56 research outputs found

    Immunohistochemical expression and distribution of orexin, orphanin and leptin in the major salivary glands of some mammals

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    Abstract: The aim of the study was to assess the involvement of apoptotic factors, cytokeratins and metalloproteinase- 9 in the histogenesis of both Epithelialized Gingival Lesions (EGL) and Periapical Lesions (PAL). 55 consecutive patients, 30 with PAL and 25 with EGL, were selected for the study after clinical and radiological examinations. The PAL patients had severe periapical lesions and tooth decay with exposure of the pulp chamber. All PAL and EGL biopsies were surgically extracted, fixed in 10% buffered formalin, and processed for routine light microscopy. Ten biopsies of each category were processed for immunohistochemistry (IHC). Serial paraffin sections were stained by IHC with appropriate antibodies to detect cytokeratins (CKs) 1, 5, 8, 10 and 14, caspase-3 and -9, metalloproteinase-9, and for PCNA and TUNEL assays. Both PAL and EGL showed a high expression of the cytokeratin 1, 5 and 8 with higher expression in EGL. Moreover, CK10 was markedly less intense expressed in EGL compared to PAL, while CK14 was almost three times stronger expressed in EGL. The expression of caspase-3 and -9 was stronger in PAL compared to EGL, however, the difference was only significant for caspase-9. In PAL apoptosis detected by TUNNEL method and the expression of MMP-9 were higher than in EGL, whereas PCNA was significantly more expressed in EGL. The results clearly suggest that both lesions have exclusively an epithelial origin and that epithelial proliferation was correlated with the degree of apoptosis in both entities. PAL and EGL presented mostly similar cytokeratin expression except for CK10 and CK14, though with marked differences in the distribution and intensity of IHC reactions. Finally, the degradation of extracellular matrix in both lesions could be partially attributed to the strong presence of MMP-9. (Folia Histochemica et Cytobiologica 2012, Vol. 50, No. 4, 497–503)The aim of the study was to determine by immunochemistry the expression of leptin, orexin A and orphanin FQ in the major salivary glands (parotid, submandibular and sublingual) of rat, sheep and cow. These peptides, originally synthesized in central nervous system, adipose tissue and peripheral tissues including gastrointestinal tract, play an orexigenic (orphanin and orexin) or anorexigenic (leptin) roles in the intricate neuronal network appointed to the control of nutritional homeostasis. Peptide-specific immunoreactivity was present in the studied salivary glands with various intensities in different species, in the ductal epithelium, sometimes in the acinar epithelium, and in nervous trunks spread in connective tissue stroma. The obtained data show that salivary glands present an unexpected source of orexigenic and anorexigenic peptides which with their autocrine, paracrine, and endocrine mechanisms of action may participate in the control of salivary gland function

    COVID-19 Vaccine-Related Thrombosis: A Systematic Review and Exploratory Analysis

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    Introduction: The World Health Organization declared the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on March 11, 2020. Two vaccine types were developed using two different technologies: viral vectors and mRNA. Thrombosis is one of the most severe and atypical adverse effects of vaccines. This study aimed to analyze published cases of thrombosis after COVID-19 vaccinations to identify patients’ features, potential pathophysiological mechanisms, timing of appearance of the adverse events, and other critical issues. Materials and Methods: We performed a systematic electronic search of scientific articles regarding COVID-19 vaccine-related thrombosis and its complications on the PubMed (MEDLINE) database and through manual searches. We selected 10 out of 50 articles from February 1 to May 5, 2021 and performed a descriptive analysis of the adverse events caused by the mRNA-based Pfizer and Moderna vaccines and the adenovirus-based AstraZeneca vaccine. Results: In the articles on the Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, the sample consisted of three male patients with age heterogeneity. The time from vaccination to admission was ≤3 days in all cases; all patients presented signs of petechiae/purpura at admission, with a low platelet count. In the studies on the AstraZeneca vaccine, the sample consisted of 58 individuals with a high age heterogeneity and a high female prevalence. Symptoms appeared around the ninth day, and headache was the most common symptom. The platelet count was below the lower limit of the normal range. All patients except one were positive for PF4 antibodies. The cerebral venous sinus was the most affected site. Death was the most prevalent outcome in all studies, except for one study in which most of the patients remained alive. Discussion: Vaccine-induced thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) is an unknown nosological phenomenon secondary to inoculation with the COVID-19 vaccine. Several hypotheses have been formulated regarding its physiopathological mechanism. Recent studies have assumed a mechanism that is assimilable to heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, with protagonist antibodies against the PF4–polyanion complex. Viral DNA has a negative charge and can bind to PF4, causing VITT. New experimental studies have assumed that thrombosis is related to a soluble adenoviral protein spike variant, originating from splicing events, which cause important endothelial inflammatory events, and binding to endothelial cells expressing ACE2. Conclusion: Further studies are needed to better identify VITT’s pathophysiological mechanisms and genetic, demographic, or clinical predisposition of high-risk patients, to investigate the correlation of VITT with the different vaccine types, and to test the significance of the findings

    CB1 receptor expression in pancreatic islet of the obese and diabetes Zucker rats

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    The endocannabinoid system plays a key role in energy homeostasis, with agonists and antagonists of CB1 receptors acting centrally to stimulate and inhibit food intake, respectively. The currently available literature, about islets cannabinoid receptors expression and function, is confusing and often contradictory. Aim of our study is compare the expression of CB1 receptors in normal and obese Zucker (ZDF) rats.12 Male ZDF (6 lean and 6 fa/fa) aged 8 weeks were obtained from Harlan Italy S.r.l. Each rat was fed with standard diet and unlimited water. Specimens were taken at the age of 8-12-16 weeks after birth. Pancreas samples were fixed in formaline and embedded in paraffin. Section were processed immunohistochemically using DakoCytomation EnVision kit for anti CB1antibody (Biosource Europe S.A.). Leica microscope, with a DSL2 Nikon was used to observe in double blind. Images were submitted at the image analysis tools of the Photoshop CS5Ex. At the same time pancreas specimens were frozen in liquid nitrogen and stored at -80°C until use. A mRNA was extracted for all samples and a RT PCR was performed. The pancreatic islets cells in fa/fa show deep apoptotic alterations. Our observations show a CB1 expression extended to most of the cell population (eighth week), up to a structural disorganization in the sixteenth week; the expression of CB1 receptor is upregulated in fa/fa compared to lean. These results according to the involvement of endocannabinoid system in the disregulation of the food intake mechanism and a prevalence of this system in the obesity

    Active degassing across the Maltese Islands (Mediterranean Sea) and implications for its neotectonics

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    The Maltese Islands, located in the central Mediterranean Sea, are intersected by two normal fault systems associated with continental rifting to the south. Due to a lack of evidence for offshore displacement and insignificant historical seismicity, the systems are thought to be inactive and the rift-related deformation is believed to have ceased. In this study we integrate aerial, marine and onshore geological, geophysical and geochemical data from the Maltese Islands to demonstrate that the majority of faults offshore the archipelago underwent extensional to transtensional deformation during the last 20 ka. We also document an active fluid flow system responsible for degassing of CH4 and CO2. The gases migrate through carbonate bedrock and overlying sedimentary layers via focused pathways, such as faults and pipe structures, and possibly via diffuse pathways, such as fractures. Where the gases seep offshore, they form pockmarks and rise through the water column into the atmosphere. Gas migration and seepage implies that the onshore and offshore faults systems are permeable and that they were active recently and simultaneously. The latter can be explained by a transtensional system involving two right-stepping, right-lateral NW-SE trending faults, either binding a pull-apart basin between the islands of Malta and Gozo or associated with minor connecting antitethic structures. Such a configuration may be responsible for the generation or reactivation of faults onshore and offshore the Maltese Islands, and fits into the modern divergent strain-stress regime inferred from geodetic data

    The Impact of the Seasonal and Geographical Distribution of Tuberculosis in Sicily: A 6-Year Retrospective Study (2018–2023)

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    Tuberculosis (TB) continues to be a major public health issue, with high mortality rates reported worldwide. It is worth noting that most of the hospitalizations for tuberculosis in the Sicilian region involve Italian-born individuals, underscoring the need to address this problem. Recent research on the geographic area and seasonality of infectious diseases, including tuberculosis, may aid in developing effective preventive measures. Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of the season and geographical area on tuberculosis disease prevalence in the Sicilian region. Methods: A retrospective study from January 2018 to May 2023 was conducted on patients with tuberculosis in the Sicilian region by analyzing computerized records on the Infectious Diseases Information System, currently named the Italian National Notification System (NSIS), of the Epidemiology Unit at Policlinico Paolo Giaccone University Hospital of Palermo and the Regional Reference Laboratory for Tuberculosis Surveillance and Control. Results: Eastern and Western Sicily were the geographical Sicilian areas with the highest frequency of patients with tuberculosis (52.2% and 42.6%, respectively). In comparison, Central Sicily had a significantly lower frequency of patients with tuberculosis (5.2%). Regarding the season, autumn was the season with the highest number of notification cases (28.9%), while spring was the season with the lowest frequency of patients with tuberculosis (19.7%). In autumn, we found significantly fewer patients with tuberculosis from Eastern Sicily (39.3%) and Central Sicily (1.5%), while Western Sicily had more patients with tuberculosis (59.3%). In spring, we found significantly more patients with tuberculosis from Eastern Sicily (64.1%), while Western and Central Sicily had significantly fewer patients with tuberculosis (23.9% and 12%, respectively). The presence of patients with tuberculosis did not significantly differ between geographical regions in summer and winter. Conclusions: Geographical area and seasonality significantly impact the distribution of tuberculosis cases in Sicily. These factors may be linked to different climatic conditions across the various geographical areas considered. Our findings suggest that climate can play a critical role in the spread of airborne infectious diseases, such as tuberculosis

    Volcano- and neoectonic-related slope failures in the north-western Sicily Channel (Central Mediterranean Sea) : implications for understanding and assessing geohazard risk

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    The southern Sicily coasts represent an important contribution to Italian tourism and marine geological processes in the Sicily Channel could pose a significant risk to neighbouring populations and goods. In this work, we are presenting the first results of the data collection that allowed us to identify and map several geological elements that can be used to assess submarine geohazards in the Sicily Channel. By using multibeam data and high-resolution seismic reflection profiles acquired during the ACUSCAL 2015 Cruise, we defined the characteristics of the morphostructural highs, and the morphology of slope failures and the stratigraphy of the mass transport deposits (MTD).peer-reviewe

    Active faulting offshore the Maltese Islands revealed by geophysical and geochemical observations

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    The Maltese Islands (central Mediterranean Sea) are intersected by two normal fault systems associated with continental rifting to the south. Because of a lack of evidence for offshore displacement and insignificant historical seismicity, the systems have been considered to be inactive. Here we integrate aerial and marine geological, geophysical and geochemical data to demonstrate that: (i) the majority of faults offshore the Maltese Islands underwent extensional to transtensional deformation during the last 20 ka, (ii) active degassing of CH4 and CO2 occurs via these faults. The gases migrate through Miocene carbonate bedrock and the overlying Plio-Pleistocene sedimentary layers to generate pockmarks at the muddy seafloor and rise through the water column into the atmosphere. We infer that the offshore faults systems are permeable and that they were active recently and simultaneously. The latter can be explained by a transtensional system involving two right-stepping, right-lateral NW-SE trending faults, either binding a pull-apart basin between the islands of Malta and Gozo or associated with minor connecting antitethic structures. Such a configuration may be responsible for the generation or reactivation of faults onshore and offshore the Maltese Islands, and fits into the modern divergent strain-stress regime inferred from geodetic data.peer-reviewe

    Rapporto tecnico sulle attività della Campagna Oceanografica “ACUSCAL 2015”

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    La campagna oceanografica “ ACUSCAL 2015 ”, si è svolta a bordo della N/O “Minerva Uno” è finalizzata alla raccolta di informazioni necessarie ad approfondire le conoscenze richieste dalla "Marine Strategy" dell’Unione Europea. Tale conoscenza sull’ecosistema in cui le risorse ittiche pelagiche vivono è fondamentale per poter implementare la politica di gestione sostenibile di queste ultime. In tale contesto si inquadra il progetto di ricerca RITMARE; con la sottoattività dal titolo: Ecologia di specie ittiche pelagiche e potenziale riproduttivo (SP2-WP1-A3 Potenziamento delle campagne scientifiche di acquisizione di informazioni indipendenti dalla pesca sulle risorse
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