46 research outputs found

    Neutralization of Botulinum Neurotoxin by a Human Monoclonal Antibody Specific for the Catalytic Light Chain

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    Background: Botulinum neurotoxins (BoNT) are a family of category A select bioterror agents and the most potent biological toxins known. Cloned antibody therapeutics hold considerable promise as BoNT therapeutics, but the therapeutic utility of antibodies that bind the BoNT light chain domain (LC), a metalloprotease that functions in the cytosol of cholinergic neurons, has not been thoroughly explored. Methods and Findings: We used an optimized hybridoma method to clone a fully human antibody specific for the LC of serotype A BoNT (BoNT/A). The 4LCA antibody demonstrated potent in vivo neutralization when administered alone and collaborated with an antibody specific for the HC. In Neuro-2a neuroblastoma cells, the 4LCA antibody prevented the cleavage of the BoNT/A proteolytic target, SNAP-25. Unlike an antibody specific for the HC, the 4LCA antibody did not block entry of BoNT/A into cultured cells. Instead, it was taken up into synaptic vesicles along with BoNT/A. The 4LCA antibody also directly inhibited BoNT/A catalytic activity in vitro. Conclusions: An antibody specific for the BoNT/A LC can potently inhibit BoNT/A in vivo and in vitro, using mechanisms not previously associated with BoNT-neutralizing antibodies. Antibodies specific for BoNT LC may be valuable components o

    Targets of drugs are generally, and targets of drugs having side effects are specifically good spreaders of human interactome perturbations

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    Network-based methods are playing an increasingly important role in drug design. Our main question in this paper was whether the efficiency of drug target proteins to spread perturbations in the human interactome is larger if the binding drugs have side effects, as compared to those which have no reported side effects. Our results showed that in general, drug targets were better spreaders of perturbations than non-target proteins, and in particular, targets of drugs with side effects were also better spreaders of perturbations than targets of drugs having no reported side effects in human protein-protein interaction networks. Colorectal cancer-related proteins were good spreaders and had a high centrality, while type 2 diabetes-related proteins showed an average spreading efficiency and had an average centrality in the human interactome. Moreover, the interactome-distance between drug targets and disease-related proteins was higher in diabetes than in colorectal cancer. Our results may help a better understanding of the network position and dynamics of drug targets and disease-related proteins, and may contribute to develop additional, network-based tests to increase the potential safety of drug candidates.Comment: 49 pages, 2 figures, 2 tables, 10 supplementary figures, 13 supplementary table

    Organ preservation surgery for laryngeal cancer

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    The principles of management of the laryngeal cancer have evolved over the recent past with emphasis on organ preservation. These developments have paralleled technological advancements as well as refinement in the surgical technique. The surgeons are able to maintain physiological functions of larynx namely speech, respiration and swallowing without compromising the loco-regional control of cancer in comparison to the more radical treatment modalities. A large number of organ preservation surgeries are available to the surgeon; however, careful assessment of the stage of the cancer and selection of the patient is paramount to a successful outcome. A comprehensive review of various organ preservation techniques in vogue for the management of laryngeal cancer is presented

    Current Status and Future Prospects of Next-Generation Data Management and Analytical Decision Support Tools for Enhancing Genetic Gains in Crops

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    Agricultural disciplines are becoming data intensive and the agricultural research data generation technologies are becoming sophisticated and high throughput. On the one hand, high-throughput genotyping is generating petabytes of data; on the other hand, high-throughput phenotyping platforms are also generating data of similar magnitude. Under modern integrated crop breeding, scientists are working together by integrating genomic and phenomic data sets of huge data volumes on a routine basis. To manage such huge research data sets and use them appropriately in decision making, Data Management Analysis & Decision Support Tools (DMASTs) are a prerequisite. DMASTs are required for a range of operations including generating the correct breeding experiments, maintaining pedigrees, managing phenotypic data, storing and retrieving high-throughput genotypic data, performing analytics, including trial analysis, spatial adjustments, identifications of MTAs, predicting Genomic Breeding Values (GEBVs), and various selection indices. DMASTs are also a prerequisite for understanding trait dynamics, gene action, interactions, biology, GxE, and various other factors contributing to crop improvement programs by integrating data generated from various science streams. These tools have simplified scientists’ lives and empowered them in terms of data storage, data retrieval, data analytics, data visualization, and sharing with other researchers and collaborators. This chapter focuses on availability, uses, and gaps in present-day DMASTs

    Detecção de encefalopatia hepática mínima através de testes neuropsicológicos e neurofisiológicos e o papel da amônia no seu diagnóstico Minimal hepatic encephalopathy detection by neuropsychological and neurophysiological methods and the role of ammonia for its diagnosis

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    CONTEXTO: A encefalopatia hepática mínima vem sendo sistematicamente investigada em pacientes com cirrose hepática. Entretanto, existem controvérsias quanto aos melhores métodos, bem como o papel da amônia para seu diagnóstico. OBJETIVO: Avaliar a frequência de encefalopatia hepática mínima diagnosticada através de testes neuropsicológicos e neurofisiológicos em cirróticos, bem como os possíveis fatores de risco para esta condição, incluindo o papel da concentração arterial de amônia em seu diagnóstico. MÉTODOS: Indivíduos com cirrose hepática foram avaliados através do teste de conexão numérica partes A e B (TCN-A e TCN-B) e potencial evocado relacionado a eventos (P300). O diagnóstico de encefalopatia hepática mínima foi feito quando da presença de anormalidade no P300 e em, pelo menos, um dos testes neuropsicológicos. As concentrações arteriais de amônia, a escolaridade e a gravidade da cirrose hepática também foram avaliadas em todos. RESULTADOS: Foram avaliados 48 pacientes cirróticos, com média de idade 50 ± 8 anos, sendo 79% do sexo masculino. As principais causas foram a alcoólica e a viral. O P300 foi anormal em 75% dos casos e o TCN-A e TCN-B anormais em 58% e 65% dos casos, respectivamente. Os resultados do TCN-B foram influenciados pela escolaridade. A frequência de encefalopatia hepática mínima foi de 50%. A concentração arterial de amônia não foi significantemente maior em pacientes com diagnóstico de encefalopatia hepática mínima (195 ± 152 mmol/L versus 148 ± 146 mmol/L; P>0,05). Não houve diferença significante entre os grupos com e sem encefalopatia hepática mínima quanto às demais variáveis estudadas. CONCLUSÃO:A encefalopatia hepática mínima é condição frequente em pacientes com cirrose hepática. A concentração arterial de amônia não parece ter papel importante no seu diagnóstico.<br>CONTEXT: Minimal hepatic encephalopathy has been systematically investigated in cirrhotic patients. Although, there are controversies regarding the best methods as well as the role of ammonia for its diagnosis. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the frequency of minimal hepatic encephalopathy diagnosed by neuropsychological and neurophysiological methods in cirrhotic patients, as well as possible associated risk factors for this condition, including the role of arterial ammonia concentrations for its diagnosis. METHODS: Cirrhotic patients were evaluated by the number connection test parts A and B (NCT-A and NCT-B), and auditory evoked-related potentials (P300). Minimal hepatic encephalopathy was diagnosed by the presence of abnormal P300 and in unless one of the performed neuropsychologic tests. Arterial ammonia concentration, scholarity and cirrhosis severity accessed by Child-Pugh classification were evaluated in all. RESULTS: Forty-eight cirrhotic patients were evaluated, with median age 50 ± 8 years old, 79% male. The main etiologies were alcoholic and viral. The P300 was abnormal in 75% of cases, while NCT-A and NCT-B were abnormal in 58% and 65%, respectively. The NCT-B results were influenced by scholarity. The minimal hepatic encephalopathy frequency was 50%. Arterial ammonia concentration was not significantly increased in minimal hepatic encephalopathy diagnosed patients (195 ± 152 mmol/L versus 148 ± 146 mmol/L; P>0,05). There was no difference between groups with or without minimal hepatic encephalopathy in the other studied variables. CONCLUSION: Minimal hepatic encephalopathy is a frequent condition in cirrhotic patients. The arterial ammonia concentration does not play a major role in its diagnosis