606 research outputs found

    Laminar flow in three-dimensional square-square expansions

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    In this work we investigate the three-dimensional laminar flow of Newtonian and viscoelastic fluids through square–square expansions. The experimental results obtained in this simple geometry provide useful data for benchmarking purposes in complex three-dimensional flows. Visualizations of the flow patterns were performed using streak photography, the velocity field of the flow was measured in detail using particle image velocimetry and additionally, pressure drop measurements were carried out. The Newtonian fluid flow was investigated for the expansion ratios of 1:2.4, 1:4 and 1:8 and the experimental results were compared with numerical predictions. For all expansion ratios studied, a corner vortex is observed downstream of the expansion and an increase of the flow inertia leads to an enhancement of the vortex size. Good agreement is found between experimental and numerical results. The flow of the two non-Newtonian fluids was investigated experimentally for expansion ratios of 1:2.4, 1:4, 1:8 and 1:12, and compared with numerical simulations using the Oldroyd-B, FENE-MCR and sPTT constitutive equations. For both the Boger and shear-thinning viscoelastic fluids, a corner vortex appears downstream of the expansion, which decreases in size and strength when the elasticity of the flow is increased. For all fluids and expansion ratios studied, the recirculations that are formed downstream of the square–square expansion exhibit a three-dimensional structure evidenced by a helical flow, which is also predicted in the numerical simulations

    High performance microfluidic rectifiers for viscoelastic fluid flow

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    The flow of Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids within microfluidic rectifiers with a hyperbolic shape was investigated to assess the effect of the bounding walls on the diodicity of the microfluidic device and achieve high flow anisotropy. Three microchannels were used, with different depths and the same geometrical configuration, which creates a strong extensional flow and generates high anisotropic flow resistance between the two flow directions. The Newtonian fluid, de-ionized water, was used as a reference fluid. The viscoelastic fluid used was an aqueous solution of polyethylene oxide (0.1% w/w) with high molecular weight. The flow patterns were visualized using streak photography and the velocity field was investigated using micro-particle image velocimetry. Moreover, pressure drop measurements were performed in order to compare the diodicity achieved in the microfluidic rectifiers. For the Newtonian fluid flow, the experimental results are compared with numerical predictions obtained using a finite-volume method and good agreement was found between both approaches. For the viscoelastic fluid, significant anisotropic flow resistance can be achieved. The effect of the bounding walls was analysed and found to be qualitatively similar for all microchannels. Nevertheless, in quantitative terms, the diodicity is enhanced when the wall effect is reduced, i.e. when the channels are deeper. A maximum diodicity above six was found for the deeper channel, a value well beyond those previously reported

    Effect of the contraction ratio upon viscoelastic fluid flow in three-dimensional square-square contractions

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    In this work we investigate the laminar flow through square–square sudden contractions with various contraction ratios (CR¼2.4, 4,8and12), using a Newtonian fluid and a shear-thinning viscoelastic fluid. Visualizations of the flow patterns were carried out using streakline photography and detailed velocity field measurements were performed using particle image velocimetry. The experimental results are compared with numerical predictions obtained using a finite-volume method. For the Newtonian fluid, a corner vortex is found upstream of the contraction and increasing flow inertia leads to a reduction of the vortex size. Good agreement is observed between experiments and numerical simulations. For the shear-thinning fluid flow a corner vortex is also observed upstream of the contraction independently of the contraction ratio. Increasing the elasticity of the flow, while still maintaining low inertia flow conditions, leads to a strong increase of the vortex size, until an elastic instability sets in and the flow becomes time-dependent at DeE200, 300, 70 and 450 for CR¼2.4, 4, 8 and 12, respectively. At low contraction ratios, viscoelasticity brings out an anomalous divergent flow upstream of the contraction. For both fluids studied the flow presents a complex three-dimensional helical vortex structure which is well predicted by numerical simulations. However, for the viscoelastic fluid flow the maximum Deborah number achieved in the numerical simulations is about one order of magnitude lower than the critical Deborah number for the onset of the elastic instability found in the experiments

    Three-dimensional flow of Newtonian and Boger fluids in square-square contractions

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    The flow of a Newtonian fluid and a Boger fluid through sudden square–square contractions was investigated experimentally aiming to characterize the flow and provide quantitative data for benchmarking in a complex three-dimensional flow. Visualizations of the flow patterns were undertaken using streakline photography, detailed velocity field measurementswere conducted using particle image velocimetry (PIV) and pressure drop measurements were performed in various geometries with different contraction ratios. For the Newtonian fluid, the experimental results are compared with numerical simulations performed using a finite volume method, and excellent agreement is found for the range of Reynolds number tested (Re2 ≤23). For the viscoelastic case, recirculations are still present upstream of the contraction but we also observe other complex flow patterns that are dependent on contraction ratio (CR) and Deborah number (De2) for the range of conditions studied: CR = 2.4, 4, 8, 12 and De2 ≤150. For low contraction ratios strong divergent flow is observed upstream of the contraction, whereas for high contraction ratios there is no upstream divergent flow, except in the vicinity of the re-entrant corner where a localized a typical divergent flow is observed. For all contraction ratios studied, at sufficiently high Deborah numbers, strong elastic vortex enhancement upstream of the contraction is observed, which leads to the onset of a periodic complex flow at higher flow rates. The vortices observed under steady flow are not closed, and fluid elasticity was found to modify the flow direction within the recirculations as compared to that found for Newtonian fluids. The entry pressure drop, quantified using a Couette correction, was found to increase with the Deborah number for the higher contraction ratios

    Flow of a blood analogue solution through microfabricated hyperbolic contractions

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    The flow of a blood analogue solution past a microfabricated hyperbolic contraction followed by an abrupt expansion was investigated experimentally. The shape of the contraction was designed in order to impose a nearly constant strain rate to the fluid along the centerline of the microgeometry. The flow patterns of the blood analogue solution and of a Newtonian reference fluid (deionized water), captured using streak line imaging, are quite distinct and illustrate the complex behavior of the blood analogue solution flowing through the microgeometry. The flow of the blood analogue solution shows elastic-driven effects with vortical structures emerging upstream of the contraction, which are absent in Newtonian fluid flow. In both cases the flow also develops instabilities downstream of the expansion but these are inertia driven. Therefore, for the blood analogue solution at high flow rates the competing effects of inertia and elasticity lead to complex flow patterns and unstable flow develops

    Shear viscosity and nonlinear behaviour of whole blood under large amplitude oscillatory shear

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    We investigated experimentally the rheological behavior of whole human blood subjected to large amplitude oscillatory shear under strain control to assess its nonlinear viscoelastic response. In these rheological tests, the shear stress response presented higher harmonic contributions, revealing the nonlinear behavior of human blood that is associated with changes in its internal microstructure. For the rheological conditions investigated, intra-cycle strain-stiffening and intra-cycle shear-thinning behavior of the human blood samples were observed and quantified based on the Lissajous–Bowditch plots. The results demonstrated that the dissipative nature of whole blood is more intense than its elastic component. We also assessed the effect of adding EDTA anticoagulant on the shear viscosity of whole blood subjected to steady shear flow. We found that the use of anticoagulant in appropriate concentrations did not influence the shear viscosity and that blood samples without anticoagulant preserved their rheological characteristics approximately for up to 8 minutes before coagulation became significant

    Structural and magnetic properties of core-shell Au/Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles

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    We present a systematic study of core-shell Au/Fe 3 O 4 nanoparticles produced by thermal decomposition under mild conditions. The morphology and crystal structure of the nanoparticles revealed the presence of Au core of d = (6.9 ± 1.0) nm surrounded by Fe 3 O 4 shell with a thickness of ~3.5 nm, epitaxially grown onto the Au core surface. The Au/Fe 3 O 4 core-shell structure was demonstrated by high angle annular dark field scanning transmission electron microscopy analysis. The magnetite shell grown on top of the Au nanoparticle displayed a thermal blocking state at temperatures below T B = 59 K and a relaxed state well above T B. Remarkably, an exchange bias effect was observed when cooling down the samples below room temperature under an external magnetic field. Moreover, the exchange bias field (H EX) started to appear at T~40 K and its value increased by decreasing the temperature. This effect has been assigned to the interaction of spins located in the magnetically disordered regions (in the inner and outer surface of the Fe 3 O 4 shell) and spins located in the ordered region of the Fe 3 O 4 shell

    Debate sobre o artigo de Narvai et al.

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    English title: Debate on the paper by Narvai et al.Margareth Crisóstomo Portela & Mauricio Teixeira Leite de Vasconcello

    A widespread family of phage-inducible chromosomal islands only steals bacteriophage tails to spread in nature

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    Phage satellites are genetic elements that couple their life cycle to that of helper phages they parasitize, interfering with phage packaging through the production of small capsids, where only satellites are packaged. So far, in all analyzed systems, the satellite-sized capsids are composed of phage proteins. Here, we report that a family of phage-inducible chromosomal islands (PICIs), a type of satellites, encodes all the proteins required for both the production of small-sized capsids and the exclusive packaging of the PICIs into these capsids. Therefore, this new family, named capsid-forming PICIs (cf-PICIs), only requires phage tails to generate PICI particles. Remarkably, the representative cf-PICIs are produced with no cost from their helper phages, suggesting that the relationship between these elements is not parasitic. Finally, our phylogenomic studies indicate that cf-PICIs are present both in gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria and have evolved at least three times independently to spread in nature