8 research outputs found

    Indicação inicial de tratamento em 60 pacientes com distúrbios ventilatórios obstrutivos do sono Initial indication of treatment in 60 patients with sleep obstructive ventilatory disturbance

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    OBJETIVO: Os autores apresentam um estudo descritivo retrospectivo de 60 pacientes portadores de distúrbios ventilatórios obstrutivos do sono (DVOS), atendidos no Centro Campinas de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço num período de três anos. Todos os pacientes foram examinados segundo protocolo padronizado e as decisões quanto à primeira conduta terapêutica resultaram de discussão conjunta multidisciplinar sistemática. FORMA DE ESTUDO: clínico retrospectivo. MATERIAL E MÉTODO: Os pacientes foram distribuídos em dois grupos segundo a proposta de tratamento não-cirúrgico e cirúrgico. Em seguida, foram estudados quanto à modalidade inicial de tratamentos propostos e os principais achados propedêuticos: índice de distúrbio respiratório (IDR), índice de massa corpórea (IMC), análise cefalométrica e manobra de Müller. Os principais achados propedêuticos foram comparados, isoladamente ou em associações com a modalidade de tratamento proposto. CONCLUSÃO: As principais conclusões mostram que nas roncopatias, a indicação de tratamento não-cirúrgico e cirúrgico se fez na mesma proporção; a indicação de tratamento cirúrgico prevaleceu na Síndrome da Apnéia-Hipopnéia Obstrutiva do Sono (SAHOS), independente de sua modalidade; o IDR, o IMC e a manobra de Müller não tiveram influência na indicação de qualquer modalidade terapêutica; a decisão terapêutica decorreu de estudo propedêutico sistematizado e da atuação multidisciplinar, havendo cada caso sido discutido individualmente.<br>AIM: The author present a retrospective descriptive study of 60 patients with sleep obstructive ventilatory disturbance who have taken medical advice at the Centro Campinas de Otorrinolaringologia e Cirurgia de Cabeça e Pescoço during a period of three years. All the patients have been examined after standardized protocol and decisions related to the treatment have been taken after systematic multidisciplinary discussion. STUDY DESIGN: clinical retrospective. MATERIAL AND METHOD: The patients were distributed into two groups according to the proposal of surgical and non-surgical treatment. After so, they were studied according to the model of treatment proposed and the main propaedeutic findings: respiratory disturbance index (RDI), body mass index (BMI), cephalometric analysis and Müller maneuver. The main features were compared - isolated or in association - with the model of treatment proposed. CONCLUSION: Amongst several conclusions obtained, the most important were: surgical and non-surgical treatment were indicated almost in the same proportion for of snoring; surgical treatments were most indicated for snoring and Apnoea-Hipopnoea Syndrome, despite of its modality; RDI, BMI and cephalometric analysis and Müller maneuver had no influence at any therapeutic modality; the therapeutic decision was taken after standardized protocol and systematic multidisciplinary discussion, where each case was discussed individually

    The Direction of Deception: Neuro-Linguistic Programming as a Lie Detection Tool

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    There is a myth in popular psychology, often echoed in police literature, but as yet untested, that specific eye movements pertain to lying and truth telling. According to this line of thought, eye movements to the sender’s right indicate lying, as the sender’s eyes are drawn to the side of his/her brain where their fabrication is being created. We have put this hypothesis, derived from ‘Neuro-Linguistic Programming’ to the test in two experiments. In Experiment 1, a total of 204 participants (all air passengers) were interviewed at an international airport about their forthcoming trip. All participants answered one question truthfully and one question deceptively. Some participants answered a third question truthfully, whereas others answered the same question deceptively. No conclusive evidence was found for a relationship between specific eye movements and deception. In Experiment 2, a total of 31 participants discussed their real occupation in one interview and a pretend occupation in another interview. Only three of the 31 participants revealed the eye movement pattern predicted by NLP. Reasons for the existence of the myth that liars display specific eye movements are discussed

    Windows to the Soul? Deliberate Eye Contact as a Cue to Deceit

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    Although people overwhelmingly believe that liars avoid eye contact, meta-analyses of deception literature have shown a non-significant relationship between gaze and deception. In the present experiment we measured eye movements in an innovative way. We coded the extent to which interviewees deliberately made eye contact with the interviewer. Liars take their credibility less for granted than truth tellers. They therefore may have a greater desire to be convincing and hence more inclined to monitor the interviewer to determine whether they seem to be being believed. We therefore hypothesized that liars would give more appearance of deliberately making eye contact than truth tellers (a relationship which opposes the stereotypical belief that liars look away). A total of 338 passengers at an international airport told the truth or lied about their forthcoming trip. As well as the deliberate eye contact variable, we coded the amount of time the interviewees looked away from the interviewer (e.g., gaze aversion), which is typically examined in deception research. Liars displayed more deliberate eye contact than truth tellers, whereas the amount of gaze aversion did not differ between truth tellers and liars