24,416 research outputs found

    Micro-mechanical finite element analysis of Z-pins under mixed-mode loading

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    © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.This paper presents a three-dimensional micro-mechanical finite element (FE) modelling strategy for predicting the mixed-mode response of single Z-pins inserted in a composite laminate. The modelling approach is based upon a versatile ply-level mesh, which takes into account the significant micro-mechanical features of Z-pinned laminates. The effect of post-cure cool down is also considered in the approach. The Z-pin/laminate interface is modelled by cohesive elements and frictional contact. The progressive failure of the Z-pin is simulated considering shear-driven internal splitting, accounted for using cohesive elements, and tensile fibre failure, modelled using the Weibulls criterion. The simulation strategy is calibrated and validated via experimental tests performed on single carbon/BMI Z-pins inserted in quasi-isotropic laminate. The effects of the bonding and friction at the Z-pin/laminate interface and the internal Z-pin splitting are discussed. The primary aim is to develop a robust numerical tool and guidelines for designing Z-pins with optimal bridging behaviour

    Classifier ensemble for uncertain data stream classification

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    Currently available algorithms for data stream classification are all designed to handle precise data, while data with uncertainty or imperfection is quite natural and widely seen in real-life applications. Uncertainty can arise in attribute values as well as in class values. In this paper, we focus on the classification of streaming data that has different degrees of uncertainty within class values. We propose two types of ensemble based algorithms, Static Classifier Ensemble (SCE) and Dynamic Classifier Ensemble (DCE) for mining uncertain data streams. Experiments on both synthetic and real-life data set are made to compare and contrast our proposed algorithms. The experimental results reveal that DCE algorithm outperforms SCE algorithm

    Irrigation impacts on minimum and maximum surface moist enthalpy in the Central Great Plains of the USA

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    Agricultural activities notably alter weather and climate including near-surface heat content. However, past research primarily focused on dry bulb temperature without considering the role of water vapor (dew point temperature) on surface air heat content. When using dry bulb temperature trends to assess these changes, for example, not including concurrent trends in absolute humidity can lead to errors in the actual rate of warming or cooling. Here we examined minimum and maximum surface moist enthalpy, which can be expressed as “equivalent temperature.” Using hourly climate data in the Central Great Plains (Nebraska and Kansas) from 1990 to 2014, the averages and trends of minimum and maximum equivalent temperature (TE_min; TE_max) were analyzed to investigate the potential impacts of irrigation. During the growing season, TE_max averages were significantly higher in irrigated cropland sites compared to grassland sites. This can be explained by increased transpiration linked to irrigation. In addition, TE_max exhibits a decreasing trend in most sites over the growing season. However, the difference of the trends under irrigated croplands and grasslands is not statistically significant. A longer time series and additional surface energy flux experiments are still needed to better understand the relationships among temperature, energy, and land cover

    Novel critical point drying (CPD) based preparation and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging of protein specific molecularly imprinted polymers (HydroMIPs)

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    We report the transmission electron microscopy (TEM) imaging of a hydrogel-based molecularly imprinted polymer (HydroMIP) specific to the template molecule bovine haemoglobin (BHb). A novel critical point drying based sample preparation technique was employed to prepare the molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) samples in a manner that would facilitate the use of TEM to image the imprinted cavities, and provide an appropriate degree of both magnification and resolution to image polymer architecture in the <10 nm range. For the first time, polymer structure has been detailed that clearly displays molecularly imprinted cavities, ranging from 5-50 nm in size, that correlate (in terms of size) with the protein molecule employed as the imprinting template. The modified critical point drying sample preparation technique used may potentially play a key role in the imaging of all molecularly imprinted polymers, particularly those prepared in the aqueous phase

    Implicit 3D Orientation Learning for 6D Object Detection from RGB Images

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    We propose a real-time RGB-based pipeline for object detection and 6D pose estimation. Our novel 3D orientation estimation is based on a variant of the Denoising Autoencoder that is trained on simulated views of a 3D model using Domain Randomization. This so-called Augmented Autoencoder has several advantages over existing methods: It does not require real, pose-annotated training data, generalizes to various test sensors and inherently handles object and view symmetries. Instead of learning an explicit mapping from input images to object poses, it provides an implicit representation of object orientations defined by samples in a latent space. Our pipeline achieves state-of-the-art performance on the T-LESS dataset both in the RGB and RGB-D domain. We also evaluate on the LineMOD dataset where we can compete with other synthetically trained approaches. We further increase performance by correcting 3D orientation estimates to account for perspective errors when the object deviates from the image center and show extended results.Comment: Code available at: https://github.com/DLR-RM/AugmentedAutoencode

    Confusions in orbivirus protein classification

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    An extensive comparative analysis of orbivirus genomes revealed four cases of unclear numeration and protein designation, due to confused reference to protein size or segment size by which they are encoded. A concise nomenclature based on type species, sequence homology and functional characteristics independent of segment or protein size is suggested

    Parallel gene synthesis in a microfluidic device

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    The ability to synthesize custom de novo DNA constructs rapidly, accurately and inexpensively is highly desired by researchers, as synthetic genes and longer DNA constructs are enabling to numerous powerful applications in both traditional molecular biology and the emerging field of synthetic biology. However, the current cost of de novo synthesis—driven largely by reagent and handling costs—is a significant barrier to the widespread availability of such technology. In this work, we demonstrate, to our knowledge, the first gene synthesis in a microfluidic environment. The use of microfluidic technology greatly reduces reaction volumes and the corresponding reagent and handling costs. Additionally, microfluidic technology enables large numbers of complex reactions to be performed in parallel. Here, we report the fabrication of a multi-chamber microfluidic device and its use in carrying out the syntheses of several DNA constructs. Genes up to 1 kb in length were synthesized in parallel at minute starting oligonucleotide concentrations (10–25 nM) in four 500 nl reactors. Such volumes are one to two orders of magnitude lower than those utilized in conventional gene synthesis. The identity of all target genes was verified by sequencing, and the resultant error rate was determined to be 1 per 560 bases.Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Center for Bits and AtomsNational Science Foundation (U.S.) (CBA grant CCR-0122419

    The structure of the RbBP5 β-propeller domain reveals a surface with potential nucleic acid binding sites

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    The multi-protein complex WRAD, formed by WDR5, RbBP5, Ash2L and Dpy30, binds to the MLL SET domain to stabilize the catalytically active conformation required for histone H3K4 methylation. In addition, the WRAD complex contributes to the targeting of the activated complex to specific sites on chromatin. RbBP5 is central to MLL catalytic activation, by making critical contacts with the other members of the complex. Interestingly its only major structural domain, a canonical WD40 repeat -propeller, is not implicated in this function. Here, we present the structure of the RbBP5 -propeller domain revealing a distinct, feature rich surface, dominated by clusters of Arginine residues. Our nuclear magnetic resonance binding data supports the hypothesis that in addition to the role of RbBP5 in catalytic activation, its -propeller domain is a platform for the recruitment of the MLL complexes to chromatin targets through its direct interaction with nucleic acids

    In-Plane Orbital Texture Switch at the Dirac Point in the Topological Insulator Bi2Se3

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    Topological insulators are novel macroscopic quantum-mechanical phase of matter, which hold promise for realizing some of the most exotic particles in physics as well as application towards spintronics and quantum computation. In all the known topological insulators, strong spin-orbit coupling is critical for the generation of the protected massless surface states. Consequently, a complete description of the Dirac state should include both the spin and orbital (spatial) parts of the wavefunction. For the family of materials with a single Dirac cone, theories and experiments agree qualitatively, showing the topological state has a chiral spin texture that changes handedness across the Dirac point (DP), but they differ quantitatively on how the spin is polarized. Limited existing theoretical ideas predict chiral local orbital angular momentum on the two sides of the DP. However, there have been neither direct measurements nor calculations identifying the global symmetry of the spatial wavefunction. Here we present the first results from angle-resolved photoemission experiment and first-principles calculation that both show, counter to current predictions, the in-plane orbital wavefunctions for the surface states of Bi2Se3 are asymmetric relative to the DP, switching from being tangential to the k-space constant energy surfaces above DP, to being radial to them below the DP. Because the orbital texture switch occurs exactly at the DP this effect should be intrinsic to the topological physics, constituting an essential yet missing aspect in the description of the topological Dirac state. Our results also indicate that the spin texture may be more complex than previously reported, helping to reconcile earlier conflicting spin resolved measurements