689 research outputs found

    Costs analysis of a population level rabies control programme in Tamil Nadu, India

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    The study aimed to determine costs to the state government of implementing different interventions for controlling rabies among the entire human and animal populations of Tamil Nadu. This built upon an earlier assessment of Tamil Nadu’s efforts to control rabies. Anti-rabies vaccines were made available at all health facilities. Costs were estimated for five different combinations of animal and human interventions using an activity-based costing approach from the provider perspective. Disease and population data were sourced from the state surveillance data, human census and livestock census. Program costs were extrapolated from official documents. All capital costs were depreciated to estimate annualized costs. All costs were inflated to 2012 Rupees. Sensitivity analysis was conducted across all major cost centres to assess their relative impact on program costs. It was found that the annual costs of providing Anti-rabies vaccine alone and in combination with Immunoglobulins was \$0.7 million (Rs 36 million) and \$2.2 million (Rs 119 million), respectively. For animal sector interventions, the annualised costs of rolling out surgical sterilisation-immunization, injectable immunization and oral immunizations were estimated to be \$ 44 million (Rs 2,350 million), \$23 million (Rs 1,230 million) and \$ 11 million (Rs 590 million), respectively. Dog bite incidence, health systems coverage and cost of rabies biologicals were found to be important drivers of costs for human interventions. For the animal sector interventions, the size of dog catching team, dog population and vaccine costs were found to be driving the costs. Rabies control in Tamil Nadu seems a costly proposition the way it is currently structured. Policy makers in Tamil Nadu and other similar settings should consider the long-term financial sustainability before embarking upon a state or nation-wide rabies control programme

    The Impact of Microclimate on Skin Health With Absorbent Incontinence Product Use An Integrative Review

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    This integrative review considers the role of skin occlusion and microclimate in incontinence-associated dermatitis (IAD), with a particular focus on disposable, body-worn, absorbent incontinence products. Although the mechanisms are not fully understood, the primary causes of IAD are well-established: occluded skin, in prolonged contact with urine and/or feces and exposed to abrasive forces, is more likely to be affected, and each of these factors can be influenced by wearing absorbent incontinence products. Studies comparing the effect of various absorbent products on skin health have been hindered by the many differences between compared products, making it difficult to clearly attribute any differences in performance to particular materials or design features. Nevertheless, the large and significant differences that have sometimes been found invite further work. Breathable back sheets can significantly reduce the temperature of occluded skin and the humidity of the adjacent air, and several treatments for nonwoven top sheet materials (used next to the skin) have been shown to impart antimicrobial properties in the laboratory, but an impact on IAD incidence or severity has yet to be demonstrated directly. Recent work to introduce sensing technology into absorbent incontinence products to reduce the exposure of skin to urine and feces, by encouraging prompt product changing, seems likely to yield measurable benefits in terms of reducing incidents of IAD as the technology develops. Published work to date suggests that there is considerable potential for products to be engineered to play a significant role in the reduction of IAD among users

    Renal expression of vascular endothelial growth factor in lupus nephritis in the pediatric age group

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    Background: Vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) plays a crucial role in preservation of renal functions and may also serve as a useful biomarker in monitoring the progression of lupus nephritis (LN). Objective: We thought to correlate VEGF expression in the kidney with renal histopathology in lupus nephritis to unveil its possible relation to disease activity and severity.Methods: We consecutively enrolled 15 patients with lupus nephritis and ten renal biopsy specimens from patients with cystic renal diseases as controls. The study measurements included SLEDAI, SLICC/ ACR damage index and BILAG renal score. Paraffin sections from renal biopsies were subjected to routine haematoxylin and eosin staining and Immunohistochemical staining for VEGF. Results: Among SLE patients, 7 (46.7%) showed mild expression of VEGF, 5 (33.3%) showed moderate while 3 (20%) had strong expression of the marker. On the contrary, the control samples (100%) revealed strong marker expression. All subjects with class IV and V lupus nephritis had mild renal expression of VEGF. Renal expression of VEGF had a significant positive correlation with serum creatinine and complement C3 levels. The 24 hours’ excretion of urinary proteins had a significant negative correlation with the renal expression of the marker. On the other hand, the activity indices and therapeutic modalities did not correlate with VEGF expression. Conclusion: This pilot study among pediatric cases of SLE revealed mild to moderate VEGF expression in most cases of proliferative LN. Further longitudinal studies are needed to investigate the consequences of this finding on the prognosis of the disease.Keywords: VEGF, SLE, renal biopsy, lupus nephritis

    Ulnar dimelia variant: a case report

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    We report a case of ulnar dimelia, commonly called mirror hand, in a 2-month-old female child who had restriction of elbow flexion and forearm rotation. There was no facial or other internal organ malformation. Radiographs revealed seven triphalangeal digits with double ulnae (one following the other) and absent radius. To the best of the authors’ knowledge, this is the first report of this mirror hand deformity in which fingers are symmetrical while duplicated ulnae are not

    Hepatic artery aneurysm repair: a case report

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>Hepatic artery aneurysms remain a clinically significant entity. Their incidence continues to rise slowly and mortality from spontaneous rupture is high. Repair is recommended in those aneurysms greater than 2 cm in diameter. It is not surprising that vascular comorbidities, such as ischaemic heart disease, are common in surgical patients, particularly those with arterial aneurysms such as these. The decision of when to operate on patients who require urgent surgery despite having recently suffered an acute coronary syndrome remains somewhat of a grey and controversial area. We discuss the role of delayed surgery and postoperative followup of this vascular problem.</p> <p>Case presentation</p> <p>A 58-year-old man was admitted with a 5.5 cm hepatic artery aneurysm. The aneurysm was asymptomatic and was an incidental finding as a result of an abdominal computed tomography scan to investigate an episode of haemoptysis (Figure <figr fid="F1">1</figr>). Three weeks prior to admission, the patient had suffered a large inferior myocardial infarction and was treated by thrombolysis and primary coronary angioplasty. Angiographic assessment revealed a large aneurysm of the common hepatic artery involving the origins of the hepatic, gastroduodenal, left and right gastric arteries and the splenic artery (Figures <figr fid="F2">2</figr> and <figr fid="F3">3</figr>). Endovascular treatment was not considered feasible and immediate surgery was too high-risk in the early post-infarction period. Therefore, surgery was delayed for 3 months when aneurysm repair with reconstruction of the hepatic artery was successfully performed. Graft patency was confirmed with the aid of an abdominal arterial duplex. Plasma levels of conventional liver function enzymes and of alpha-glutathione-<it>S</it>-transferase were within normal limits. This was used to assess the extent of any hepatocellular damage perioperatively. The patient made a good recovery and was well at his routine outpatient check-ups.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>There is no significant difference in cardiac risk in patients who have undergone vascular surgery within 6 months of a myocardial infarction compared with those who have had the operation in the 6 to12 month time frame. Use of alpha-glutathione-<it>S</it>-transferase gives an indication of the immediate state of hepatic function and should be used in addition to traditional liver function tests to monitor hepatic function postoperatively.</p

    Rectal Transmission of Transmitted/Founder HIV-1 Is Efficiently Prevented by Topical 1% Tenofovir in BLT Humanized Mice

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    Rectal microbicides are being developed to prevent new HIV infections in both men and women. We focused our in vivo preclinical efficacy study on rectally-applied tenofovir. BLT humanized mice (n = 43) were rectally inoculated with either the primary isolate HIV-1(JRCSF) or the MSM-derived transmitted/founder (T/F) virus HIV-1(THRO) within 30 minutes following treatment with topical 1% tenofovir or vehicle. Under our experimental conditions, in the absence of drug treatment we observed 50% and 60% rectal transmission by HIV-1(JRCSF) and HIV-1(THRO), respectively. Topical tenofovir reduced rectal transmission to 8% (1/12; log rank p = 0.03) for HIV-1(JRCSF) and 0% (0/6; log rank p = 0.02) for HIV-1(THRO). This is the first demonstration that any human T/F HIV-1 rectally infects humanized mice and that transmission of the T/F virus can be efficiently blocked by rectally applied 1% tenofovir. These results obtained in BLT mice, along with recent ex vivo, Phase 1 trial and non-human primate reports, provide a critically important step forward in the development of tenofovir-based rectal microbicides

    Lymphocyte and monocyte flow cytometry immunophenotyping as a diagnostic tool in uncharacteristic inflammatory disorders

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Patients with uncharacteristic inflammatory symptoms such as long-standing fatigue or pain, or a prolonged fever, constitute a diagnostic and therapeutic challenge. The aim of the present study was to determine if an extended immunophenotyping of lymphocytes and monocytes including activation markers can define disease-specific patterns, and thus provide valuable diagnostic information for these patients.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Whole blood from patients with gram-negative bacteraemia, neuroborreliosis, tuberculosis, acute mononucleosis, influenza or a mixed connective tissue disorders, as diagnosed by routine culture and serology techniques was analysed for lymphocyte and monocyte cell surface markers using a no-wash, no-lyse protocol for multi-colour flow cytometry method. The immunophenotyping included the activation markers HLA-DR and CD40. Plasma levels of soluble TNF alpha receptors were analysed by ELISA.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>An informative pattern was obtained by combining two of the analysed parameters: (i), the fractions of HLA-DR-expressing CD4+ T cells and CD8+ T cells, respectively, and (ii), the level of CD40 on CD14+ CD16- monocytes. Patients infected with gram-negative bacteria or EBV showed a marked increase in monocyte CD40, while this effect was less pronounced for tuberculosis, borrelia and influenza. The bacterial agents could be distinguished from the viral agents by the T cell result; CD4+ T cells reacting in bacterial infection, and the CD8+ T cells dominating for the viruses. Patients with mixed connective tissue disorders also showed increased activation, but with similar engagement of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. Analysis of soluble TNF alpha receptors was less informative due to a large inter-individual variation.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Immunophenotyping including the combination of the fractions of HLA-DR expressing T cell subpopulations with the level of CD40 on monocytes produces an informative pattern, differentiating between infections of bacterial and viral origin. Furthermore, a quantitative analysis of these parameters revealed the novel finding of characteristic patterns indicating a subacute bacterial infection, such as borreliosis or tuberculosis, or a mixed connective tissue disorder. The employed flow cytometric method is suitable for clinical diagnostic laboratories, and may help in the assessment of patients with uncharacteristic inflammatory symptoms.</p

    CTLA-4 Activation of Phosphatidylinositol 3-Kinase (PI 3-K) and Protein Kinase B (PKB/AKT) Sustains T-Cell Anergy without Cell Death

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    The balance of T-cell proliferation, anergy and apoptosis is central to immune function. In this regard, co-receptor CTLA-4 is needed for the induction of anergy and tolerance. One central question concerns the mechanism by which CTLA-4 can induce T-cell non-responsiveness without a concurrent induction of antigen induced cell death (AICD). In this study, we show that CTLA-4 activation of the phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-K) and protein kinase B (PKB/AKT) sustains T-cell anergy without cell death. CTLA-4 ligation induced PI 3K activation as evidenced by the phosphorylation of PKB/AKT that in turn inactivated GSK-3. The level of activation was similar to that observed with CD28. CTLA-4 induced PI 3K and AKT activation also led to phosphorylation of the pro-apoptotic factor BAD as well as the up-regulation of BcL-XL. In keeping with this, CD3/CTLA-4 co-ligation prevented apoptosis under the same conditions where T-cell non-responsiveness was induced. This effect was PI 3K and PKB/AKT dependent since inhibition of these enzymes under conditions of anti-CD3/CTLA-4 co-ligation resulted in cell death. Our findings therefore define a mechanism by which CTLA-4 can induce anergy (and possibly peripheral tolerance) by preventing the induction of cell death