641 research outputs found

    A weakly Stegall space that is not a Stegall space

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    A topological space X is said to belong to the class of Stegall (weakly Stegall) spaces if for every Baire (complete metric) space B and minimal usco φ : B2X, φ is single-valued at some point of B. In this paper we show that under some additional set-theoretic assumptions that are equiconsistent with the existence of a measurable cardinal there is a Banach space X whose dual, equipped with the weak topology, is in the class of weakly Stegall spaces but not in the class of Stegall spaces. This paper also contains an example of a compact space K such that K belongs to the class of weakly Stegall spaces but ( C(K), weak) does not

    Bulk queueing system with starting failure and single vacation

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    To analyze an M^([X])/G(a,b)/1 queue with starting failure, repair and single vacation. This type of queueing model has a wide range of applications in production/manufacturing systems. Important performance measures and stability conditions are obtained. Further, we discuss some particular cases. Finally, numerical results of the proposed model have been derived

    Analysis of Two Stage M[X1],M[X2]/G1,G2/1 Retrial G-queue with Discretionary Priority Services, Working Breakdown, Bernoulli Vacation, Preferred and Impatient Units

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    In this paper, we study M[X1] , M[X2] /G1 ,G2 /1 retrial queueing system with discretionary priority services. There are two stages of service for the ordinary units. During the first stage of service of the ordinary unit, arriving priority units can have an option to interrupt the service, but, in the second stage of service it cannot interrupt. When ordinary units enter the system, they may get the service even if the server is busy with the first stage of service of an ordinary unit or may enter into the orbit or leave the system. Also, the system may breakdown at any point of time when the server is in regular service period. During the breakdown period, the interrupted priority unit will get the fresh service at a slower rate but the ordinary unit can not get the service and the server will go for repair immediately. During the ordinary unit service period, the arrival of negative unit will interrupt the service and it may enter into an orbit or leave the system. After completion of each priority unit’s service, the server goes for a vacation with a certain probability. We allow reneging to happen during repair and vacation periods. Using the supplementary variable technique, the Laplace transforms of time-dependent probabilities of system state are derived. From this, we deduce the steady-state results. Also, the expected number of units in the respective queues and the expected waiting times, are computed. Finally, the numerical results are graphically expressed

    Analysis of M[X1],M[X2]/G1,G2/1 retrial queueing system with priority services, working breakdown, collision, Bernoulli vacation, immediate feedback, starting failure and repair

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    This paper considers an M[X1] , M[X2] /G1,G2/1 general retrial queueing system with priority services. Two types of customers from different classes arrive at the system in different independent compound Poisson processes. The server follows the non-pre-emptive priority rule subject to working breakdown, Bernoulli vacation, starting failure, immediate feedback, collision and repair. After completing each service, the server may go for a vacation or remain idle in the system. The priority customers who find the server busy are queued in the system. If a low-priority customer finds the server busy, he is routed to orbit that attempts to get the service. The system may become defective at any point of time while in operation. However, when the system becomes defective, instead of stopping service completely, the service is continued to the interrupted customer only at a slower rate. Using the supplementary variable technique, the joint distribution of the server state and the number of customers in the queue are derived. Finally, some performance measures are obtained

    (R1984) Analysis of M^[X1], M^[X2]/G1, G_2^(a,b)/1 Queue with Priority Services, Server Breakdown, Repair, Modified Bernoulli Vacation, Immediate Feedback

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    In this investigation, the steady state analysis of two individualistic batch arrival queues with immediate feedback, modified Bernoulli vacation and server breakdown are introduced. Two different categories of customers like priority and ordinary are to be considered. This model propose nonpreemptive priority discipline. Ordinary and priority customers arrive as per Poisson processes. The server consistently afford single service for priority customers and the general bulk service for the ordinary customers and the service follows general distribution. The ordinary customers to be served only if the batch size should be greater than or equal to a , else the server should not start service until a customers have accumulated. Meanwhile priority queue is empty; the server becomes idle or go for vacation. If server gets breakdown while the priority customers are being served, they may wait in the head of the queue and get fresh service after repair completion, but in case of ordinary customers they may leave the system. After completion of each priority service, customer may rejoin the system as a feedback customer for receiving regular service because of inappropriate quality of service. Supplementary variable technique and probability generating function are generally used to solve the Laplace transforms of time-dependent probabilities of system states. Finally, some performance measures are evaluated and express the numerical results

    Photosynthetic pigment content alterations in Arachis hypogaea L. in relation to varied irrigation levels with growth hormone and triazoles

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                Field experiments were conducted to identify the variation of photosynthetic pigment contents in peanut under drought stress, paclobutrazol (PBZ) and abscisic acid (ABA) and their combination. The pigment contents of the groundnut leaves increased with age in control and treatments. Drought stress decreased the chlorophyll, carotenoid, xanthophyll and anthocyanin contents. PBZ and ABA to the drought stressed plants increased the chlorophyll, carotenoid, xanthophyll and anthocyanin contents when compared to stressed and unstressed plants

    Leaf anatomical changes in peanut plants in relation to drought stress with or without paclobutrazol and ABA

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                Peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. TVM-2) was grown in field under drought stress in comination with paclobutrazol (PBZ) and abscisic acid (ABA) in order to study their individual and combined effects on leaf anatomical characteristics. The thickness of the leaf, upper and lower epidermis and the number of cells per unit area in the palisade and spongy regions were very much reduced under drought stress. The palisade and spongy layers of mesophylls were well differentiated and the cells are wider and longer as compared to shorter palisade and spongy parenchyma of control. The number of palisade and spongy cells increased per unit area with all treatments as compared with drought stressed and unstressed plants. The vascular bundles of the paclobutrazol treated plants were narrow and dense when compared to control. The xylem vessels of PBZ and ABA treated leaves were much narrow when compared to control plants. Among the treatments the present findings revealed that the growth regulator treatments to the drought stressed plants have great impact on the anatomy of Arachis hypogaea plants

    Role of peri-partum counselling in improving choice of postpartum contraception

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    Background: The choice of a contraceptive method is a complex decision. Health care providers have an important role in providing information and supporting patients' decision making about contraceptive choices through counselling. Non-use of contraceptive methods, use of less effective methods, and incorrect and inconsistent use of methods underlie the high frequency of unintended pregnancy. Prospective cross-sectional study was undertaken to study the role of peri-partum counselling in improving choice of postpartum contraception at Pravara Rural Hospital Loni, Ahmednagar, Maharashtra, India.Methods: Four hundred and fifty women in third trimester of pregnancy were individually counselled about the postpartum contraception, using educational material and pamphlets. The choice of postpartum contraception before and after the counselling was noted.Results: Among primi gravidas, the most favored choices for postpartum contraception before counselling were condom (25%) and lactational amenorrhea method (12%). In the same group of women, the post counselling choices were PPIUCD (45%), condom (17%) and interval IUCD (7%). Among multi-gravida, the most favored choices for postpartum contraception before counselling were postpartum tubal ligation (26%), condom (20%) and lactational amenorrhea method or calendar method (17%). In the same group of women, the post counselling choices were postpartum tubal ligation (32%) PPIUCD (12%), condom (8%).Conclusions: The study supports the usefulness of good quality counselling both with respect to the interpersonal relationship between the patient and the provider and quality of information that is provided during counselling. Postpartum intrauterine contraceptive device (PPIUCD), a long acting reversible contraceptive, will fulfil the felt need of postpartum contraception in near future

    Variation in growth of peanut plants under drought stress condition and in combination with paclobutrazol and ABA

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                Economically important oilseed crop peanut (Arachis hypogaea L. TVM-2) belonging to the family Fabaceae was selected for the present investigation. Field experiments were conducted to identify the variation under drought stress, paclobutrazol, and abscisic acid, and their combination on the growth of peanut plants. Drought stress decreased the morphological parameters like root length, stem length, total leaf area, fresh and dry weight on 40, 60 and 80 days after sowing (DAS) when compared to control. The paclobutrazol (PBZ) and abscisic acid (ABA) treatment to the drought stressed plants increased all the parameters when compared to drought stressed plants. PBZ treatment increased the root length when compared to control, while decreased the stem length and leaf area. ABA treated plants decreased root length, while increasing the stem length and leaf area when compared to control. Fresh and dry weight decreased in drought stressed plants when compared to control. PBZ and ABA to the drought stressed plants increased the fresh and dry weight. PBZ and ABA treatments decreased the fresh and dry weight when compared in the unstressed plants.

    Choice of postpartum contraception and its socio-demographic and cultural determinants

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    Background: Postpartum contraception is essential for avoidance of unwanted pregnancy and for adequate spacing between two pregnancies. There are many socio demographic and cultural factors that influence the choice of contraception in rural community in India. Third trimester of pregnancy is ideal time for counselling the women regarding breast feeding and contraception. The objective of the present study was to find out the choice of postpartum contraception among antenatal women and the socio demographic and cultural determinants that influence this choice.Methods: Six hundred pregnant women were interviewed regarding their choice of postpartum contraception during their antenatal visit in third trimester of pregnancy, using a pre-validated and pre-tested brief questionnaire. The choices were compiled and analysed to draw conclusions.Results: Postpartum sterilization was choice of 30% of multiparous women. Primi-parous women either opted for barrier contraception like condom (10%), intrauterine contraception (9%) or oral steroidal pills (8%). The progesterone injectable contraceptives and centchroman each were chosen by 2% respondents. There was strong influence of education, parity, sex of the living children on the choice of contraception. It was observed that 40% of women did not want to use hormonal pills and intrauterine contraceptives due to strong age old misbelieves associated with them.Conclusions: Women in rural area prefer permanent method of contraception in the form of tubectomy operation after having desired number of children. There is insufficient spacing between pregnancies due to either non-use of contraception or inconsistent use of temporary method of contraception. More than 50% women are dependent on the husband regarding the choice and practice of contraception. The level of education of woman, age at marriage, socio economic class, desired sex combination of children are strong determinants of choice of contraception