688 research outputs found

    Prevalencia de helmintos parásitos en peces (Salmo trutta y Schizothorax plagiostomus) en India

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    In Gurez Valley of Jammu & Kashmir, India, 210 specimens of Salmo trutta and 126 of Schizothorax plagiostomus examined during the present study, 49 (23.33%) and 35 (27.77%) respectively were infected with different types of helminth parasites. The recovered parasites during the study include Adenoscolex oreini and Rhabdochona guptii in S. trutta with a prevalence of 16.19%; 19.52% respectively; and A. oreini; R. guptii and Camallanus fotedari in S. plagiostomus with a prevalence of 19.84%; 22.22% and 18.25% respectively. A. orieni was most prevalent in both hosts during summer (20% & 23.68%), followed by autumn, spring and winter with a prevalence of 18.96% & 19.44%, 11.53% &17.85% and 10% & 16.66% respectively. The same trend was observed in case of R. guptii where the prevalence was 24.28% & 26.31%, 20.68% & 25%; 15.38% & 21.42 and 13.33% & 12.50% during summer, autumn, spring and winter respectively and in case of C. fotedari from S. plagiostomus same trend of prevalence like 23.66%; 22.22%; 14.28 and 8.33 was observed during summer ; autumn; spring and winter respectively. The prevalence of infection of R. guptii was a bit higher than A. oreini and C. fotedariEn el Valle de Gurez (Jammu & Kashmir, India), de 210 especimenes de Salmo trutta y 126 de Schizothorax plagiostomus examinados durante el presente estudio, 49 (23,33%) y 35 (27,77%) respectivamente, estaban infectados con diferentes tipos de helmintos parásitos. Los parásitos recuperados durante el estudio incluyeron Adenoscolex oreini y Rhabdochona guptii en S. trutta, con una prevalencia de 16,19% y 19,52% respectivamente; y Adenoscolex oreini, Rhabdochona guptii y Camallanus fotedari en S. plagiostomus, con una prevalencia de 19,84%; 22,22% y 18,25% respectivamente. A. oreini fue más prevalente en ambos huéspedes durante el verano (20% & 23,68%), seguido por el otoño, primavera e invierno, con prevalencias de 18,96% & 19,44%, 11,53% & 17,85% y 10% & 16,66% respectivamente. A. oreini fue más prevalente en ambos huéspedes durante el verano (20% & 23,68%), seguido por el otoño, primavera e invierno, con prevalencias de 18,96% & 19,44%, 11,53% & 17,85% y 10% & 16,66% respectivamente. La misma tendencia se observó en el caso de R. guptti, donde el predominio fue de 24,28% & 26,31%, 20,68% & 25%; 15,38% & 21,42 y 13,33% & 12,50% durante verano, otoño, primavera e invierno respectivamente, y en el caso de C. fotedari del S. plagiostomus, las mismas tendencias de predominio, de 23,66%; 22,22%; 14,28% y 8,33% se observaron durante verano; otoño; primavera e invierno respectivamente. El predominio de infección de R. guptii fue algo superior que los registrados en A. oreini y C. fotedar

    Distribución y patología causada por Bothriocephalus acheilognathi, Yamaguti 1934 (Cestoda: Bothriocephalidae). Revisión bibliográfica

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    La tenia asiática o tenia asiática de pez, Bothriocephalus acheilognathi, es oriunda de Asia Oriental y en las últimas décadas se ha extendido ampliamente a lo largo del mundo por diversas actividades humanas desarrolladas en todos los continentes. Ejemplos de tales actividades son los traslados de peces para satisfacer demandas de la piscicultura, el comercio de los ejemplares, la disputa por áreas acuáticas, el control de los mosquitos y más recientemente la pesca de peces. Además, las aves que se alimentan de peces infectados, pueden transportar huevos del cestode y diseminarlos a través de la defecación. Estimativamente, B. acheilognathi se ha reportado en unas 200 especies de peces de agua dulce, y este amplio rango de hospedadores colaboró en su establecimiento, aunque el parásito es principalmente reportado en las carpas salvajes y cultivadas. Ello constituye un problema para la acuacultura y se sospecha que afecta adversamente y pone en peligro a las especies silvestres. Es considerado como un patógeno de importancia regional (PRI) por el Servicio de Peces y Vida Silvestre de los Estados Unidos (US Fish and Wildlife Service, 2015). El principal vector de su propagación parece ser la introducción de su huésped natural, la carpa asiática Ctenopharyngodon idella, para su uso en acuacultura o para el control de vegetación acuática. En la actualidad, el principal vehículo de expansión de este parásito es la carpa común (koi carp, pez mosquito), aunque probablemente también intervengan otros peces. La tenia asiática es patógena para los peces de agua dulce, especialmente carpas jóvenes y alevines, pudiendo causar gran pérdida económica en los criaderos y granjas de peces. Tiene habilidad para colonizar nuevas regiones y adaptarse a un amplio espectro de peces hospederos. Ella representa uno de los ejemplos más impresionantes y deplorables de un parásito ampliamente diseminado por el hombre, asistido por movimientos de peces. El grado de diseminación y éxito de la colonización fue favorecido por la distribución cosmopolita de los huéspedes intermediario y definitiv

    Milk and conjugated linoleic acid a review of the effects on human health

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    Dairy products and milk play an important role in a healthy diet as they contribute to the intake of essential nutrients, high-quality proteins, and fats. Despite the large number of existing studies on the possible association between dairy products and chronic degenerative diseases, studies examining the effects of dairy products and milk on the risk of common causes of mortality such as cardiovascular and neoplastic diseases are scarce and conflicting. Some studies have reported an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases for individuals who consume large amounts of cheese, whereas others have shown no relationship between these products and atherosclerotic biomarkers

    Correlation and Path Coefficient Analysis in Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.)

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    Studies were carried out to find out association between different characters and magnitude of association of different characters with gross fruit yield (kg/plant) in ten cultivars of pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) including one local check. Data revealed that genotypic correlation coefficients were higher than their corresponding phenotypic ones for most of the characters, implying an inherent relationship among them. Fruit weight, fruit diameter, fruit volume, juice content, fruit set and number of fruits/plant exhibited highly significant positive correlation. Among the characters studied, number of fruits/plant, fruit weight, fruit volume and fruit set recorded maximum positive direct effect towards gross fruit yield (kg/plant) at both the levels. This study revealed that both the number of fruits/plant and fruit weight could form a selection criterion for yield improvement in pomegranate

    Data-as-a-Service Platform for Delivering Healthy Lifestyle and Preventive Medicine: Concept and Structure of the DAPHNE Project

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    Background: Overweight and obesity is related to many health problems and diseases. The current obesity epidemic, which is a major health problem, is closely related to a lack of physical activity, high levels of sedentary behavior, and increased energy intake; with evidence to show increasing incidence of these issues in the younger population. Tackling obesity and its comorbid conditions requires a holistic approach encompassing attention on physical activity, healthy diet, and behavioral activation in order to enable and maintain meaningful and long-term weight loss and weight maintenance. Objective: The objective of the Data-as-a-Service Platform for Healthy Lifestyle and Preventive Medicine (DAPHNE) project is to develop a breakthrough information communications technology (ICT) platform for tracking health, weight, physical activity, diet, lifestyle, and psychological components within health care systems, whereby the platform and clinical support is linked. Methods: The DAPHNE platform aims to deliver personalized guidance services for lifestyle management to the citizen/patient by means of (1) advanced sensors and mobile phone apps to acquire and store continuous/real-time data on lifestyle aspects, behavior, and surrounding environment; (2) individual models to monitor their health and fitness status; (3) intelligent data processing for the recognition of behavioral trends; and (4) specific services for personalized guidance on healthy lifestyle and disease prevention. It is well known that weight loss and maintenance of weight loss are particularly difficult. This tool will address some of the issues found with conventional treatment/advice in that it will collect data in real time, thereby reducing reliability issues known with recalling events once they have passed and will also allow adjustment of behavior through timely support and recommendations sent through the platform without the necessity of formal one-to-one visits between patient and clinician. Patient motivation/compliance is a particular issue with conventional weight loss regimes; DAPHNE aims to increase the individuals’ awareness of their own behavior and fosters their accountability. Results: The project has been funded and the research work has started. Results for the validation of the different components is due imminently. Conclusions: In contrast with previous existing solutions, the DAPHNE project tackles the obesity problem from a clinical point of view, designing the different interfaces for its use by patients (adults and children), physicians, and caregivers. A specific design for children and adolescent patients treated for obesity has been followed, guided by pediatric physicians at hospitals in Europe. The final clinical validation of the DAPHNE platform will be carried out in different European hospitals, testing the platform in both adolescents and adults