14 research outputs found

    Condição corporal ao parto e perfil metabólico de cabras alpinas no início da lactação Body condition and metabolic profile of Alpine goats at the onset of lactation

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    Objetivou-se avaliar a influência da condição corporal ao parto sobre alguns metabólitos sanguíneos em cabras no início da lactação. As cabras (68 no total) foram distribuídas em três grupos de acordo com o escore da condição corporal (ECC) ao parto: entre 1,00 e 2,75 (animais magros); entre 2,75 e 3,50 (condição corporal intermediária); e entre 3,50 e 5,00 (animais gordos). O experimento foi realizado nos primeiros 60 dias de lactação e as coletas de sangue, após o parto e semanalmente até a oitava semana de lactação. Foram feitas análises para determinação das concentrações de ácidos graxos não-esterificados (AGNE), beta-hidroxibutirato (BHBA), glicose, colesterol total e lipoproteína de alta densidade (HDL). As concentrações plasmáticas dos metabólitos não diferiram entre os grupos. As concentrações de AGNE, nos animais dos três grupos, ao parto e nas oito primeiras semanas de lactação, foram de 658,46 e 232,90 mg/dL, respectivamente, e os valores de BHBA ao parto, de 10,31 ± 3,0 mg/dL para os animais magros; 6,88 ± 0,9 mg/dL para os intermediários; e 4,21 ± 0,8 mg/dL para os animais gordos. Os valores de glicose ao parto foram de 112,54 ± 15,4 mg/dL para os animais magros; 90,93 ± 13,5 mg/dL para os animais intermediários; e 132,47 ± 26,7 mg/dL para os animais gordos. Os valores médios de colesterol total e de HDL nas oito primeiras semanas pós-parto foram de 109,01 ± 2,5 e 54,9 ± 1,39 mg/dL para os animais magros; 83,0 ± 21,7 e 56,0 ± 1,30 mg/dL para os intermediários; e 84,3 23,9 e 54,5 ± 1,93 mg/dL para os gordos. As alterações no metabolismo energético de cabras leiteiras de média produção diminuem, independentemente da condição corporal ao parto, quando fornecida dieta de alta qualidade e com altos níveis de energia.<br>An experiment was carried out to study the influence of the body condition score at birth on blood metabolites of goats in early lactation. Sixty-eight goats were placed in three groups according to the body condition score (BCS) at parturition: from 1.00 to 2.75 (thin animals); 2.75 and 3.50 (intermediate body condition) and from 3.50 to 5.00 (fat animals). The experimental was carried out in the first sixty days of lactation and blood sampling started after parturition at weekly intervals up to the eighth week of lactation. Analyses were made of the non-esterified fat acids (NEFA), beta-hydroxibutirate (BHBA), glucose, total cholesterol and high density lipoprotein (HDL). The plasma concentrations of the metabolites did not differ among the groups. The NEFA concentrations in the animals in the three groups at birth and in the first eight weeks of lactation were 658.46 and 232.90 mg/dL, respectively and the values of BHBA at birth were 10.31 ± 3.0 mg/dL for the thin animals, 6.88 ± 0.9 mg/dL for the intermediate animals and 4.21 ± 0.8 mg/dL for the fat animals. The glucose values at birth were 112.54 ± 15.4 mg/dL for the thin animals, 90.93 ± 13.5 mg/dL for the intermediate animals and 132.47 ± 26.7 mg/dL for the fat animals. The average of total cholesterol and HDL in the first eight weeks after birth were 109.01 ± 2.5; and 54.9 ± 1.39 mg/dL for the thin animals, 83.0 ± 21.7 and 56.0 ± 1.30 mg/dL for the intermediate animals and 84.3 ± 23.9 and 54.5 ± 1.93 mg/dL for the fat animals. The changes in the energy metabolism of dairy goats with medium production decreased, regardless of the body condition at birth, when supplied with high quality feed with high energy levels

    Metabolic evaluation of dairy cows submitted to three different strategies to decrease the effects of negative energy balance in early postpartum

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    In early lactation dairy cattle suffer metabolic alterations caused by negative energy balance, which predisposes to fatty liver and ketosis. The aim of this study was to evaluate the metabolic condition of high yielding dairy cows subjected to three treatments for preventing severe lipomobilization and ketosis in early lactation. Fifty four multiparous Holstein cows yielding >30 L/day were divided into four groups: control (CN= no treatment), glucose precursor (PG= propylene-glycol), hepatic protector (Mp= Mercepton®), and energy supplement with salts of linolenic and linoleic faty acids (Mg-E= Megalac-E®). Treatments were administrated randomly at moment of calving until 8 weeks postpartum. Blood samples were collected on days 1, 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, 42 and 49 postpartum. Body condition score (BCS) was evaluated at the same periods and milk yield was recorded at 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, and 8th weeks of lactation. Concentrations of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), albumin, AST, ß-hydroxybutyrate (BHBA), cholesterol, glucose, total protein, urea and triglycerides were analyzed in blood samples. Cut-off points for subclinical ketosis were defined when BHBA >1.4 mmol/L and NEFA >0.7 mmol/L. General occurrence of subclinical ketosis was 24% during the period. An ascendant curve of cholesterol and glucose was observed from the 1st to the 8th week of lactation, while any tendency was observed with BHBA and NEFA, although differences among treatments were detected (p<0.05). BCS decreased from a mean of 3.85 at 1st week to 2.53 at 8th week of lactation (p=0.001). Milk yield was higher in the Mg-E group compared with the other treatment groups (p<0.05) Compared with the CN group, the treatments with Mp and PG did not show significant differences in blood biochemistry and milk yield. Cows receiving PG and Mg-E showed higher values of BHBA and NEFA (P<0.05), indicating accentuated lipomobilization. Supplementation with Mg-E also resulted in significant higher concentrations of cholesterol, BHBA, urea, AST and lower values of glycemia. This performance may be explained by the highest milk yield observed with this treatment. Treatments with PG and Mp did not improve milk yield, compared with control cows, but did not show metabolic evidence of ketosis, fat mobilization or fatty liver. These results suggest that treatment with Mg-E improves milk production but induces a higher negative energy balance leading to moderated lipomobilization and ketone bodies production, increasing the risk of fatty liver

    The Pathology of Thyroid Cancer

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    Transmission of parasites in the coastal waters of the Arctic seas and possible effect of climate change

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