18,587 research outputs found

    Exploring the effects of consumers’ trust : a predictive model for satisfying buyers’ expectations based on sellers’ behaviour in the marketplace

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    In recent years, Consumer-to-Consumer (C2C) marketplaces have become very popular among Internet users. However, compared to traditional Business-to-Consumer (B2C) stores, most modern C2C marketplaces are reported to be associated with stronger negative sentiments among consumers. These negative sentiments arise from the inability of sellers to meet certain buyers’ expectations and are linked to the low trust relationship among sellers and buyers in C2C marketplaces. The growth of these negative emotions might jeopardize buyers’ decisions to opt for C2C marketplaces in their future purchase intentions. In the present study, we extend the definition of trust as an emotion to cover the digital world and demonstrate the trust model currently used by most online stores. Based on the buyer’s behaviour in the C2C marketplace, we propose a conceptual framework to predict trust between the buyer and the seller. Given that C2C marketplaces are rich sources of data for trust mining and sentiment analysis, we perform text mining on Airbnb to predict the trust level in host descriptions of offered facilities. The data are acquired from the US city of Ashville, Alabama, and Manchester in the UK. The results of the analysis demonstrate that guest negative feedback in reviews are high when the description of the host’s property has the emotion of joy only. By contrast, guest negative sentiments in reviews are at a minimum when the host’s sentiment has mixed emotions (e.g., joy and fear)

    A comparison of neural classifiers for graffiti recognition

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    Membrane glucocorticoid receptors are localised in the extracellular matrix and signal through the MAPK pathway in mammalian skeletal muscle fibres

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    A number of studies have previously proposed the existence of glucocorticoid receptors on the plasma membrane of many cell types including skeletal muscle fibres. However, their exact localisation and the cellular signalling pathway(s) they utilise to communicate with the rest of the cell are still poorly understood. In this study, we investigated the localisation and the mechanism(s) underlying the non-genomic physiological functions of these receptors in mouse skeletal muscle cells. The results show that the receptors were localised in the cytoplasm in myoblasts, in the nucleus in myotubes and in the extracellular matrix, in satellite cells and in the proximity of mitochondria in adult muscle fibres. Also, they bound laminin in a glucocorticoid-dependent manner. Treating small skeletal muscle fibre bundles with the synthetic glucocorticoid, beclomethasone dipropionate, increased the phosphorylation (=activation) of extracellular-signal regulated kinase 1&2, c-Jun N-terminal kinase and p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. This occurred within 5min and depended on the fibre-type and the duration of the treatment. It was also abolished by the glucocorticoid receptor inhibitor, mifepristone, and a monoclonal antibody against the receptor. From these results we conclude that the non-genomic/non-canonical physiological functions of glucocorticoids, in adult skeletal muscle fibres are mediated by a glucocorticoid receptor localised in the extracellular matrix, in satellite cells and close to mitochondria and involve activation of the MAPK pathway

    Enumeration and estimation of insect attack fruits of some cultivars of Punica granatum.

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    In this study, five cultivars of Punica granatum identified (two of which are endemic, while the other three are new) were grown in certain farms at Al-Taif, Saudi Arabia. Enumeration to the insects attack its' fruits illustrated that, there are three insects, namely, Virchola livia, Ectomyelois ceratonia and Pseudococcus maitimus (or/and Pseudococcus citri) infested both cracked and healthy pomegranate fruits. The population density of immature stage of V. livia was noticed in healthy fruit more than cracked fruit, while E. ceratonia was shown the converse. Besides, there is high infection by the three insects at 2008 more than 2009. Measurement susceptibility of the five cultivars showed that, Al- Taif cultivar was the most resistant one to V. livia infestation, being 3.5 and 1.8% of immature stage/20 healthy or cracked fruits. While the most resistance one to immature stages of E. ceratonia was Wonderful-mangulatory cultivar recording infestation of 0.0 and 2.4% of immature stage/20 healthy or cracked fruits during 2008 and 2009.Key word: Pomegranate cultivars, Virchola livia, Ectomyelois ceratonia, mealy bugs, susceptibility

    P2X receptors: epithelial ion channels and regulators of salt and water transport.

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    When the results from electrophysiological studies of renal epithelial cells are combined with data from in vivo tubule microperfusion experiments and immunohistochemical surveys of the nephron, the accumulated evidence suggests that ATP-gated ion channels, P2X receptors, play a specialized role in the regulation of ion and water movement across the renal tubule and are integral to electrolyte and fluid homeostasis. In this short review, we discuss the concept of P2X receptors as regulators of salt and water salvage pathways, as well as acknowledging their accepted role as ATP-gated ion channels

    Biological, Histological and Ultra-Structural Studies of Female Mullet, Mugil cephalus, Ovaries Collected from Different Habitats during Annual Reproductive Cycle

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    This study investigates some biological characters (oocyte diameter, fecundity, histological and ultra structural features) of female Mugil cephalus ovaries collected from three different natural habitats: marine (MW), brackish (BW) and fresh (FW) water. Monthly gonadosomatic index (GSI) values clearly showed that the time period of reproductive activity in female M. cephalus from marine and brackish water habitats was from early September to late November. No peak value of GSI in females collected from freshwater was observed throughout the year. Analysis of ovum diameter for M. cephalus in the two habitats revealed that, there are small diameter ova (less than 0.3 mm) and large ova (larger than 0.35 mm). The percentage of small ova diameter was 5±1% in marine habitat, while 27±3% for brackish water habitat. The mean oocyte diameters in fresh water fish were less than 350 μm. The oocytes did not develop enough to be differentiated into small and large diameter ova. The total number of ripe ova in marine fish varied between 0.84 ± 0.05 to 4.14±1.01 x106 for a total length ranging between 35 and 52 cm, respectively; whereas, the total number of ripe ova in brackish water fish ranged from 0.57±0.14 to 3.81±0.59 x106 for the same length groups. There was highly significant correlation (p>0.01) between the number and length of ripe ova in 37 and 50 cm length group from the two habitats. Yolky nucleus or Balbiani’s body and interstitial epithelial cells are a characteristic feature of oocytes at maturing stage, which is clearly detected in marine water fish with isolated follicular and active organelles. In brackish and fresh water fish ovary, the cytoplasm was compacted without accumulation of active organelles. Ultra structurally vacuolized oocyte wall in marine fish showed the presence of the fifth layer (cortical alveoli) while no cortical alveoli formation was observed in oocyte of brackish or fresh water females. The percentage of atretic oocytes in late vitellogenic ovary of marine water fish was about 2.5%, while in brackish water fish it was about 92±2%. In both brackish and fresh water fishes the initial stage of oocytes atresia degeneration was observed. In conclusion, the comparative study shows that ovary of marine and brackish M. cephalus morphologically overlaps from ripening to re-sorption stages. With the histological and fine structure characteristics, it was possible to understand the functional relationship between oocyte size and stage of fish maturation. This knowledge is of huge importance in establishing the reproductive status of the fish which is related to the functional expression of the folliculogenesis in female individuals.Keywords: Ova, Mugil cephalus, Marine, Brackish and Fresh Water Fis

    Ovarian Hyperstimulation and Maternal Virilisation with Successful Pregnancy Outcome: A case report

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    Hyperreactio luteinalis (HL) and ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS) during pregnancy are both benign conditions where the ovaries are enlarged with presence of multiple thin-walled cysts. Differential diagnosis is ovarian malignancy. Hyperandrogenism with resultant maternal virilization could be seen in some cases of HL as well as in androgen secreting tumours. We report the case of a 41 years old lady underwent ovulation induction due to secondary infertility. She had recurrent hospital admission with abdominal pain and huge multicystic enlargement of both ovaries. She developed virilisation features by 35 weeks of pregnancy. Lower segment caesarean section was done at 36 weeks gestation for breech presentation with intra uterine growth restriction. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) confirmed benign nature of the cysts. Ovarian cysts and hyperandrogenism gradually resolved by three months of delivery. Awareness, judicious imaging and close monitoring in such cases can result in live birth and avoid oophorectomies. Keywords: Hyperandrogenism; Hirsuitism; Virilism; Polycstic ovary syndrome; Ovarian hyper stimulation; Ovulation induction; Hyperreactio luteinalis; Ovarian cysts

    CD4+ T-lymphopenia in HIV negative tuberculous patients at King Khalid University Hospital in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

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    Tuberculosis (Tb) is a chronic infectious disease in which the cellular immunity (specifically CD4+ and CD8 lymphocytes) provides the most important defense in controlling infection. CD4 lymphopenia is a well-defined risk factor for the development of active tuberculosis in patients infected with Human Immunodeficiency Virus. In HIV - negative patients, CD4 and CD8 cell count suppression has been associated with Tb infection. Our study was designed to deter mine the baseline and post-treatment values of CD4 and CD8 in HIV negative patients diagnosed with active Tb in Saudi Arabian patients. We recruited twentyeight, non-HIV patients with tuberculosis for the study group comprising 16 males and 12 females with either disseminated or localized active Tb infection. Two control groups were selected - one of twenty one matched healthy controls and the second of fortytwo subjects from pool of controls of an ongoing study in same population for normal CD4 and CD8 counts. The baseline pre-treatment CD4 and CD8 counts in the study group were significantly lower than either control group. Specifically the mean ± SD of CD4 counts were 556.79 ± 298.81 in the study group vs 1,132.38 ± 259.90 in control group 1 and 1,424.38 ± 870.98 in control group 2 (p 0.000). Likewise the CD8 counts in the study group were 1,136.00 ± 512.06 vs. 1,461.90 ± 367.02 in control group 1 and 1,495.90 ± 565.32 in control group 2 (p 0.000) respectively. After treatment of tuberculosis, the study patients experienced a significant increase in their mean ± SD CD4 and CD8 cell counts, from 556.79 ± 297.81 to 954.29 ± 210.90 for CD4 cells (p 0.005) and 1136.00 ± 512.06 to 1,316.54 ± 286.17 for CD8 cells (p 0.002). Analysis of study patients with disseminated disease found significantly lower CD4 cells (but not lower CD8 cells) compared to study patients with localized disease, both at baseline and after treatment. The mean ± SD baseline CD4 cells were 247.60 ± 187.80 with disseminated vs 728.56 ± 186.32 for localized disease (p = 0.000) which rose to 842.30 ± 93.55 vs 1016.50 ± 233.51 (p = 0.033) respectively. We conclude that tuberculosis may be associated with CD4 and CD8 lymphopenia even in patients without human immunodeficiency virus infection, there was the tendency of recovery towards normality especially of the CD4 and CD8 counts after treatment, and that disseminated disease is associated specifically with profound CD4 lymphopenia

    ‘Drawing aside the curtain’: natural childbirth on screen in 1950s Britain

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    This article recovers the importance of film, and its relations to other media, in communicating the philosophies and methods of ‘natural childbirth’ in the postwar period. It focuses on an educational film made in South Africa around 1950 by controversial British physician Grantly Dick-Read, who had achieved international fame with bestselling books arguing that relaxation and education, not drugs, were the keys to freeing women from pain in childbirth. But he soon came to regard the ‘vivid’ medium of film a more effective means of disseminating the ‘truth of [his] mission’ to audiences who may never read his books. I reconstruct the history of a film that played a vital role in teaching Dick-Read’s method to both the medical profession and the first generation of Western women to express their dissatisfaction with highly-drugged, hospitalized maternity care. The article explains why advocates of natural childbirth such as Dick-Read became convinced of the value of film as a tool for recruiting supporters and discrediting rivals. Along the way, it offers insight into the British medical film industry and the challenges associated with producing, distributing and screening a depiction of birth considered unusually graphic for the time.This research was supported by the Wellcome Trust through a strategic award in the history of medicine on the theme ‘Generation to Reproduction’ [088708]

    Influence of tillage practices on physical properties of a sandy loam in semi-arid region

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    The contrasts observed in soil tillage research studies documented the need for more research in many regions of the world if the mechanics of tillage effects on soil physical properties is to be well understood. Thus, the effect of three tillage systems: no-tillage (NT), reduce tillage (RT) andconventional tillage (CT) on the physical properties of a sandy loam soil in Maiduguri, Nigeria was investigated after 9-15 years of management. During the growing season of 2010, triplicate undisturbed core samples (5.5 cm in diameter and 4 cm height) were obtained at two soil depths (0-15 cm and 15-30 cm), for determination of volumetric (.v) moisture content, bulk density (Bd), and total porosity (TP) of the soil at selected dates, while soil penetration resistance (PR) was determined using hand held digital penetrometer. Tillage systems significantly (p = 0.05) affectedBd and TP of the soil at two of the four sampling dates. The RT treatment recorded highest Bd and lowest TP at (0-15 cm) depth across most sampling dates, while at (15-30 cm) soil depth, the CT and RT treatments maintained higher Bd. Soil PR was significantly influenced by tillage systems only at the surface (0-15 cm) soil depth. The NT treatment  recorded significantly (p = 0.05) higher PR while the RT treatment recorded the least. Further, significant (p = 0.05) tillage treatment effects on the .v content of the soil was observed at both surface (0-15 cm) and sub surface (15-30 cm) soil depths. The NT and RT treatments, on average, recorded higher values of .v relative to the CT treatment. Soil organic carbon (OC) and aggregate stability in water (MAW, ASC, DR and WSI) were found to correlate (p < 0.05) well with .v content of the soil for most sampling dates particularly a surface soil layer. The study revealed that, the NT and RT treatments promotes better physical quality of the soil relative to the CT treatment. It ishowever recommended that, other reduced tillage systems such as animal traction and ridgetillage be tried to assess their efficacy of improving soil physical quality.Key words: Tillage, Tillage systems, Soil Physical properties, Moisture storage, Physical qualit
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