384 research outputs found

    Nonlinear frequency mixing in quantum cascade lasers: Towards broadband wavelength shifting and THz up-conversion

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    Terahertz (THz) sideband generation on a near-infrared (NIR) carrier has been recently demonstrated using quantum cascade lasers (QCL), with potential applications in wavelength shifting and THz up-conversion. However, the NIR wavelength range and nonlinear efficiency were severely limited by absorption. Here we overcome this drawback through a novel reflection geometry, whilst preserving a large interaction area. As well as insights into the nonlinear mechanism, this allows a much large range of NIR pump energies, relaxing the criteria of using particular excitation wavelengths

    High-performance continuous-wave operation of superlattice terahertz quantum-cascade lasers

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    The cw operation of chirped-superlattice quantum-cascade lasers emitting at lambdasimilar to67 mum (4.4 THz) is analyzed. Collected (min. 33% efficiency) output powers of 4 mW per facet are measured at liquid helium temperatures and a maximum operating temperature of 48 K is reached. Under pulsed excitation at duty cycles of 0.5%-1%, slightly higher (10%) peak powers are reached, and the device can be operated up to 67 K. Low threshold current densities of 165 and 185 A cm(-2) are observed in pulsed and cw operation, respectively. The operation of the laser is examined using the Hakki-Paoli technique to estimate the net gain of the structure. (C) 2003 American Institute of Physics

    Far-field engineering of metal -metal terahertz quantum cascade lasers with integrated horn antennas

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    The far-field of metal-metal terahertz quantum cascade lasers is greatly improved through integrated and stable planar horn antennas on top of the QCL ridge. The antenna structures introduce a gradual change in the high modal confinement of metal-metal waveguides and permit an improved far-field, showing a five times increase in the emitted output power. The two dimensional far-field patterns are measured at 77K and compared to electromagnetic simulations. The influence of parasitic high order transverse modes are restricted through the engineering of antenna structure (ridge and antenna width) to couple out the fundamental mode only

    Monolithic echo-less photoconductive switches for high-resolution terahertz time-domain spectroscopy

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    Interdigitated photoconductive (IPC) switches are convenient sources and detectors for terahertz (THz) time domain spectroscopy. However, reflection of the emitted or detected radiation within the device substrate can lead to echoes that inherently limits the spectroscopic resolution achievable. In this work, we design and realize low-temperature-grown-GaAs (LT-GaAs) IPC switches for THz pulse generation and detection that suppresses such unwanted echoes. This is realized through a monolithic geometry of an IPC switch with a metal plane buried at a subwavelength depth below the LT-GaAs surface. Using this device as a detector, and coupling it to an echo-less IPC source, enables echo-free THz-TDS and high-resolution spectroscopy, with a resolution limited only by the temporal length of the measurement governed by the mechanical delay line used

    Optical sideband generation up to room temperature with mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers

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    Room temperature sideband generation on an optical carrier is demonstrated using midinfrared quantum cascade lasers. This is achieved via an enhancement of the nonlinear susceptibility via resonant interband and intersubband excitations, compensating the large phase-mismatch

    High order optical sideband generation with Terahertz quantum cascade lasers

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    Optical sidebands are generated by difference frequency mixing between a resonant bandgap near-infrared beam and a terahertz (THz) wave. This is realized within the cavity of a THz quantum cascade laser using resonantly enhanced non-linearities. Multiple order optical sidebands and conversion efficiencies up to 0.1% are shown

    Ultrafast Buildup Dynamics of Terahertz Pulse Generation in Mode-Locked Quantum Cascade Lasers

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    Ultrashort terahertz pulse generation is essential for a range of proven terahertz applications, from time-resolved spectroscopy of fundamental excitations to nondestructive testing and imaging. Recently, it has been shown that semiconductor-based terahertz quantum cascade lasers (QCLs) can be used to generate pulses as short as a few picoseconds through active mode locking. However, further progress for subpicosecond and high peak power pulse generation is hampered by poor knowledge on how the electric field actually forms in these lasers. Here, we theoretically and experimentally show the amplitude- and phase-resolved buildup of pulse generation through active mode locking, from initiation of pulse generation to the nanosecond steady state. The experimental results, using an ultrafast coherent seeding technique to probe the laser from femtosecond to nanosecond time scales, are in full agreement with the theoretical calculations based on a theoretical model using multimode reduced rate equations. In particular, we show that the electric field buildup to achieve short pulse operation is extremely fast, requiring only a few photon round trips, owing to the ultrafast gain dynamics of the lasers. Further, this shows a gain recovery time of the order of a few picoseconds, an order of magnitude smaller than the photon round-trip time, highlighting that terahertz QCLs are categorically class-A lasers. This demonstration marks an important formulism for future progress towards exploring the ultrafast pulse generation buildup dynamics of these complex semiconductor lasers
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