152 research outputs found


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        IKA SULISTIANI PENDIDIKAN BAHASA DAERAH FAKULTAS BAHASA DAN SENI UNIVERSITAS NEGERI SURABAYA   Abstrak Serat Narpawandawa Surakarta mujudake sastra Jawa kraton, amarga sajrone serat kasebut medharake asil kabudayan saka masyarakat Jawa kang urip lan ngrembaka ing lingkungan kraton. Reriptan sastra iki kang medharake bab tradhisi-tradhisi kang dumadi sajrone kraton Surakarta minangka pangenget-enget tumrap sanak sedulur Kraton Surakarta. Serat iki patut didadekake panliten amarga sajrone serat ngandhut perangan kang mligi arupa tradhisi lan nilai-nilai, kang bisa didadekake patuladhan uripe masyarakat Jawa. Adhedhasar babagan kasebut nyengkuyung panliti kanggo nintingi serat Narpawandawa Surakarta lumantar underan ngenani: (1) Kepriye idhentifikasi serat Narpawandawa Surakarta, (2) Apa wae tradhisi kang tinemu sajrone serat Narpawandawa Surakarta, lan (3) Apa wae nilai kang kinandhut sajrone serat Narpawandawa Surakarta. Ancas saka panliten iki, adhedhasar underan ing ndhuwur, kanggo ngandharake wujude tradhisi-tradhisi kang tinemu sajrone serat. Panliten iki dikarepake bisa menehi paedah tumrap panliti lan pamaos. Panliti dikarepake bisa nambah kawruh ngenani pangetrapane teori sastra, mligine sajrone serat Narpawandawa Surakarta, lan luwih mahami isi sarta tradhisi-tradhisi kang ana sajrone serat kasebut. Dene pamaos dikarepake bisa njembarake kawruh lan seserepan ngenani sastra klasik lan nggampangake pamaos kanggo mahami sistem panguripane masyarakat Jawa mligine tradhisi-tradhisi kang ana sajrone serat kasebut. Panliten iki nggunakake landhesan teori kabudayan universal ngenani pitung sistem yaiku (1) sistem religi lan upacara keagamaan, (2) sistem organisasi kemasyarakatan, (3) sistem pengetahuan, (4) sistem basa, (5) sistem kesenian, (6) sistem pakaryan, lan (7) sistem teknologi lan piranti, kang diandharake dening Koentjaraningrat kanggo nintingi tradhisi kraton kang tinemu sajrone serat. Saliyane iku, kanggo ngrembug lan ngandharake prekara kang ana sajrone serat nggunakake teori hermeneutik yakni karya sastra perlu ditafsirake jalaran nggunakake basa, amarga sajrone basa mau ana makna kang kasimpen utawa sengaja disimpen kanggo kepentingan tartamtu, kang diandharake dening Ratna. Tintingan tumrap serat kasebut nggunakake metode deskriptif kualitatif. Sumber data kang digunakake yaiku serat Narpawandawa Surakarta kang asale saka kapustakan pribadi kagungane Bapak Agus Prasmono, dene data kang digunakake yaiku tembung, ukara, lan wacana kang mujudake anane tradhisi sajrone kraton Surakarta. Panliti tumindak minangka instrumen sajrone panliten iki. Teknik pangumpule data yaiku metode pustaka, teknik maca, alih aksara lan nyathet. Teknik pangolahe data nggunakake metode deskriptif analisis. Adhedhasar asile panliten ngenani idhentifikasi naskah bisa diweruhi kahanane serat isih apik, serat dumadi saka 64 kaca, wujude gancaran lan wujud tembang namung ana ing perangan ngarep. Tulisane nggunakake media cetak, wujud tulisane aksara Jawa, ana saperangan kang awujud gambare Pakubuwana kanggo nyethakake andharane serat. Tradhisi kang tinemu ing serat kasebut yaiku: (1) Tradhisi Mahesa Lawung, (2) Tradhisi Grebeg ana telu yaiku Grebeg Mulud, Grebeg Syawal, lan Grebeg Besar, (3) Tradhisi Rampog Macan. Saliyane iku uga ditemokake tradhisi liya kang katindakake ing kraton, yaiku: (1) Tradhisi Mitoni, (2) Tradhisi Tedhak Siten, (3) Tradhisi Supitan, lan (4) Tradhisi Mantenan. Sajrone serat kasebut ngandhut nilai-nilai. Nilai-nilai kang kinandhut yaiku (1) nilai sosial, (2) nilai didaktis, lan (3) nilai filsafat

    Pembelajaran Luas Daerah Persegi Panjang Berdasarkan Standar Pengajaran National Council Of Teachers Of Mathematics (NCTM) untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Siswa Kelas III SDN Dinoyo I Malang

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    This research is analyzing the problem that faced by students of SD Negeri 1 Dinoyo Malang in  difficulty of understanding rectangle area. According to the discussion with their teacher, it is found that the learning still not gives more chance to the students to find out the concept of rectangle area with their own ways. Moreover, some students are difficult in solving daily problem containing model of rectangle area. Therefore it needs great effort to build students understanding on the concept of rectangle area. One of effort that teacher can do is trying to apply the learning based on process standard NCTM. The aim of this research is to describe the learning of rectangle area based on process standard NCTM that believed can help student understanding. The learning process is done through five phases that each using Student Worksheet. The research yields: (1) the increasing of student activities quality from 85% (in the first cycle) to 90% (in the second cycle), (2) the raising of student understanding from 73.5% (in the first cycle) to 82.5% (in the second cycle), and (3) good response from students

    Pembelajaran Luas Daerah Persegi Panjang Berdasarkan Standar Pengajaran National Council Of Teachers Of Mathematics (NCTM) untuk Meningkatkan Pemahaman Siswa Kelas III SDN Dinoyo I Malang

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    This research is analyzing the problem that faced by students of SD Negeri 1 Dinoyo Malang in difficulty of understanding rectangle area. According to the discussion with their teacher, it is found that the learning still not gives more chance to the students to find out the concept of rectangle area with their own ways. Moreover, some students are difficult in solving daily problem containing model of rectangle area. Therefore it needs great effort to build students understanding on the concept of rectangle area. One of effort that teacher can do is trying to apply the learning based on process standard NCTM. The aim of this research is to describe the learning of rectangle area based on process standard NCTM that believed can help student understanding. The learning process is done through five phases that each using Student Worksheet. The research yields: (1) the increasing of student activities quality from 85% (in the first cycle) to 90% (in the second cycle), (2) the raising of student understanding from 73.5% (in the first cycle) to 82.5% (in the second cycle), and (3) good response from students


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    The purpose of this study is to describe parenting patterns in shaping the morals of early childhood in the Takeran Hamlet. This research method is a field research with a qualitative research approach. Data collection techniques using observation, interviews and documentation in the form of photos. The data analysis technique used at the time of the study was the descriptive analysis method and content study. The data source is the activities of parents and early childhood in the Takeran Hamlet. From the results obtained by researchers can draw conclusions that in shaping the morals of early childhood children need parenting and active role of parents. This means that the good and bad behavior of children depends on the parents' concerns about children's education, including physical and spiritual. Thus the responsibility of parents to their children is not just fulfilling physical needs but also spiritual needs that must be met by parents because it really determines the good behavior of children and in the midst of society is also good


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    Educational administration is an important component in schools. Therefore, education administration should be carried out with discipline. Apart from being an educator, a teacher is also an administrator. There are several administrative needs that must be met by teachers in the course of learning. One of them is lesson planning. Professional teachers will carry out their duties well, disciplined, and full of responsibility. This research was conducted at MTs Hidayatus Salam which discussed the state of education administration, the professionalism of PAI teachers towards learning planning and education administration in the implementation of learning, and increasing the professionalism of PAI teachers through education administration. This study uses a qualitative research type of case study research. There are two sources of data, namely primary data obtained from school principals, waka curriculum, PAI teachers. Secondary data from madrasa profile books. Based on what is in the field, education administration in general is not going well. The preparation of learning plans is not carried out in an orderly manner so that the implementation of learning is not effective. There is no increase in the professionalism of PAI teachers through education administration. There are efforts made by schools in supporting the effectiveness of educational administration and teacher professionalism by conducting training


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    Education is the needs and rights of every child. Education is an effort in giving direction in order to change for the better. Early childhood education is a conscious effort to optimize all aspects of development. Sujiono (2013) said early childhood education is an effort to stimulate, guide, nurture, and learning activities that will produce the abilities and skills of children. Parents have an important role in supporting the process of early childhood education. Parents are fully responsible for the education of young children. Parental awareness of the importance of education for early childhood is one of the keys to the successful implementation of early childhood education. Parents are expected to play an active role in preparing early childhood education. This is because early childhood education is the initial foundation to move to the next level of education. As for the busy life of the parents is one of the inhibiting factors in the success of early childhood education


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    Education is an important thing in life. It is the thing that is behind Al-Rifa'ie junior High School to always create an educational institution that is in the environment of Pesantren. Researchers formulate problems, about what efforts teachers are doing to instill discipline, and what factors impede teachers in the discipline of disciplinary action. The above research is done with qualitative type. Data collection procedures are conducted using observation methods that are observations, interview methods that are using the path of verbal questions with research sources. According to the observation done then it can be known that with the establishment of a OSIS that works with Waka Kesiswaan SMP Al-Rifa'ie, the application of discipline at this time was realized as much as 60%. Factors that support the planting of discipline come from all parties, institutions, teachers, students and environment


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    It was also revealed that in recent years the culture of hospitality and courtesy in Indonesia has increasingly disappeared. Efforts were made to improve social emotional capacity by providing character learning through the story telling method of the 4 pillar characters of respect, courtesy and good listeners. This type of research used isClassroom Action Research. This research was conducted at RA SYIHABUDDIN on students in group A1.There was a very significant increase in cycle II week II, most children occupy success rates of 86% -100%, amounting to 12 children. It can be concluded that learning in improving children's emotional emotional abilities by reading a book 9 pillars of character 4 with the title Respect, Courtesy and Good Listener can improve and enhance the emotional social abilities of early childhood. Storytelling and simulation are a unity that must be done because children not only imagine, but also practice, so they will always be remembered until adulthood and become a provision in the future.

    Pengaruh pendapatan murabahah terhadap laba tahun berjalan pada Bank Muamalat Indonesia dan Bank Syariah Bukopin periode 2013-2020

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    Penelitian ini dilatarbelakangi karena terdapat ketidaksesuaian antara teori dengan fakta yang ditemukan pada laporan keuangan Bank Muamalat Indonesia dan Bank Syariah Bukopin periode 2013 - 2020. Hasil analisis laporan keuangan kedua bank tersebut ditemukan bahwa peningkatan pendapatan murabahah tidak diiringi dengan peningkatan laba tahun berjalan. Padahal secara teori dinyatakan bahwa pendapatan dengan laba mempunyai hubungan yang searah atau berbanding lurus sehingga apabila pendapatan naik maka perolehan laba juga akan naik, sedangkan apabila pendapatan turun maka perolehan laba juga akan turun. Hal itu terjadi karena naik turunnya laba dapat dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor, salah satunya yaitu dari pendapatan. Tujuan penelitian ini yaitu mengetahui dan menganalisis perkembangan pendapatan murabahah, mengetahui dan menganalisis perkembangan laba tahun berjalan, mengetahui dan menganalisis pengaruh pendapatan murabahah menurut PSAK 102 terhadap laba tahun berjalan pada Bank Muamalat Indonesia dan Bank Syariah Bukopin periode 2013 - 2020. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan berupa data sekunder yaitu laporan keuangan triwulan Bank Muamalat Indonesia dan Bank Syariah Bukopin periode 2013 – 2020 yang diperoleh dari website resmi yang dipublikasikan. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif, regresi linear sederhana, korelasi pearson product moment, koefisien determinasi dan statistik uji t. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perkembangan pendapatan murabahah dan laba tahun berjalan pada kedua bank dari tahun 2013 – 2020 mengalami fluktuasi atau naik turun tetapi cenderung mengalami peningkatan per triwulannya. Pada Bank Muamalat Indonesia, pendapatan murabahah berpengaruh positif tidak signifikan terhadap laba tahun berjalan yang ditunjukkan dengan nilai thitung ttabel atau 3,633 > 2,042 dan memiliki pengaruh sebesar 30,6 % dengan tingkat korelasi sedang/cukup kuat. Pada Bank Muamalat Indonesia dan Bank Syariah Bukopin, akad murabahah yang diteliti terutama untuk pengaturan terkait pendapatan murabahah telah memenuhi PSAK 102


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    This article is to obtain results from the application of the Pair and Check type of cooperative learning model in Mathematics subject matter number factorization material in class IV MIN 1 Pasuruan. Researchers use quantitative methods with quasi-type experiment using Pretest and Posttest. The sample used in the study was class IV C students as the experiment class and IV D as the control class which was also a superior class with a total of 25 students and 23 students so that the total sample was 48. Data collection was conducted by holding Pretest and Posttest. The data analysis technique that the research uses is the z test. In the z test results there are significant differences between the control class and the experiment class. At the pretest the average learning outcomes of students in the control class were 47.65 and in the experiment class the average student learning outcomes were 40.8. while the posttest obtained an average of 70.36 in the control class and 81.83 in the experiment class. So that it can be concluded based on the results of these studies that there is influence when applied the type of cooperative learning model Pair and Check in the content of Mathematics study material number factorization in class IV MIN 1 Pasuruan
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