117 research outputs found

    Prevalence of the metabolic syndrome in Luxembourg according to the Joint Interim Statement definition estimated from the ORISCAV-LUX study

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    ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: The prevalence of the metabolic syndrome (MS) has been determined in many countries worldwide but never in Luxembourg. This research aimed to 1) establish the gender- and age-specific prevalence of MS and its components in the general adult population of Luxembourg, according to the most recent Joint Interim Statement (JIS) definition, by using both the high and low cut-off points to define abdominal obesity, and 2) compare and assess the degree of agreement with the Revised National Cholesterol Education Programme-Adult Treatment Panel III (R-ATPIII) and the International Diabetes Federation (IDF) definitions. METHODS: A representative stratified random sample of 1349 European subjects, aged 18-69 years, participated to ORISCAV-LUX survey. Logistic regression and odds ratios (OR) were used to study MS prevalence with respect to gender and age. The Framingham risk score (FRS) to predict the 10-year coronary heart disease (CHD) risk was calculated to compare the proportion of MS cases below or above 20%, according to both high and low waist circumference (WC) thresholds. Cohen's kappa coefficient (kappa) was utilized to measure the degree of agreement between MS definitions. RESULTS: The prevalence of the MS defined by the JIS was 28.0% and 24.7% when using the low (94/80) and the high (102/88) WC cut-off points, respectively. The prevalence was significantly higher in men than in women (OR = 2.6 and 2.3 for the low and high WC thresholds), as were all components of the MS except abdominal obesity measured by both thresholds. It also increased with age (OR values in age categories ranging from 2.7 to 28 when compared to the younger subjects for low WC and from 3.3 to 31 for the high WC cut-offs). The 10-year predicted risk of CHD by FRS did not depend on the threshold used. Globally, excellent agreement was observed between the three definitions of MS (kappa= 0.89), in particular between JIS and IDF (kappa = 0.93). Agreement was significantly higher in women than in men, and differed between age groups. CONCLUSION: Regardless of the definition used, the adult population of Luxembourg reveals a high MS prevalence. Our findings contribute to build evidence regarding the definitive construct of the MS, to help selecting the waist circumference thresholds for Europid populations, and to support the need to revise the guidelines for abdominal obesity levels

    Onset dynamics of type A botulinum neurotoxin-induced paralysis

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    Experimental studies have demonstrated that botulinum neurotoxin serotype A (BoNT/A) causes flaccid paralysis by a multi-step mechanism. Following its binding to specific receptors at peripheral cholinergic nerve endings, BoNT/A is internalized by receptor-mediated endocytosis. Subsequently its zinc-dependent catalytic domain translocates into the neuroplasm where it cleaves a vesicle-docking protein, SNAP-25, to block neurally evoked cholinergic neurotransmission. We tested the hypothesis that mathematical models having a minimal number of reactions and reactants can simulate published data concerning the onset of paralysis of skeletal muscles induced by BoNT/A at the isolated rat neuromuscular junction (NMJ) and in other systems. Experimental data from several laboratories were simulated with two different models that were represented by sets of coupled, first-order differential equations. In this study, the 3-step sequential model developed by Simpson (J Pharmacol Exp Ther 212:16–21,1980) was used to estimate upper limits of the times during which anti-toxins and other impermeable inhibitors of BoNT/A can exert an effect. The experimentally determined binding reaction rate was verified to be consistent with published estimates for the rate constants for BoNT/A binding to and dissociating from its receptors. Because this 3-step model was not designed to reproduce temporal changes in paralysis with different toxin concentrations, a new BoNT/A species and rate (kS) were added at the beginning of the reaction sequence to create a 4-step scheme. This unbound initial species is transformed at a rate determined by kS to a free species that is capable of binding. By systematically adjusting the values of kS, the 4-step model simulated the rapid decline in NMJ function (kS ≥0.01), the less rapid onset of paralysis in mice following i.m. injections (kS = 0.001), and the slow onset of the therapeutic effects of BoNT/A (kS < 0.001) in man. This minimal modeling approach was not only verified by simulating experimental results, it helped to quantitatively define the time available for an inhibitor to have some effect (tinhib) and the relation between this time and the rate of paralysis onset. The 4-step model predicted that as the rate of paralysis becomes slower, the estimated upper limits of (tinhib) for impermeable inhibitors become longer. More generally, this modeling approach may be useful in studying the kinetics of other toxins or viruses that invade host cells by similar mechanisms, e.g., receptor-mediated endocytosis

    Waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio of Hong Kong Chinese children

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Central body fat is a better predictor than overall body fat for cardiovascular (CV) risk factors in both adults and children. Waist circumference (WC) has been used as a proxy measure of central body fat. Children at high CV risk may be identified by WC measurements. Waist-to-height ratio (WHTR) has been proposed as an alternative, conveniently age-independent measure of CV risk although WHTR percentiles have not been reported. We aim to provide age- and sex-specific reference values for WC and WHTR in Hong Kong Chinese children.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Cross sectional study in a large representative sample of 14,842 children aged 6 to 18 years in 2005/6. Sex-specific descriptive statistics for whole-year age groups and smoothed percentile curves of WC and WHTR were derived and presented.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>WC increased with age, although less after age 14 years in girls. WHTR decreased with age (particularly up to age 14). WHTR correlated less closely than WC with BMI (r = 0.65, 0.59 cf. 0.93, 0.91, for boys and girls respectively).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Reference values and percentile curves for WC and WHRT of Chinese children and adolescents are provided. Both WC and WHTR are age dependent. Since the use of WHRT does not obviate the need for age-related reference standards, simple WC measurement is a more convenient method for central fat estimation than WHRT.</p

    Simulating the midlatitude atmospheric circulation: what might we gain from high-resolution modeling of air-sea interactions?

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    Purpose of Review. To provide a snapshot of the current research on the oceanic forcing of the atmospheric circulation in midlatitudes and a concise update on previous review papers. Recent findings. Atmospheric models used for seasonal and longer timescales predictions are starting to resolve motions so far only studied in conjunction with weather forecasts. These phenomena have horizontal scales of ~ 10–100 km which coincide with energetic scales in the ocean circulation. Evidence has been presented that, as a result of this matching of scale, oceanic forcing of the atmosphere was enhanced in models with 10–100 km grid size, especially at upper tropospheric levels. The robustness of these results and their underlying mechanisms are however unclear. Summary. Despite indications that higher resolution atmospheric models respond more strongly to sea surface temperature anomalies, their responses are still generally weaker than those estimated empirically from observations. Coarse atmospheric models (grid size greater than 100 km) will miss important signals arising from future changes in ocean circulation unless new parameterizations are developed