1,019 research outputs found

    Milli-second Oscillations in the Persistent and Bursting Flux of Aql X-1 During an Outburst

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    The Rossi X-Ray Timing Explorer observed the soft X-Ray transient Aql X-1 during its outburst in February and March 1997. We report the discovery of quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) in its persistent flux with frequencies in the range of 740 to 830 Hz, Q-value of over 100, and a fractional RMS amplitude of (6.8 +- 0.6)%, and nearly coherent oscillations (NCOs) during a Type-I burst with a frequency of 549 Hz. The frequency of the QPOs in the persistent flux is correlated with the mass accretion rate on time scale of hours, but not on time scale of days. This is most likely the manifestation in a single source of the kHz QPO puzzle observed among many sources, i.e., on the one hand, individual sources show a correlation between the QPO frequency and the inferred mass accretion rate, on the other hand, the dozen or so sources with luminosities spanning two decades have essentially the same QPO frequencies. We propose that this multi-valued QPO frequency and mass accretion rate correlation indicates the existence of many similar regimes of the accretion disk. These regimes, with a very similar energy spectrum and QPO frequency, are distinguished from each other by the mass accretion rate or the total X-ray flux. The NCOs during the burst can be made almost perfectly coherent by taking into account a large frequency derivative. This strongly suggests that this frequency is related to the neutron star spin frequency. The large frequency derivative is attributable to the expansion or contraction of the neutron star photosphere during the burst.Comment: 6 pages, LaTex (aas2pp4), Accepted for publication in ApJ Let

    The CHANDRA HETGS X-ray Grating Spectrum of Eta Car

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    Eta Car may be the most massive and luminous star in the Galaxy and is suspected to be a massive, colliding wind binary system. The CHANDRA X-ray observatory has obtained a calibrated, high-resolution X-ray spectrum of the star uncontaminated by the nearby extended soft X-ray emisssion. Our 89 ksec CHANDRA observation with the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (HETGS) shows that the hot gas near the star is non-isothermal. The temperature distribution may represent the emission on either side of the colliding wind bow shock, effectively ``resolving'' the shock. If so, the pre-shock wind velocities are ~ 700 and ~ 1800 km/s in our analysis, and these velocities may be interpreted as the terminal velocities of the winds from Eta Car and from the hidden companion star. The forbidden-to-intercombination (f/i) line ratios for the He-like ions of S, Si and Fe are large, indicating that the line forming region lies far from the stellar photosphere. The iron fluorescent line at 1.93 Angstrom, first detected by ASCA, is clearly resolved from the thermal iron line in the CHANDRA grating spectrum. The Fe fluorescent line is weaker in our CHANDRA observation than in any of the ASCA spectra. The CHANDRA observation also provides an uninterrupted high-time resolution lightcurve of the stellar X-ray emission from Eta Car and suggests that there was no significant, coherent variability during the CHANDRA observation. The Eta Car CHANDRA grating spectrum is unlike recently published X-ray grating spectra of single massive stars in significant ways and is generally consistent with colliding wind emission in a massive binary.Comment: revised after comments from referee and includes a new variability analysis, taking into account the effects of CCD pileu

    The 1981 outburst of the old nova GK Persei

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    Old nova GK Per was observed in 1981 with the IUE, during its rise, maximum, and subsequent return to minimum. In outburst, GK Per is luminous but much redder than dwarf novae or standard model accretion disks. The observed spectrum can be explained qualitatively with the Ghosh and Lamb (1979) model for the interaction of an accretion disk with the magnetic field of the accreting white dwarf. The N V and He2 are enhanced relative to other emission lines during outburst. This can be understood with photoionization by very soft X-rays having a luminosity comparable to that of the hard X-rays

    Methodological Bias in Estimates of Strain Composition and Straying of Hatchery‐Produced Steelhead in Lake Michigan Tributaries

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    Steelhead Oncorhynchus mykiss were first introduced into the Great Lakes in the late 1800s. Subsequently, natural recruitment of steelhead from spawning runs in streams across the basin has been regularly supplemented by hatchery production of strains derived from widely dispersed locales within the species’ native range. Estimates of hatchery contributions to the spawning runs of naturalized populations may be underrepresented by observations of marked fish, as not all hatchery fish are marked prior to release. To assess the potential bias in estimates of the hatchery contribution to steelhead spawning runs in four major rivers in Michigan, we used scale pattern analysis (SPA) to identify nonmarked hatchery fish and multilocus genotypes to estimate the proportional contributions of each hatchery strain to spawning runs. The four hatchery strains currently stocked are significantly genetically distinct (mean FST = 0.077), making it possible to identify specific strains by use of likelihood‐based assignment tests. The differences between direct (mark observations) and indirect (SPA and genetic analysis) estimates of hatchery contribution were mainly due to variations in the percentage of hatchery fish marked by states prior to release and the potential for confusion between certain marks and injuries. By combining direct and indirect assessment methodologies, we estimated that the percentage of hatchery fish returning to the four rivers ranged from 13% to 31% of total spawning runs. The large contribution of hatchery fish to nonstocked rivers differed significantly from expectations of strain‐specific stocking rates across the Lake Michigan basin and for individual streams, indicating high amounts of straying into Michigan streams.Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/141020/1/nafm1288.pd

    A 4.8 hour periodicity in the spectra of Cyg X-3

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    The X-ray spectra from three observations of the X-ray binary Cyg X-3 by the cosmic X-ray spectroscopy experiment on OSO can be represented by power-law continua with strong iron line emission. Comparisons of spectra taken within the same observation at various phases of the 4.8 hour period reveal a relative excess of low energy X-ray emission near zero phase (i.e. the minimum) of the 4.8 hour modulation. In addition, the centroid of the line emission is observed to vary in phase with the 4.8 hour cycle. The possibility of persistent thermal X-ray emission from material surrounding the binary system is introduced in an effort to account for the observed effects

    High-Sensitivity Measurement of 3He-4He Isotopic Ratios for Ultracold Neutron Experiments

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    Research efforts ranging from studies of solid helium to searches for a neutron electric dipole moment require isotopically purified helium with a ratio of 3He to 4He at levels below that which can be measured using traditional mass spectroscopy techniques. We demonstrate an approach to such a measurement using accelerator mass spectroscopy, reaching the 10e-14 level of sensitivity, several orders of magnitude more sensitive than other techniques. Measurements of 3He/4He in samples relevant to the measurement of the neutron lifetime indicate the need for substantial corrections. We also argue that there is a clear path forward to sensitivity increases of at least another order of magnitude.Comment: 11 pages, 10 figure

    Does dietary intake change during an intervention to reduce sedentary behavior and cardiovascular disease risk? A randomized comparative effectiveness trial

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    Citation: Casey, K., Mailey, E. L., Rosenkranz, R. R., Swank, A., Ablah, E., & Rosenkranz, S. K. (2018). Does dietary intake change during an intervention to reduce sedentary behavior and cardiovascular disease risk? A randomized comparative effectiveness trial. BMC Nutrition, 4(1). https://doi.org/10.1186/s40795-018-0223-1Background: Evidence from physical activity interventions suggests that women, in particular, may overcompensate for exercise energy expenditure by increasing caloric intake. Sedentary behavior and poor dietary quality are independent risk factors for many major chronic diseases, including cardiovascular disease (CVD). The primary purpose of this study was to determine whether insufficiently active women, accumulating less than 60 min per week of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity, alter caloric intake or dietary quality when participating in an 8-week intervention to reduce sedentary behavior and CVD risk. A secondary aim was to determine whether the two treatment groups differed from one another in dietary intake while participating in the intervention. Methods: Insufficiently active women (n = 49) working full-time sedentary jobs were randomized to one of two treatment groups to reduce sedentary behavior during the workweek: short-break (1–2 min breaks from sitting every half hour, SB), or long-break (15 min breaks from sitting twice daily, LB). Three-day food records were collected at baseline, week 4 and week 8. Dietary quality was assessed using the Alternative Healthy Eating Index 2010 (AHEI-2010). Risk factors for CVD were assessed at baseline and week 8. Results: For all participants, average caloric intake decreased significantly from baseline to week 8 by approximately 12% (Δ = − 216.0 kcals, p = 0.003). Average caloric intake decreased significantly over time for the SB group (Δ = − 369.6 kcals, p = 0.004), but not the LB group (Δ = − 179.5 kcals, p = 0.17). There was no significant difference between SB and LB groups with regard to calories from baseline to week 8 (F = 0.51, p = 0.48). Total AHEI-2010 scores did not decrease significantly for all participants (Δ = − 4.0, p = 0.14), SB (Δ = − 5.2, p = 0.16), or LB groups (Δ = − 4.5, p = 0.67). Conclusions: Following an 8-week intervention to reduce sedentary time, insufficiently active women decreased caloric intake over time, however there were no differences between SB and LB groups. In all participants, dietary quality was not altered over time. Future studies should explore sedentary reduction interventions compared to physical activity interventions as a means to create negative energy balance, as frequent sedentary breaks may be effective for improving health outcomes in women. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov registration number NCT02609438, retrospectively registered November 20, 2015

    Fast X-ray Transients and Their Connection to Gamma-Ray Bursts

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    Fast X-ray transients (FXTs) with timescales from seconds to hours have been seen by numerous space instruments. We have assembled archival data from Ariel-5, HEAO-1 (A-1 and A-2), WATCH, ROSAT, and Einstein to produce a global fluence-frequency relationship for these events. Fitting the log N-log S distribution over several orders of magnitude to simple power law we find a slope of -1.0. The sources of FXTs are undoubtedly heterogeneous, the -1 power law is an approximate result of the summation of these multiple sources. Two major contributions come from gamma-ray bursts and stellar flares. Extrapolating from the BATSE catalog of GRBs, we find that the fraction of X-ray flashes that can be the X-ray counterparts of gamma-ray bursts is a function of fluence. Certainly most FXTs are not counterparts of standard gamma-ray bursts. The fraction of FXTs from non-GRB sources, such as magnetic stars, is greatest for the faintest FXTs. Our understanding of the FXT phenomenon remains limited and would greatly benefit from a large, homogeneous data set, which requires a wide-field, sensitive instrument.Comment: 36 pages, 8 figure
