2 research outputs found


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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menggambarkan penerapan teknik Communicative Drilling dan dan juga untuk mengetahui tugas siswa setelah pengaplikasian tehnik Communicative Drilling untuk mengajar teks deskriptif. Peneliti menggunakan penelitian deskriptif kualitatif dalam melakukan studinya. Para siswa kelas enam SDN Gubeng 3 Surabaya adalah subjek pengamatan dari study ini. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah catatan lapangan yang digunakan untuk mendapatkan data pelaksanaan Communicative Drilling dalam pengajaran membaca teks deskriptif. Peneliti juga menggunakan skor penilaian harian yang termasuk dari guru untuk mengetahui siswa kemampuan membaca siswa dari tugas yang mereka telah kerjakan. Berdasarkan pengamatan peneliti, ia menemukan bahwa guru menerapkan Communicative Drilling dengan cara yang berbeda dalam setiap pertemuan. Ini bisa mengurangi kebosanan siswa. Tehnik Communicative Drilling adalah salah satu tehnik yang tepat karena bisa memotivasi siswa untuk membaca dan membuat suatu ketidakbosanan dalam proses belajar mengajar. Selain itu, topik materi yang diberikan juga yang menarik dan familiar dengan lingkungan siswa, antara lain My House, dan My Family yang ada di sekitar mereka sehingga siswa yang sangat akrab dan memiliki antusiasme untuk membaca. Selanjutnya, dengan menggunakan Communicative Drilling, para siswa bisa memahami isi teks deskriptif dengan baik dan juga kosakata dan kemampuan tata bahasa bisa mereka meningkat. Hal ini dapat dibuktikan dengan melihat hasil dari tugas siswa setelah penggunaan Communicative Drilling. Kata Kunci: Teknik Communicative Drilling, membaca, teks deskriptif, pelajar muda.   Abstract This study is conducted to describe the implementation of communicative drilling technique and and also to find out the students’ task after the communicative drilling of descriptive text are applied.The researcher used descriptive qualitative research in doing his study. The sixth graders of SDN Gubeng 3 Surabaya were the subject of his observation. The data collection technique used for this research was field note which was used to obtain the data of the implementation of communicative drilling in teaching reading of descriptive text. The researcher also gets the score of the students’ daily assessment that included from the teacher to find out the students’ reading task. Based on the researcher observation, he found that the teacher implemented the communicative drilling in different ways in every meeting. It could reduce the students’ boredom. The communicative drilling were appropriate one because it could motivate the students to read and make such a joyful environment in the teaching learning process. Moreover, the topics of material were interesting, they were communicative drilling of My House, and My Family that were existed around them so the students were very familiar and have an enthusiasm to read. Furthermore, by using the communicative drilling, the students could comprehend the content of descriptive text well and also their vocabularies and grammatical ability could increase. It can be proved by seeing the result of the students’ reading task after the use of communicative drilling. Keywords: Communicative drilling technique, reading, descriptive text, young learner. &nbsp

    The Implementation of English Teaching Learning Process For Young Learnes In TK Harapan, Semampir Distric, Surabaya, Academic Year 2021/2022

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    The aim of this study was to describe the implementation of English learning in TK Harapan. This study applied the qualitative approach in form of a descriptive research. The data source was teacher, documents (weekly plan program, daily lesson plan, instruments for assessment, the students’ works, photos and videos. The data collection was conducted by interview, documentation, and observation. The data validity was conducted by applying the source and technique triangulations. The technique of data analysis was conducted by data reduction, data display, and verification. The result showed media used was flashcard, LCD, projector, and English textbook for Kindergarten.The methods of English teaching learning process applied were TPR (Total Physical Response), song, and game. The learning implementation was applied through composing the daily lesson plan which including five procedures namely before coming into class, opening activity, apperception activity, opening activity, main activity, and closing activity. The assessment was conducted by observation, check-list, and portfolio. The English learning for young learners was focussed on listening and speaking skills. Based on the data in this study, it could be assumed that the English teaching learning process in TK Harapan had worked well and it was able to develop the English ability of young learners