51 research outputs found

    The Effect of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Gamma Oscillatory Activity in Schizophrenia

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    Gamma (γ) oscillations (30-50 Hz) have been shown to be excessive in patients with schizophrenia (SCZ) during working memory (WM). WM is a cognitive process that involves the online maintenance and manipulation of information that is mediated largely by the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC). Repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation (rTMS) represents a non-invasive method to stimulate the cortex that has been shown to enhance cognition and γ oscillatory activity during WM.We examined the effect of 20 Hz rTMS over the DLPFC on γ oscillatory activity elicited during the N-back task in 24 patients with SCZ compared to 22 healthy subjects. Prior to rTMS, patients with SCZ elicited excessive γ oscillatory activity compared to healthy subjects across WM load. Active rTMS resulted in the reduction of frontal γ oscillatory activity in patients with SCZ, while potentiating activity in healthy subjects in the 3-back, the most difficult condition. Further, these effects on γ oscillatory activity were found to be specific to the frontal brain region and were absent in the parieto-occipital brain region.We suggest that this opposing effect of rTMS on γ oscillatory activity in patients with SCZ versus healthy subjects may be related to homeostatic plasticity leading to differential effects of rTMS on γ oscillatory activity depending on baseline differences. These findings provide important insights into the neurophysiological mechanisms underlying WM deficits in SCZ and demonstrated that rTMS can modulate γ oscillatory activity that may be a possible avenue for cognitive potentiation in this disorder

    Ribosome profiling reveals the what, when, where and how of protein synthesis

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    Ribosome profiling, which involves the deep sequencing of ribosome-protected mRNA fragments, is a powerful tool for globally monitoring translation in vivo. The method has facilitated discovery of the regulation of gene expression underlying diverse and complex biological processes, of important aspects of the mechanism of protein synthesis, and even of new proteins, by providing a systematic approach for experimental annotation of coding regions. Here, we introduce the methodology of ribosome profiling and discuss examples in which this approach has been a key factor in guiding biological discovery, including its prominent role in identifying thousands of novel translated short open reading frames and alternative translation products

    Freqüência e variáveis associadas ao aleitamento materno em crianças com até 12 meses de idade no município de Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brazil Frequency and associated variables to breastfeeding among infant up to 12 months of age in Araçatuba, State of São Paulo, Brazil

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    OBJETIVOS: avaliar a prevalência do aleitamento materno em crianças assistidas em Araçatuba, São Paulo, Brasil; verificar a associação com variáveis materno-infantis e o conhecimento das mães sobre a relação da amamentação com saúde bucal. MÉTODOS: estudo transversal. Os dados foram coletados durante a Campanha Nacional de Vacinação, em 2005. Foram entrevistadas 100 mães de crianças com até 12 meses de idade. A freqüência do aleitamento foi estimada por meio da análise de sobrevivência, e foram realizadas análises estatísticas para verificação da associação entre aleitamento e variáveis independentes. RESULTADOS: a prevalência do aleitamento aos 6 e 12 meses foi de 22,2% (exclusivo) e 65% (total). A duração mediana da amamentação exclusiva foi de 3,65 meses. As variáveis associadas ao desmame foram uso de mamadeira (&#967;2=9,537; p=0,002) e chupeta (&#967;2= 14,667; p=0,001). Poucas mães (33) demonstraram saber a influência do aleitamento sobre a saúde bucal de seus filhos, sendo o cirurgião-dentista o profissional mais citado como responsável por essa informação. CONCLUSÕES: a prevalência da amamentação foi satisfatória, porém foram baixas as taxas de aleitamento exclusivo, e como fatores determinantes destacaram-se o uso de mamadeiras e chupetas associado ao desmame. É dever de órgãos governamentais, meios de comunicação e profissionais de saúde compactuarem ações efetivas em prol do aleitamento.<br>OBJECTIVES: to evaluate the prevalence of breastfeeding among infants receiving care in Araçatuba, in the State of São Paulo, Brazil; to assess associated variables relating to mother and child and the mother's knowledge regarding the relationship between breastfeeding and oral health. METHODS: cross-sectional study. Data was collected during the National Immunization Campaign, in 2005. One hundred mothers of children up to 12 months of age were interviewed. The frequency of breastfeeding was estimated using a survival analysis and statistical analyses were carried out to assess the association between breastfeeding and independent variables. RESULTS: the prevalence of breastfeeding, at 6 and 12 months was 22.2% (exclusive) and 65% (total). The mean duration of exclusive breastfeeding was 3.65 months. The variables associated with weaning were use of a bottle (&#967;2=9.537; p=0.002) and of a pacifier (&#967;2=14.667; p=0.001). Few mothers (33) demonstrated knowledge of the influence of breastfeeding on their children's oral health, the dentist being more often mentioned as responsible for providing this information. CONCLUSIONS: the prevalence of breastfeeding was satisfactory, although rates for exclusive breastfeeding were low. The use of a bottle and a pacifier were positively associated as determining factors with weaning. The government, media and health professionals must improve effective actions to promote breastfeeding

    Fatores associados à sintomatologia dolorosa e qualidade de vida em odontólogos da cidade de Teresina - PI Factors associated with pain symptoms and quality of life of dentists in the city of Teresina - PI

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    OBJETIVO: Analisar os fatores associados à sintomatologia dolorosa e à qualidade de vida em odontológos da cidade de Teresina-PI. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um estudo observacional de caráter transversal com 175 odontológos atuantes e registrados no Conselho Regional de Odontologia-PI entre os meses de março a maio de 2007. Para caracterização dos odontológos foi utilizado um questionário multidimensional contendo informações sociodemográficas (idade, sexo) e dados profissionais (tempo de serviço e jornada de trabalho). A avaliação da presença de dor foi realizada pelo o Protocolo de Sintomatologia Dolorosa de McGILL. O WHOQOL-Bref foi utilizado para avaliação da qualidade de vida através dos domíniosFísico, Psicológico, Social e Meio ambiente. RESULTADOS/CONCLUSÃO: A sintomatologia dolorosa foi relatada em 69,7% dos indivíduos, sendo observado em 77,3% das mulheres e 60,3% dos homens. As regiões do corpo onde foram mais prevalentes a presença de dor foram a região do pescoço (69,2%) e lombar (69,7%). Os odontológos apresentaram elevados níveis de autopercepção de satisfação da qualidade de vida e saúde. A maior parte dos indivíduos relatou a qualidade de vida como muito boa (96%), e apenas 16,6% dos indivíduos relataram insatisfação com a saúde. Os domínios Físico e Meio Ambiente do WHOQOL-Bref apresentaram escores mais baixos que os domínios Psicológico e Social. Através de análise multivariada mediante regressão logística, após ajuste pelas variáveis do estudo, apenas a sintomatologia dolorosa (OR=2,51; IC95%1,21-5,21) permaneceu associada com a qualidade de vida destes profissionais.<br>OBJECTIVE: To analyze factors associated with pain symptoms and quality of life in dentists of Teresina - PI, Brazil. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional study with 175 dentists registered with the Regional Council of Dentistry-PI from March to May, 2007. We used a multidimensional questionnaire containing sociodemographic (age, sex) and professional information (time working in profession, work schedule) to characterize dentists. The McGILL Protocol of Painful Symptoms was used to evaluate the presence of pain. The WHOQOL-Bref was used to assess quality of life through physical, psychological, social and environmental domains. RESULTS/CONCLUSION: Pain symptoms were reported in 69.7% of individuals, being observed in 77.3% of women and 60.3% of men. The body regions with more prevalent presence of pain were the neck (69.2%) and lumbar (69.7%) regions. The dentists had high levels of self-perceived satisfaction of quality of life and health. Most subjects reported their quality of life as very good (96%), and only 16.6% reported dissatisfaction with their health. The domains and physical environment of the WHOQOL-Bref showed lower scores than the psychological and social domains. Through multivariate analysis by logistic regression after adjustment for the study, only pain symptoms (OR = 2.51, 95% 1.21-5.21) remained associated with the quality of life of these professionals
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