2,130 research outputs found


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    Tom Zenor, a pharmacist for Columbia Medical Center, became addicted to cocaine. He checked himself into a rehabilitation center and, upon request, was placed on leave as allowed by the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). During his FMLA leave the company decided to terminate his employment upon the completion of his twelve week leave of absence. Columbia, in an attempt to be proactive, is considering any legal recourse Zenor might attempt. Columbia’s Human Resources manager, Carmen Estrada, is preparing evidence to defend the company against a potential Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) lawsuit. Her primary concern is that Zenor will claim that his cocaine addiction is a qualified disability under the ADA. (Contact author for a copy of the complete report.)Personnel, Unjust Termination, At-Will Employment

    Columbia Medical Center and the Cocaine-Addicted Pharmacist: Unjust Termination? (B)

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    Tom Zenor, a pharmacist for Columbia Medical Center, became addicted to cocaine. He checked himself into a rehabilitation center and, upon request, was placed on leave as allowed by the Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA). Upon his return, the company decided to terminate his employment. Zenor was upset at the dismissal, which he saw as unjust. Columbia Medical Center, in an attempt to be proactive, sought to consider any legal recourse Zenor might attempt. Columbia’s Human Resources manager, Carmen Estrada, attempted to construct evidence to defend the company against a potential unjust discharge case. The company operated in Texas, which was an “at-will” state. Nonetheless, Estrada had concerns which included whether Zenor could claim an exception to the Doctrine of Employment at-will, and if including a disclaimer in an employee handbook that employees are retained “at-will” provided adequate legal protection for the organization. (Contact author for a copy of the complete report.)Personnel, Addiction, ADA

    Recognition of cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms in older patients with heart failure

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    INTRODUCTION: Cognitive impairment and depression in patients with heart failure (HF) are common comorbidities and are associated with increased morbidity, readmissions and mortality. Timely recognition of cognitive impairment and depression is important for providing optimal care. The aim of our study was to determine if these disorders were recognised by clinicians and, secondly, if they were associated with hospital admissions and mortality within 6 months’ follow-up. METHODS: Patients (aged ≥65 years) diagnosed with HF were included from the cardiology outpatient clinic of Gelre Hospitals. Cognitive status was evaluated with the Montreal Cognitive Assessment test (score ≤22). Depressive symptoms were assessed with the Geriatric Depression Scale (score >5). Patient characteristics were collected from electronic patient files. The clinician was blinded to the tests and asked to assess cognitive status and mood. RESULTS: We included 157 patients. Their median age was 79 years (65–92); 98 (62%) were male. The majority had New York Heart Association functional class II. Cognitive impairment was present in 56 (36%) patients. Depressive symptoms were present in 21 (13%) patients. In 27 of 56 patients (48%) cognitive impairment was not recognised by clinicians. Depressive symptoms were not recognised in 11 of 21 patients (52%). During 6 months’ follow-up 24 (15%) patients were readmitted for HF-related reasons and 18 (11%) patients died. There was no difference in readmission and mortality rate between patients with or without cognitive impairment and patients with or without depressive symptoms. CONCLUSION: Cognitive impairment and depressive symptoms were infrequently recognised during outpatient clinic visits

    Maternal deaths in Bloemfontein, South Africa -1986 - 1992

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    Objective. Determination of the maternal mortality ratio and the main causes of maternal death.Setting. Pelonomi Hospital, a tertiary care and referral hospital in Bloemfontein.Methods. Review of prospectively completed structured questionnaires on all maternal deaths from 1986 to 1992.Results. The maternal mortality ratio at our institution was 171 per 100000 live births. Haemorrhage (25%), infection (24%) and hypertensive disease (18%) were the most important causes of death. Seventy-one per cent were direct obstetric deaths and 23% indirect; in the remaining 6%, the cause was uncertain. Of all deaths, 35% were considered preventable.Conclusions. The maternal mortality ratio has decreased since our previous report for the period 1980 - 1985, and haemorrhage has replaced infection as the leading cause of death

    Self-reported practices and emotions in prescribing opioids for chronic, noncancer pain: A cross-sectional study of German physicians

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    Background: The pressure on physicians when a patient seeks pain relief and their own desire to be self-effective may lead to the prescription of strong opioids for chronic noncancer pain (CNCP). This study, via physician self-reporting, aims to identify and measure (i) physician adherence to national opioid prescribing guidelines and (ii) physician emotions when a patient seeks a dosage increase of the opioid. Methods: Within a cross-sectional survey—conducted as part of a randomized controlled online intervention trial (ERONA)—600 German physicians were queried on their opioid prescribing behavior (choice and formulation of opioid, indications) for CNCP patients and their emotions to a case vignette describing a patient seeking an opioid dosage increase without signs of objective deterioration. Results: The prescription of strong opioids in this study was not always in accordance with current guidelines. When presented with a scenario in which a patient sought to have their opioid dose increased, some physicians reported negative feelings, such as either pressure (25%), helplessness (25%), anger (23%) or a combination. The risk of non-guideline-compliant prescribing behavior using the example of ultrafast-acting fentanyl for CNCP was increased when negative emotions were present (OR: 1.7; 95%-CI: 1.2–2.6; p = 0.007) or when sublingual buprenorphine was prescribed (OR: 15.4; 95%-CI: 10.1–23.3; p < 0.001). Conclusions: Physicians’ emotional self-awareness represents the first step to identify such direct reactions to patient requests and to ensure a responsible, guideline-based opioid prescription approach for the long-term well-being of the patient

    Levosimendan may improve survival in patients requiring mechanical assist devices for post-cardiotomy heart failure

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    INTRODUCTION: Most case series suggest that less than half of the patients receiving a mechanical cardiac assist device as a bridge to recovery due to severe post-cardiotomy heart failure survive to hospital discharge. Levosimendan is the only inotropic substance known to improve medium term survival in patients suffering from severe heart failure. METHODS: This retrospective analysis covers our single centre experience. Between July 2000 and December 2004, 41 consecutive patients were treated for this complication. Of these, 38 patients are included in this retrospective analysis as 3 patients died in the operating room. Levosimendan was added to the treatment protocol for the last nine patients. RESULTS: Of 29 patients treated without levosimendan, 20 could be weaned off the device, 9 survived to intensive care unit discharge, 7 left hospital alive and 3 survived 180 days. All 9 patients treated with levosimendan could be weaned, 8 were discharged alive from ICU and hospital, and 7 lived 180 days after surgery (p < 0.002 for 180 day survival). Plasma lactate after explantation of the device was significantly lower (p = 0.002), as were epinephrine doses. Time spent on renal replacement therapy was significantly shorter (p = 0.023). CONCLUSION: Levosimendan seems to improve medium term survival in patients failing to wean off cardiopulmonary bypass and requiring cardiac assist devices as a bridge to recovery. This retrospective analysis justifies prospective randomised investigations of levosimendan in this group of patients
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