83 research outputs found

    Kavunda ABA Uygulamalarının Bitki Büyümesi, Çiçek Cinsiyeti ve Çiçek Tozu Kalitesine Etkileri

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    Kavunlarda hibrit tohum üretiminde zaman, işgücü ve verim kaybının önüne geçmek için andromonoik ana materyalde erkek kısırlık ya da erkek kısırlığa sebep olacak kimyasal hibridizasyon ajanları (KHA) kullanımı önem taşımaktadır. Bu çalışmada bazı bitki türlerinde KHA olarak kullanılan ABA hormonunun Galia Fı kavun çeşidinde bitki gelişmesi, erkek çiçek oluşumu ve çiçek tozu kalitesi üzerine etkileri araştırılmıştır. Araştırmada ABA’nın 250 ve 500 ppm’lik iki dozu, fidelikte (F), serada ilk çiçeklenme döneminde askıya alınmış bitkilerde (İÇ) ve fidelik+ilk çiçeklenme dönemlerinde (F+İÇ) uygulanmıştır. Kontrol uygulamasındaki bitkilere ise sadece su püskürtülmüştür. Araştırma bulgularına göre, ABA’nın 500 ppm’lik dozunun F+İÇ ile F uygulamaları bitki gelişimini başlangıçta biraz baskılamış olmakla birlikte, sıcaklıkların yükselmesi ile bu etki ortadan kalkmıştır. ABA uygulamaları erkek çiçeklerin açmasını engellememiş olmakla beraber, erkek çiçek sayısı 500 ppm F+İÇ uygulamasında kontrole göre %62 oranında azalmıştır. Çiçek tozu canlılık ve çimlenmesi üzerine de ABA uygulamalarının kaliteyi arttırıcı bir etkisi olmamakla birlikte, canlılık ve çimlenme oranlarının %95’in üzerinde olduğu tespit edilmiştir

    Bazı karpuz çeşit ve tiplerinin karakterizasyonu

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    TEZ4626Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2003.Kaynakça (s. 86-89) var.vi, 88 s. ; 30 cm.…Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi Tarafından Desteklenmiştir. Proje No:fbe2002yl35

    Bazı karpuz genotiplerinin SSR ve SRAP markörleri ile karakterizasyonu ve fusarium solgunluğu (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. Niveum)'na dayanımlarının klasik ve moleküler yöntemlerle araştırılması

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    TEZ7818Tez (Doktora) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2010.Kaynakça (s. 119-137) var.xi, 138 s. : rnk. res. ; 29 cm.In this study, the genetic diversity of 93 genotypes selected from the watermelon genetic resource collection of Horticulture Department in Çukurova University was evaluated by SSR and SRAP markers. Fourteen SSR primers and 31 SRAP primer combinations were used in the experiment. The highest polymorphism with 100 % was obtained from SSR markers, followed by SRAP markers with 97.3 %. According to cluster analysis performed using molecular characterization data set, it was determined that watermelon genotypes collected from the different regions of Turkey of which belong to Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus subspecies were genetically close and grouped together in the same cluster. This result was supported by principle coordinate analyses as well. The mean disease incidence obtained by classical method to evaluate the resistance to fusarium wilt (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. niveum) was 25.9 % for race 0, 39.4 % for race 1 and 67.0 % for race 2. In the molecular analyses for determining resistance to race 1 with the RAPD primer OPP01, 700 bp band was recorded only in Kar 26 and PI 482293.Bu çalışmada, Çukurova Üniversitesi Bahçe Bitkileri Bölümü karpuz genetik kaynak koleksiyonunda yer alan toplam 93 genotip arasındaki genetik çeşitlilik SSR ve SRAP markörleri ile değerlendirilmiştir. Araştırmada, 14 SSRprimeri ve 31 SRAP primer kombinasyonu kullanılmıştır. En yüksek polimorfizm oranı, % 100 ile SSR markörlerinden elde edilmiş ve bunu % 97.3 ile SRAP markörleri izlemiştir. Moleküler karakterizasyon sonucu elde edilen verilerle yapılan kümeleme (cluster) analizlerine göre Türkiye'nin değişik bölgelerinden toplanan Citrullus lanatus var. lanatus alt türüne ait karpuz genotiplerinin genetik olarak birbirine yakın olduğu ve birlikte kümelendiği tespit edilmiştir. Bu sonuç temel koordinat analizleri ile de desteklenmiştir. Fusarium solgunluğu (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. niveum)'na karşı dayanımın klasik yöntemle değerlendirilmesiyle elde edilen ortalama hastalık oluşum düzeyi, ırk 0 için % 25.9, ırk 1 için % 39.4 ve ırk 2 için ise % 67.0 olarak bulunmuştur. 1 no'lu ırk için RAPD primeri OPP01 ile yapılan moleküler taramada 700 bp bandı, yalnızca Kar 26 ve PI 482293 genotiplerinde elde edilmiştir.Bu çalışma Ç.Ü. Bilimsel Araştırma Projeleri Birimi tarafından desteklenmiştir. Proje No: ZF2006D28

    Le facteur ethnique est-il un indicateur thérapeutique?

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    Face au diktat de la beauté imposée par la société à travers des stéréotypes, il est devenu légitime de s’interroger sur le concept universel du “ beau ”. Est-ce que les normes esthétiques en orthodontie, établies à partir d’échantillons de Nord-Américains, peuvent être applicables à d’autres populations? Les différentes analyses céphalométriques menées chez des sujets afro-américains, africains et asiatiques en occlusion normale non traitée mettent en évidence des critères esthétiques éloignés des critères nord-américains. Leurs conclusions relatent comme principal caractère ethnique la biprotrusion alvéolo-dentaire en relation avec un angle naso-labial réduit. Pour le sujet africain, on note très fréquemment une antéro-position du maxillaire avec une position mandibulaire inchangée ou rétruse. Pour le sujet asiatique, une similitude des profils cutanés est rapportée avec une divergence quant aux profils squelettiques : les Japonais présentent une rétrognathie maxillaire plus prononcée; les Chinois montrent souvent une promaxilie et une rétromandibulie. Les Coréens se rapprocheraient des Japonais. Il semble donc nécessaire de constituer des données spécifiques à l’origine ethnique afin d’optimiser le diagnostic esthétique et les objectifs du traitement orthodontique

    Impact du facteur ethnique dans le diagnostic esthétique en orthopédie dento-faciale

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    LYON1-BU Santé Odontologie (693882213) / SudocSudocFranceF

    Effect of different irradiation sources and doses on haploid embryo induction in Altinbas (Cucumis melo L. var. inodorus) melons

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    In vivo induction of parthenogenesis using an irradiated pollen technique provides successful results in melon and accelerates breeding by shortening the time for obtaining 100% homozygous lines. Gamma rays (cobalt-60) are usually used for the pollen irradiation, although it is difficult to find a suitable source for irradiation. Haploid technology is widely used in melon breeding programs, so there is a need to find alternative sources for pollen irradiation. This study was performed to compare the efficiency of different irradiation sources to induce haploid embryos. One dose of cobalt-60 (300 Gy), two different doses (200 Gy and 300 Gy) of cesium-137, and two different doses (200 Gy and 300 Gy) of X-ray were used for the irradiation of melon pollen. All irradiation sources were efficient for fruit set, while the highest fruit set (60.38%) was obtained from 200 Gy cesium-137 and the lowest (20.01%) was obtained from 300 Gy X-ray. A total of 2294 haploid embryos were rescued, of which 2052 regenerated into plants. The number of rescued haploid embryos per fruit ranged between 8.77 (300 Gy cobalt-60) and 4.23 (200 Gy X-ray). The highest regeneration rate of haploid embryos into plants was 92.56% (300 Gy cobalt-60) and the lowest was 61.86 % (200 Gy cesium-137).In vivo induction of parthenogenesis using an irradiated pollen technique provides successful results in melon and accelerates breeding by shortening the time for obtaining 100% homozygous lines. Gamma rays (cobalt-60) are usually used for the pollen irradiation, although it is difficult to find a suitable source for irradiation. Haploid technology is widely used in melon breeding programs, so there is a need to find alternative sources for pollen irradiation. This study was performed to compare the efficiency of different irradiation sources to induce haploid embryos. One dose of cobalt-60 (300 Gy), two different doses (200 Gy and 300 Gy) of cesium-137, and two different doses (200 Gy and 300 Gy) of X-ray were used for the irradiation of melon pollen. All irradiation sources were efficient for fruit set, while the highest fruit set (60.38%) was obtained from 200 Gy cesium-137 and the lowest (20.01%) was obtained from 300 Gy X-ray. A total of 2294 haploid embryos were rescued, of which 2052 regenerated into plants. The number of rescued haploid embryos per fruit ranged between 8.77 (300 Gy cobalt-60) and 4.23 (200 Gy X-ray). The highest regeneration rate of haploid embryos into plants was 92.56% (300 Gy cobalt-60) and the lowest was 61.86 % (200 Gy cesium-137)

    The effect of plant density and pruning on yield and some agronomic characters of pepino (Solanum muricatum Ait.)

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    Pepino is a minor crop both in the world and in Turkey. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of plant density and pruning on yield and some quality parameters of pepino to promote its production in Turkey. Pepino plants which were propagated by cutting under mist propagation were transplanted in plastic greenhouse. The spacing was 1 m between rows and 25 cm (36 plants), 50 cm (18 plants) and 75 cm (12 plants) within rows. Plants were pruned as 1, 2 and 3 branched in each plant spacing plot. The experimental design was designed split blocks with three replications. Some characters as plant height, diameter of main stem were measured. Number of internodes on main stem was counted. Number of flower were counted and rate of fruit set of these flowers were examined. Yield and some fruit quality parameters (fruit weight, fruit length, fruit width, length of fruit cavity, width of fruit cavity, flesh thickness and total soluble solids) were also measured. The results indicated that 25 cm plant spacing with 2 branched plants had higher values in case of yield and measured plant and fruit parameters

    Watermelon genetic resources in Turkey and their characteristics

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    Turkey is the second largest watermelon producing country after China.Although Turkey is not the origin of watermelon, it has valuable watermelon geneticresources which mainly consist of local genotypes. University of Cukurova has one ofthe largest collections of the country and has been studying the genetic collectionssince early 1990’s. Today University of Cukurova has a collection of approximately250 genetic materials. In this study, 15 provinces in 5 different regions (SoutheasternAnatolia, Aegean, Marmara-Thrace, Middle Anatolia and Mediterranean regions) ofTurkey were visited in summer and fall season of 2004. 134 watermelon genotypeswere collected. Fruit (size, shape, ground color of skin, intensity of color, presence ofstripes, flesh color) and seed (size, ground color of testa, secondary color of testa,patches at hilum, and patches at margin) of collected watermelon genotypes werecharacterized