20 research outputs found

    Review of affinity precipitation methods

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    In recent decades, considerable attention has been focused on Affinity precipitation methods because it is an easy and scalable one to develop affinity ligands. There are a lot of methods and models have been implying for different reasons in different field. Here, some of these methods have been reviewed regarding to their importance in different aspects. 1) Conjugation of PABA-poly (NIPAM). This mathematical model can be useful to analyzing kinetic enzyme in experimental system. 2) Affinity Precipitation using the dimer of nicotinamide-adenine dinucleotide which is proposed by Mosbach and Larsson (1979). 3) Metal Affinity Precipitation of Proteins that bischelates of Cu (II) as macroligands used to precipitate of proteins. 4) Metal Affinity Aggregation of Proteins for aggregating of proteins which obtained via applying classical gelation theory and ion binding equilibrium. 5) Purification of Lectin by Affinity Precipitation is done by mixing extracted lectins from wheat germ, potato and tomato and 2 ml of chitosan solution. 6) Lectins from wheat germ, potato and tomato extracts (1.0 ml clarified extracts containing 21 722, 54 650 and 19 280 units) were added to 2 ml of chitosan solution (0.4% wv21 in 50 mM acetate buffer, pH 5.5). Other methods which are explained 6) Affinity Chromatography for Purification of Enzymes, and 7) Affinity precipitation method using k-carrageenan. In conclusion, Affinity Precipitation, as one of the most suitable research tools for molecular recognition, must be considered gratefully in future

    Using geographic information systems in and constructions of LPG installation: case 1 assessment effects of fire on humans

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    The application of Geographical Information System (GIS) for controlling of risks from chemical installations handling hazardous substances is getting popular due to the advantage of being automated and allows powerful analytical techniques. The capability of GIS is to combine image map with the corresponding information at each level offering a new dimension to the management of industrial risk to the human health and the environment. Accidentally releases of flammable material like liquefied natural gas (LPG) can lead to hazardous events such as fire and explosion and poses an immediate effect to workers on-site and communities off-site as well as the potential to adversely affect the environment. Mathematical models are very useful tools to simulate consequence due to explosion of liquefied natural gas (LPG) hazards. The results from mathematical models can be incorporated with GIS maps technology to estimate graphically the probability risk to the human (injury or death) and the property (construction damage). This paper presents the effects of radiation to the people due to accident of LPG Installation which lead to BLEVE and fire

    Prediction of phosphorus migration in an unconfined aquifer with visual MODFLOW in landfill area

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    In this study, movement of phosphorus pollution which is leachate to groundwater was investigated in Seri Petaling Landfill. Visual MODFLOW was used to predict subsurface and surface migration of pollution within 10 years. The results of sample analysing of phosphorus has shown its concentration in place of landflill was 2.38 mg/l since the National Water Quality Standard for Malaysia defined the maximum value of phosphorus in groundwater for Class IIA/IIB and III at 0.1 and 0.2 mg/l respectively. The prediction shows phosphorus migrated widely to further places such as river and it has adverse effect on environment, animal and human

    Optimization of POME anaerobic pond

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    This study is to determine the effectiveness of physico-chemical and biological treatment on upstream of anaerobic pond in Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME). The various effluent treatments are currently used with different efficiency. The purpose of this research is to reduce the total solid of POME by using acidification pond and flocculation treatment on upstream of anaerobic pond. The cationic polymer was used as a flocculant. In order to access the optimum total solid removal, different dosages of polymer were tested by jar testing. Matlab Software was used for regression and statistical analysis. A specific program was used to predict the reduction of total solid in flocculation process. The model prediction is in close agreement with the experimental results for polymer system

    Capability of GIS in the analysis of explosion hazard from BLEVE event in LPG terminal

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    Geographical Information System (GIS) is getting popular in controlling of risk in chemical installations for handling hazardous substances. The capability of GIS is to combine image map with the corresponding information at each level offering is being recognized as a new dimension to the management of industrial safety and environment surrounding. Catastrophic failure of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) terminal is always regarded to failure its storage tank. A BLEVE is recognized as one of the worst type accidents cause of life and property. Consequences of BLEVE event are rapid and include peak over pressure from the blast, missiles projection from ruptured vessels and broken structures. This paper emphasizes on a methodology to evaluate effects of peak over pressure and missiles events from the BLEVE hazard due to catastrophic failure of a storage tank which filled by 140 tons of LPG. TNT model and selected equations are used to estimate the probability of fatality and structure damages and GIS techniques is used as a tool for analysis explosion due to a BLEVE event in LPG terminal. The developed technology capable to estimate explosion effects from a BLEVE event in which the result of consequences are plotted by buffer zones 10%, 50%, and 90% likelihood for managing risk in an industrial zone. Stakeholders can make use the developed technology for mitigating risk of LPG explosion in a LPG terminal and also for future land development in the areas outside of an industrial zone

    Impacts of oil palm cultivation on soil chemistry in a Malaysian tropical peatland

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    Cultivation of oil palm on peat soil has greatly affected the environment and soil carbon in recent time, especially when such practice has been on for several years. This paper therefore considers the impacts of oil palm cultivation on the peat soil with depth and considering the heterogeneity of different ages of plantation. Soil analyses were carried out and the parameters considered in soil analyses are; pH, moisture content, carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, and some heavy metals like, manganese, zinc, iron, copper, and phosphorus. Heavy metals present in the soil were determined using the double acid method while carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur were determined using flash combustion method. The results of the soil analysis indicated strong correlations among carbon, nitrogen, sulphur, depth and pH. Carbon values ranged from the highest (50.08%) in the oil palm cultivated in the year 2000 to the lowest (33.20%) in 2010-cultivated oil palm at the same depth, which suggests that carbon content of peat soil might be decreasing with continuous oil palm cultivation. Hence the gradual loss of carbon content from the peatland with time is being attributed to the oil palm cultivation and this could also trigger climate change effects, if left uncontrolled. The same applies to other parameters analyzed but with either negative or positive correlation observed

    Influence of natural smoke vent opening in stairway of multistorey building

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    Stairway used as an escape as well as firefighter's route during evacuation. In addition, stairway connecting different floors of a building and becomes a path for the smoke spread in fire event. In a building, every escape route should be installed with smoke control system to ensure the prevention of dangerous smoke accumulation at those areas. The fire perimeter in terms of heat output and smoke generation is highly depends on building occupancy and the efficacy of smoke confinement may have a great challenge. In this paper, numerical simulations were conducted to study the efficacy of natural smoke vent to confine fire-induced smoke transportation in the stairways of multi-storeys buildings. The simulation used Fire Dynamic Simulator (FDS) was conducted on a full-scale building where the influences of smoke vent opening at different fire size were discussed. When the value of heat release rate (HRR) were kept constant, the different vent's size opening had a different influence on the efficacy of smoke vent and an appropriate opening size was obtained and proposed for further action. The finding of this study can assist the fire engineer to ensure that the smoke vent installation play a good role in confinement of smoke diffusion

    Development of a layer of protection analysis tool to determine the safety integrity level in process industries

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    The purpose of this study was to develop a tool to determine the Safety Integrity Levels (SILs) using Layer of Protection Analysis (LOPA) method. Various methods can be used in determining this SIL. However, LOPA has been chosen as the risk-based approach to evaluate the potential consequences and likelihood. Many factors could be considered in order to complete this task. To implement LOPA procedure in the real situation, an industry plant operation had been selected as a case study. The work had been initiated by gathering the information on SIL. Event Tree Analysis (ETA) has been used to develop the scenarios of each initiating events. Then undesirable outcomes of accident scenarios have been calculated. A tool is developed to generate the scenarios or sequence of events that result in undesirable outcomes. Each scenario consists of two elements which are the initiating event that starts the chain of events and a consequence that results if the chain of events continues without interruption. Finally and after developing the scenarios, the identified initiating event frequency and related Independent Protection Layers (IPLs) is generated. There are 25 initiating events that have been listed in order to proceed with LOPA

    Grafting Carbon Nanotubes on Glass Fiber by Dip Coating Technique to Enhance Tensile and Interfacial Shear Strength

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    The effects of noncovalent bonding and mechanical interlocking of carbon nanotubes (CNT) coating on tensile and interfacial strength of glass fiber were investigated. CNT were coated over glass fiber by a simple dip coating method. Acid treated CNT were suspended in isopropanol solution containing Nafion as binding agent. To achieve uniform distribution of CNT over the glass fiber, an optimized dispersion process was developed by two parameters: CNT concentration and soaking time. CNT concentration was varied from 0.4 to 2 mg/mL and soaking time was varied from 1 to 180 min. The provided micrographs demonstrated appropriate coating of CNT on glass fiber by use of CNT-Nafion mixture. The effects of CNT concentration and soaking time on coating layer were studied by performing single fiber tensile test and pull-out test. The obtained results showed that the optimum CNT concentration and soaking time were 1 mg/mL and 60 min, respectively, which led to significant improvement of tensile strength and interfacial shear stress. It was found that, at other concentrations and soaking times, CNT agglomeration or acutely curly tubes appeared over the fiber surface which caused a reduction of nanotubes interaction on the glass fiber

    Assessment of chemical properties of tropical peatland soil in Malaysia oil palm plantation

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    The chemical assessment of the peatland in oil palm plantation in South Selangor Peatland Swamp in Malaysia were evaluated in this study. Soil samples were obtained from fifteen (15) different locations within the study area at three different depths of 0.5m, 1.5 m, and 2.5 m in three replicates at each depth, using peat auger between March and July, 2013 during the secondary maximum rainfall. Parameters evaluated in soil analysis included - pH, moisture content, carbon, nitrogen, sulphur and heavy metals such as manganese, zinc, iron, copper, and phosphorus. Heavy metals were determined using the double acid extraction method while carbon, nitrogen, and sulphur was determined using Trumac CNS Analyzer. From the pH values, the soil close to the surface is more acidic with a mean pH of 3.36 and standard error of 0.15. The mean values of the moisture contents were 363.54 % with SEM of 27.01 and 154.56 % with SEM of 54.64 at 0.5 m and 2.5 m depths respectively. Carbon, had the highest value of 44.27 % at 0.5 m, nitrogen, 0.36 %, sulphur, 0.15 % and heavy metals like manganese, iron, and copper, except zinc, and phosphorus had their mean values either increasing or decreasing with soil depth. Soil carbon was observed to decrease with depth unlike nitrogen and soil pH. All the parameters were observed to either decrease or increase with depth which shows their spatial distribution across the soil mass. This assessment of the tropical peatland soils chemistry has helped in appraising the important roles played by intact peatlands in overall global environmental sustainability