87 research outputs found

    The intonation of Italian verbless exclamatives

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    The present study aims to explore the prosodic properties of Italian verbless exclamatives (VE), particular sentence structures without wh-quantifier and copula. A speech controlled corpus formed by 250 VEs uttered by five subjects of a Southern variety of Italian was analyzed. The experimental results proved that VEs have a marked prosodic structure constituted by two opposed constituents. The preposed predicative phrase is characterized by a salient intonation contour, while the grammatical subject is marginalized and shows a monotonous f0 pattern. The information structure is fixed too: the predicative constituent carries the new information, thus contrasting with the subject that expresses a given conten

    Some effects of Vowel Space Area (VSA) reduction in speech intelligibility

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    This study intends to verify the presence of a correlation between the size of vowel space and the speech intelligibility. A reduced intelligibility is a common problem for those individuals suffering from dysarthria. They show a compressed vowel space with an important degree of acoustic centralization. A recent metric employed to distinguish healthy from dysarthric speech is represented by the Vowel Space Area (VSA). We have tested this parameter by comparing subjects with Down Syndrome to control speakers. The results of the present research, the first available data for Italian language, proved that the VSA is a suitable acoustic predictor of an impaired intelligibility

    ‘A che serve saperlo?’ Funzioni pragmatiche e variazioni intonative della domanda retorica

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    This study aims to explore the relationship between the prosodic realization of rhetorical questions (RQs) and their pragmatic function. A sample of 260 Italian semi-spontaneous RQs has been classified by functions and by intonational contours. As far the functions are concerned, we distinguished RQs aimed at amplifying from those used to mitigate the illocutive force of a message. The experimental results prove that the RQs functioning as amplifiers show, in the most cases, a falling contour (L%), while the RQs used as mitigators have a final rising contour (H%). Nevertheless, intonation cannot be assumed as the only distinguishing variable. Besides the influence of the context, the degree of politeness with which a RQ is produced is a very strong component able to modify the prosodic realization of RQs


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    This research focuses on the intonation of rhetorical questions (RQs) in Italian. RQs are non-prototypical questions characterised by specific pragmatic features such as indirect and obvious meaning and the absence of an informative answer. The basic idea is that prosody, in its various verbal and paraverbal components, provides listeners with cues of illocutionary interpretation of RQs, facilitating their recognition in spontaneous speech. Although in the past the presence of a final falling intonation contour was assumed as a categorical feature of RQs, recent studies showed a more heterogeneous situation which did not exclude the possibility of rising intonation contours. Most of these studies were conducted on elicited speech samples (DCT or Role Play) by directly comparing string-identical information-seeking questions with rhetorical questions. The results obtained in several languages show that the differences between the two question types are never clear-cut and do not equally involve the same prosodic parameters (intonation contour, pitch range, duration). This highlights the presence of language-specific components. However, it is possible that the final results might have been influenced by both the mode of acquisition of the speech samples (which were almost always collected in a controlled environment), and by a certain neutralisation of discursive functions. The present research analyses a corpus of 100 spontaneous oral wh-RQs extracted from radio broadcasts. The study presents a phonological analysis of the intonation of RQs, looking at nuclear pitch accents and boundary tones. The results are then compared with those previously obtained for the same geographical area.   L’intonazione delle domande retoriche in italiano Questa ricerca si concentra sull’intonazione delle domande retoriche (RQ) in italiano. Si tratta di domande non prototipiche caratterizzate da specifiche caratteristiche pragmatiche, tra cui la presenza di un significato indiretto e ovvio e l’assenza di una risposta informativa. L’idea di base è che la prosodia, nelle sue varie componenti verbali e paraverbali, fornisca agli ascoltatori degli indizi di interpretazione illocutiva delle RQ, facilitandone il riconoscimento nel parlato spontaneo. Sebbene in passato la presenza di un contorno intonativo discendente finale sia stata assunto come una caratteristica categorica delle RQ, studi recenti hanno mostrato una situazione più eterogenea che non esclude la possibilità di contorni intonativi ascendenti. La maggior parte di questi studi è stata condotta su campioni di parlato elicitato (DCT o Role Play), confrontando direttamente coppie frasali identiche formate da domande sincere e domande retoriche. I risultati ottenuti in diverse lingue mostrano che le differenze tra i due tipi di domanda non sono mai nette e non coinvolgono in egual misura i medesimi parametri prosodici (contorno intonativo, pitch range e durata), evidenziando la presenza di componenti linguo-specifiche. Tuttavia, è possibile che i risultati finali siano stati influenzati dalla modalità di acquisizione dei campioni di parlato (quasi sempre raccolti in un ambiente controllato) e da una certa neutralizzazione delle funzioni discorsive. La presente ricerca analizza un corpus di parlato spontaneo formato da 100 domande retoriche con struttura wh- estratte da trasmissioni radiofoniche. Lo studio fornisce un’analisi fonologica dell’intonazione delle domande, focalizzandosi sugli accenti intonativi nucleari e sui toni di confine. I risultati sono stati successivamente comparati con quelli precedentemente ottenuti per la stessa area geografica. &nbsp

    Ovvietà e ridondanza della domanda retorica: dalla risposta implicata alla risposta esplicita

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    The study contains some considerations on the indirect nature of the rhetorical question (RQ). The RQ is a non-prototypical speech act in which the interrogative form does not coincide with the conveyed meaning; it does not perform the function of an information-seeking question, for this reason it is not followed by a verbalized explicit answer. This study will explore the most representative features of RQs, by referring to its indirect status and to the field of possible responses. With regard to the latter aspect, some examples extracted from a speech corpus of spontaneous Italian will be discussed. We will try to demonstrate how the presence of a response is not incompatible with the semantic-pragmatic features of RQs nor with the functions more frequently performed in spontaneous speech

    Sulle strategie di risposta ai complimenti in un campione diatopicamente orientato

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    This research aims at exploring the pragmatic strategies of responding to compliments in a speech sample of 654 compliment/response sequences elicited by means of DCT. The corpus has a specific diatopic connotation, since all respondents come from Apulia. For the analysis, the pragmatic categorization proposed for Italian language by Castagneto and Ravetto in 2015 has been adopted. Within the sample, both mitigation and reinforcement strategies coexist, although they are not equally distributed among the informants. The results reveal the presence of cross-gender and cross-ages differences. In details, males tend to use more Limited Acceptance than female ones, while younger women show a strong preference for Direct Acceptance, especially by Thanking and Reassurance Request. Differently, older female informants present a greater degree of Limited Acceptance and a wider use of avoidance strategies, such as Deflection or Discredit.

    Il linguaggio disturbato. Modelli, strumenti, dati empirici

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    Il settore di studi sui disturbi del linguaggio sta acquisendo negli ultimi anni sempre più spazio ed interesse nella vasta comunità scientifica internazionale, anche per via del suo carattere interdisciplinare. Ciò nonostante, sono ancora molti gli aspetti, teorici e metodologici, ai quali studiosi di vario tipo stanno cercando di fornire una trattazione adeguata, anche mediante l’elaborazione di nuovi protocolli per la validazione diagnostica e statistica. L’esigenza di pervenire ad una visione integrata del disturbo linguistico è un aspetto largamente condiviso che emerge ormai con forza nelle ricerche più recenti e che può trovare piena realizzazione solo attraverso la collaborazione sinergica degli studiosi ed un costante dialogo ‘a più voci’ tra i diversi ambiti che partecipano, in varia misura, allo studio del pathological speech. I sedici saggi raccolti nel presente volume, incentrati su svariati disturbi linguistici, tra cui l’afasia, il morbo di Parkinson, la schizofrenia, la balbuzie e la sordità, cercano di fornire alcune risposte alle tante questioni di questa complessa tematica. Il volume offre un’aggiornata fonte di dati originali ricavata dall’osservazione di pazienti di lingua italiana e l’adozione di metodologie sperimentali innovative. Si auspica che il volume possa attirare l’interesse di quanti, anche appartenenti a settori disciplinari diversi, siano interessati ai disturbi del linguaggio, relativi sia all’età evolutiva che adulta

    Sulla realizzazione prosodica delle esclamative nominali in italiano

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    This study aims to investigate the prosodic organization of Italian verbless exclamatives through a spectro-acoustical analysis. The prosody of nominal exclamatives has not receiced much attention so far. They have several distinct properties: first of all, nominal exclamatives have a rigid structure: the predicate phrase and the subject must appear in this order. The absence of the copula and the anteposition of the predicate phrase give them a very marked structure. On the prosodic level, nominal exclamatives always show a falling contour. The predicative phrase, i.e. the syntactic constituent which contains the exclamative force, conveys the most prominent stress and is characterized by a salient intonation contour. The informative structure is also fixed: the predicate carries the new information, thus contrasting with the subject that is associated with the given information and melodically destressed. The presence of an intonational break contributes to separate, also on the perceptive level, the two constituents. Besides the intonation, the data collected show that pitch range, duration and intensity play a significant role in the prosodic realization of these utterances
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