11 research outputs found

    Beyond Gross-Pitaevskii Mean Field Theory

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    A large number of effects related to the phenomenon of Bose-Einstein Condensation (BEC) can be understood in terms of lowest order mean field theory, whereby the entire system is assumed to be condensed, with thermal and quantum fluctuations completely ignored. Such a treatment leads to the Gross-Pitaevskii Equation (GPE) used extensively throughout this book. Although this theory works remarkably well for a broad range of experimental parameters, a more complete treatment is required for understanding various experiments, including experiments with solitons and vortices. Such treatments should include the dynamical coupling of the condensate to the thermal cloud, the effect of dimensionality, the role of quantum fluctuations, and should also describe the critical regime, including the process of condensate formation. The aim of this Chapter is to give a brief but insightful overview of various recent theories, which extend beyond the GPE. To keep the discussion brief, only the main notions and conclusions will be presented. This Chapter generalizes the presentation of Chapter 1, by explicitly maintaining fluctuations around the condensate order parameter. While the theoretical arguments outlined here are generic, the emphasis is on approaches suitable for describing single weakly-interacting atomic Bose gases in harmonic traps. Interesting effects arising when condensates are trapped in double-well potentials and optical lattices, as well as the cases of spinor condensates, and atomic-molecular coupling, along with the modified or alternative theories needed to describe them, will not be covered here.Comment: Review Article (19 Pages) - To appear in 'Emergent Nonlinear Phenomena in Bose-Einstein Condensates: Theory and Experiment', Edited by P.G. Kevrekidis, D.J. Frantzeskakis and R. Carretero-Gonzalez (Springer Verlag

    Bosons In A Trap: Asymptotic Exactness Of The Gross-Pitaevskii Ground State Energy Formula

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    . Recent experimental breakthroughs in the treatment of dilute Bose gases have renewed interest in their quantum mechanical description, respectively in approximations to it. The ground state properties of dilute Bose gases confined in external potentials and interacting via repulsive short range forces are usually described by means of the Gross-Pitaevskii energy functional. In joint work with Elliott H. Lieb and Jakob Yngvason its status as an approximation for the quantum mechanical many-body ground state problem has recently been rigorously clarified. We present a summary of this work, for both the two- and three-dimensional case. 1. Introduction The Gross-Pitaevskii (GP) functional was introduced in the early sixties as a phenomenological description of the order parameter in superfluid He 4 [G61, P61, G63]. It has come into prominence again because of recent experiments on BoseEinstein condensation of dilute gases in magnetic traps. The paper [DGPS99] brings an up to date review..

    The Bose Gas: A Subtle Many-Body Problem

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    . Now that the properties of the ground state of quantum-mechanical many-body systems (bosons) at low density, , can be examined experimentally it is appropriate to revisit some of the formulas deduced by many authors 4-5 decades ago. One of these is that the leading term in the energy/particle is 4a where a is the scattering length of the 2-body potential. Owing to the delicate and peculiar nature of bosonic correlations (such as the strange N 7=5 law for charged bosons), four decades of research failed to establish this plausible formula rigorously. The only previous lower bound for the energy was found by Dyson in 1957, but it was 14 times too small. The correct asymptotic formula has recently been obtained jointly with J. Yngvason and this work will be presented. The reason behind the mathematical diculties will be emphasized. A dierent formula, postulated as late as 1971 by Schick, holds in two-dimensions and this, too, will be shown to be correct. Another problem of great ..

    Renormalization theory of a two dimensional Bose gas: quantum critical point and quasi-condensed state

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    We present a renormalization group construction of a weakly interacting Bose gas at zero temperature in the two-dimensional continuum, both in the quantum critical regime and in the presence of a condensate fraction. The construction is performed within a rigorous renormalization group scheme, borrowed from the methods of constructive field theory, which allows us to derive explicit bounds on all the orders of renormalized perturbation theory. Our scheme allows us to construct the theory of the quantum critical point completely, both in the ultraviolet and in the infrared regimes, thus extending previous heuristic approaches to this phase. For the condensate phase, we solve completely the ultraviolet problem and we investigate in detail the infrared region, up to length scales of the order (λ3ρ0)-1/2 (here λ is the interaction strength and ρ0 the condensate density), which is the largest length scale at which the problem is perturbative in nature. We exhibit violations to the formal Ward Identities, due to the momentum cutoff used to regularize the theory, which suggest that previous proposals about the existence of a non-perturbative non-trivial fixed point for the infrared flow should be reconsidered