2,490 research outputs found

    Solar radius and luminosity variations induced by the internal dynamo magnetic fields

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    Although the occurrence of solar irradiance variations induced by magnetic surface features (e.g., sunspots, faculae, magnetic network) is generally accepted, the existence of intrinsic luminosity changes due to the internal magnetic fields is still controversial. This additional contribution is expected to be accompanied by radius variations, and to be potentially significant for the climate of the Earth. We aim to constrain theoretically the radius and luminosity variations of the Sun that are due to the effect of the variable magnetic fields in its interior associated with the dynamo cycle. We have extended a one-dimensional stellar evolution code to include several effects of the magnetic fields on the interior structure. We investigate different magnetic configurations, based on both observational constraints and on the output of state-of-the-art mean field dynamo models. We explore both step-like and simply periodic time dependences of the magnetic field peak strength. We find that the luminosity and radius variations are in anti-phase and in phase, respectively, with the magnetic field strength. For peak magnetic field strengths of the order of tens of kilogauss, luminosity variations ranging between 10^{-6} and 10^{-3} (in modulus) and radius variations between 10^{-6} and 10^{-5} are obtained. Modest but significant radius variations (up to 10^{-5} in relative terms) are obtained for magnetic fields of realistic strength and geometry, providing a potentially observable signature of the intrinsic variations. Establishing their existence in addition to the accepted surface effects would have very important implications for the understanding of solar-induced long-term trends on climate.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomische Nachrichte

    The angular momentum transport by unstable toroidal magnetic fields

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    We demonstrate with a nonlinear MHD code that angular momentum can be transported due to the magnetic instability of toroidal fields under the influence of differential rotation, and that the resulting effective viscosity may be high enough to explain the almost rigid-body rotation observed in radiative stellar cores. Only stationary current-free fields and only those combinations of rotation rates and magnetic field amplitudes which provide maximal numerical values of the viscosity are considered. We find that the dimensionless ratio of the effective over molecular viscosity, νT/ν\nu_T/\nu;, linearly grows with the Reynolds number of the rotating fluid multiplied with the square-root of the magnetic Prandtl number - which is of order unity for the considered red sub-giant KIC 7341231. For the considered interval of magnetic Reynolds numbers - which is restricted by numerical constraints of the nonlinear MHD code - there is a remarkable influence of the magnetic Prandtl number on the relative importance of the contributions of the Reynolds stress and the Maxwell stress to the total viscosity, which is magnetically dominated only for Pm ≳\gtrsim 0.5. We also find that the magnetized plasma behaves as a non-Newtonian fluid, i.e. the resulting effective viscosity depends on the shear in the rotation law. The decay time of the differential rotation thus depends on its shear and becomes longer and longer during the spin-down of a stellar core.Comment: Revised version. 7 pages, 9 figures; accepted for publication in A&

    Angular momentum transport efficiency in post-main sequence low-mass stars

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    Context. Using asteroseismic techniques, it has recently become possible to probe the internal rotation profile of low-mass (~1.1-1.5 Msun) subgiant and red giant stars. Under the assumption of local angular momentum conservation, the core contraction and envelope expansion occurring at the end of the main sequence would result in a much larger internal differential rotation than observed. This suggests that angular momentum redistribution must be taking place in the interior of these stars. Aims. We investigate the physical nature of the angular momentum redistribution mechanisms operating in stellar interiors by constraining the efficiency of post-main sequence rotational coupling. Methods. We model the rotational evolution of a 1.25 Msun star using the Yale Rotational stellar Evolution Code. Our models take into account the magnetic wind braking occurring at the surface of the star and the angular momentum transport in the interior, with an efficiency dependent on the degree of internal differential rotation. Results. We find that models including a dependence of the angular momentum transport efficiency on the radial rotational shear reproduce very well the observations. The best fit of the data is obtained with an angular momentum transport coefficient scaling with the ratio of the rotation rate of the radiative interior over that of the convective envelope of the star as a power law of exponent ~3. This scaling is consistent with the predictions of recent numerical simulations of the Azimuthal Magneto-Rotational Instability. Conclusions. We show that an angular momentum transport process whose efficiency varies during the stellar evolution through a dependence on the level of internal differential rotation is required to explain the observed post-main sequence rotational evolution of low-mass stars.Comment: 8 pages, 6 figures; accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysic

    Operation of the AMS-02 TRD in Space

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    Abstract The AMS-02 detector was installed on May 2011 on the International Space Station and has since collected billions of cosmic ray events. AMS will measure with unprecedent precision cosmic ray spectra up to the TeV energy scale, achieving a sensitivity to the presence of anti-nuclei of one part in a billion, as well as providing important information on the origin of dark matter. A Transition Radiation Detector (TRD), filled with a Xe/CO2 mixture, is used to reach the sensitivity to positron identification needed for the detection of a neutralino dark matter candidate. The control of a gaseous detector in Space is a challenging task. The operational procedures, and the performances achieved, will be described

    Improved calibration of the radii of cool stars based on 3D simulations of convection: implications for the solar model

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    Main sequence, solar-like stars (M < 1.5 Msun) have outer convective envelopes that are sufficiently thick to affect significantly their overall structure. The radii of these stars, in particular, are sensitive to the details of inefficient, super-adiabatic convection occurring in their outermost layers. The standard treatment of convection in stellar evolution models, based on the Mixing-Length Theory (MLT), provides only a very approximate description of convection in the super-adiabatic regime. Moreover, it contains a free parameter, alpha_MLT, whose standard calibration is based on the Sun, and is routinely applied to other stars ignoring the differences in their global parameters (e.g., effective temperature, gravity, chemical composition) and previous evolutionary history. In this paper, we present a calibration of alpha_MLT based on three-dimensional radiation-hydrodynamics (3D RHD) simulations of convection. The value of alpha_MLT is adjusted to match the specific entropy in the deep, adiabatic layers of the convective envelope to the corresponding value obtained from the 3D RHD simulations, as a function of the position of the star in the (log g, log T_eff) plane and its chemical composition. We have constructed a model of the present-day Sun using such entropy-based calibration. We find that its past luminosity evolution is not affected by the entropy calibration. The predicted solar radius, however, exceeds that of the standard model during the past several billion years, resulting in a lower surface temperature. This illustrative calculation also demonstrates the viability of the entropy approach for calibrating the radii of other late-type stars.Comment: 16 pages, 14 figures, accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journa

    Lower limit for differential rotation in members of young loose stellar associations

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    Surface differential rotation (SDR) plays a key role in dynamo models. SDR estimates are therefore essential for constraining theoretical models. We measure a lower limit to SDR in a sample of solar-like stars belonging to young associations with the aim of investigating how SDR depends on global stellar parameters in the age range (4-95 Myr). The rotation period of a solar-like star can be recovered by analyzing the flux modulation caused by dark spots and stellar rotation. The SDR and the latitude migration of dark-spots induce a modulation of the detected rotation period. We employ long-term photometry to measure the amplitude of such a modulation and to compute the quantity DeltaOmega_phot =2p/P_min -2pi/P_max that is a lower limit to SDR. We find that DeltaOmega_phot increases with the stellar effective temperature and with the global convective turn-over time-scale tau_c. We find that DeltaOmega_phot is proportional to Teff^2.18pm 0.65 in stars recently settled on the ZAMS. This power law is less steep than those found by previous authors, but closest to recent theoretical models. We find that DeltaOmega_phot steeply increases between 4 and 30 Myr and that itis almost constant between 30 and 95 Myr in a 1 M_sun star. We find also that the relative shear increases with the Rossby number Ro. Although our results are qualitatively in agreement with hydrodynamical mean-field models, our measurements are systematically higher than the values predicted by these models. The discrepancy between DeltaOmega_phot measurements and theoretical models is particularly large in stars with periods between 0.7 and 2 d. Such a discrepancy, together with the anomalous SDR measured by other authors for HD 171488 (rotating in 1.31 d), suggests that the rotation period could influence SDR more than predicted by the models.Comment: 23 pages, 15 figures, 5 tables,accepted by Astronomy and Astrophysic
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