146 research outputs found

    Long-term persistence of poliovirus neutralizing antibodies in the era of polio elimination: An Italian retrospective cohort study.

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    Abstract Introduction The extensive use of oral and inactivated poliovirus (PV) vaccines has driven progress toward the global eradication of wild PV2 and PV3 and the elimination of PV1 in most countries, including Italy. Although the persistence of circulating neutralizing antibodies among the vaccinated is unclear, it is estimated that > 99% of the population vaccinated according to the recommended protocol should be protected for at least 18 years. Methods This study evaluated the seroprevalence of anti-PV neutralizing antibodies and the long-term immunogenicity of the oral poliovirus vaccine (OPV) in a sample of medical students and residents of the University of Bari who attended the Hygiene Department for a biological risk assessment between April 2014 and October 2020. Results The prevalence of protected vaccinated individuals was > 90% for PV1, PV2, and PV3. Specifically, >99% of the study group was protected against PV1, > 98% against PV2, and almost 93% against PV3. Protective antibodies against all three viruses persisted for at least up to 18 years after administration of the last OPV dose, with PV1 and PV2 antibodies detected in > 95% of the participants > 30 years after the last OPV dose. Conclusions The childhood series of four doses of OPV guarantees a long duration of protection, despite the elimination of the virus and therefore the absence of a natural booster. However, until PV1 is completely eradicated, maximum vigilance on the part of public health institutions must be maintained

    Systematic causality assessment of adverse events following HPV vaccines: Analysis of current data from Apulia region (Italy)

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    Since 2013, World Health Organization (WHO) recommended that adverse events following immuniza- tion (AEFIs) should be evaluated by a standardized algorithm for causality assessment, however the use of WHO procedure is rarely adopted. In Italy, AEFIs (classified only by temporal criteria) are registered in the National Drug Authority (AIFA) database, but causality assessment is not mandatory. Every year AIFA publishes the AEFIs report, that doesn’t contain information about causal correlation between events and vaccines. From AIFA database, we selected AEFIs following human papillomavirus vaccination (HPV) reported in Apulia (about 4,000,000 inhabitants) during 2008–2016. For serious AEFIs, we applied WHO causality assessment criteria; for cases hospitalized, we repeated the assessment getting additional information from health documentation. In 2008–2016, 100 HPV AEFIs (reporting rate: 17.8 per 100,000 doses) were registered of which 19 were serious (rate: 3.4 per 100,000 doses) and 12 led to hospitaliza- tion. After causality assessment, for 9 AEFIs the classification was ‘‘consistent causal association to immunization”, for 3 indeterminate, for 5 ‘‘inconsistent causal association to immunization” and for 2 not-classifiable. Among hospitalized patients, 5 AEFIs were consistent, 5 inconsistent, 1 not-classifiable and 1 indeterminate; adding information from health documentation, the results were similar except for indeterminate and not classifiable AEFIs that turned into ‘‘not consistent”. Only half of severe AEFIs could be associated with vaccination and this suggests that AIFA report provides a incomplete picture of HPV vaccine safety, with a risk for readers to confound ‘‘post hoc” and ‘‘propter hoc” approach without considering the causality assessment results. In the view of the systematic use of WHO causality assess- ment algorithm in the AEFI surveillance, the efforts of Public Health must be focused on the improvement of the quality of the information provided to reduce conclusions inter-observer variability; the routine follow-up of reports, also to collect additional information, must be guaranteed

    A snapshot of Physical Education in Italian primary schools: assessing the resources available for an instrument of health promotion

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    Background: Regular physical activity is crucial in preventing chronic diseases. International health authorities recommend that children and adolescents engage in at least 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity per day to achieve health benefits. Offering regular exercise opportunities to young people can promote the development of healthy lifestyles. In 2021, a new regulation introduced up to two compulsory hours of Physical Education per week in Italy and established that Physical Education should be entrusted to adequately trained teachers. The present study aimed to assess, from the perspective of the new teachers, the resources available for Physical Education in Italian primary schools. Methods: A questionnaire-based cross-sectional study was conducted among primary school Physical Education teachers during the year 2022-2023. Their opinion about the school resources were analyzed in light of their demographic characteristics and work experience. Results: Out of the 118 participating teachers, 96 (81.3%) reported the presence of a gym in their school. Participants expressed satisfaction with the size and windows of the gym, particularly for the schools of the North, as well as the adequacy of outdoor spaces. However, lower levels of satisfaction for locker rooms and gym small equipment emerged, especially among those teachers with less work experience. Conclusions: The introduction of the Physical Education teacher figure in Italian primary schools was an important step for health promotion in our country. However, some aspects related to the structural resources should be considered in future policies

    In-hospital and web-based intervention to counteract vaccine hesitancy in very preterm infants’ families: a NICU experience

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    Background Vaccine hesitancy is a global problem, carrying significant health risks for extremely vulnerable population as that of preterm infants. Social media are emerging as significant tools for public health promotion. Our aim was to evaluate both the coverage and the timeliness of routine immunizations in a cohort of preterm infants (< 33 weeks of gestational age) at 24 months of age whose families have been subjected to in-hospital and web-based interventions to counteract vaccine hesitancy. Methods For a period of 2 years parents of preterm infants were instructed during their follow up visits by a member of the NICU team to get correct informations about vaccines from a social network page. Vaccination rates of preterm infants were assessed at 24 months of chronological age with an electronic database and compared to both general population and historical cohort. Results Coverage and timeliness of vaccinations at 24 months of age of 170 preterm infants were analyzed in December 2019. Gestational age and birth weight median (IQR) were, respectively, 31.0 (5.0) weeks and 1475.0 (843.8) g. Coverage rates were similar to those of the regional population (p > 0.05), while timeliness of administration was significantly delayed compared to the recommended schedule (p < 0.001). Age of administration was not correlated with either body weight and gestational age at birth (Spearman rank, p > 0.05). DTaP-IPV-HBV-Hib 2nd and 3rd doses, MMR and Varicella vaccines coverage data were higher compared to historical cohort (p < 0.05). Conclusion Increasing vaccine confidence through web-based interventions could have a positive impact on vaccination acceptance of parents of preterm infants, although timeliness results still delayed. There is a strong need to develop different and effective vaccination strategies to protect this very vulnerable population

    Association between Long COVID and Overweight/Obesity

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    Background: Long COVID is a syndrome characterized by the persistence of SARS-CoV-2 infection symptoms. Among HCWs, prolonged COVID symptoms could lead to the inability to perform work tasks. The aim of this study is to investigate 35-day long-COVID (35-LC) characteristics and risk factors in a one-year period. Methods: We carried out a retrospective cohort study during the COVID-19 pandemic at University Hospital of Bari. A total of 5750 HCWs were tested for close contact with a confirmed case, in the absence of personal protective equipment, or for symptom development. Results: Each positive HCW was investigated for cardiovascular risk factors or respiratory diseases. An amount of 352 HCWs (6.1%) were infected by SARS-CoV-2, and 168 cases evolved to long COVID. The 35-LC group showed mean BMI values higher than the non-35-LC group (25.9 kg/m2 vs. 24.8 kg/m2, respectively), and this difference was significant (p-value: 0.020). Moreover, HCWs who suffered from pulmonary disease (OR = 3.7, CL 95%: 1.35–10.53; p-value = 0.007) or overweight (OR = 1.6 CL 95%: 1.05–2.56; p-value = 0.029) had an increased risk of developing 35-LC. Conclusions: Long COVID is an emerging problem for hospital managers as it may reduce the number of HCWs deployed in the fight against COVID-19. High BMI and previous pulmonary disease could be risk factors for 35-LC development in exposed HCWs

    Allergic adverse events following immunization: Data from post-marketing surveillance in Apulia region (South of Italy)

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    IntroductionAmong adverse events following immunization (AEFIs), allergic reactions elicit the most concern, as they are often unpredictable and can be life-threatening. Their estimates range from one in 1,000,000 to one in 50,000 vaccine doses. This report describes allergic events following immunization reported from 2020 to 2021 in Puglia, a region in the South-East of Italy with around 4 million inhabitants. Its main objective is to describe the allergic safety profile of currently employed vaccines.Materials and methodsThis is a retrospective observational study. The study period spanned from January 2020 to December 2021, and the whole Apulian population was included in the study. Information regarding AEFIs reported in Puglia during the study period was gathered from the Italian Drug Authority’s pharmacovigilance database (National Pharmacovigilance Network, RNF). The overall number of vaccine doses administered was extrapolated by the Apulian online immunization database (GIAVA). Reporting rates were calculated as AEFIs reported during a certain time span/number of vaccine doses administered during the same period.Results10,834,913 vaccine doses were administered during the study period and 95 reports of allergic AEFIs were submitted to the RNF (reporting rate 0.88/100,000 doses). 27.4% of the reported events (26/95) were classified as serious (reporting rate 0.24/100,000 doses). 68 out of 95 (71.6%) adverse events were at least partially resolved by the time of reporting and none of them resulted in the subject’s death.ConclusionsAllergic reactions following vaccination were rare events, thus confirming the favourable risks/benefits ratio for currently marketed vaccines

    Resources for assessing parents’ vaccine hesitancy: a systematic review of the literature

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    Vaccine hesitancy (VH) is a complex and country-specific issue, responsible for the decreasing vaccination rate and subsequent spread of vaccine-preventable diseases. In literature, several questionnaires were developed to assess VH. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the published questionnaires assessing parental VH. The search was conducted in PubMed/Medline, Web of Science and The Cochrane Library, in December 2017, following the PRISMA guidelines. The search strategy included 4 types of keywords: parents, vaccine hesitancy/acceptance, immunization and survey. Only English and Italian original papers were included. 17 reviewers independently screened titles and abstracts. Only the included articles were downloaded in full and, after a second screening, data were extracted and recorded in an ad hoc spreadsheet. A total of 5,139 articles were retrieved, after duplicates elimination 3,508 papers were screened. After a screening selection, 334 studies were included in the analysis. Most studies were cross-sectional (92.8%), followed by case-control (4.8%) and cohort studies (2.4%). The population interviewed was mainly parents, without any further details (73.1%); mothers were the only parent surveyed in approximately 20% of the studies, while only 1 study involved selectively the fathers. The sample size ranged from 7 to 59,897. Only 38% of the included studies reported both the number and type of items used. Regarding the type, more than half consisted of closed questions, followed by Likert scales, while open-ended questions were used in 14.8% of the surveys. Frequently, the survey was conducted using a self-reported questionnaire or interview. The questionnaires were mostly administered on paper, while online forms were used in 20.1% of the cases. However, 80.2% of the questionnaires were not attached to the paper. HPV vaccine was the most frequently investigated (39.2%), followed by influenza (13.5%) and measles (10.8%). While 22.4% of the articles referred to paediatrics vaccinations in general. Data about the immunization behaviours were reported in 294 studies: the subjects involved showed a behaviour defined as “acceptance” in 129 studies (38.6%), as “hesitancy/scepticism/doubt” in 145 studies (43.1%) and as “refusal” in 22 studies (6.6%). This information was not reported in 12% of the studies. VH is still a public health challenge, as confirmed by the high number of studies and questionnaires retrieved. This study offers a deeper perspec- tive on the available questionnaires, helping to identify the best one in terms of aim and study setting.     &nbsp

    Sex-Related Disparities in Cardiac Masses: Clinical Features and Outcomes

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    Background. Cardiac masses (CM) represent a heterogeneous clinical scenario, and sex-related differences of these patients remain to be established. Purpose: To evaluate sex-related disparities in CMs regarding clinical presentation and outcomes. Material and Methods. The study cohort included 321 consecutive patients with CM enrolled in our Centre between 2004 and 2022. A definitive diagnosis was achieved by histological examination or, in the case of cardiac thrombi, with radiological evidence of thrombus resolution after anticoagulant treatment. All-cause mortality at follow-up was evaluated. Multivariable regression analysis assessed the potential prognostic disparities between men and women. Results. Out of 321 patients with CM, 172 (54%) were female. Women were more frequently younger (p = 0.02) than men. Regarding CM histotypes, females were affected by benign masses more frequently (with cardiac myxoma above all), while metastatic tumours were more common in men (p < 0.001). At presentation, peripheral embolism occurred predominantly in women (p = 0.03). Echocardiographic features such as greater dimension, irregular margin, infiltration, sessile mass and immobility were far more common in men. Despite a better overall survival in women, no sex-related differences were observed in the prognosis of benign or malignant masses. In fact, in multivariate analyses, sex was not independently associated with all-cause death. Conversely, age, smoking habit, malignant tumours and peripheral embolism were independent predictors of mortality. Conclusions. In a large cohort of cardiac masses, a significant sex-related difference in histotype prevalence was found: Benign CMs affected female patients more frequently, while malignant tumours affected predominantly men. Despite better overall survival in women, sex did not influence prognosis in benign and malignant masses