Congreso VetDoc de Docencia Veterinaria, León 2017 (6-7 de Julio)[ES] Según la legislación vigente, es el veterinario el garante de los procedimientos de identificación equina. Siendo la capa uno de los rasgos a considerar. Existe una notable confusión en su definición y clasificación. Así, por ejemplo, su número según Medlej (2016) es de 128, 22 para Registro General de Identificación Individual Animal, o 6 según el Léxico Internacional. Su armonización debe empezar en las facultades, más tarde pierde sentido

    Morfología y Productividad Carnicera

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    Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Medio Rural y Marin

    Spanish marketing chain for kid’s meat: from breeder to wholesale

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    Se preguntó a 350 ganaderos de Andalucía, Aragón, Extremadura y castilla-La Mancha y a 350 entradores de Andalucía, Aragón, Madrid, Cataluña y Comunidad Valenciana, acerca de la manera de comprar y vender cabritos o su carne. Las zonas de producción no coinciden con las de comercialización y consumo y existen grandes diferencias entre regiones en cuanto al tamaño de las explotaciones. La distancia más frecuente entre explotación y matadero fue de 300 Km. En general, los ganaderos venden más caro y obtienen mayor margen de ganancia por el cabrito que por el cordero. Los entradores compran y venden más caro el cabrito que el cordero. La carnicería tradicional y la restauración son los destinos mayoritarios de venta de esta carne. La cadena de comercialización se complica cuando interviene una sala de despiece tras el entrador. La forma predominante de venta es la canal entera y cuando es por piezas, la pierna es la pieza más demandada. El consumo es estacional y está asociado a celebraciones. Farmers and wholesalers from different Spanish regions were enquired about the way in which they buy or sale kids or kid’s meat. Productions areas did not match with marketing points. There were great differences between regions in the farms’ size of the farms. The most frequent distance from farm to the slaughterhouse was 300 Km. Farmers sold more expensive and they obtained higher profit margin with kids than with lambs. Wholesalers buy and sold more expensive kid’s meat than lamb. Traditional butchers’ shops and restaurants were the main wholesalers’ customs. Marketing chain became more complex by the intervention of a quartering agent. The main way in which meat was sold was as whole carcasses. When they were sold by pieces, leg was the most demanded one. Kid’s meat presented a seasonal consumption, associated to holidays and celebrations

    Carcass and meat quality in light lambs from different classes in the European grading system

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    Fat, quantity and quality, are important aspects for consumers (Sendim et al., 1997), who are more and more interested in healthy products and usually prefer lean meat and carcasses, although fat is positively associated with acceptability. Thus, Jeremiah (1998) found that the percentage of unacceptable cuts was higher in lean than fat categories, similar findings being obtained by Paul et al., ( 1964) and Smith et al., (1970). For this reason practically all carcass classification systems around the world include fatness score as a criterion of quality and price (EEC n° 2 137/92 and 46 1/93 regulations; Moxhan and Brownlie (1976)). Other characteristics such as age, sex, weight, carcass length, meat colour and specially conformation score are also used, but they have a lower market significance and a lower price influence. Inside the EU there are two different schemes for lamb classification: one for carcasses up 13 kg and other for light carcasses under 13 kg. In the latter scheme, since Mediterranean carcasses were systematically penalised because of their natural poor morphology (walker breeds), low subcutaneous/internal fat ratio and light weights, conformation score is not considered. Only weight (three categories: < 7.0 kg, 7.1-10.0 kg and 10.1-13.0 kg), meat colour and fat class are included Several studies have shown weak relationships between lamb quality grades and palatability assessments in heavy or medium weight carcasses (Jeremiah et al., 1972; Crouse and Ferrel, I 982), but there has been no investigation of this relationship in light lambs. On the other hand, it seems essential to know if any classification is, or is not, related with real carcass value and quality

    Efecto del peso al sacrificio y de la raza en la calidad instrumental y sensorial de la carne de cabritos lechales

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    Se utilizaron 141 cabritos de 5 razas españolas a dos pesos de sacrificio y se determinó la calidad instrumental y sensorial de su carne. La influencia del peso al sacrificio es, presumiblemente, muy importante sobre la calidad de la carne, pero este efecto debe ser valorado para cada raza. Aunque la carne del cabrito más ligero tuvo mayores valores en la fuerza de compresión, en el análisis sensorial esta carne fue descrita como más tierna y jugosa

    Carcass and meat quality in light lambs from different fat classes in the EU carcass classification system

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    Ninety commercial lamb carcasses were analysed according to the four different fat classes in the light lamb European classiffication system. Shoulder fat increased 3%, muscle decreased 2% and bone decreased 1% for each class increase. No signifficant differences were found among fat classes regarding pH, WHC, cooking losses, juiciness, myoglobin content, meat colour measured immediately after cutting (L*, a*, b*), odour intensity or flavour quality. Some differences were found in colour evolution through ageing. Shear force decreased and tenderness and flavour intensity increased with fat class but this effect was only signifficant in the leanest animals

    Some features of the statistical complexity, Fisher-Shannon information, and Bohr-like orbits in the Quantum Isotropic Harmonic Oscillator

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    The Fisher-Shannon information and a statistical measure of complexity are calculated in the position and momentum spaces for the wave functions of the quantum isotropic harmonic oscillator. We show that these magnitudes are independent of the strength of the harmonic potential. Moreover, for each level of energy, it is found that these two indicators take their minimum values on the orbitals that correspond to the classical (circular) orbits in the Bohr-like quantum image, just those with the highest orbital angular momentum.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figure