278 research outputs found
Intermediate pseudoconvexity for unramified Riemann domains over ℂⁿ
We characterize the q-pseudoconvexity for unramified Riemann domains over ℂⁿ, where 1≤q≤n, by the continuity property which holds for a class of maps whose projections to ℂⁿ are families of unidirectionally parameterized q-dimensional analytic balls written by polynomials of degree at most two
薬物療法に関するリスクマネジメントは、薬剤師が主導して取り組むべき課題である。医薬品の使用に起因する健康被害を防止するためには、患者の病状を把握して医薬品の適正使用を判断する必要がある。このためには、処方せんのみから得られる情報では不十分であり、患者情報および診療情報を活用する必要がある。岐阜大学医学部附属病院は、高速基幹ネットワークを背景としたトータル・インテリジェント・ホスピタルであり、総合医療情報システム"SystemGIFU"が導入されている。SystemGIFUのコンセプトは、すべての診療データを電子カルテシステムに一元管理し、診療に利用することである。そこで薬剤部では、SystemGIFUのコンセプトに則った薬剤部門システムを構築した。医薬品の適正使用を推進するために、検査データを利用した処方鑑査支援システムと電子カルテと接続した薬剤管理指導支援システムを構築した。調剤過誤を防止するためにオーダリングデータを用いた散薬調剤鑑査システムおよび注射剤調製鑑査システムを構築した。システムの機能により医薬品の適正使用が推進され,薬剤師業務の正確性が向上し,薬剤師業務の所要時間が短縮できた。したがって、新たに構築したシステムは薬物療法のリスクマネジメントおよび薬剤師の総合的な業務において有用性が高いと評価している。The pharmacist has the duty to lead risk management of medication therapy. It is necessary that the pharmacist confirms the condition of a patient and promotes proper use of medicines to prevent medication related injury. For the proper use of medicines, the pharmacist needs not only the information from a prescription but also the information about medical examination and treatment. At Gifu University Hospital, the total medical information system named "SystemGIFU" is running in the totally intelligent hospital based on backgrounds with a high-speed optical fiber network. In SystemGIFU, data of the hospital information are all accumulated in the electronic medical recording system (EMRS) and utilized for medical examination and treatment. I developed the pharmacy department information system (PDIS), which conformed to the concept of the SystemGIFU. For promoting proper use of medicines, I developed a prescription checking system in reference to the clinical laboratory data, and a pharmaceutical care practice supporting system connected to EMRS. For preventing medication error, I developed a dispensation checking system for powder medicines and a preparation checking system for injectable medicines using ordering entry system information. The proper use of medicines was promoted, the accuracy of pharmacy service was heightened, and the time needed for pharmacy service was shortened after introduction of this system. I therefore conclude that the newly-developed PDIS is useful in improving total pharmaceutical practices
A Case of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus Presenting with an Acute Abdomen: Successful Treatment with Steroid
Abdominal pain continues to pose diagnostic challenges for emergency clinicians. A 56-year-old Japanese woman was referred to our hospital due to severe abdominal pain which presented as occasional epigastric pain five months before and intermittent abdominal pain. She had a past history of ileus twice, for both of which laparotomy was performed without an alimentary tract resection. The wall thickening with marked three-wall structure from terminal ileum to sigmoid colon was seen and bladder wall was irregularly thick and enhanced irregularly. Among the differential diagnosis of the acute abdomen, autoimmune diseases were suspected, especially lupus erythematosus and Henoch-Schönlein purpura. On the second day of admission, abdominal pain worsened. The results of examinations of antinuclear antibody, anti-double-stranded DNA antibody, ANCA, and the complements were not obtained at that time; however, we started 1-g steroid pulse treatment for three days with success. With the results obtained later, the patient was given a diagnosis of probable systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). The present case shows that SLE can present with acute abdomen and should be included in the wide range of the differential diagnosis of acute abdomen
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