88 research outputs found

    The Family as an Agent in Children’s Upbringing and Changes to the Conditions under which it Operates

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    In developed societies, parents have the primary responsibility for their children’s upbringing. This responsibility is the result of the historical and socio-cultural development of the family and society, and is embodied in legal and moral standards, traditions and other factors that go towards shaping conditions for the life of Man. This study is concerned with a number of changes that have accompanied family life in Czech society from the second half of the twentieth century onwards and that are becoming significant factors influencing trends in upbringing in the family environment

    Social Education and Social Work as an Inspirational Resource of Teacher Training.

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    In the process of finding progressive and long-term strategies, programs and models for the Czech education system, social education and thus social work finds itself in a prominent position. Out study deals with selected knowledge of these fields, which became a natural part of teacher training in the current pedagogical theory and practice. Examples of integrating socio-educational thematic units into teacher education programs are also a reflection of social needs that result from the dynamically evolving life of Czech society

    Tendencies Influencing the Education Environment of a Child in the Contemporary Czech Family

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    The paper explores the changes, problems and factors influencing the family upbringing of schoolchildren in the conditions of living in the Czech society. In terms of the effect of the family environment, there are influences and factors determined by the demographical-psychological, material-economical and cultural-pedagogical components of family life. The outlined division above is one of the possible approaches to the systematisation of the influences of family environment that also determine close ties between its individual aspects

    In the Name of Unions and Nation. The Development of Welsh Labour Historiography in the 1950s — 1990s

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    This article deals with the development of Welsh labour historiography after the Second World War by situating Welsh labour historiography into a broader context of social history. The aim of this article is to analyse the methodology of Welsh labour historiography, as well as to discuss in how far it was influenced by the emergence of a “new social history” represented by British Marxists. Furthermore, the article examines to what extent Welsh labour historians responded to the challenges of postmodernism. In the first part of the article, the book “Rebecca Riots” (1955) by Welsh labour historian David Williams is compared with the works of British Marxists Eric Hobsbawm and George Rudé. This is followed by two analyses: (1) an examination of the Welsh labour journal “Llafur” founded in the 1970s, and (2) an analysis of the influential book “The Fed” (1980) by Welsh labour historians Hywel Francis and David Smith dealing with the development of the Welsh mining trade-union organization. The last part of the article thematises the impact of postmodernism on Welsh labour historiography. In general, the article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of Welsh labour historiography and it argues that Welsh labour historiography could make a considerable contribution to the development of social history by introducing some concepts, such as a focus on the academic and non-academic spheres.627

    Social Work in the Czech Republic – Origin and Role in Education

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    Social work is often surrounded by misconceptions and even contradictions. Over the course of history, social work has become an integral part of living in modern society. It is our goal to describe this phenomenon in this paper. We discuss the origin, content, and processes involved in social work in our country over the course of the past century. At the end we present the results of a research project focused on the support of socially disadvantaged Roma groups by means of educational programmes that help to improve their study, work, and life prospects

    Consumption function in the context of cultural affinity zones

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    Consumers' purchasing behaviour is affected at the microeconomic level by personal, psychological, situational, social and cultural factors. Beside the political and economic factors, culture with its beliefs, values, attitudes and traditions plays a substantial role also at the macroeconomic level in affecting national aggregate consumption, despite the recent phenomenon of globalisation. There is an evidence of excess sensitivity in European countries, which confirms that income change is a good predictor of consumption change. Clusters of European countries constructed according to single consumption functions correspond to some extent to the cultural affinity zones. Reactions (marginal propensity to consume) vary among formed groups of European countries and average consumption response is the highest in wealthier Western, followed by Central Europe and is the lowest in the South Europe. The results of this paper suggest that a stabilization policy may be more effective in an individualistic, hedonistic, rather a decentralised culture.O

    Inclusion of Tallented Children (Pupils) In the Current Czech Education System

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    When searching for an educational space allowing a deeper insight into the issue of inclusion in the Czech Republic, we chose a gifted pupil during his compulsory school education among the inclusion users. We are primarily interested in pupils with extraordinary intellectual abilities. In many aspects, the status of these pupils is comparable to the situation of other groups of pupils with special educational needs (SEN), as confirmed by relevant findings of both our and foreign researchers. Our focus is primarily on the broader, rather than just cognitive, issue of inclusive education. Using the example of the risks associated with the unequal social development of the gifted child, we attempt to point out the complexity and interconnectivity of the social and cognitive dimension of the child’s development. We assume that the goal of inclusion is a healthy and developed personal social competence, allowing the individual to overcome the obstacles resulting from his/her diversity and enabling him/her to develop his/her educational potential, to participate fully in society and to have access to all its resources

    Experimental cultivation systems in root system research

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    The growing awareness of plant root importance has contributed to the continuous development of cultivation methods that facilitate more efficient and effective root research. Due to their sessile nature, plants rely extensively on roots for water and ion absorption (Meister et al., 2014). As a result, plant roots must adjust to an array of unfavorable conditions such as salinity, drought, and high temperatures. To better understand root response and promote agricultural development, researchers simulate various stressors in controlled conditions. More recently developed transparent soils and soilless cultures aim to overcome the limitations of traditional soil cultivation, which include imprecise variable control, heterogeneous conditions, and destructive root sampling (Gregory et al., 2009). When planning an experiment, it is crucial to select an appropriate cultivation method to ensure success. The aim of this thesis is to provide a comprehensive overview of the benefits and limitations of commonly used cultivations techniques in plant stress research. Transparent soil reliably mimics the mechanical properties of soil whilst allowing for easy root access and use of numerous visualization techniques. On the other hand, it still maintains the need for a larger cultivation area just like soil. The...Rostoucí povědomí o důležitosti kořenů rostlin přispělo k neustálému vývoji pěstitelských metod, které umožňují efektivnější výzkum kořenů. Vzhledem ke své přisedlé povaze se rostliny při absorpci vody a iontů spoléhají na kořeny (Meister et al., 2014). V důsledku toho se kořeny rostlin musí přizpůsobit řadě nepříznivých podmínek, jako je zasolení půdy, sucho a vysoké teploty. Aby vědci lépe porozuměli reakci kořenů a podpořili rozvoj zemědělství, simulují různé stresory v kontrolovaných podmínkách. Nově vyvinuté transparentní půdy a bezpůdní kultivace mají za cíl překonat omezení tradičního pěstování v půdě, které zahrnuje ne vždy přesnou kontrolu, heterogenitu podmínek a často také destruktivní odběr vzorků kořenů (Gregory et al., 2009). Při plánování pokusu je zásadní zvolit vhodnou kultivační metodu, aby byl zajištěn úspěch. Cílem této práce je poskytnout ucelený přehled o výhodách a omezeních běžně používaných pěstebních technik při výzkumu rostlinného stresu. Transparentní půda spolehlivě napodobuje mechanické vlastnosti půdy, zároveň umožňuje snadný přístup ke kořenům a použití mnoha vizualizačních technik. Na druhou stranu si stále zachovává potřebu větší kultivační plochy stejně jako půda. Další nevýhodou je zvýšená cena (H. Downie et al., 2012; Helen F. Downie et al., 2014). Naproti tomu...Department of Experimental Plant BiologyKatedra experimentální biologie rostlinPřírodovědecká fakultaFaculty of Scienc