1,655 research outputs found

    Calagem e diagnose foliar em sorgo sacarino (Sorghum bicolor L. moench)

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    The application effects of five levels of dolomitic limestone (0 - 1,25 - 2,50 - 5,00 and 10,00 kg/ha) were studied in a Typic Haporthox soil. Liming increased sweet sorghum stems ant the highest yield was obtained when the amount of calcium and magnesium, bases in saturation and soil pH value were, respectively, 2,93 meq/100 cm³ , 59% and 5,71. It was observed and unbalanced potassium nutrition with the application of dolomitic limestone of 10 t/ha. The critical levels of Mg on the leaves +4 and +3, collected, respectively, at 45 and 83 days, were 0,19 and 0,31%. The juice quality was not alterated significatively by the dolomitic limestone doses used.Os efeitos da aplicação de cinco níveis de calcário dolomítico (0 - 1,25 - 2,50-5,00 e 10,00 t/ha) foram estudados em um Latossol Vermelho Escuro textura média. A calagem aumentou a produção de colmos de sorgo sacarino, sendo que as produções mais elevadas foram obtidas quando a soma de cálcio e magnésio, saturação em bases e valor pH do solo eram, respectivamente, 2,93 meq/100 cm³, 59% e 5,71. Foram observados desequilíbrios na nutrição potássica com a aplicação de 10 t/ha de calcário dolomítico. Os níveis críticos de Mg nas folhas + 4e + 3, coletadas, respectivamente, aos 45e 83 dias, foram 0,19 e 0,31% A qualidade do caldo não foi alterada significativamente pelas doses de calcário dolomítico empregadas

    Low temperature behavior of poultry fat biodiesel:diesel blends

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    AbstractAs the worldwide consumption of poultry meat rises the use of poultry fat as a feedstock for biodiesel production becomes attractive considering economical and environmental reasons. However, poultry fat biodiesel still faces some restrictions due to its poor flow properties at low temperatures. In this study ethylic and methylic poultry fat biodiesels and their blends with diesel were evaluated in terms of flow properties. Modulated Temperature Differential Scanning Calorimetry (MT-DSC) was used to understand the physical meaning of properties as Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP), Pour Point (PP) and Cloud Point (CP), widely used in biodiesel characterization. Based on the MT-DSC studies, it was observed that the first crystallization peak temperature had values similar to CFPP and CP. This way CP was found to be associated with the first solidified material and not with the early formation of the first nuclei, as normally reported. On the other hand, these crystals already lead to the flow decrease, as indicate by the CFPP results. PP values were close to the second crystallization peak temperature, not being related to the complete solidification of the fuel

    Saldos de la Reforma Educativa en México, Nuevas Regulaciones de la Gestión y el Trabajo Docente en Educación Básica

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    En 2013, se implementó una política gubernamental de Reforma Educativa en la educación básica mexicana con el objetivo de darle a los niños y jóvenes maestros más preparados, escuelas bien construidas y equipadas, y además la posibilidad de seguir estudiando más y mejor. Al cierre del gobierno que puso en marcha la Reforma, es pertinente hacer una revisión de los saldos que deja la implementación de esta política en la gestión y el desarrollo del trabajo docente en los maestros de educación básica pública. Las formulaciones políticas de innovación y cambio en la educación y el trabajo de los docentes en México, descritas en esta reforma, se inscriben en la lógica internacional que ha ido generando una nueva definición de las relaciones entre la escuela y la sociedad. Estas políticas no sólo implican la existencia de nuevos marcos legales y lineamientos de actuación, sino que instituyen un programa político e ideológico que ha establecido una nueva orientación, objetivos y voluntad en la sociedad. Las nuevas regulaciones de la gestión y práctica de la docencia pública vinculan la política, cultura, economía y el Estado, a través de pautas que cubren los ámbitos de la cotidianidad educativa y el accionar de los sujetos inmersos en este ámbito desde la gestión y organización administrativa, académica y de contenidos, hasta la reconfiguración del sentido de la docencia desde una visión enfocada en la eficacia y eficiencia racionalista. En el presente artículo se presentan de manera exploratoria, los saldos en materia laboral y de sentido de la docencia pública, a partir de la implementación de la Reforma Educativa. The Education Reform of 2013, was a government policy implemented in Mexican basic education with the aim of giving children and young people better prepared teachers, well-built and equipped schools, and more and better opportunities for study. Now at the end of the government that implemented the reform, it is appropriate to examine the balances left by this policy in terms of management and labor development for public education teachers. Policy formulations for innovation and change in education and teacher’s work in Mexico are part of the international logic that has generated a new definition of the relations between schools and society. These policies not only imply the existence of new legal frameworks and guidelines for action, but they also institute a political and ideological program that established a new orientation, new objectives, and new will in society. New regulations on the management and practice of public teaching link politics, culture, economy and the state through guidelines that cover the areas of everyday education. The actions of individuals immersed in management, administrative, academic and content organization tasks reconfigure the meaning of teaching based on rationalist effectiveness and efficiency

    Subtelomeric I-scei-mediated Double-strand Breaks Are Repaired By Homologous Recombination In Trypanosoma Cruzi

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    Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)Trypanosoma cruzi chromosome ends are enriched in surface protein genes and pseudogenes (e.g., trans-sialidases) surrounded by repetitive sequences. It has been proposed that the extensive sequence variability among members of these protein families could play a role in parasite infectivity and evasion of host immune response. In previous reports we showed evidence suggesting that sequences located in these regions are subjected to recombination. To support this hypothesis we introduced a double-strand break (DSB) at a specific target site in a T. cruzi subtelomeric region cloned into an artificial chromosome (pTAC). This construct was used to transfect T. cruzi epimastigotes expressing the I-SceI meganuclease. Examination of the repaired sequences showed that DNA repair occurred only through homologous recombination (HR) with endogenous subtelomeric sequences. Our findings suggest that DSBs in subtelomeric repetitive sequences followed by HR between them may contribute to increased variability in T. cruzi multigene families. © 2016 Chiurillo, Moraes Barros, Souza, Marini, Antonio, Cortez, Curto, Lorenzi, Schijman, Ramirez and da Silveira.7DEC11/51475-3, FAPESP, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo11/51693-0, FAPESP, Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo306591/2015-4, CNPq, Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e TecnológicoFundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq

    A Raman Study of Morphotropic Phase Boundary in PbZr1-xTixO3 at low temperatures

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    Raman spectra of PbZr1-xTixO3 ceramics with titanium concentration varying between 0.40 and 0.60 were measured at 7 K. By observing the concentration-frequency dependence of vibrational modes, we identified the boundaries among rhombohedral, monoclinic, and tetragonal ferroelectric phases. The analysis of the spectra was made in the view of theory group analysis making possible the assignment of some modes for the monoclinic phase.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Sampling procedures for spittlebug adults in pastures of Brachiaria decumbens

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    Foi conduzido um estudo sobre amostragem de adultos de cigarrinhas em pastagens de Brachiaria decumbens para se determinar o melhor número de batidas em uma amostra de rede entomológica. Considerando-se a variação relativa (EP/X) X 100, e o número total de batidas na amostragem, encontra-se 10 batidas/amostra ser melhor do que 5, 20 ou 40. O número de amostras necessárias para determinado nível de variação relativa nas populações de cigarrinhas > 16 adultos/10 batidas foi o mesmo, ao passo que, nas densidades 16 spittlebug adults/10 sweeps remained the same, whereas at densities < 16, the number increased inversely. A regression model to convert relative estimates obtained by sweep-net method to the absolute estimate was presented. Considering the degree of precision and the time spent in sampling, the sweep-net method was superior to cage method. The distribution pattern of numbers of spittlebug adults in samples of 10 sweep-net sweeps, generally fitted the Poisson series. A sequential plan presented here would reduce the sampling time over the conventional (fixed sample numbers) sampling