15 research outputs found

    CTCF modulates Estrogen Receptor function through specific chromatin and nuclear matrix interactions.

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    Enhancer regions and transcription start sites of estrogen-target regulated genes are connected by means of Estrogen Receptor long-range chromatin interactions. Yet, the complete molecular mechanisms controlling the transcriptional output of engaged enhancers and subsequent activation of coding genes remain elusive. Here, we report that CTCF binding to enhancer RNAs is enriched when breast cancer cells are stimulated with estrogen. CTCF binding to enhancer regions results in modulation of estrogen-induced gene transcription by preventing Estrogen Receptor chromatin binding and by hindering the formation of additional enhancer-promoter ER looping. Furthermore, the depletion of CTCF facilitates the expression of target genes associated with cell division and increases the rate of breast cancer cell proliferation. We have also uncovered a genomic network connecting loci enriched in cell cycle regulator genes to nuclear lamina that mediates the CTCF function. The nuclear lamina and chromatin interactions are regulated by estrogen-ER. We have observed that the chromatin loops formed when cells are treated with estrogen establish contacts with the nuclear lamina. Once there, the portion of CTCF associated with the nuclear lamina interacts with enhancer regions, limiting the formation of ER loops and the induction of genes present in the loop. Collectively, our results reveal an important, unanticipated interplay between CTCF and nuclear lamina to control the transcription of ER target genes, which has great implications in the rate of growth of breast cancer cells

    Wintertime spatial characteristics of boundary layer aerosols over peninsular India

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    During an intense field campaign for generating a spatial composite of aerosol characteristics over peninsular India, collocated measurements of the mass concentration and size distribution of near-surface aerosols were made onboard instrumented vehicles along the road network during the dry, winter season (February-March) of 2004. The study regions covered coastal, industrial, urban, village, remote, semiarid, and vegetated forestlands. The results showed (1) comparatively high aerosol (mass) concentrations (exceeding 50 &mu; g m(-3)), in general, along the coastal regions (east and west) and adjacent to urban locations, and (2) reduced mass concentration (<30 &mu; g m(-3)) over the semiarid interior continental regions. Fine, accumulation-mode particles (<1 &mu; m) contribute more than 50% to the total aerosol mass concentration in the coastal regions, which is more conspicuous along the east coast than the west coast, while the interior regions showed abundance (>50% of the total) of coarse-mode aerosols (>1 &mu; m). The spatial composite of accumulation-mode share to the total aerosol mass concentration agreed very well with the monthly mean spatial composite of aerosol fine-mode fraction for February 2004, deduced from Moderate-Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer data for the study region, while a point by point comparison yielded a linear association with a slope of 1.09 and correlation coefficient of 0.79 for 76 independent data pairs. Pockets of enhanced aerosol concentration were observed around the industrialized and urban centers along the coast as well as inland. Aerosol size distributions were parameterized using a power law. Spatial variation of the retrieved aerosol size index shows relatively high values (>4) along the coast compared to interior continental regions except at a few locations. Urban locations showed steeper size spectra than the remote locations

    High-yield production of graphene by liquid-phase exfoliation of graphite

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    Fully exploiting the properties of graphene will require a method for the mass production of this remarkable material. Two main routes are possible: large-scale growth or large-scale exfoliation. Here, we demonstrate graphene dispersions with concentrations up to ~0.01 mg m1-1, produced by dispersion and exfoliation of graphite in organic solvents such as N-methyl-pyrrolidone. This is possible because the energy required to exfoliate graphene is balanced by the solvent -graphene interaction for solvents whose surface energies match that of graphene. We confirm the presence of individual graphene sheets by Raman spectroscopy, transmission electron microscopy and electron diffraction. Our method results in a monolayer yield of ~1 wt%, which could potentially be improved to 7–12 wt% with further processing. The absence of defects or oxides is confirmed by X-ray photoelectron, infrared and Raman spectroscopies. We are able to produce semi-transparent conducting films and conducting composites. Solution processing of graphene opens up a range of potential large-area applications, from device and sensor fabrication to liquid-phase chemistry

    Self-domestication in Homo sapiens: Insights from comparative genomics

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