10 research outputs found

    Avaliação fitossociológica da comunidade infestante em áreas de transição para o café orgânico.

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    Objetivou-se com este trabalho verificar os efeitos dos insumos orgânicos e convencionais na dinâmica de plantas daninhas da lavoura durante o primeiro e o segundo ano de transição agroecológica. Para isso, montou-se um experimento em um cafezal de seis anos, onde iniciou-se a transição para o sistema de cultivo orgânico. A espécie mais importante no primeiro ano da transição, na maioria das áreas avaliadas, foi Ageratum conyzoides; no segundo ano ocorreu considerável mudança na relação de dominância entre as espécies, destacando-se Leunurus sibiricus na maior parte das áreas estudadas. Ocorreu também aumento do número de espécies presentes na maioria das áreas de um ano para o outro. No segundo ano de transição observou-se decréscimo na diversidade de espécies em relação ao primeiro ano. Dessa forma, pode-se concluir que nos dois anos de avaliação verificaram-se mudanças no número, na diversidade e na relação de importância entre as espécies de um ano para o outro

    Milieurisicobeoordeling voor diergeneesmiddelen deel 5. Richtsnoeren voor beoordeling

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    Dit onderzoek is gedeeltelijk gefinancierd door de Europese Commissie via het ERAVMIS project Contract No. EVK1-CT-1999-00003<br>De procedures die in dit document beschreven worden ten behoeve van de registratiebeoordeling geven richtsnoeren voor de beoordeling van het lot in het milieu en de effecten op niet-doelwitorganismen, van diergeneesmiddelen die met de mest verspreid worden. Het rapport bevat overwegingen voor het testen van gedrag en effecten met nadruk op de eigenschappen van antibiotica. Het rapport geeft aan welke modelbenaderingen beschikbaar zijn en welke overwegingen aan modelscenario's ten grondslag zouden kunnen liggen. Aandacht wordt besteed aan risicoreductie maatregelen en de omstandigheden waaronder deze van toepassing zouden kunnen zijn.The procedures described in this document give guidance on recommended methods for the risk assessment of veterinary medicinal products applied in slurry, for regulatory purposes. The document gives considerations to fate and effect testing strategies in particular with respect to the hallmarks of veterinary medicinal antibiotics. It puts forward what modelling approaches are available and what considerations to scenario definitions should be given. Risk characterisation is addressed as the focal point for exposure and effect assessment. Attention is paid to risk mitigation measures and conditions under which these would be applicable.VROM-DGM-BW

    Milieurisicobeoordeling voor diergeneesmiddelen deel 5. Richtsnoeren voor beoordeling

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    The procedures described in this document give guidance on recommended methods for the risk assessment of veterinary medicinal products applied in slurry, for regulatory purposes. The document gives considerations to fate and effect testing strategies in particular with respect to the hallmarks of veterinary medicinal antibiotics. It puts forward what modelling approaches are available and what considerations to scenario definitions should be given. Risk characterisation is addressed as the focal point for exposure and effect assessment. Attention is paid to risk mitigation measures and conditions under which these would be applicable.De procedures die in dit document beschreven worden ten behoeve van de registratiebeoordeling geven richtsnoeren voor de beoordeling van het lot in het milieu en de effecten op niet-doelwitorganismen, van diergeneesmiddelen die met de mest verspreid worden. Het rapport bevat overwegingen voor het testen van gedrag en effecten met nadruk op de eigenschappen van antibiotica. Het rapport geeft aan welke modelbenaderingen beschikbaar zijn en welke overwegingen aan modelscenario's ten grondslag zouden kunnen liggen. Aandacht wordt besteed aan risicoreductie maatregelen en de omstandigheden waaronder deze van toepassing zouden kunnen zijn

    A genome-wide association study of monozygotic twin-pairs suggests a locus related to variability of serum high-density lipoprotein cholesterol

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    Genome-wide association analysis on monozygotic twin-pairs offers a route to discovery of gene–environment interactions through testing for variability loci associated with sensitivity to individual environment/lifestyle. We present a genome-wide scan of loci associated with intra-pair differences in serum lipid and apolipoprotein levels. We report data for 1,720 monozygotic female twin-pairs from GenomEUtwin project with 2.5 million SNPs, imputed or genotyped, and measured serum lipid fractions for both twins. We found one locus associated with intra-pair differences in high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, rs2483058 in an intron of SRGAP2, where twins carrying the C allele are more sensitive to environmental factors (P = 3.98 × 10−8). We followed up the association in further genotyped monozygotic twins (N = 1,261), which showed a moderate association for the variant (P = 0.200, same direction of an effect). In addition, we report a new association on the level of apolipoprotein A-II (P = 4.03 × 10−8).peerReviewe

    Levantamento fitossociológico em pastagens degradadas sob condições de várzea Phyto-sociological assessment of degraded pastures under flooded low land conditions

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    O levantamento foi realizado em duas áreas de várzea, eventualmente inundáveis, localizadas na Fazenda Experimental de Leopoldina, da Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais. A área 1, de 3 ha, estava ocupada por uma pastagem de capim-angola (Brachiaria mutica), mal manejada e sem controle de plantas daninhas há mais de dez anos. A área 2, de 5 ha, estava ocupada por uma pastagem de capim-setária (Setaria anceps cv. Kazungula), implantada na estação chuvosa do ano anterior, cuja formação ficou prejudicada pelo baixo estabelecimento da forrageira. Para o estudo fitossociológico, utilizou-se o método do quadrado inventário, aplicado por meio de um quadrado de 1,0 m², lançado ao acaso 19 vezes na área 1 e 41 vezes na área 2. As espécies encontradas foram identificadas e cadastradas. Na pastagem de capim-angola foram identificadas 27 espécies, distribuídas em 11 famílias e na pastagem de capim-setária 34 espécies distribuídas em 13 famílias. As famílias mais representativas em número de espécies foram: Poaceae (11), Asteraceae (6), Papilionoideae (5), Malvaceae e Euphorbiaceae (4). As maiores freqüências foram das seguintes espécies: Cynodon dactylon, Sida rhombifolia, Cyperus esculentus, Mimosa pudica, Senna occidentalis, Setaria anceps cv. Kazungula e Paspalum urvillei. Em geral, as duas áreas apresentaram-se infestadas com plantas daninhas, inclusive com plantas tóxicas, espinescentes e de baixa palatabilidade, reduzindo a capacidade de suporte animal dos pastos e impedindo o aproveitamento adequado das áreas pelos bovinos.<br>An assessment was carried out of two contingently flooded low land areas, located at the Experimental Farm of Leopoldina, owned by Empresa de Pesquisa Agropecuária de Minas Gerais (EPAMIG)-Brazil-MG. Area 1 (3 ha) was cultivated with Angola-grass (Brachiaria mutica) pasture, not well managed and without any weed control for more than 10 years. Area 2 (5 ha) was occupied by Setaria grass (Setaria anceps cv. Kazungula) pasture which had been established in the previous rainy season, with forage being affected by the slow growth of the plants. For the phyto-sociological study, the inventory square method was applied through a square of 1,0 m², randomly placed 19 times in area 1 and 41 times in area 2. The species found were identified and recorded. In the Angola-grass pasture, 27 species were identified, distributed in 11 families; in the Setaria grass pasture, 34 species were identified, distributed in 13 families. The most representative families in number of species were: Poaceae (11); Asteraceae (6); Papilionoideae (5); Malvaceae and Euphorbiaceae (4). The most frequent species were: Cynodon dactylon, Sida rhombifolia, Cyperus esculentus, Mimosa pudica, Senna occidentalis, Setaria anceps cv. Kazungula and Paspalum urvillei. In general, both areas were infested with weeds, including toxic, spinescent and rather unpalatable plants, reducing the animal support capacity of the pastures and preventing adequate utilization of the areas by the cattle

    Effects of atmospheric pollutants on the Nrf2 survival pathway

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