35 research outputs found


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    Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever or abbreviated as DHF is a disease caused by the dengue virus which is transmitted through the bite of the Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus mosquitoes. This study aims to determine the relationship between knowledge and eradication of mosquito nests with the incidence of DHF. This type of research uses cross sectional. The population in this study was 60 people with a sampling technique with a total sampling of 60 respondents. The analysis was carried out in two stages, namely Univariate and Bivariate analysis. The statistical test used the chi-square test with a significance level of =5%. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the level of knowledge and eradication of mosquito nests simultaneously with the occurrence of dengue hemorrhagic fever at the Lumpatan Health Center. The results of this study can be used as a reflection to improve and improve the performance of existing programs related to dengue disease in the working area of ​​the Puskesmas. So that later it can increase public knowledge about dengue prevention through these programs


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     The increasing case of dental caries among developing country rather than the establish country which showed the decreasing of case. The high incidence of dental caries in children requires optimal handling, especially in preventing the incidence of dental caries in children This research is a quantitative research. The sample in this study is the 7th grade of public junior high school Muara Kelingi students (195 students) using total sampling technique. The data in this study were obtained using secondary data from surveillance data and medical record . Then analyzed using the Chi- Square test. This research was conducted in June 2020 at SMP N 1 Muara Kelingi Kabupaten Musi Rawas. The results showed the variable age (p 0.002), gender variable (p 0.200), knowledge variable (p 0.001), cariogenic food habits variable (p 0.001), nutritional status (p 0.212), toothbrush habit variable (p 0.015). and variable utilization of service facilities (p 0.002). In the multivariate analysis, it was found that the most dominant variable associated with the incidence of dental caries was the habit of toothbrushes with a p value of 0.012. Based on the research results, it is necessary to have facilities and information related to dental health and the need for support and an active role from parents


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    Latar Belakang: Indonesia merupakan salah satu penandatangan komitmen pembangunan global. Tujuan Pembangunan Global ini juga meliputi indikator-indikator program Keluarga Berencana (KB). Pandemi Covid-19 juga memiliki dampak tidak langsung bagi program kesehatan masyarakat lain, yang disebabkan oleh sumber daya kesehatan yang mayoritas terserap untuk penanganan pandemic. Pada masa Pandemi Covid-19 ini pencapaian target kunjungan peserta KB (Akseptor) di wilayah kerja Balai Penyuluhan Keluarga Berencana Kecamatan Indralaya Selatan mengalami penurunan yang drastis di tahun 2020 yang seharusnya target yang harus di capai 50 orang tetapi hanya tercapai 12 orang. Metode: Penelitian ini bersifat survei analitik dengan desain Cross Sectional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh perempuan usia subur (PUS) di wilayah kerja Balai Penyuluhan Keluarga Berencana Kecamatan Indralaya Selatan yang berjumlah 5904 Orang. Sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah sebagian perempuan usia subur (PUS) di wilayah kerja Balai Penyuluhan Keluarga Berencana Kecamatan Indralaya Selatan dan pengambilan sampel dengan metode Sistematic Random Sampling. Jadi besar sampel dalam penelitian ini adalah 150 orang. Hasil: Hasil penelitian di peroleh ada hubungan yang signifikan antara dukungan keluarga (p value 0,000), pendapatan (p value 0,000), pendidikan (p value 0,010) dengan Kepesertaan Keluarga Berencana (KB) Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 Di Balai Penyuluhan Keluarga Berencana Kecamatan Indralaya Selatan Tahun 2021. Kesimpulan: Terdapat 3 faktor yang berhubungan dengan Kepesertaan Keluarga Berencana (KB) Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19 yaitu dukungan keluarga, pendapatan dan Pendidikan. Diharapkan seluruh masyarakat khususnya wanita usia subur melakukan pola hidup sehat dan mewujudkan selogan “dua anak lebih sehat”. Kata kunci: Keluarga Berencana (KB), Covid-19, Dukungan Keluarga &nbsp


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    Rain water is a potential source of water as a source of clean water for households if accommodated and stored properly. This paper attempts to illustrate the results of calculations on the potential of rain harvest and surface runoff prediction using android applications from rooftops and home yards as an alternative to the provision of clean water. The method used in this study is to observe the amount of rain that is harvested in an integrated rain harvest at Bukit Sejahtera Palembang. Rainfall prediction that falls in all catchment area using android application (runoff prediction). In the event of moderate rain for a long time and lasted several days during the rainy season accommodated the amount of rainwater in the whole rain harvest area around 50-100 m3, while during the dry season the amount of rainwater accommodated about 5-10 m3 or equivalent with rainfall 30 mm per day. The calculation result of maximum runoff rate in rainy season falling from roof and land is 31 liters per second, while in dry season less than five liters per second. The prediction results are plausible and evident from the shelter on the concrete tank is never dry throughout the year, so also the fish pond is never dry throughout the year, which means with proper rain harvesting and storage the rainfall harvesting house experiences never dry and never flooded. There are a number of recommendations that must be met if rainwater is harvested from the roof and the yard as alternative provision of clean water in the cities

    Environmental Balance Management In Nonformal Education Learning

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    This study aims to determine the direct effect of the learning environment on the learning outcomes about environmental balance, interest in learning on the results of learning about environmental balance, and learning environment learning to interest in learning. This research is a survey research using path analysis technique with the sample of research is student package C in SKB BonebolangoGorontalo 2016/2017 Lesson Year, which amounts to 60 people. There are three variables that are used as research objects, namely two exogenous variables that include learning environment and interest in learning and endogenous variable that is the result of learning about environmental balance. The results of the study indicate that: (a) there is a positive direct effect of the learning environment on the learning outcomes of environmental balance, (b) there is a direct positive influence of interest on the learning outcomes of environmental equilibrium, (c) there is a direct positive influence of the learning environment on learning interest, d) there is an indirect influence of the learning environment on learning outcomes through interest in learning

    Evaluation Tool of Land Suitability for Medicinal Plants

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    Medicinal plants have been very important plants that are responsible in maintaining the health of millions of people in the world  since a very long time. Planting these crops must be carried out on a land that is suitable based on the results of a land suitability evaluation.  A framework to evaluate the land suitability for many land uses is initiated by Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO) in the late 1970’s. As the advent of smart phone nowadays becoming ubiquitous technology to solve problems in most settings, such as education, agriculture, medicine, psychology, and many others. This paper is to capitalize such advantage by converting the framework into a mobile app. This solution is hoped to help land users or planners to be more effective and efficient in evaluating their land. An algorithm is employed in the form the Rule Based System (RBS) in a way to construct the framework into bunch of rules that connect each other, resulting the conclusion of suitability. The rules itself are working on some variables, namely annual rainfall, altitude, drainage, soils’ type, pH, flood risk, fertility of the soils, soil solumn depth, etc. This study focuses on three medicinal crops only, which are candlenut, cardamom and onion to be evaluated. Data of agro climatic that were determining the suitability of the crops were developed into general and specific criteria for the plants. A usability model was studied from 40 respondents using the app. It is found that the usability of the app was in “very good” classification, with dimension scores, ranging from 3.79 and 4.22

    Application of Floating Rice Science and Technology on the Lebak Swamp Land in Agrotourism Tekno 44 Gelebak Dalam Village

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    Tekno 44 Agrotourism is a tourist attraction centered in Gelebak Dalam Village, Rambutan District, Banyuasin Regency, South Sumatra Province. Korem 044 Gapo is in charge of managing this agrotourism with an integrated farming system. Floating rice technology is one way to overcome the problem of flooding that occurs in lowland swamplands. Utilization of Lebak swamp land in South Sumatra for agriculture is still low; rice is only planted once a year during the dry season. The service was carried out from January to February 2023. The methods used included training and assistance regarding the application of floating rice technology on lowland swamp land, as well as facilitating the provision of facilities and infrastructure for the application of floating rice technology. The aim of this service is to increase the knowledge and skills of the Gelembak Dalam Village community regarding the application of floating rice technology on Lebak swamp land. Along with members of Korem 044 Gapo, the residents of Gelebak Dalam Village attended the training and mentoring. The people of Gelebak Dalam Village and members of Korem 044 Gapo are very enthusiastic about participating in training and mentoring to gain new knowledge and skills regarding the application of floating rice technology

    Perencanaan Panen Air Hujan Sebagai Sumber Air Bersih Alternatif Di Kampus STIK Bina Husada Palembang

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    Rainfall harvest planning is planned as an alternative clean water source on theSTIK Bina Husada Palembang campus. Planning for building rainwaterharvesting in the form of tanks and other buildings that are suitable to the needs.Planning for rainwater harvesting on this campus will be calculated according tothe needs of clean water and the amount of rainwater that can be harvested everyrainy event every month. The calculation results of water requirements on theBina Husada STIK campus, especially the Grand building and Graha building in2018 are 315 m3 / month for average needs, 8.2 m3 for daily maximumrequirements and 2.5 m3 / hour for water requirements during peak hours. Everyyear PDAM water usage for the Grand building and Graha building requires 3,790m3 of water or the equivalent of Rp 31.7 million in tariff payments. The rainharvesting system used is an underground tank building and the rest of the rainthat is not collected is directly discharged into the sewer and then to the waterbody. The use of gutters in a rain reservoir measuring 15x20 cm, on the roof sideused splash guards and metal sheets with a width of 30 cm installed every 3 m,and used pipes with a diameter of 100 mm. For now rainwater that can beaccommodated is 6.8 m3 per rainy day, 25 percent of the total potential ofrainwater that exists

    Pengendalian erosi tanah dalam rangka pelestarian lingkungan hidup

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    xviii, 150 hlm.; ill.: 21 cm

    Pengendalian Erosi Tanah

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    xvii- 150 hal-- 21 c