112 research outputs found

    The epigenetic control of E-box and Myc-dependent chromatin modifications regulate the licensing of lamin B2 origin during cell cycle

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    Recent genome-wide mapping of the mammalian replication origins has suggested the role of transcriptional regulatory elements in origin activation. However, the nature of chromatin modifications associated with such trans-factors or epigenetic marks imprinted on cis-elements during the spatio-temporal regulation of replication initiation remains enigmatic. To unveil the molecular underpinnings, we studied the human lamin B2 origin that spatially overlaps with TIMM 13 promoter. We observed an early G1-specific occupancy of c-Myc that facilitated the loading of mini chromosome maintenance protein (MCM) complex during subsequent mid-G1 phase rather stimulating TIMM 13 gene expression. Investigations on the Myc-induced downstream events suggested a direct interaction between c-Myc and histone methyltransferase mixed-lineage leukemia 1 that imparted histone H3K4me3 mark essential for both recruitment of acetylase complex HBO1 and hyperacetylation of histone H4. Contemporaneously, the nucleosome remodeling promoted the loading of MCM proteins at the origin. These chromatin modifications were under the tight control of active demethylation of E-box as evident from methylation profiling. The active demethylation was mediated by the Ten-eleven translocation (TET)-thymine DNA glycosylase-base excision repair (BER) pathway, which facilitated spatio-temporal occupancy of Myc. Intriguingly, the genome-wide 43% occurrence of E-box among the human origins could support our hypothesis that epigenetic control of E-box could be a molecular switch for the licensing of early replicating origins

    A Casual Study on Impact of Green HRM Practices on Organisation Sustainability

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    Nowadays, our business environment has changed itsview from a traditional financial perspective tocompetency based and strategic based perspective. Thegreen movement across the world has given birth to theconcept of Green HRM. The concept became popularowing to the issues in the present business world, rangingfrom excessive consumption of natural resources, carboncredits, global warming, to pollution. All these results inserious industrial accidents decrease in life span, changesin climate, etc. In general, Green HR deals with practicingall HR activities with environment-friendly concerns.This, in turn, helps in the sustainability of businesses aswell as the employees. Nevertheless, there is a wide crackbetween the HRM and environmental facets. Thereforethere is an emerging requirement for research inarticulating green HR approaches and their suggestionson general business execution. The reason behind thisinvestigation is to talk about the ideas of green HRM andits impact on organisation sustainability with the help ofextensive review of the literature


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    Motion estimation (ME) in a video coding system is the critical role, so testing such a module is of priority concern. While focusing on the testing of ME in a video coding system, this work presents an error detection and data recovery (EDDR) design based on residue -and- quotient (RQ) code. An error in processing elements (PEs) can be detected and recovered effectively by using the proposed EDDR design. Importantly, the proposed EDDR design performs satisfactorily in terms of throughput and reliability for motion estimation (ME) testing applications

    Data Placement in Object Storage Based Multiple Containers in Cloud Environment

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    Cloud computing is an Internet based processing where virtual shared servers give programming and different resources. Cloud storage is only capacity of information on outsider cloud servers. The benefits are boundless capacity, backup and recovery. The bad marks are specialized issues, cost and absence of backing in security. In This paper, we made to build an application for cloud security in IBM bluemix cloud to partition the data and storing them into multiple containers of object storage. Object storage is a resource which is used in IBM bluemix cloud to store a data. Hence the data is retrieve when needed by merging it. An proposed efficient data placement algorithm is used. This will consider how to place the files efficiently to the containers in object storage. Beside, the files will merge when client needs it back. So some additional algorithms is also used for partitioning and merging of files. Our goal is to achieve good security for cloud storage system, through proposed algorithm by using multiple containers of object storage in cloud

    Correlation of hemoglobin with creatinine clearance, antioxidant status, lipid peroxidation and ceruloplasmin in patients with chronic kidney disease

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    Background: Anaemia in CRF is caused primarily by a combination of depressed erythropoiesis and shortened erythrocyte lifespan caused by oxidative stress. Therefore, the present study was designed to investigate the correlation between Hb concentration and antioxidant and lipid peroxidation levels.Methods: The study group consisted of 50 patients with chronic kidney disease who were on conservative treatment with the age group of 20 to 60 years. Based on the creatinine clearance values the patients were assigned in to 3 groups; Stage 3, Stage- 4 and Stage- 5 as per NKF DOQI guidelines. Control group consisted of 50 age and sex matched, non-diabetic, non-smoker healthy volunteers. About 5 ml of blood was collected and serum was used for the estimation of superoxide dismutase, ceruloplasmin and malondialdehyde and haemoglobin level using standard methods. The correlations between the different groups are performed by applying Pearson’s correlation test. The p value of ≤0.05 was taken as the level of significance.Results: A positive correlation of Hb with creatinine clearance (r=0.46, p=0.001), SOD level(r=0.4, p=0.009), serum ceruloplasmin (r=0.3, p=0.07) was observed. Significant positive correlation was found between creatinine clearance and SOD level (r=0.4, p=0.008), ceruloplasmin (r=0.3, p=0.04). A negative correlation was obtained between serum malondialdehyde levels and haemoglobin concentration (r=-0.4, p=0.007) and between creatinine clearance and MDA levels (r=-0.4, p=0.01).Conclusions: The study provides a better understanding of the biochemical parameters underlying anaemia in chronic kidney disease. The increased production of ROS and deficiency of antioxidant enzymes altered the oxidant and antioxidant equilibrium in the plasma of CKD patients

    To evaluate the hemoglobin concentration, lipid peroxidation and antioxidant status in patients with chronic kidney disease

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    Background: Oxidative stress plays an important role in the progression of CKD as well as in many of the complications associated with the disease. ROS promotes inflammation, accelerated ageing, fibrosis and apoptosis leading to progression of CKD. Therefore, the present study was carried out to evaluate the serum markers for early diagnosis of patients at different stages of chronic kidney disease.Methods: The study group consisted of 50 patients with chronic kidney disease who were on conservative treatment with the age group of 20 to 60 years. Based on the creatinine clearance values the patients were assigned in to 3 groups; Stage 3, Stage- 4 and Stage- 5 as per NKF DOQI guidelines. Control group consisted of 50 age and sex matched, non-diabetic, nonsmoker healthy volunteers. About 5 ml of blood was collected and serum was used for the estimation of superoxide dismutase, ceruloplasmin and malondialdehyde and haemoglobin level using standard methods. The data was analyzed by applying student’s t test. The p value of ≤0.05 was taken as the level of significance.Results: The haemoglobin concentration in all the 3 CKD stages was found to be significantly decreased (p<0.000) whereas, the serum malondialdehyde (MDA) was significantly increased (p=0.000) in patients with CKD. But serum SOD and ceruloplasmin levels of normal and patients with CKD showed significant decline (p<0.000) only in stage 5 whereas, in stage-2 and stage-3 patients it did not show significant variation.Conclusions: The results of the study reinforce the possibility that antioxidant supplementation may be helpful in correcting anaemia in chronic kidney disease. Treatment of renal anaemia is an effective intervention to ensure better quality of life, to prevent adverse cardiovascular outcomes and to retard the progression of chronic kidney disease so as to reduce the burden of end stage renal disease in the long run

    The mechanism of nestmate discrimination in the tropical social wasp Ropalidia marginata and its implications for the evolution of sociality

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    We have demonstrated that females of the primitively eusocial tropical wasp Ropalidia marginata can discriminate nestmates from nonnestmates outside the context of their nests. This was accomplished by recroding all behavioural interactions in a neutral arena and comparing tolerance levels. In order for these wasps to make such a discrimination, however, it was essential that after eclosion both the discriminated and the discriminating animals were exposed to their respective natal nests and nestmates. The results suggest that both recognition labels and templates are acquired by the animals from sources outside their body, perhaps from their nest or nestmates. It is thus unlikely that different genetic lines within a colony can be distinguished. We conclude, therefore, that genetic asymmetries created by haplodiploidy, but often broken down by multiple mating and polygyny, are not restored by preferential altruism towards full rather than half sisters by means of kin recognition. Hence we recommend caution in ascribing the multiple origins of eusociality in the Hymenoptera to haplodiploidy

    Surival of remote set seed of the clam Paphia malabarica : Effect of continued submergence and short term exposures to salinity variations

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    Globally clam mariculture is a very popular aquaculture activity. The seed for farming to a great extent comes from the natural bed but in many countries the hatchery produced clam seed is farmed. Most farmers also have adopted the convenient technique of remote setting the seed. Remote setting is the technique of setting the pediveliger larvae produced in hatcheries at sites away from the hatchery usually near the farm site. Paphia malabarica commonly known as the yellow foot clam or textile clam is an important resource and supports a commercial fishery in their places of occurrence. In the present experiment pediveliger larvae of P. malabarica produced in the hatchery of CMFRI at Tuticorin were remote set at the Calicut Marine hatchery complex after a transit period of 26 hrs. They were reared in the hatchery and before transferring these clams to the field two sets of experiments mainly to i) evaluate the effect of continued exposure to different salinities ranging from 0 to 35 ppt and ii) evaluate 10,15,20, and 25 ppt and subsequent revival in ambient salinity of 35 ppt were conducted to understand their tolerance to variations in salinity

    Seasonal variations in salinity of Korapuzha estuary (Calicut, Kerala) in relation to tide and rainfall

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    Hydrographic, tidal and rainfall observations at a selected station situated near the mouth of Korapuzha esluary during the period 1989-1993 revealed that the main causative factor which brings in variations in salinity is rainfall and the associated river runoff rather than the tide eventhough the estuary is connected with the Arabian sea throughout the year permitting a free flow of sea water into the estuary and a counterflow of freh water in the opposite direction

    Cultch preference and growth of remote-set spat of the backwater oyster, Crassostrea madrasensis, in varied salinities

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    Remote setting is the method of setting larvae of bivalves in distant areas, away from the hatchery after transporting eyed larvae (pediveliger) in cool and moist condition without water. The advantages are that hatcheries need not be established near the farms, transportation charges for cultch with spat can be completely eliminated and loss due to transportation stress can be minimized. In India, the first success in remote setting of edible oyster larvae has been done at CMFRI in 2000 when larvae from east coast were set at Cochin. This study indicated the scope for developing this technique for edible oyster, Crassostrea madrasensis. In the present study remote setting was done and simultaneously the cultuch preference and the growth of the spat in different salinities were studied