20 research outputs found

    Pengembangan Media Pembelajaran Bahasa Indonesia (Bandos) Dengan Model Problem Based Introduction (PBI) Berbasis Multimedia Untuk Kelas VII SMP

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    This study aims to study the results of the development of multimedia-based learning media in Sambi 1 Public Middle School, which was then to find out the feasibility of the media being developed and to help improve the effective results of the learning media developed. The population in this study were students of class VII A State Junior High School 1 Sambi Boyolali 2018/2019 total registrants 28 students. Data is obtained through questionnaires, observation and registration. Research and Development (R & D) is a method used by researchers, with the proposed analysis, Analysis, Design, Implementation, Testing and Maintenance (Waterfall) expected to develop media that are easy to use and increase interest in learning. The average results of the product feasibility percentage developed from media experts amounting to 78.12% are categorized as feasible and from material experts 84% are categorized as very feasible. Based on the results of experts related to media and materials in the media, it can be concluded that multimedia-based Indonesian language learning media with problem-based model recognition for class VII SMP can be categorized as feasible for use in learning. Effectiveness test results are the average results of students showing the number 0.71 so that the increase can be categorized high so that the learning media developed prove effective for use in learning. Discussing the use of media problem-based learning (PBI) learning methods, the experimental class in this study managed to make students more interested, more active, and make the comfort class more conducive

    Sistem Informasi Penjualan Dan Pendataan Barang Pada Toko Sade

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    Toko Sade is a grocery store which is a small shop that sells daily needs and is located in the Laweyan village so that the Laweyan people can buy their daily needs in a location that is easily accessible to the Laweyan people. An ever-increasing population means that the level of demand for basic goods will also increase. This encourages the Sade shop to need a management system that manages sales administration at the Sade shop. The system used today still uses the General Ledger system so that getting information about sales and inventory takes time. So it doesn't provide efficiency when you want to see the profits and losses of a shop in one month. The purpose of this research is to make it easier for the owner of the Sade Shop to be able to see the advantages of buying and selling transactions and losses from their business. The method in this research is the Waterfall method with the aim of facilitating the creation and evaluation of my system here. The Waterfall method itself consists of needs analysis, design, coding, testing and implementation. The development of this system uses several software, namely: PHP, MySQL, Visual Code Studio, CodeIgniter and Javascript. The results of the black box test show that the sales information system and monitoring of goods at the Sade store work well as expected. In addition, the results of the usability test show that the system obtains an average score of 68, which indicates that the system is well received by users and is in the "ok" category


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    Indonesia has increasing electrical energy needs, while the availability of fossil energy resources such as petroleum, is decreasing. Indonesia government support the efforts to use renewable energy such as microhydro. One of the MHP prime mover vortex turbines that moves the kinetic energy of the vortex. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the turbine blades to the electrical output power, and to determine the effect of the turbine blade vortex of total efficiency. Research material is vortex turbines with 2 blades, 3 blades, 4 blades, blade 6, and 8 blades. Research method used are direct measurements of electric voltage, electric current, and turbine speed with a different blade number, then calculate the electrical power and efficiency. Verification is done by burduned the turbine shaft, and turbine speed at a different blade number then calculate the mechanical power as comparison to power of AC generator. The results showed that the number of blades as much as 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8 pieces, the more the number of blades, the turbine power output power up vortex. The highest efficiency of 6.02%, the number of blades 8 and the power of 1.85 watts to 3.44 watts of mechanical power verification


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    Scallop shell waste with kind of shell liner (anadara granosa) could be make some evoke environment problem. Basic comodity as raw materials from scallop shell that crush can be maked use to be alternative building material. On other side residu from scallop shell powder can be maked use as livestock woof butrient. This research objective is to get detailer unsure chemistry compound that composed scallop shell, get containt of raw material such gradation and density until get artificial building stone characterize such : density, porosity and bent strength. Research method that should separate scallop shell with dirt soak white wash use water lime, dryed then crush with size maximal 5 mm. This soft agregate mixed with stone ash and cement portland with 4 variaty composition kinds, that is A = 1 cement: 3 stone ashes: 0 scallop-shel