8,624 research outputs found


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    Planetary investigation utilizing an imaging spectrometer system based upon charge injection technology

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    An intrinsic silicon charge injection device (CID) television sensor array has been used in conjunction with a CaMoO4 colinear tunable acousto optic filter, a 61 inch reflector, a sophisticated computer system, and a digital color TV scan converter/computer to produce near IR images of Saturn and Jupiter with 10A spectral resolution and approximately 3 inch spatial resolution. The CID camera has successfully obtained digitized 100 x 100 array images with 5 minutes of exposure time, and slow-scanned readout to a computer. Details of the equipment setup, innovations, problems, experience, data and final equipment performance limits are given

    Designing dual-plate meteoroid shields: A new analysis

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    Physics governing ultrahigh velocity impacts onto dual-plate meteor armor is discussed. Meteoroid shield design methodologies are considered: failure mechanisms, qualitative features of effective meteoroid shield designs, evaluating/processing meteoroid threat models, and quantitative techniques for optimizing effective meteoroid shield designs. Related investigations are included: use of Kevlar cloth/epoxy panels in meteoroid shields for the Halley's Comet intercept vehicle, mirror exposure dynamics, and evaluation of ion fields produced around the Halley Intercept Mission vehicle by meteoroid impacts

    Application of the NASA airborne oceanographic lidar to the mapping of chlorophyll and other organic pigments

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    Laser fluorosensing techniques used for the airborne measurement of chlorophyll a and other naturally occurring waterborne pigments are reviewed. Previous experiments demonstrating the utility of the airborne oceanographic lidar (AOL) for assessment of various marine parameters are briefly discussed. The configuration of the AOL during the NOAA/NASA Superflux experiments is described. The participation of the AOL in these experiments is presented and the preliminary results are discussed. The importance of multispectral receiving capability in a laser fluorosensing system for providing reproducible measurements over wide areas having spatial variations in water column transmittance properties is addressed. This capability minimizes the number of truthing points required and is usable even in shallow estuarine areas where resuspension of bottom sediment is common. Finally, problems encountered on the Superflux missions and the resulting limitations on the AOL data sets are addressed and feasible solutions to these problems are provided

    A Lattice Boltzmann Model of Binary Fluid Mixture

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    We introduce a lattice Boltzmann for simulating an immiscible binary fluid mixture. Our collision rules are derived from a macroscopic thermodynamic description of the fluid in a way motivated by the Cahn-Hilliard approach to non-equilibrium dynamics. This ensures that a thermodynamically consistent state is reached in equilibrium. The non-equilibrium dynamics is investigated numerically and found to agree with simple analytic predictions in both the one-phase and the two-phase region of the phase diagram.Comment: 12 pages + 4 eps figure

    Development and evaluation of a Hadamard transform imaging spectrometer and a Hadamard transform thermal imager

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    A spectrometric imager and a thermal imager, which achieve multiplexing by the use of binary optical encoding masks, were developed. The masks are based on orthogonal, pseudorandom digital codes derived from Hadamard matrices. Spatial and/or spectral data is obtained in the form of a Hadamard transform of the spatial and/or spectral scene; computer algorithms are then used to decode the data and reconstruct images of the original scene. The hardware, algorithms and processing/display facility are described. A number of spatial and spatial/spectral images are presented. The achievement of a signal-to-noise improvement due to the signal multiplexing was also demonstrated. An analysis of the results indicates both the situations for which the multiplex advantage may be gained, and the limitations of the technique. A number of potential applications of the spectrometric imager are discussed

    Some Present Philosophical Trends.

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    Soft computing for intelligent data analysis

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    Intelligent data analysis (IDA) is an interdisciplinary study concerned with the effective analysis of data. The paper briefly looks at some of the key issues in intelligent data analysis, discusses the opportunities for soft computing in this context, and presents several IDA case studies in which soft computing has played key roles. These studies are all concerned with complex real-world problem solving, including consistency checking between mass spectral data with proposed chemical structures, screening for glaucoma and other eye diseases, forecasting of visual field deterioration, and diagnosis in an oil refinery involving multivariate time series. Bayesian networks, evolutionary computation, neural networks, and machine learning in general are some of those soft computing techniques effectively used in these studies